Re: Ransomware

2008-06-12 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

On 12 Jun 2008, at 03:05, James Muir wrote:

Just curious -- where were you able to download the virus from?

Just be careful. Do not run it. It does not spread itself, but it  
will encrypt all the sensitive files on all the drives and then self- 
destruct. If you want a disarmed harmless one to play with, I can e- 
mail you my decrypted and patched up variant.

Marcos el Ruptor - Raising the bar.

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Re: Ransomware

2008-06-11 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

On 11 Jun 2008, at 20:13, Dave Howe wrote:

This would seem to imply they already verified the public key was
constant in the trojan and didn't differ between machines (or that
I'm giving Kaspersky's team too much credit with my assumptions).

I've just looked at the virus. Upon invocation, it generates a random  
128-bit RC4 key with CryptGenKey, then for each file it generates a  
random IV with a very weak generator only capable of producing 256  
different 128-bit values for 99.9% of the files, prepends each file  
with its IV, then it encrypts that IV with the main RC4 key, hashes  
that with MD5 and that hash becomes the 128-bit RC4 encryption key  
for each file. It encrypts all the potentially valuable files like  
that while deleting the originals, then it encrypts the main RC4 key  
with one of its two hard-coded 1024-bit RSA public keys and saves it  
with one of the 4 e-mail addresses it comes with to contact the  
asshole who did this to you:


Not much can be done at this point as the executable terminates  
itself creating a script that deletes it and congratulates the user.  
It's not very different from the 90's hard drive formatting viruses  
except for the bold extortion that comes with it. A regular backup is  
your best friend.

The only thing that could probably be done by the most desperate  
would be to find the largest files with known plaintext and for all  
the encrypted files with the same first 16 bytes (roughly 1/256 of  
them), the keystream will match. No cryptography to implement, only  
XOR. Good luck!

Best regards,
Marcos el Ruptor - Raising the bar.

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Re: skype claims they have no technical means to assist wiretapping

2008-06-10 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
In any event, because of Skype's peer-to-peer architecture and  
encryption techniques, Skype would not be able to comply with such  
a request."

Well... Total BS and we all know it.

1. Skype servers transparently report the last few known IP addresses  
to any client requesting them. Just try running two or three Skype  
clients on different computers - they will all be receiving copies of  
your messages. While it may not work as an interception tool as it  
is, because every client will send back acknowledgements, but those  
can be switched off and such "ghost" clients can simply monitor all  
your conversations. It is especially easy to do if you control the  
server. It can make any client forward several copies of all its  
packets to other IP addresses.

If I have scared anyone, don't worry. Just type /debugchain in your  
chat window and you will see who is listening [no it won't cure your  
paranoia, I lied].

2. Skype can download and install updates automatically without the  
user's knowledge. Those can be tailor-made for the user with all  
kinds of additional "features" like sending all the logs back to the  

3. Have I mentioned a few things in it that look and smell like  
server-controlled backdoors? They emit the same foul odour as the  
10..1 prime numbers provided by NIST for our elliptic curves,  
but presented in the standards in random-looking decimal form for  
extra subtlety...

Of course they *are* able to comply with such requests. They just  
either won't or just won't tell us.

Best regards,
Marcos el Ruptor - Raising the bar [and disabling Skype  

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Re: survey of instant messaging privacy

2008-06-10 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
Interesting.  Of course, with the possible exception of Skype, only  
the over-the-network part of the communication is protected.  The  
IM providers can still give the contents of your communications to  
third parties.

As far as I can tell after having reverse engineered its protocol,  
Skype is actually very well made with a few exceptions that would  
still be next to impossible to exploit for a street hacker (and with  
only one suspicious thing that looks like a backdoor exploitable only  
by the server and only by whoever knows the preimages to some hard- 
coded MD5 values - "it looks like a backdoor, it smells like a  
backdoor, it gotta be a duck"). Other than that, peer-to-peer AES-256  
with randomly generated RSA keys is good enough for me.

As OTR has shown, it's not hard to do end-to-end crypto even if you  
don't have direct client connectivity.  Makes one wonder why the  
default clients don't have the functionality :)

Way too much hassle for them having to deal with the government  
agencies demanding access to intercepted communications. It goes for  
all the products developed by large corporations. The general  
attitude is "honest people have nothing to hide" aggravated by the  
encryption export controls and the Wassenaar Arrangement. While Skype  
was made by Estonians who simply didn't care about any such nonsense.  
So the cheapest way for the NSA to obtain all the Skype's secret keys  
giving them at least some access to the servers and traffic  
obfuscation algorithms was to have a US company pay $4bln for it...  
Well done!

