Re: Intel to also add RNG

2010-07-12 Thread Paul Wouters

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010, Ben Laurie wrote:

On 2 July 2010 13:19, Eugen Leitl  wrote:§ion=Microprocessors

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nanoscale Random Number Circuit to Secure Future Chips

Intel unveils a circuit that can pump out truly random numbers at high speed.

Have they forgotten the enormous amount of suspicion last time they tried this?

I love how they pretend to be the first ones with this, totally ignoring others
who have had this for years, such as the VIA PadLock.

The article lists NIST having done tests, but does not mention any CPU model 
this is on. Anyone knows?


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Re: Intel to also add RNG

2010-07-12 Thread Paul Wouters

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010, Eric Murray wrote:

Then there's FIPS- current 140 doesn't have a provision for HW RNG.
They certify software RNG only, presumeably because proving a HW RNG to be
random enough is very difficult.   So what's probably the primary market
(companies who want to meet FIPS) isn't available.

So you can do HWRNG -> SWRNG -> Fips ?

Which is what you should do anyway, in case of a hardware failure. I
know the Linux intel-rng and amd-rng used to produce nice series of
zeros. The padlock rng has never produced warnings piping it through

So while I think it'd be great to have a decent RNG on chip
(no more blocking on /dev/random!) I don't see it being much of
a market advantage and would not be surprised if it never makes it in
to a shipping product.

With every phone doing crypto these days, I'd think you are wrong. Also,
the VIA PadLock already ships with an HWRNG on die. It's been shipping
for years.


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Re: Fw: Root Zone DNSSEC Deployment Technical Status Update

2010-07-17 Thread Paul Wouters

On Fri, 16 Jul 2010, Taral wrote:

Neat, but not (yet) useful... only these TLDs have DS records:

The rest will follow soon. And it is not that you had to stop those
TLD trust anchors just now.

Several are using old SHA-1 hashes...

"old" ?


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SHA256 reduced to 112 bits?

2010-07-29 Thread Paul Wouters


I've heard rumors of an attack on the SHA-2 family reducing complexity of 
SHA256 to something less or equal of 112 bits.

This attack will apparently be announced in a few days - perhaps at Black Hat or
Def Con?

I would be interested in knowing more.


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Re: Persisting /dev/random state across reboots

2010-07-29 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 29 Jul 2010, Richard Salz wrote:

At shutdown, a process copies /dev/random to /var/random-seed which is
used on reboots.
Is this a good, bad, or "shrug, whatever" idea?
I suppose the idea is that "all startup procs look the same" ?

"better then not".

A lot of (pseudo)random comes from disk or network interrupts. These are often
similar during stock system startup. It is even more important if there is no
harddisk but flashdisk, which is not contribting to entropy of the system. This
was a big issue for "openwrt" (a Linux on Linksys routers) which booted so
similarly every time that there was not enough random left at all.

By saving the entropy from a longer run system at shutdown, you increase the
entropy of the next boot by adding randomness from the previous state(s)


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Re: GSM eavesdropping

2010-08-02 Thread Paul Wouters

On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

For example, in the internet space, we have http, smtp, imap and other
protocols in both plain and ssl flavors. (IPSec was originally
intended to mitigate this by providing a common security layer for
everything, but it failed, for many reasons. Nico mentioned one that
isn't sufficiently appreciated, which was the lack of APIs to permit
binding of IPSec connections to users.)

If that was a major issue, then SSL would have been much more successful
then it has been.

I have good hopes that soon we'll see use of our new biggest cryptographically
signed distributed database. And part of the signalling can come in via the
AD bit in DNSSEC (eg by adding an EDNS option to ask for special additional
records signifying "SHOULD do crypto with this pubkey")

The AD bit might be a crude signal, but it's fairly easy to implement at
the application level. Requesting specific additional records will remove
the need for another latency driven DNS lookup to get more crypto information.

And obsolete the broken CA model while gaining improved support for SSL certs
by removing all those enduser warnings.


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Re: GSM eavesdropping

2010-08-03 Thread Paul Wouters

On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Nicolas Williams wrote:

If that was a major issue, then SSL would have been much more successful
then it has been.

How should we measure success?

"The default mode for any internet communication is encrypted"

By that measure TLS has been so much more successful than IPsec as to
prove the point.

I never claimed IPsec was more successfulIt was not.

Of course, TLS hasn't been successful in the sense that we care about
most.  TLS has had no impact on how users authenticate (we still send
usernames and passwords) to servers, and the way TLS authenticates
servers to users turns out to be very weak (because of the plethora of
CAs, and because transitive trust isn't all that strong).

