Transport-level encryption with Tcpcrypt

2010-08-26 Thread Sean McGrath

Transport-level encryption with Tcpcrypt
By Jake Edge
August 25, 2010

It has been said that the US National Security Agency (NSA) blocked the
implementation of encryption in the TCP/IP protocol for the original
ARPANET, because it wanted to be able to listen in on the traffic that
crossed that early precursor to the internet. Since that time, we have
been relegated to always sending clear-text packets via TCP/IP. Higher
level application protocols (i.e. ssh, HTTPS, etc.) have enabled
encryption for some traffic, but the vast majority of internet
communication is still in the clear. The Tcpcrypt project is an attempt
to change that, transparently, so that two conforming nodes can encrypt
all of the data portion of any packets they exchange.

Sean McGrath

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Beating Colossus: an interview with Joachim Schueth

2008-01-29 Thread Sean McGrath

"Beating Colossus: an interview with Joachim Schueth

Joachim Schueth has beaten a reconstruction of the famous Colossus Mark 
II code breaking machine in November 2007. The Colossus computers were 
used in World War II to break the German encrypted messages. Equipped 
with a NetBSD-powered laptop and profound knowledge of cryptography and 
the Ada programming language, Schueth has won the code-cracking 
challenge. We talked with him about the historical and technical 
backgrounds of the Cipher Event and the tools he has used."

Sean McGrath

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wireless transmission of quantum code over a distance of 144,kilometers (89 miles)

2007-03-16 Thread Sean McGrath

 Original Message 

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 815   March 16, 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

kilometers (89 miles) between two Canary Islands has been
demonstrated by a team of researchers in Europe.  At the APS March
Meeting, Anton Zeilinger of the University of Vienna
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) described how he and his colleagues
transmitted single photons from an astronomical observatory in La
Palma Island to another one in Tenerife.  The transmitted photons'
polarization states (representing 0s and 1s) formed the basis of a
"quantum key," a stream of information that could be used to
decipher a longer encrypted message.  The researchers used single
photons because they are more secure than groups of photons, from
which an eavesdropper could pluck information about the key.  To
detect potential eavesdroppers even better, the researchers
entangled the outgoing particles of light with photons kept at the
transmitting station. They used astronomy stations because their
telescopes are sensitive enough to detect individual photons.  The
data transmission rate was low, only 178 photons in 75 seconds, but
the photons are able to travel longer distances in free space
(potentially thousands of kilometers or more) than they are in fiber
optic cables (100 km) before they become undetectable.  In a
proposed experiment to be coordinated by the European Space Agency
(ESA, which operates the Tenerife telescope and which participated
in the Canary Islands experiment) the International Space Station
can transmit entangled key to two earthbound stations separated by
distances ten times greater or more. (For a preprint, see Ursin et
al., quant-ph/0607182)

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
magazines, and other news sources.  It is provided free of charge
as a way of broadly disseminating information about physics and
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Re: padlocks with backdoors - TSA approved

2007-02-27 Thread Sean McGrath

Ian Farquhar (ifarquha) wrote:

However, I will say that any government (or other) program which assumes
the honesty of employees and contractors is fundamentally flawed, 
and any associated risk analysis is either incompetent,

or in failing to identify risk to travellers, seriously incomplete.



The first time I used a TSA lock, it came back attached to one zipper
pull, not two, leaving the luggage unlocked will a locked lock.
The second time the lock did not come back. I don't use them any more.

Sean McGrath

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Chaos on a chip

2007-02-03 Thread Sean McGrath

 Original Message 

Subject: Physics News Update 810

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 810   30 January 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, Turner
Brinton, and Davide Castelvecchi