Marcos el Ruptor - Raising the bar.

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Re: OpenSparc -- the open source chip (except for the crypto parts)

2008-05-04 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

To be sure that implementation does not contain back-doors, one needs
not only some source code but also a proof that the source code one
has is the source of the implementation.

Nonsense. Total nonsense. A half-decent reverse engineer does not  
need the source code and can easily determine the exact operation of  
all the security-related components from the compiled executables,  
extracted ROM/EPROM code or reversed FPGA/ASIC layout (see the recent  
Karsten Nohl's extraction of Crypto-1 code for example).

All this open-source promotion is a huge waste of time. Us crackers  
know exactly how all the executables we care about (especially all  
the crypto and security related programs) work. We do not always  
publish our results, but look, somehow RC4, SecurID, DST40, KeeLoq,  
Crypto1, Hitag2, etc. all got reverse engineered and published when  
people actually cared to do it. A lot more other closed-code ciphers,  
random number generators and other components have been reverse- 
engineered and thoroughly analysed without publishing the results  
just because those results were not interesting, could do more harm  
than good if published or if keeping them secret could benefit the  

As a reverse engineer with over 20 years of experience, I can  
guarantee everyone on this list who is not familiar with this process  
that from the security evaluation point of view there is ABSOLUTELY  
NO BENEFIT in the open-source concept. It is actually much much  
easier to hide a backdoor in the C or especially C++ code from anyone  
reading it than it is in the compiled assembly code from a reverse  
engineer, even if it is highly obfuscated like Skype. High-level  
languages offer enough opportunities to hide and cover up some sneaky  
behind-the-scenes magic that no one will notice for years or ever at  
all unless they know exactly what to look for and where. I always  
compile the open-source code, then reverse engineer it and see what  
it is actually doing.

If you want a guarantee or a proof, better ask all the reverse  
engineers you know to take a closer look at the program and tell you  
if there is a backdoor, anything malicious or anything sneaky or  
suspicious. Don't trust your own eyes. I've seen too many open-source  
applications with well-concealed backdoors or unnoticeable security  
holes. Linux's endless exploitable vulnerabilities should be enough  
of a proof of that.

Best regards,
Marcos el Ruptor - Raising the bar.

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Re: DRM for batteries

2008-01-04 Thread Marcos el Ruptor,1477,ISL6296,0.html

"A 32-Bit CRC-based hash engine (FlexiHashTM)
calculates the authentication result immediately after
receiving a 32-Bit random challenge code."


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Re: Philips/NXP/Mifare CRYPTO1 mostly reverse-engineered

2008-01-02 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
The 48-bit Philips Hitag2 algorithm has been completely reverse- 
engineered a long time ago:


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Re: Trillian Secure IM

2007-10-08 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

I found those threads:

As you can see from the last post in the second thread, ultimately  
they agreed that 128-bit DH is secure and that I am just some crazy  
guy trying to scare them.


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Re: Trillian Secure IM

2007-10-08 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

If that's DH exchange, then it's 128 bit one. Fertile ground
for some interesting speculation, don't you think ?

There is no speculation. It is 128-bit DH.

I have reported over three years ago to the Trillian forum that they  
are using 128-bit DH and that it is not secure. You can look up my  
messages about it and how much I got abused for it by everyone trying  
to explain to me that 1) it IS secure and 2) no one cares anyway.  
They did not change it since then although they promised to. I'd also  
made an open-source replacement DLL back then with 512-bit ECDH,  
which also supported their 128-bit DH clients if they initiated  
secure communication first, but it may have some compatibility issues  
with later versions of Trillian. It's supposed to display the common  
key fingerprint, not sure if it works now. Feel free to correct it  
and to improve it, but Cerulean Studios won't pay for it. It's still  

Marcos el Ruptor

PS: There was also a buffer overflow in their original DLL if you  
send a very long key. I don't know if they have fixed it or not. I  
haven't used Trillian since I bought a Mac.

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Re: debunking snake oil

2007-09-02 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
I didn't realise the current SecurID tokens had been broken. A  
quick Google
doesn't show anything, but I'm probably using the wrong terms. Do  
you have

references for this that I could have a look at?

