example: secure computing kernel needed

2003-12-11 Thread John S. Denker
Previous discussions of secure computing technology have
been in some cases sidetracked and obscured by extraneous
notions such as
 -- Microsoft is involved, therefore it must be evil.
 -- The purpose of secure computing is DRM, which is
intrinsically evil ... computers must be able to
copy anything anytime.
Now, in contrast, here is an application that begs for
a secure computing kernel, but has nothing to do with
microsoft and nothing to do with copyrights.
Scenario:  You are teaching chemistry in a non-anglophone
country.  You are giving an exam to see how well the
students know the periodic table.
 -- You want to allow students to use their TI-83 calculators
for *calculating* things.
 -- You want to allow the language-localization package.
 -- You want to disallow the app that stores the entire
periodic table, and all other apps not explicitly
The hardware manufacturer (TI) offers a little program
that purports to address this problem
but it appears to be entirely non-cryptologic and therefore
easily spoofed.
I leave it as an exercise for the reader to design a
calculator with a secure kernel that is capable of
certifying something to the effect that "no apps and
no data tables (except for ones with the following
hashes) have been accessible during the last N hours."
Note that I am *not* proposing reducing the functionality
of the calculator in any way.  Rather I am proposing a
purely additional capability, namely the just-mentioned
certification capability.
I hope this example will advance the discussion of secure
computing.  Like almost any powerful technology, we need
to discuss
 -- the technology *and*
 -- the uses to which it will be put
... but we should not confuse the two.
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Re: Gresham's Law?

2003-11-21 Thread John S. Denker
On 11/19/2003 07:51 PM, Jon Callas wrote:
This is indeed the only case I know of where government has given 
protection and preference to inferior systems over superior ones.
It's not hard to discover other cases.

At the philosophical level, one could argue that
protecting the weak is one of the most fundamental
raisons d'etre for a government.
If you don't like the effects of Gresham's law,
replacing it with the law of the jungle isn't
really an improvement.  Practicality lies in
the vast gray area in the middle.
As a specific example, consider the legal status
of the lock on my door.  Any burglar with even
rudimentary skills could pick the lock.  One with
even less skill could break the fancy glass
beside the door.  More-secure locks and more-secure
doors are readily available.  Yet the law takes
notice of the lock.  If I don't have a door, if
you waltz in it might be trespass or it might be
no offence at all.  But if you pick or smash your
way past a locked door, without permission or
some very special reason, it's likely to be
felony breaking and entering.
Maybe you think that the B&E laws should only
apply to state-of-the-art high security vaults.
I don't.  I think the existing lock performs a
useful symbolic role:  it puts you on notice
that you don't belong there.  You can't get
past it by accident.  The law takes over from
> . in my talks and testimony about the DMCA.
> I referred to Gresham's Law as it applies to security. I also have
> called the DMCA "The Snake-Oil Protection Act."
A friend of mine once told me:  Never support a
strong argument with a weak one.
There exist strong arguments why DMCA is a bad
law.  Boldly asserting that the government has
never heretofore built laws around imperfect
technology is not going to impress any lawmakers.
Also, if you're going to argue against something,
it pays to know where the other side is coming
from.  In the areas where cypto works well, it
works so extraordinarily well that bad systems
can, over time, be drowned in their own snake-oil
and forgotten.  If protecting substandard crypto
were the only issue, I doubt anybody would have
gone to the trouble of passing a law.
The point of the law is elsewhere:  the proponents
are worried about what happens in the thousand and
one cases where strong crypto doesn't solve the
To repeat:  If you want to make an argument against
the other side, it's a bad strategy to start by
misjuding what they're arguing for.
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Re: SSL, client certs, and MITM (was WYTM?)