CHAOS ON A CHIP.  For the first time physicists have shown that well
structured chaos can be initiated in a photonic integrated circuit.
Furthermore, this represents the first time scientists have been
able to study optical chaos at gigahertz rates.
The output of a semiconductor laser is normally regular.  However,
if certain laser parameters are tweaked, such as by modulating the
electric current pumping the laser or by feeding back some of the
laser’s light from an external mirror, the overall laser output will
become chaotic; that is, the laser output will be unpredictable.  To
make the chaos even more dramatic (and exploitable) Mirvais Yousefi
and his colleagues at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (in the
Netherlands) use paired lasers, lasers built very close to each
other on a chip in such a way that each affects the operation of the
other.  The Eindhoven chip, using the paired-laser
mutual-perturbation approach to triggering chaos, is the first to
exhibit chaos directly-revealing telltale strange attractors on
plots of laser power at one instant versus laser power at a slightly
later instant-rather than indirectly through recording laser spectra.
Looking ahead to the day when opto-photonic chips are covered with
thousands or millions of lasers, the Eindhoven approach could allow
troubleshooters to pinpoint the whereabouts of misbehaving
lasers---not only that but possibly even exploit localized chaotic
effects to their advantage.
According to Yousefi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) other possible uses for
chip-based chaos will be the business of encryption, tomography, and
possibly even in the establishment of multi-tiered logic protocols,
those based not on just on the binary logic of 1s and 0s but on the
many intensity levels corresponding to the broadband output of the
chaotic laser system. (Yousefi et al., Physical Review Letters, 26
January 2007; text at )


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from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
magazines, and other news sources.  It is provided free of charge
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Your secrets are safe with quasar encryption

2006-03-29 Thread Sean McGrath

Your secrets are safe with quasar encryption

* 16:00 29 March 2006
* news service
* Will Knight

Intergalactic radio signals from quasars could emerge as an exotic but 
effective new tool for securing terrestrial communications against 

Japanese scientists have come up with a method for encrypting messages 
using the distant astronomical objects, which emit radio waves and are 
thought to be powered by black holes.

Ken Umeno and colleagues at the National Institute of Information and 
Communications Technology in Tokyo propose using the powerful radio 
signals emitted by quasars to lock and unlock digital communications in 
a secure fashion.

The researchers believe quasars could make an ideal cryptographic tool 
because the strength and frequency of the radio pulses they emit is 
impossible to predict. "Quasar-based cryptography is based on a physical 
fact that such a space signal is random and has a very broad frequency 
spectrum," Umeno told New Scientist.

One-time pad

Randomness provides a simple means of high-security information 
encryption, providing two communicating parties have access to the same 
source of random information. For example, a randomly generated 
"one-time pad" shared by two parties can be used to encrypt and decrypt 
a message by simply transposing each individual bit of a message for 
bits on the pad.

Genuine randomness is hard to generate artificially and the 
“pseudo-randomness” which most computers use is unsuitable for use in 
cryptography as patterns will be revealed over time. In addition, it is 
also tricky for two parties to share a source of randomness securely.

Umeno and his colleagues suggest using an agreed quasar radio signal to 
add randomness to a stream cipher - a method of encrypting information 
at high speed.

Each communicating party would only need to know which quasar to monitor 
and when to start in order to encrypt and decrypt a message. Without 
knowing the target quasar and time an eavesdropper should be unable to 
decrypt the message.

Umeno believes astronomical cryptography could appeal to anyone who 
requires high-security communications. He adds that the method does not 
require a large radio antenna or that the communicating parties be 
located in the same hemisphere, as radio signals can be broadcast over 
the internet at high speed.

"Concerning potential users, I suggest international financial 
institutions, governments and embassies," Umeno says.

The researchers used quasar signals collected by Very Long Baseline 
Interferometry antenna at the institute to encrypt messages and have 
filed two patents covering quasar-based cryptography: one for locking 
and unlocking messages and another for generating digital signatures 
that can be used to match messages or files to a person.

However, some cryptography researchers question the need for such an 
unusual means of securing messages.

"This is interesting research, but there's no reason for anyone to use 
it in a practical application," says Bruce Schneier of Counterpane 
Security. "Furthermore, this is a brand new idea. Why would anyone want 
to use something new and untested when we've already got lots of good 

Markus Kuhn from the University of Cambridge, UK, adds that the physical 
set-up could have potential weaknesses. "It is easy to play tricks with 
reception antennas," he says. For example, he suggests that an attacker 
could mimic a radio signal and "gain a lot of control over the signal 
that the receiver can see."