This attack may not be as practical as an algebraic attack would be,  
but it shows that SecurID keyed hash function is in fact weaker than  
what its claimed 64-bit security level demands. AFAIK, algebraic  
cryptanalysis of the RSA SecurID keyed hash function by the academic  
sector hasn't even been performed yet. Their new tokens use AES-128.  
Maybe they do learn after all...

Ruptor - There is no need to design weak ciphers.

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Re: debunking snake oil

2007-09-01 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

> I'd like to start with the really simple stuff; classical
> cryptography, systems with clean and obvious "breaks".

You can start with RSA SecurID, Texas Instruments DST40, Microchip  
Technologies KeeLoq, Philips/NXP Hitag2, WEP RC4, Bluetooth E0, GSM  
A5... It's much harder to find a product or technology that  
implements proper ciphers, proper hashes, proper RNGs or proper  
protocols. And I don't mean small mistakes like in SSH1 or SSL. I  
mean look at all those proprietary weak ciphers sold for millions!  
Will they ever learn?

Ruptor - There is no need to design weak ciphers.

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Re: Cracking the code?

2007-03-03 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
My questions are: A) is this as vulnerable as it seems at first  
blush? B) how many password/hex pairs would be needed to deduce the  
underlying algorithm?, C) If one could deduce the algorithm, could  
the attack be generalized so that it could be used against other  
enterprises that use the same software? (It is very(!) widely  
deployed), and D) am I missing something in my thinking?

A) yes it is vulnerable. B) none - it would take no time to reverse  
engineer the entire algorithm out of the executable. C) yes of  
course. D) just how bad this is.


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Re: Can you keep a secret? This encrypted drive can...

2006-12-04 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
Compared to AES-128, AES-256 is 140% of the rounds to encrypt 200% as much 
data. So when implemented in hardware, AES-256 is substantially faster.

Excuse me, AES-256 has the same block size as AES-128, that is 128 bits. 
It's in fact slower, not faster, and in hardware it also occupies a 
substantially larger area.

If you are talking about Rijndael with 256-bit blocks, that's not AES and 
its variant with 256-bit keys would still be slower and would also occupy a 
substantially larger area in hardware than its counterpart with 128-bit 


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Re: handling weak keys using random selection and CSPRNGs

2006-10-16 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

Now, you said "compressed files" and you might not have meant
pictures, but note that L-Z style compressed files don't really have
much in the way of headers. If the headers were a problem, you'd
expect longer files to bury any deviation in the noise, but it
doesn't. The longer the files I test the more certainly non-random
they are.

I stand by my statements.


Hello, Greg!

I did not say anything about pictures. I only said that it's not that hard 
to find a compression algorithm or a source of randomness or a simple PRNG 
that will pass all kinds of randomness tests. You said it's hard, I said it 
wasn't. Maybe you want to try testing something packed with WinRK or Durilca 
for example. You could probably even test the whole files packed with 

Although I totally agree with you that JPEG or ZIP (Deflate) or LZ 
compressed data could only pass randomness tests if the data was random to 
begin with. But come on, such weak ancient algorithms hardly qualify as 
randomness benchmarks. Modern decent compression algorithms like those used 
in Stuffit or Allume reduce JPEGs by about 25% or so (losslessly). No wonder 
your tests show a bias!

On the other hand, maybe you have an amazing brilliant randomness test there 
that fails all the compressed files and makes diehard look like a baby's 
rattle... If that is the case, do share! ;-)


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Re: handling weak keys using random selection and CSPRNGs

2006-10-14 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

The only things that it usually passes as good are for-purpose random
number generators' or ciphers' outputs. Everything else (including a
terabyte of RC4 output, executables, zip archives, jpegs, mpegs,
mp3s, ...) that I've pointed it at, fails one or more of the tests.

Have you tried removing the headers and trailing data?

True random-looking-ness is hard to find... :-)

Since when? There are plenty of easy ways to generate it. Many compressed 
files will also pass your randomness tests if you test only the compressed 
data itself, not the whole files.


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Re: skype not so anonymous...

2006-09-04 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
One thing is possible with Skype: any user can easily obtain any other 
user's IP address (actually both internal and external IPs). Those users 
don't even need to be on his contact list. Of course one would need cracking 
tools or a decrypted patched Skype executable with all the 288 integrity 
checks removed to make Skype spit out its debugging logs, unless one knows 
the right values for the HKCU\Software\Skype\Phone\UI\General\Logging and 
Logging2 registry keys that Skype checks comparing their MD5 hashes. There 
is not much else that can be done, but that is one possibility. Of course, 
if a direct connection is established, any TCP/IP monitoring tool would show 
all the contacted IPs.