Let's first focus on foiling the grand scale of things by protecting
against passive attacks of large scale monitoring. Then let's worry
about protecting against active targetted attacks.

But note that the one bit you're talking about is necessarily a part of
a resolver API, thus proving my point :)

Yes, but in some the API is pretty much done. If you trust your (local)
resolver, the one bit is the only thing you need to check. You let the
resolver do most of the bootstrap crypto. One you have that, your app
can rip out most of the X.509 nonsense and use the public key obtained
from DNS for its further crypto needs.

...but we grow technologies organically, therefore we'll never have a
situation where the necessary infrastructure gets deployed in a secure
mode from the get-go.  This necessarily means that applications need
APIs by which to cause and/or determine whether secure modes are in

But by now, upgrades happen more automatic and more quickly. Adding something
new to DNS won't take 10 years to get deployed. We've come a long way. It's
time to reap the benefits from our new infrastructure.


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Re: /dev/random and virtual systems

2010-08-03 Thread Paul Wouters

On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Yaron Sheffer wrote:

In addition to the mitigations that were discussed on the list, such machines 
could benefit from seeding /dev/random (or periodically reseeding it) from 
the *host machine's* RNG. This is one thing that's guaranteed to be different 
between VM instances. So my question to the list: is this useful? Is this 
doable with popular systems (e.g. Linux running on VMWare or VirtualBox)? Is 
this actually being done?

Both xen and kvm do not do this currently. It is problematic for servers.


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Re: 2048-bit RSA keys

2010-08-17 Thread Paul Wouters

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, Steven Bellovin wrote:

They also suggest that a 3-4 year phase-out of 1024-bit moduli is the proper 

Note that this is because they take into consideration that secrets have
to be unbreakable for decade(s), which is not the case for all uses of
RSA. For example in DNSSEC, a key can be rolled in a matter of hours
or days.


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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-26 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010, wrote:

> as previously mentioned, somewhere back behind everything else ... there
> is strong financial motivation in the sale of the SSL domain name digital
> certificates.

While I am *not* arguing that point, per se, if having a
better solution would require, or would have required, no
more investment than the accumulated profits in the sale
of SSL domain name certs, we could have solved this by now.

Currently, the IETF keyassure WG is working on specifying how to use DNS(SEC)
to put the certs in the DNS to avoid the entire CA authentication.

It seems to be deciding on certs (not raw keys/hashes) to simplify and re-use
the existing TLS based implementations (eg HTTPS)


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Re: 2048 bits, damn the electrons! [ [ #2354] [PATCH] Increase Default RSA Key Size to 2048-bits]

2010-09-30 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 30 Sep 2010, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

That would only happen if we (as security experts) allowed web developers to
believe that the speed of RSA is the limiting factor for web application

At 1024 bits, it is not.  But you are looking at a factor of *9* increase
in computational cost when you go immediately to 2048 bits.  At that point,
the bottleneck for many applications shifts, particularly those which are
served by offload engines specifically to move the bottleneck so it's not
RSA in the first place.

I'm sure its nothing compared to the 3 layers of url shorter redirects and
their latency :P

Also, consider devices such as deep-inspection firewalls or application
traffic managers which must by their nature offload SSL processing in
order to inspect and possibly modify data

You mean it will be harder for MITM attacks on SSL. Isn't that a good thing? :P

This too will hinder the deployment of "SSL everywhere", and handwaving
about how for some particular application, the bottleneck won't be at
the front-end server even if it is an order of magnitude slower for it
to do the RSA operation itself will not make that problem go away.

The SSL everywhere problem has been a political one, not a technical one.
I am sure the "free market" can deal with putting SSL everywhere, if that
expectation has come from every internet user - instead of that internet
user clicking away many warnings about self signed certs, redirects and
SSL man-in-the-middle "protection".


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Re: Disk encryption advice...

2010-10-08 Thread Paul Wouters

On Fri, 8 Oct 2010, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I have a client with the following problem. They would like to
encrypt all of their Windows workstation drives, but if they do that,
the machines require manual intervention to enter a key on every
reboot. Why is this a problem? Because installations and upgrades of
many kinds of Windows software require multiple reboots, and they
don't want to have to manually intervene on every machine in their
buildings in order to push out software and patches.

(The general threat model in question is reasonably sane -- they
would like drives to be "harmless" when machines are disposed of or if
they're stolen by ordinary thieves, but on the network and available
for administration the rest of the time.)

Does anyone have a reasonable solution for this?