Related Articles

* Photon detector is precursor to broadband in space
* 21 March 2006
* Busted! A crisis in cryptography
* 17 December 2005
* Let chaos keep your secrets safe
* 19 November 2005


* National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
* Quasar Encryption patent

* Quasar Authentication patent

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Attack of the Teleclones

2006-02-15 Thread Sean McGrath

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 765  February14, 2006 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and
Davide Castelvecchi

ATTACK OF THE TELECLONES: Should quantum cryptographers begin to
worry?  In contrast with everyday matter, quantum systems such as
photons cannot  be copied, at least not perfectly, according to the
"no-cloning theorem."  Nonetheless, imperfect cloning is permitted,
so long as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle remains inviolate.
According to Heisenberg, measuring the position of a particle
disturbs it, and limits the accuracy to which its complementary
property (momentum) can be determined, making it impossible to
reliably replicate the particle's complete set of properties.
Now, quantum cloning has been combined with quantum teleportation in
the first full experimental demonstration of "telecloning" by
scientists at the University of Tokyo, the Japan Science and
Technology Agency, and the University of York (contact Sam
Braunstein, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Akira Furusawa,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). In ideal teleportation, the original is
destroyed and its exact properties are transmitted to a second,
remote particle (Heisenberg does not apply because no definitive
measurements are made on the original particle).  In telecloning,
the original is destroyed, and its properties are sent to not one
but two remote particles, with the original's properties
reconstructed to a maximum accuracy (fidelity) of less than 100%.
(Heisenberg limits the ability to make clones as otherwise
researchers could keep making copies of the original particle and
learn everything about its state.)
In their experiment, the researchers didn't just teleclone a single
particle, but rather an entire beam of laser light. They transmitted
the beam's electric field, specifically its amplitude and phase (but
not its polarization) to two nearly identical beams at a remote
location with 58% accuracy or fidelity (out of a theoretical limit
of 66%).  This remarkable feature of telecloning stems from the very
magic of  quantum mechanics: quantum entanglement. Telecloning
stands apart from local cloning and from teleportation in requiring
"multipartite" entanglement, a form of entanglement in which
stricter correlations are required between the quantum particles or
systems, in this case three beams of light.  (An example of a
multipartite entanglement is the GHZ state between three particles
that was featured in Update 414.)
In addition to representing a new quantum-information tool,
telecloning may have an exotic application: tapping quantum
cryptographic channels. Quantum cryptographic protocols are so
secure that they may discover tapping.  Nonetheless, with
telecloning, the identity and location of the eavesdropper could be
guaranteed uncompromised. (Koike et al., Physical Review Letters, 17
February 2006; for an earlier partial demonstration of telecloning,
between an original photon and one clone at a remote location and
another clone local to it, see Zhao et al., Phys Rev Lett, 13 July


PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
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Strengthening quantum cryptography by putting on blinders

2005-07-14 Thread Sean McGrath

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:11:59 -0400
Subject: Physics News Update 737

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 737 July 14, 2005  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein


Korea-UK team (contact Myungshik Kim, Queen's University, Belfast,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] , or Chilmin Kim, Paichai University) has
introduced a method for preventing several clever attacks against
quantum cryptography, a form of message transmission that uses the
laws of quantum physics to make sure an eavesdropper does not
covertly intercept the transmission.  Making the message sender and
receiver a little blind to each other's actions, the researchers
have shown, can bolster their success against potential
In quantum cryptography, a sender (denoted as Alice) transmits a
message to a receiver (called Bob) in the form of single photons
each representing the 0s and 1s of binary code. If an eavesdropper
(appropriately named Eve) attempts to intercept the message, she
will unavoidably disturb the photon through the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle, which says that even the gentlest observation
of the photon will perturb the particle. This will be instantly
detectable by Alice and Bob, who can stop the message and start
again.  Quantum cryptography is already being used in the real world
and is even available commercially as a way for companies to
transmit sensitive financial data.  But in its real-world
implementation, a weak pulse of light (rather than a perfect stream
of single photons) is sent down a transmission line that is "lossy,"
or absorbs photons.  So feasible attacks on quantum cryptography
include the pulse-splitting attack (in which Eve splits a
transmitted pulse into two pulses and examines one of them for
information), the pulse-cloning attack (in which a transmitted pulse
is copied to relatively high accuracy and then inspected for its
information), and the "man-in-middle" or impersonation attack, in
which Eve could impersonate Alice or Bob by intercepting the
transmission and acting as sender or receiver.
A new paper proposes a solution to these three attacks by proposing
a technique called "blind polarization."  In this technique, Alice
and Bob verify their identities to each other in a rather
paradoxical way, by performing some actions that is their own
private information. Yet these actions make the message completely
indecipherable to a third party. Alice creates a pair of pulses, but
with random polarizations (polarization indicates the direction or
angle in which each pulse's electric field points relative to some
reference, such as a horizontal line)  Alice sends the pulses to
Bob, who does not know the polarizations.  Nonetheless, without
measuring the polarization values, Bob is able to rotate the
polarization of one pulse by one amount and the other pulse by
another amount, but he doesn't tell Alice which pulses got which
treatment.  Alice receives the pulses, and then encodes them with a
message (representing the binary value 0 or 1, which could stand for
"no" or "yes), then blocks one of the pulses, without telling Bob
which one was blocked.  Bob then reverses the various polarizations
by a certain amount to get the desired message.  The various
polarization adjustments are designed in such a way that either
pulse Alice sends will yield the desired information.  According to
researcher Myungshik Kim, Alice has her own private information on
which pulse is blocked, while Bob has his own private information on
which pulse he rotated by a given amount.  Once Alice begins the
transmission, there is no way for Eve to have this private
information which makes their protocol effective against the
man-in-middle and other attacks. (Kye et al., Physical Review
Letters, upcoming article).  This paper is the latest in a wave that
plugs up potential vulnerabilities in quantum cryptography (for an
example of using
"quantum decoys" to thwart attacks, see Lo et al, Physical Review
Letters, 17 June 2005)