2003-10-22 Thread John S. Denker
On 10/22/2003 04:33 PM, Ian Grigg wrote:
> The frequency of MITM attacks is very low, in the sense that there
> are few or no reported occurrences.
We have a disagreement about the facts on this point.
See below for details.
> This makes it a challenge to
> respond to in any measured way.
We have a disagreement about the philosophy of how to
"measure" things.  One should not design a bridge according
to a simple "measurement" of the amount of cross-river
traffic in the absence of a bridge.  One should not approve
a launch based on the "observed fact" that previous instances
of O-ring failures were non-fatal.
Designers in general, and cryptographers in particular,
ought to be proactive.
But this philosophy discussion is a digression, because
we have immediate practical issues to deal with.
> Nobody doubts that it can occur, and that it *can* occur in practice.
> It is whether it *does* occur that is where the problem lies.
According to the definitions I find useful, MITM is
basically a double impersonation.  For example,
Mallory impersonates PayPal so as to get me to
divulge my credit-card details, and then impersonates
me so as to induce my bank to give him my money.
This threat is entirely within my threat model.  There
is nothing hypothetical about this threat.  I get 211,000
hits from
SSL is distinctly less than 100% effective at defending
against this threat.  It is one finger in a dike with
multiple leaks.  Client certs arguably provide one
additional finger ... but still multiple leaks remain.

The expert reader may have noticed that there are
other elements to the threat scenario I outlined.
For instance, I interact with Mallory for one seemingly
trivial transaction, and then he turns around and
engages in numerous and/or large-scale transactions.
But this just means we have more than one problem.
A good system would be robust against all forms
of impersonation (including MITM) *and* would be
robust against replays *and* would ensure that
trivial things and large-scale things could not
easily be confused.  Et cetera.
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2003-10-17 Thread John S. Denker
On 10/16/2003 07:19 PM, David Honig wrote:
> it would make sense for the original vendor website (eg Palm)
> to have signed the "MITM" site's cert (palmorder.modusmedia.com),
> not for Verisign to do so.  Even better, for Mastercard to have signed
> both Palm and palmorder.modusmedia.com as well.  And Mastercard to
> have printed its key's signature in my monthly paper bill.
Bravo.  Those are golden words.

Let me add my few coppers:

1) This makes contact with a previous thread wherein
the point was made that people often unwisely talk
about identities when they should be talking about
credentials aka capabilities.
I really don't care about the identity of the
order-taking agent (e.g. palmorder.modusmedia.com).
What I want to do is establish the *credentials*
of this *session*.  I want a session with the
certified capability to bind palm.com to a
contract, and the certified capability to handle
my credit-card details properly.
2) We see that threat models (as mentioned
in the Subject: line of this thread), while
an absolutely vital part of the story, are
not the whole story.  One always needs a
push-pull approach, documenting the good
things that are supposed to happen *and* the
bad things that are supposed to not happen
(i.e. threats).
3) To the extent that SSL focuses on IDs rather
than capabilities, IMHO the underlying model has
room for improvement.
4a) This raises some user-interface issues.  The
typical user is not a world-class cryptographer
and may not have a clear idea just what ensemble
of credentials a given session ought to have.
This is not a criticism of credentials;  the user
doesn't know what ID the session ought to have
under the current system, as illustrated by the
Palm example.  The point is that if we want
something better than what we have now, we have
a lot of work to do.
4b) As a half-baked thought:  One informal intuitive
notion that users have is that if a session displays
the MasterCard *logo* it must be authorized by
MasterCard.  This notion is enforceable by law
in the long run.  Can we make it enforceable
cryptographically in real time?  Perhaps the CAs
should pay attention not so much to signing domain
names (with some supposed responsibility to refrain
from signing abusively misspelled names e.g.
pa1m.com) but rather more to signing logos (with
some responsibility to not sign bogus ones).
Then the browser (or other user interface) should
to verify -- automatically -- that a session that
wishes to display certain logos can prove that
it is authorized to do so.  If the logos check
out, they should be displayed in some distinctive
way so that a cheap facsimile of a logo won't be
mistaken for a cryptologically verified logo.
Even if you don't like my half-baked proposal (4b)
I hope we can all agree that the current ID-based
system has room for improvement.