Use a VM based solution where the Windows images are stored on a NAS
that uses disk encryption (and requires an admin when it would reboot), yet
the Windows based VM's would need no disk encryption supported whatsoever.

My laptop for instance is running Fedora with whole disk encryption, and I
run various Windows VM's that have their image stored on that encrypted disk.


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Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-07 Thread Paul Wouters

On Sat, 7 Sep 2013, Gregory Perry wrote:

Insecure DNS deployments are probably in the top five attack vectors
for remotely compromising internal network topologies, even those
sporting split DNS configurations.  As you were "...deeply involved in the
IETF's DNSEXT working group" then I presume you know this.

Correct me if I am wrong, but in my humble opinion the original intent
of the DNSSEC framework was to provide for cryptographic authenticity
of the Domain Name Service, not for confidentiality (although that
would have been a bonus).

Yes that was the original intent, but I remember the reason for optin
was that it was impossible to realisticly fit the .com zone in the RAM
of modern servers at the time. Also signing would have taken much longer
to generate all the NSEC(3) records.

In general, the TLDs preferred a phased-in deployment where they could
exchange hardware over time. That is what optin offered, at the expense
of making spoofing just a tiny bit harder instead of much harder for
non-DNSSEC domains. Seems like a normal economical based decision to me.

These days, I don't think anyone should still run with opt-in anymore.

There are many different camps within the DoD.

About as many as we have cryptography and cypherpunks mailing lists :P

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Re: [Cryptography] "Is DNSSEC is really the right solution?" [djb video]

2013-09-09 Thread Paul Wouters

On Sun, 8 Sep 2013, Daniel Cegiełka wrote:

Subject: Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

Is DNSSEC is really the right solution?

That is the most unprofessional talk I've seen djb give. He bluffed a
bunch of fanboys with no knowledge of DNSSEC that it was bad. His claims
about caching, amplification, etc were completely wrong, as Kaminsky and I
spend pointing out in the days after that CCC talk.

He seems to mostly egage in DNSSEC bashing to advertise his curve25519,
dnscurve and his "curve25519 the entire internet" ideas.

The easiest number to debunk was the DNS cache hit rate. The day after
his talk I collected statistics from the CCC event itself, A large Dutch
ISP and one of the largest American ISPs, and the numbers were above 80%
at minimum and close to 99% for the dns cache at the CCC itself.

His suggestion to pollute port 53 with non-DNS traffic, and to kill DNS
data authentication and replace it with transport-only security have
always been rejected by the community at large as insane. His proposal
to DDOS all DNS servers by making them perform crypto isn't very
realistic for deployments either.

DNSSEC is the result of a lot of fundamental design goals such as "100%
backwards compatibility", data authenticity, offline crypto signing,
crypto agility, not bypassing the cache infrastructure, etc etc.

Do I trust curve25519 more then the NIST curves? Yes I do. Do I think
djb should design internet protocols. No.

DNSSEC is a very secure and reasonable compromise for all the
requirements various parties had to secure the DNS. If you believe that
is not the case, please speak out with verifiable technical arguments,
and not with video hype. And I'll gladly take the time to explain

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[Cryptography] History and implementation status of Opportunistic Encryption for IPsec

2013-09-11 Thread Paul Wouters

History and implementation status of Opportunistic Encryption for IPsec

NOTE:   On September 28, there is be a memorial service in Ann Arbour
for Hugh Daniel, manager of the old IPsec FreeS/WAN Project.
Various crypto people will attend, including a bunch of us
from freeswan. Hugh would have loved nothing better than his
memorial service being used as a focal point to talk about
"new OE", so that's what we will do on Saturday and Sunday.
If you are interested in attending, feel free to contact me.

In light of the NSA achievements, a few people asked about the FreeS/WAN
IPsec OE efforts and whatever happened to it.

The short answer is, we failed and got distracted. The long answer follows
below. At the end I will talk about the current plans that have lingered in
the last two years to revive this initiative. Below I will use the word "we" a
lot. Its meaning changes based on the context as various communities touched,
merged, intersected and drifted apart.