Although in this case it's obviously the man's stupidity using an instant 
messenger with his old virtual identity that got him tracked down. No one 
stopped him from registering a different Skype account to contact whoever he 
trusted if he didn't want to be found. But I have to agree that Skype could 
be made anonymous and is not anonymous at all. It's much harder to obtain 
someone's IP address in other instant messengers where users can disallow 
direct connections and thus remain anonymous at least to other users.


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Re: Crypto to defend chip IP: snake oil or good idea?

2006-08-03 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
You can use cryptography to protect IP and to prevent cloning of microchips 
even if they get reverse-engineered, but the cipher would have to possess 
special properties similar to those of VEST ciphers (see, like support family keying to 
make every ASIC chip implement different secret but secure logic, etc. 
eBeam, lasers and other technologies are available for that. ECC and other 
standard ciphers can't possibly do that.


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Re: Chinese WAPI protocol?

2006-06-13 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
> unpublished cryptographic algorithms.  The specification is secret
> and confidential.  It uses the SMS4 block cipher, which is secret and
> patented. [*]

is a very long link to the google's cached specification paper translated to 
english. It shouldn't be too hard to understand. ;)

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Re: Chinese WAPI protocol?

2006-06-13 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

unpublished cryptographic algorithms.  The specification is secret
and confidential.  It uses the SMS4 block cipher, which is secret and
patented. [*]

It's been declassified in January 2006.
The SMS4 cipher specification -


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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-07 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

Right. But can you explain *why* you strongly believe in it?

In the last 10 years it never failed to tell the difference between good and 
bad ciphers. The only thing that makes it controversial is its ability to 
detect flaws in ciphers believed to be strong simply because no attacks 
against them are found yet.

We do not believe in the approach "if no one broke it in N years, then 
accept it as secure until they do" alone. We believe in combining it with 
studying algebraic structure of the resulting functions from every angle 
with automated tools, and if they display obvious sparsity or patterns in 
the distribution of monomials of any algebraic degree, or if the size/output 
or size/security proportions are too low, or if too many rounds are required 
for a change to make those functions different in a way indistinguishable 
from random (slow avalanche of change as we see it), the cipher should be 
discarded even if no one can find a way to break it.

Here's an example: replace XOR with ADD in RC5 and try to attack it by any 
means other than the Mod N attack found years after RC5... But our tests 
immediately show that the cipher is easily breakable. They also immediately 
show weakness of the first two bytes in RC4 and breakability of such ciphers 
as A5, LILI, etc. The list can go on and on. Often there is no explanation 
for years until an attack is found, but our tests help us detect presence of 
flaws in seemingly strong ciphers in a matter of minutes. I personally do 
not bother analysing ciphers that fail our tests - someone else will break 
them sooner or later anyway. I immediately discard them as breakable and 
concentrate on the hard ones to see if the cipher structure needs to be 
addressed. But if the cipher doesn't have any odd components that it relies 
on and that can be attacked individually and if its proportions are chosen 
correctly, I accept it as secure.

The fact that Rijndael fails our tests so terribly prohibits me personally 
from trusting it even though no attack breaking it has been published. I 
would use Twofish or RC6 instead. Passing our tests combined with years of 
public scrutiny makes me believe that Twofish and RC6 can be trusted. 
Rijndael cannot.


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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-06 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

Are there any peer-reviewed descriptions of your technique?  Right now,
all that site seems to have -- and forgive me if I've missed a link --
is a set of simple assertions about various ciphers, plus a fairly vague
background page.  Put another way, and I hate to be this blunt, is there
any reason to think your results are correct and/or meaningful?

Good, bad, right, wrong, correct, incorrect, meaningful, meaningless... Who 
knows? Don't ask us. We are simply trying to contribute something new that 
we strongly believe in, that may not be much, but that may also turn out to 
be great. It's a very new site with too few results and is too early to 
judge. It seems that some people liked our project and decided to advertise 
it already and are showing some interest in it. We did not expect it to 
attract any attention just yet and we did not want to promote it until there 
were results for a few more dozen ciphers and hash functions.