Tangentially-related point about credentials:

In a previous thread the point was made that
anonymous or pseudonymous credentials can only
say positive things.  That is, I cannot discredit
you by giving you a discredential.  You'll just
throw it away.  If I somehow discredit your
pseudonym, you'll just choose another and start
This problem can be alleviated to some extent
if you can post a fiduciary bond.  Then if you
do something bad, I can demand compensation from
the agency that issued your bond.  If this
happens a lot, they may revoke your bond.  That
is, you can be discredited by losing a credential.
This means I can do business with you without
knowing your name or how to find you.  I just
need to trust the agency that issued your bond.
The agency presumably needs to know a lot about
you, but I don't.
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Re: cryptographic ergodic sequence generators?

2003-10-15 Thread John S. Denker
Perry E. Metzger wrote:

>>I've noted to others on this before that for an application like
>>the IP fragmentation id, it might be even better if no repeats
>>occurred in any block of 2^31 (n being 32) but the sequence did not
>>repeat itself (or at least could be harmlessly reseeded at very very
>>long intervals).
I assume the point of the reseeding is to make
the ID-values more unpredictable.
On 09/07/2003 11:18 AM, David Wagner wrote:
> Let E_k(.) be a secure block cipher on 31 bits with key k.
> Pick an unending sequence of keys k0, k1, k2, ... for E.
> Then your desired sequence can be constructed by
>   E_k0(0), E_k0(1), E_k0(2), ..., E_k0(2^31 - 1),
>   2^31 + E_k1(0), 2^31 + E_k1(1), ..., 2^31 + E_k1(2^31 - 1),
>   E_k2(0), E_k2(1), E_k2(2), ..., E_k2(2^31 - 1),
>   2^31 + E_k3(0), 2^31 + E_k3(1), ..., 2^31 + E_k3(2^31 - 1),
Again if we assume the point is to make the values
unpredictable (not just ergodic), then there is
room for improvement.
To see what I mean, divide the values into generations
G=0,1,2,3... where each row in the tableau above is
one generation.
The problem is that at the end of each generation,
the values become highly predictable, à la Blackjack.
David's proposal can be improved by the method used
by Blackjack dealers:  shuffle early.  In each
generation, let the argument of E_kG(.) max out at
some fraction (f) of 2^(n-1).  A limit of f=1/2 is
the obvious choice, although other f values e.g. f=2/3
work nicely too.  The domain and range of E_kG(.) are
still unrestricted (n-1)-bit numbers.
This gives us the following properties
 -- Guaranteed no repeats within the last f*2^(n-1) IDs.
 -- Probably no repeats in an even longer time.
 -- Even if the opponent is a hard-working Blackjack
player, he has only one chance in (1-f)*2^(n-1)
of guessing the next value.  To put this number in
context, note that the opposition has one chance
in 2^(n-1) of guessing the next value without any
work at all, just by random guessing.
Setting f too near zero degrades the no-repeat guarantee.
Setting f too near unity leads to the Blackjack problem.
Setting f somewhere in the middle should be just fine.

Discussion of conceivable refinements:

A proposal that keeps coming up is to take the values
generated above and run them through an additional
encryption stage, with a key that is randomly chosen
at start-up time (then held fixed for all generations).
The domain and range of this post-processing stage
are n-bit numbers.
This makes the output seem more elegant, in that we
have unpredictability spread over the whole n-bit word,
rather than having n-1 hard-to-predict bits plus one
almost-constant bit.
Define the phase to be P := (G mod 2).

The opponent will have to collect roughly 2^n data
points before being able to figure out which values
belong to which phase, so initially his guess rate
will be closer to one in 2^n, which is a twofold
improvement ... temporarily.
This temporary improvement is not permanent, if we
allow the opponent to have on the order of 2^n
memory.  He will in the long run learn which values
belong to which phase.  I see no way to prevent this.
So as far as I can tell, the proposed post-processing
is more in the nature of a temporary annoyance to the
opposition, and should not be considered industrial-strength
Perhaps more to the point, if we are going to allow
the opposition to have 2^n memory, it would be only
fair to allow the good guys to have 2^n memory.  In
that case, all the schemes discussed above pale in
comparison to something I suggested previously, namely
generating an ID absolutely randomly, but using a
look-up table to check if it has been used recently,
in which case we veto it and generate another.  If
you can afford the look-up table, these randomly
generated IDs have the maximum possible unpredictability.
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anonymity +- credentials

2003-10-03 Thread John S. Denker
On 10/03/2003 01:26 PM, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> It seems to me that perfect pseudonymity *is* anonymity.
They're not quite the same thing; see below.

