Re: 2048-bit RSA keys

2010-08-16 Thread Arash Partow

Paul Hoffman wrote:

You are under the wrong impression, unless you are reading vastly different 
crypto literature than the rest of us are. RSA-1024 *might* be possible to 
break in public at some point in the next decade, and RSA-2048 is a few orders 
of magnitude harder than that.

Just out of curiosity, assuming the optimal use of today's best of breed 
factoring algorithms - will there be enough energy in our solar system to 
factorize a 2048-bit RSA integer?

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Symmetric ciphers as hash functions

2005-10-31 Thread Arash Partow

Hi all,

How does one properly use a symmetric cipher as a cryptographic hash
function? I seem to be going around in circles.

Initially I thought you choose some known key and encrypt the data
with the key, using either the encrypted text or the internal state of
the cipher as the hash value, turns out all one needs to do to break
it, is decrypt the hash value with the "known" key and you get a value
which will produce the same hash value.

Reversing the situation (using the data as the key and a known plain-
text) makes a plaintext attack seem like a joy etc..

Are there any papers/books/etc that explain the implementation/use of
symmetric ciphers (particularly AES) as cryptographic hash functions?

btw I know that hash functions and symmetric ciphers share the same
structural heritage (feistel rounds etc...), I just don't seem to be
making the usage link at this point in time... :D

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards

Arash Partow

Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

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Query about hash function capability

2005-08-04 Thread Arash Partow

Hi all,

My question relates to hash functions in general and not specifically
cryptographic hashes. I was wondering if there exists a group of hash
function(s) that will return an identical result for sequentially
similar yet rotate/shift wise dissimilar input:

ie: input1 : abcdefg -> h(abcdefg) = 123
input2 : gabcdef -> h(gabcdef) = 123
input3 : fgabcde -> h(fgabcde) = 123

Here a,b,c,d,e,f,g represent symbols (ie: groups of bits with equivalent
group sizes etc...)

I know that one simple hash method would be to add the symbols
together, but the results would also be equivalent if say the symbols
were in any order, also collisions would occur with other totally
dissimilar sequences that happen to have the same sum as the sequence.

Is there anything out there research/papers etc, or is this a meaningless
avenue of enquiry?

any help would be very much appreciated.

Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

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Encryption Software Infers Guilt

2005-05-25 Thread Arash Partow

OK, the subject was a little exaggerated.

But in anycase feel free to read the following article:



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Re: I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-03-03 Thread Arash Partow

Reading the description from, it
seems that Peter might be right. I think this is just a re-hash of
already well established ideas.

In the case of a sending the password back to B, its a very similar
scenario to scene III where Athena suggests to Euripides that the
ticket life-time be once off (once use), Euripides goes "it would
make using services on the network too difficult why not give it a
time stamp for the duration of the person's work day" - a ticket
generating ticket. The play goes on from there, in the end "Charon"
which is then quickly renamed "Kerberos" is made. Then 1988 now 2005,
I would say thats about 13 years... :)

Name of play is "Designing An Authentication System: A Dialogue In Four Scence" 
by Bill Bryant


Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
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Re: How thorough are the hash breaks, anyway?

2004-08-28 Thread Arash Partow
NO sorry I can't understand the logic here, I think I understand the
maths behind message digests pretty well and to that point I don't see
how the recent results diminish the current crypto grade hash
functions in the least.
The researchers have brought about an obscure plain text and provided
another text that produces the same hash values
But in reality, what people (i.e.: attackers) want is something like this:
Attack at 1pm
to become
Attack at 3pm
with common hash values and not something like this:
AtTaZk @ Epn
Even if it did pass the crypto test i.e.: message digest, the literal
acceptance by a person would not pass. Now lets assume the case of
binary data, most data nowadays is compressed then encrypted. finding
a text which will also be uncompressible-per-compression-algorithm and
also pass the message digest for another particular text heck you'd
have better luck finding snow in the middle of hell. also nowadays some
people tend to use multiple digests of data sort of like pealing the
onion, in this case including the compression related difficulties etc
it all becomes very very near impossible. Possible but highly improbable
To date attacks on crypto (not the software but the algorithms) have
been centered around people implementing the algorithms incorrectly
i.e.: weak primes etc, in situations where everything is done by the
book, only software implementations of the algorithms and also users
of the system remain as the weak links in the chain known as a crypto
In a final word I would like to say thank-you the people that
did this research, the results were needed in order to prove a theory.
However everything should be taken into context.

Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.
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Re: Cryptography and the Open Source Security Debate

2004-08-28 Thread Arash Partow
I've had a look at the code, the main problems I see are side-channel
attacks. The implementation is pretty standard, strong primes, proper
fields etc, however no salt!
Key generation, or more so the process of key generation should be
unique every time regardless of how unique the parameters being passed
into the process are.
I think a few months ago a student from the weizmann inst. proposed analysis
of cpu noise as a side channel attack, the test code was PGP's key
That said acoustic attacks are not the only method for side channel
attacks, you have power and timing attacks, in theory if you could
sample these 3 channels you could be in much better position than if
you were only sampling one of the channels.
In short updates should be made to add salt to the calculations,
simple random operations being randomly added during the generation
process will suffice to eliminate the possibility for any of the above
Other than that PGP is pretty much standard, and unless tomorrow
someone comes up some really wacked-out number theory that will
prove futile many of the principles of the mathematics behind the
crypto systems of today I wouldn't worry too much ;)

Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

Jon Callas wrote:
On 10 Aug 2004, at 5:16 AM, John Kelsey wrote:
So, how many people on this list have actually looked at the PGP key 
generation code in any depth?  Open source makes it possible for 
people to look for security holes, but it sure doesn't guarantee that 
anyone will do so, especially anyone who's at all good at it.

The relevant key generation code can be found in:
(those are backslashes on Windows, of course). The RSA key generation, 
for example is in ./pgpRSAKey.c.

You might also want to look at .../crypto/bignum and .../crypto/random/ 
while you're at it.

There is also high-level code in .../crypto/keys/pgpKeyMan.c for public 
key generation.

Incidentally, none of the issues that lrk brought up (RSA key being made 
from an "easy to factor" composite, a symmetric key that is a weak key, 
etc.) are unique to PGP. This should be obvious, but I have to say it.

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