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
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[CSL Colloq] The Architecture of Colossus, the first PC * 4:15PM, Wed February 04, 2003 in Gates B03 (fwd)

2004-03-31 Thread Sean McGrath
[Note: Webcasts available live and from archives]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 00:23:31 -0800
Subject: [CSL Colloq] The Architecture of Colossus, the first PC * 4:15PM,
 Wed February 04, 2003 in Gates B03

   4:15PM, Wednesday, February 04, 2003
   NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B03[1]

Topic:The Architecture of Colossus, the first PC

Speaker:  Benjamin Wells
  University of San Francisco

About the talk:

Colossus, the first electronic digital computer, was built by
Tommy Flowers at the General Post Office Research Station in
Dollis Hill, London. It was installed during December 1943 at
Bletchley Park, the famous WWII British code-cracking enclave.
Its purpose was to assist with the decryption of wireless traffic
among German high-level commands encrypted using the Lorenz
teletype cipher machine. Called Colossus because of its size, it
could be run by a single operator --and often was. At least in
that sense, it was also the world's first personal computer.

Bletchley had already developed a highly successful automated
attack on the Enigma cipher system under the guidance and genius
of Alan Turing. Built without direct input from Turing, Colossus
was designed to support the cracking of the highest volume of
German strategic code transmissions. These intelligence-rich
messages were thousands of characters long, overshadowing the
hand-encoded tactical traffic using Enigma. Because Colossus was
kept secret until 1973, and full details of its use and
construction were not released until 2000, it did not play a
direct role in the evolution of digital computers. Of course,
many who worked on it were involved with later computers.

With the release of previously classified documents, interest in
Colossus has grown over the last three years. This accessible,
multimedia talk will compare the architectural features of
Colossus with those of modern PCs. Although it is tempting to
assert that the former was a stored-program general purpose
machine, as some have done in print, that analysis is less than
promising. What is amazing is that Colossus introduced buffered
I/O, branch decisions, biquinary representation, and bit masking,
and anticipated some deeper modern features: parallelism, dual
rail, hardware interrupt, shift register, asynchronous dataflow,
and plug-ins. Moreover, recent results (AMS Abstracts 04T-68-2)
show that a universal Turing machine could have been implemented
on a cluster of the ten Colossi, proving the power of Colossus.

About the speaker:

Benjamin Wells teaches both mathematics and computer science
courses at the University of San Francisco, including freshman
seminars that combine science and art. He holds degrees from MIT
and UC Berkeley and has studied in four countries. The last
student of noted logician Alfred Tarski, Wells works on the
boundary of logic, algebra, and computing; he also contributes to
computer graphics and visual communication. He won a John
Templeton Foundation science and religion course prize in 1998
and held the USF Davies Professorship in 1989. He enjoys
mysticism, cooking, computer-supported art, hiking, languages,
dancing, tales, and family.

Contact information:

Benjamin Wells
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of San Francisco

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