> Frankly, without the ability to monitor reputation, you don't have
> ways of controlling things like transactions, for instance. It's just
> that people are still mystified by the concept of biometric
> is-a-person identity, which strong cryptography can completely
> divorce from reputation.
We agree that identification is *not* the issue, and
that lots of people are confused about this.
I'm not sure "reputation" is exactly the right concept
either;  the notion of "credentials" is sometimes better,
and the operating-systems folks speak of "capabilities".
There are three main possibilities:
 -- named (unique static handle)
 -- pseudonymous (dynamic handles)
 -- anonymous (no handle all)
Sometimes pseudonyms are more convenient than having no
handle at all.  It saves you the trouble of having to
re-validate your credentials at every micro-step of the
process (whatever the process may be).
Oftentimes pseydonyms are vastly preferable to a static
name, because you can cobble up a new one whenever you
like, subject to the cost of (re)establishing your
credentials from scratch.
The idea of linking (bidirectionally) all credentials
with the static is-a-person identity is a truly terrible
idea.  It dramatically *reduces* security.  Suppose Jane
Doe happens to have the following credentials
 -- Old enough to buy cigarettes.
 -- Has credit-card limit > $300.00
 -- Has credit-card limit > $3000.00
 -- Has car-driving privileges.
 -- Has commercial pilot privileges.
 -- Holds US citizenship.
 -- Holds 'secret' clearance.
When Jane walks into a seedy bar, someone can reasonably
ask to verify her "old-enough" credential.  She might
not want this query to reveal her exact age, and she
might *really* not want it to reveal her home address (as
many forms of "ID" do), and she might *really* *really*
not want it to reveal all her other credentials and
*) There is an exploding epidemic of "ID" theft.
That is a sure sign that people keep confusing
capability --> identity and identity --> capabilities.
*) There are those who want us to have a national ID-checking
infrastructure as soon as possible.  They think this will
increase security.  I think it is a giant step in the wrong
*) Reputation (based on a string of past interactions) is
one way, but not the only way, to create a credential that
has some level of trust.

We need a practical system for anonymous/pseudonymous
credentials.  Can somebody tell us, what's the state of
the art?  What's currently deployed?  What's on the
drawing boards?
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Re: Monoculture

2003-10-01 Thread John S. Denker
On 10/01/2003 11:22 AM, Don Davis wrote:
> there's another rationale my clients often give for
> wanting a new security system, instead of the off-
> the-shelf standbys:  IPSec, SSL, Kerberos, and the
> XML security specs are seen as too heavyweight for
> some applications.  the developer doesn't want to
> shoehorn these systems' bulk and extra flexibility
> into their applications, because most applications
> don't need most of the flexibility offered by these
> systems.
Is that a rationale, or an irrationale?

According to 'ps', an all-up ssh system is less
than 3 megabytes (sshd, ssh-agent, and the ssh
client).  At current memory prices, your clients
would save less than $1.50 per system even if
their custom software could reduce this "bulk"
to zero.
With the cost of writing custom software being
what it is, they would need to sell quite a
large number of systems before de-bulking began
to pay off.  And that's before accounting for
the cost of security risks.
> some shops experiment with the idea of using only
> part of OpenSSL, but stripping unused stuff out of
> each new release of OpenSSL is a maintenance hassle.
1) Well, they could just ignore the new release
and stick with the old version.  Or, if they think
the new features are desirable, then they ought
to compare the cost of "re-stripping" against the
cost of implementing the new desirable features
in the custom code.
I'm just trying to inject some balance into the
balance sheet.
2) If you do a good job "stripping" the code, you
could ask the maintainers to put your #ifdefs into
the mainline version.  Then you have no maintenance
hassle at all.
> they want their crypto clothing
> to fit well, but what's available off-the-rack is
> a choice between frumpy
Aha.  They want to make a fashion statement.

