Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-07 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, John Brazel wrote:
> What we really need is something similar to the built-in "remember
> my password" functionality of current web browsers: the browser keeps
> track of a login/password/certified (ie TLS certificate-backed) DNS name
> tuple...
> The downside, of course, is that:
> a) It wouldn't handle password changing,
> b) Some people use the same login and password *everywhere*,
> c) Once you change browsers or computers, all bets are off (because the
> new browser doesn't know anything about which passwords you use where).

If you haven't looked at this yet, i think you'll find it interesting:

These design ideas are intended to address exactly the things you've
just mentioned.

-- ?!ng

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-03 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Solving the phishing problem requires changes on many levels:

I agree.

> (1) Some form of secure chrome for browsers must be deployed where
> the security either comes from a "trusted desktop" or by per-user
> customizations that significantly decrease the chances that the
> attacker can fake the web site experience.

What do you think of the various trusted-path ideas that have been
proposed?  In particular i'm curious what you think of the solution
i currently favour (the customized toolbar button), but some of the
others certainly seem promising (such as PwdHash's special hotkey
at the beginning of a password).

> (2) Reducing the number of accounts and passwords (or other identifiers)
> that end users need to remember.

Password hashing is one way to deal with this.  In Passpet's case,
the password is generated by hashing a master secret with a label
that you provide for each site.

> (3) Secure mechanisms must be developed for handling enrollment and
> password changing.

With Passpet, you would click the button to fill in the password on a
new account registration form, which generates a unique password for
the site.  To change your password, you would go to the site's account
settings page, click the button to fill in your old password, edit the
site label, then click the button again to get a new password.

Does that address the issues you had in mind, or were you thinking of
other situations?

-- ?!ng

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Florian Weimer wrote:
> > That is an all purpose argument that is deployed
> > selectively against some measures and not others.
> If you've deployed two-factor authentication (like German banks did in
> the late 80s/early 90s), the relevant attacks do involve compromised
> customer PCs. 8-( Just because you can't solve it with your technology
> doesn't mean you can pretend the attacks don't happen.

You're both right.  The problem is that we are talking about
solutions but haven't yet agreed on a threat model to discuss.

-- ?!ng

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Trusted path (was: status of SRP)

2006-06-02 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, James A. Donald wrote:
> Florian Weimer wrote:
>  > There is no way to force an end user to enter a
>  > password only over SRP.
> Phishing relies on the login page looking familiar.  If
> SRP is in the browser chrome, and looks strikingly
> different from any web page, the login page will not
> look familiar.

I think you might be overestimating the attentiveness and
discrimination abilities of most people.  A scheme that
makes a real login form *technically* discriminable from a
fake login form (i.e. there is some rule you can follow that
will give you 100% accuracy as to which is which, such as
"check for presence of the taskbar") will not necessarily
achieve a 100% fraud prevention rate because the rule will
not always be followed.

Different kinds of discrimination will yield different rates
of success.  Some rules are more difficult to follow than
others; some rules are easier to forget than others.  Depending
on the scheme, even a highly technical user such as you or me
might fail to notice a spoof when we're in a hurry to complete
the transaction or we're distracted by other things.

This is the trusted-path problem.  Some examples of proposed
solutions to trusted-path are:

- Dim the entire screen.
- Use special window borders.
- Use flashing window borders.
- Use specially shaped windows.
- Attach a warning label to all untrusted windows.
- Display a customized word or name.
- Display a customized image.
- Overlay a semitransparent customized image.
- Require the user to press a secure attention key.
- Require the user to click a customized button.

I'm interested in people's thoughts on what works better or
might work better.  (Feel free to add to the list.)

-- ?!ng

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-01 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, James A. Donald wrote:
> SRP necessarily runs in the chrome, in the client
> software, not in the web page, therefore the chrome,
> should put up an image that cannot be convincingly
> imitated by html

Sure, i agree.  I only brought this up to point out that SRP
alone doesn't solve the problem; it remains an open question how
to best design a password entry field that defeats spoofing.  You
mentioned several techniques, and there are others, and so far we
don't know what works best for most users.

Passpet's strategy is to customize a button that you click.  We
are used to recognizing toolbar buttons by their appearance, so
it seems plausible that if the button has a custom per-user icon,
users are unlikely to click on a spoofed button with the wrong
icon.  Unlike other schemes, such as special-looking windows or
a custom image shown with the login form, this strategy requires
the user to directly interact with the customized UI element.

The effectiveness of Passpet's approach is only hypothesized; it
has never been formally tested, so i can't claim it works better.

> Cannot find a web page that presents passpet.

for the original description of the ideas.  The design of Passpet
is a bit more refined now and will be published at SOUPS 2006.

-- ?!ng

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-01 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Wed, 31 May 2006, James A. Donald wrote:
> The obvious solution to the phishing crisis is the widespread deployment
> of SRP, but this does not seem to happening.  SASL-SRP was recently
> dropped.  What is the problem?

"Phishing" can mean a few different things.  If by "phishing" you
mean the stealing of passwords, then yes, SRP would help to eliminate
that problem, but users could still be fooled into giving away their
SRP passwords if the user interface for entering the password is
convincingly imitated.

Some people use "phishing" to refer to the online capture of
identity-related information in general, in which case SRP falls
far short of a complete solution.  I think it's a difference in
philosophy: some see passwords as the ultimate goal; some see
passwords as one of many possible means to the ultimate end, which
is identity theft.

I'm working on Passpet, a password management tool that tries to
address several of the big phishing-related problems including
password capture and dictionary attack, and for the authentication
part i chose SRP.  So that's one place it's getting used, anyway.

-- ?!ng

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Re: [Anti-fraud] Re: the limits of crypto and authentication

2005-07-11 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Sun, 10 Jul 2005, Amir Herzberg wrote:
> But... crypto and authentication, imho, are the best tools to prevent
> such malware from being installed.

I disagree.  Limited authority is the best way to prevent such malware
from being installed (and, if installed, from causing harm).

The premise that all software can be divided into categories of "good"
and "evil" is a deeply flawed foundation on which to build security.

-- ?!ng

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Re: massive data theft at MasterCard processor

2005-06-20 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> Designing a system that deflects this sort of attack is challenging.
> The right answer is smart cards that can digitally sign transactions,
> but that would require rolling out new readers to all the merchants.

I was amazed to hear of the UK's fast progress in rolling out their
Chip-and-PIN system.  I would not have guessed that they could get
about 85% of cardholders to switch and 75% of retail equipment
upgraded by the end of 2004, only 15 months after the beginning of
the rollout.

Naturally, conditions are different in the United States, but it's
still an impressive result.

-- ?!ng

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