I am sure there will be as many opinions as there are assholes as Klint 
Eastwood says, but it doesn't change the facts about our tests. As we say on 
the web site, if you want proofs, send us your challenge ciphers. We love 
them. But we are very reluctant to participate in polemic debates. Our tests 
are controversial enough and their results speak for themselves. Wait till 
we publish our results for a few more ciphers and soon you'll see how all 
the new designs measure up way before any attacks breaking them are found. 
We are not academics struggling to prove their academic qualification and 
not a corporation struggling to market its product, so if you don't mind, 
we'll leave you believing whatever you want to believe and just get back to 


PS: Constructive productive positive contributions are also welcome. 

[Moderator's note: Marcos el Ruptor perhaps does not understand the
concept of peer review and may be unfamiliar with the fact that there
is a large existing literature in the field. Perhaps that should say
something in itself. --Perry]
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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-06 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

Can you briefly explain how you determine the PRF rounds value?


Your question belongs in our forums - where it's already being 


[Moderator's note: no, actually, if you're going to mention it here,
you had better be prepared to explain and defend it here,
too. --Perry]
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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-04 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

I skimmed this.  The start of the article says that after 3 rounds AES
achieves perfect diffusion?!

1. It's "complete diffusion", not "perfect diffusion". Perfect diffusion is
a property meaning something completely different.

2. My post incorrectly stated that cryptographers believed that the AES
achieved complete diffusion after 3 rounds. In fact, in Rijndael complete
diffusion (every bit influences every bit in the block or state) is achieved
by the end of the second round. I have corrected the post.

A simple square attack (that I teach in class in about 60 mins) recovers
the key of 4-round AES with 256 chosen-plaintexts.  The six-round attack
isn't too much harder.

Isn't what you are referring to called "secure number of rounds"? In other
words the number of rounds after which no known attack exists that can break
the cipher faster than brute-forcing the key?

It looks like I have no choice but to invent a new term, "PRF rounds" - the
number of rounds after which each function that defines the value of each
bit of the block/state/output is a pseudo-random function (PRF) of all the
bits of the block/state/key/input, in other words a function
indistinguishable from random by any existing general purpose randomness
tests. Of course dedicate randomness tests exploiting the cipher structure
and utilising a significant amount of computational resources could be
effective in distinguishing a larger number of rounds from random, but
that's in the area of the "secure number of rounds" research.

"PRF rounds" is usually larger than the "complete diffusion rounds". For
most good ciphers it's usually somewhere between the "complete diffusion
rounds" and the "secure rounds", but for some ciphers it's either way over
the "secure rounds" or it never happens at all (LILI, KeeLoq, Trivium, etc).
Some ciphers maintain sparcity of their functions or their
distinguishability from random even if iterated perpetually.

I have corrected all the articles:


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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-05-11 Thread Marcos el Ruptor
On Wed, 10 May 2006 10:01:57 -0600, John R. Black wrote

> On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 10:30:40AM -0500, Marcos el Ruptor wrote:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Expect new attacks soon enough.
> > 
> I skimmed this.  The start of the article says that after 3 rounds 
> AES achieves perfect diffusion?!

It doesn't say that. Obviously you didn't read the article. It says that the 
current version of our general purpose automated black-box tests can easily 
distinguish 4 rounds of the AES from random and it says that *if* the AES 
achieved complete diffusion [in the context of automated cryptanalysis] in 3 
rounds [as Whirlpool does for example], then maybe 10 rounds could suffice 
against most attacks although we would advise 12. But with 5 rounds required 
to pass our tests we have serious reasons to believe that the AES will be 
broken in the near future and that at least 20 rounds are required for it to 
be secure.


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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-05-04 Thread Marcos el Ruptor


Just out of curiosity I tried to Google around for recent papers on 
attacks against AES/Rijndael. I found the usual suspects with XLS 
attacks and DJBs timing attack. But what is the current status of 
attacks, anything new and exciting?

Expect new attacks soon enough.

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Re: Not everyone knows about strong crypto...

2006-04-20 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

 The recently arrested "boss of bosses" of the Sicilian Mafia, Bernardo
 Provenzano, wrote notes using an encryption scheme similar to the one
 used by Julius Caesar more than 2,000 years ago, according to a
 biography of Italy's most wanted man.

Sicilian mafia also uses mobile phones that change their IMEI numbers on 
every call (like it really does something)... and they paid a lot of money 
for them too. Apparently they "don't believe in encryption".


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