That at least is semi-understandable.  People do
expensive and risky things all the time in the name
of fashion.
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Re: quantum hype

2003-09-19 Thread John S. Denker
On 09/19/2003 12:07 PM, Matt Crawford wrote:
I'm always stuck on that little step where Alice tells Bob what basis
 she used for each photon sent.  Tells him how?  
That's a fair question.  Here's an outline of
the answer.
We choose an eps << 1.

We ask how many people accurately received a
fraction (1-eps) of the bits.
 -- perhaps nobody received that many.  This
will be detected.  No key exchange will
take place.  Start over.  Do not pass Go,
do not collect $200.00.
 -- perhaps one person did.  In this case,
without loss of generality, we call this
person Bob.
 -- the laws of quantum mechanics assure us
that not more than one person will receive
that many bits.  Quanta cannot be copied.
Alice can then publish in the clear (e.g. on
netnews) what basis she used for transmitting.
This information is of little use to anyone
except Bob (exponentially little, as a function
of eps and other parameters).  Anyone who
tampers with this message can cause a DoS but
not a compromise of the data.
Alice and Bob proceed with the integrity checks
leading to the key exchange as previously described.
After the key exchange has taken place, Alice
and Bob can use the key to set up a tunnel to
keep their discussions private.  Probably one
of the first things they will do is exchange
authentication messages through the newly
created tunnel.  Thereby Alice can decide
whether this Bob is the Bob she wanted to
talk to, as opposed to an impersonator.
Similarly Bob ought to check Alice's creds.
>  They need integrity
 protection and endpoint authentication for N bits of basis.  
No, the authentication etc. can quite
nicely come after the quantum key exchange,
as I previously mentioned.
>  Is the
 quantum trick ... really as exciting as it's made out to be?
We need a more specific question.

Does quantum key exchange solve all of the world's
problems?  Surely not.
Does quantum key exchange solve *any* of the world's
problems?  More specifically, is there any plausible
scenario where QKE is more cost-effective than
conventional modern crypto, within (say) the next
ten years?  I tend to doubt it, but it's hard to
be sure.  What is the chance of a treeemendous
cryptanalytic breakthrough that will defeat all or
most of the currently-used ciphers?  I'd say the
chance is less than 1%.  But is it less than one
in a million?  Or perhaps more relevantly, what
is the chance that an enemy black-bag artist or a
traitor or a bungler will compromise all my keys
and/or all my plaintext?  The latter is not to
be sneezed at, and puts an upper bound on what
I'm willing to pay for fancy crypto.
To calibrate the sincerity of my estimate:  I
walked away from a potential job managing some
major programs in this area.
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Re: quantum hype

2003-09-19 Thread John S. Denker
I wrote:
>>  *) In each block, Mallory has a 50/50 chance of being able to
>>  copy a bit without being detected.
On 09/18/2003 12:02 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
> This is what I don't buy. If Mallory sees the data, it must be
> detected, because otherwise the approach is flawed. But in any case
> does Mallory have the means to completely DoS any attempt of
> communication between the parties, simply by reading along, unless
> there is a dedicated channel between Alice and Bob. In which case,
> why is there a need for quantum cryptography in the first place?
Yes, Mallory can DoS the setup by reading (and thereby
trashing) every bit.  But Mallory can DoS the setup by
chopping out a piece of the cable.  The two are equally
effective and equally detectable.  Chopping is cheaper and
Other key-exchange methods such as DH are comparably
incapable of solving the DoS problem.  So why bring up
the issue?
>>There is only one chance in 2^-C that Mallory knows this bit.