OE in a nutshell

For those not familiar with IPsec OE as per FreeS/WAN implementation. When
activated, a host would install a blocking policy for Every
packet to an IP address would trigger the kernel to hold the packet and
signal the IKE daemon to go find an IPsec policy for that destination. If
found, the tunnel would be build, and an IPsec tunnel to the remote IP
would be established, and packets would flow. If no policy was found,
a "pass" hole was poked so packets would go out unencrypted. Public
keys for IP addresses were looked up in the reverse DNS by the IKE
daemon based on the destination address. To help with roaming clients
(roadwarriors), initiators could store their public key in their FQDN,
and convey their FQDN as ID when performing IKE so the remote peer could
look up their public key in the forward DNS. This came at the price of
two dynamic clients not being able to do OE to each other. (turns out
they couldn't anyway, because of NAT)

What were the reasons for failing to encrypt the internet with OE IPsec
(in no particular order)

1) Fragmentation of IPsec kernel stacks

In part due to the early history of FreeS/WAN combined with the export
restrictions at the time. Instead of spending more time on IKE and key
management for large scale enduser IPsec, we ended up wasting a lot of
time fixing the FreeS/WAN KLIPS IPsec stack module for each Linux release.
Another IPsec stack, which we dubbed XFRM/NETKEY appeared around 2.6.9 and
was backported to 2.4.x. It was terribly incomplete and severely broken.
With KLIPS not being within the kernel tree, it was never taken into
account.  XFRM/NETKEY remained totally unsuitable for OE for a decade.
XFRM/NETKEY now has almost all functionality needed - I found out today
it shoudl finally have first+last packet caching for dynamic tunnels,
which are essential for OE. Since the application's first packet triggered
the IKE mechanism, the application would start retransmitting before IKE
was completed.  Even when the tunnel finally came up, the application
was usually still waiting on that TCP retransmit.  David McCullough and
I still spend a lot of time fixing up KLIPS to work with the current
Linux kernel. Look at ipsec_kversion.h just to see what a nightmare
it has been to support Linux 2.0 to 2.6 (libreswan removed support for
anything lower then recent 2.4.x kernels)

Linux IPsec Crypto hardware acceleration in practise is only possible
with KLIPS + OCF, as the mainstraim async crypto is lacking in hardware
driver support. If you want to build OE into people's router/modem/setup
box, this is important, though admittingly less so as time has moved on
and even embedded hardware and phones are multicore or have special crypto
CPU instructions.

An effort to make the kernel the sole provider of crypto algorithms that
everyone could use also failed, and the idea was abandoned when CPU crypto
instructions appeared directly accessable from userland.

2) US citizens could not contribute code or patches to FreeS/WAN

This was John Gilmore's policy to ensure the software remained free for
US citizens. If no US citizen touched the code, it would be immune to any
presidential National Security Letter. I believe this was actually the
main reason for KLIPS not going in mainstream kernel, although personal
egos of kernel people seemed to have played a role here as well. Freeswan
people really tried had in 2000/2001 to hook KLIPS into the kernel
just the way the kernel people wanted. (Ironically, the XFRM/NETKEY
hook so bad, it even confuses tcpdump and with it every sysadmin trying
to see whether or not their traffic is encrypted) I still don't fully
understand why it was never merged, as the code was GPL, and it should
have just been merged in, even against John's wishes. Someone would
have stepped in as maintainer - after all the initial brunt of the work
had been done and we had a functional IPsec stack.

In the summer of 2003, I talked to John

Re: [Cryptography] [cryptography] very little is missing for working BTNS in Openswan

2013-09-13 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 12 Sep 2013, Nico Williams wrote:

Note: you don't just want BTNS, you also want RFC5660 -- "IPsec
channels".  You also want to define a channel binding for such channels
(this is trivial).

To summarize: IPsec protects discrete *packets*, not discrete packet
*flows*.  This means that -depending on configuration- you might be
using IPsec to talk to some peer at some address at one moment, and the
next you might be talking to a different peer at the same address, and
you'd never know the difference.  IPsec channels consist of ensuring
that the peer's ID never changes during the life of a given packet flow
(e.g., TCP connection).  BTNS pretty much requires IPsec configurations
of that make you vulnerable in this way.  I think it should be obvious
now that "IPsec channels" is a necessary part of any BTNS

This is exactly why BTNS went nowhere. People are trying to combine
anonymous IPsec with authenticated IPsec. Years dead-locked in channel
binding and channel upgrades. That's why I gave up on BTNS. See also
the last bit of my earlier post regarding Opportunistic Encryption.

We can use IDs to identify "anonymous" and sandbox these connections. If
you want authenticated IPsec, use a different loaded policy that has
nothing to do with OE IPsec. In libreswan terms:

conn anonymous

conn admin
[all your normal X.509 authentication stuff]

Merging these into one, is exactly why we got transport mode,
authenticated header,IKEv2 narrowing and a bunch of BTNS drafts no
one uses.

Stop making crypto harder!

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