> One chance in 2^C, otherwise it would be deadly, no? But in any
> case, Reasonable keysized DH exchanges give me the same security
> with a lot more flexibility, and a lot less chance for DoS. I still
> don't buy it.
The claim that DH is "secure" rests on certain assumptions
about which computational operations are easy and which
are not.  These assumptions are open to question to some
degree.  Numbers that some people considered hopelessly
difficult to factor a few years ago have been factored.
One can imagine a world where factoring is computationally
easy;  it wouldn't be the end of the world.  If you can
_prove_ DH is secure, please let us know immediately.
The security of the quantum algorithms rests on entirely
different foundations.  Nobody has been able to even
imagine a world where quanta are copyable, without
contradicting well-observed physical facts.  People
have tried.  Seriously.  If you have a consistent theory
of physics that repeals the uncertainty principle, please
let us know immediately.
> How can you check for tampering without reading the data off the
> channel? Checksums?
I spelled this out in my previous email.  It's a
standard quality-assurance check using sampling.
> why do I need QC then if I have
> a dedicated channel anyhow?
Suppose I *wish* to set up a dedicated channel.  Dedicated
means nobody but me is using it.  Wishing doesn't suffice.
I went through the motions of setting it up, and maybe I
was the only person hooked onto it yesterday, but how do
I know it hasn't been tapped sometime since then?  Quantum
key-exchange provides powerful assurance that the wished-for
property is actually achieved.

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Re: quantum hype

2003-09-13 Thread John S. Denker
On 09/13/2003 05:43 PM, David Wagner wrote:
> I believe the following is an accurate characterization:
>  Quantum provides confidentiality (protection against eavesdropping),
>  but only if you've already established authenticity (protection
>  against man-in-the-middle attacks) some other way.
I wouldn't have put it quite that way.  Authenticity
doesn't need to come before confidentiality.
Let's consider various threats:
 1) passive eavesdropping.
 2) active eavesdropping including tampering.
 3) simple impersonation at the far end.
 4) MITM, which can be considered a form of
active eavesdropping by means of a double
Quantum key exchange provides end-to-end protection
against passive eavesdropping.  It plugs into the
block diagram in the same place as Diffie-Hellman
key exchange would plug in.  It's the same only a
little stronger (no assumptions about algorithmic
That means you can establish a confidential but
anonymous tunnel, and then send authentication
messages through the tunnel.
As far as I know, there are no quantum algorithms
that prevent impersonation.  Perhaps I'll learn of
some tomorrow, but I would be truly surprised.
Quantum mechanics isn't going to tell you that
John Doe #137 is a good guy while John Doe #138
is a bad guy.
This is quite significant, because key exchange is
only one part of any practical system.  Quantum
mountebanks claim to have solved "the" key
distribution problem, but this is untrue.  They
have dealt with _exchange_ of session keys, but
they have not dealt with the _distribution_ of
authentication keys.
Distributing and securing any kind of keys under
(say) battlefield conditions is a nightmare.
Reducing the amount of keying material helps
only slightly, unless you can reduce it to zero,
which has not been achieved AFAIK.
Then you have to consider the cost of very special
endpoint equipment, the cost of a very special
communication channel, and the cost of using that
channel inefficiently.
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Re: quantum hype

2003-09-13 Thread John S. Denker
On 09/13/2003 03:52 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
> ... any observation of the quantum stream is immediately
> detectable -- but at the recipient's side, and only if checksums are
> being employed, which are not disturbed by continual or sporadic
> photon flips.
> someone will have
> access to the 20 bytes before the recipient can look at the 20
> bytes, decide they have been "tampered" with, and alert the sender.
> So I use symmetric encryption and quantum cryptography for the key
> exchange... the same situation here. Maybe the recipient will be
> able to tell the sender about the junk it receives, but Mallory
> already has read some of the text being ciphered.
1) As the subject: line suggests, there is indeed a lot
of hype in the quantum crypto business.  But there is
also a kernel of reality behind it.
2) Typically people use a combination of quantum and non-quantum
3) Typically there is a multi-stage process:
 -- Exchange several blocks of keying material.
 -- Check for tampering;  reject blocks that show tampering.
 -- Do some post-processing to reduce vulerability
to undetected tampering.
 -- Use the result to encrypt your actual data.  This
is the first stage at which valuable data is exposed
in any way.
Consider the possibilities:
  *) In each block, Mallory has a 50/50 chance of being able
  to copy a bit without being detected.
  *) More generally, Mallory has a 2^-C chance of being able
  to copy C bits without being detected.
As an easy-to-understand example:
You (Alice and Bob, the good guys) choose a C big enough
that 2^-C looks negligible to you.  Alice sends Bob a
bunch of bits (N>>2C).  Bob tells Alice (in the clear) what
receiver settings he used.  Alice then knows which bits
Bob should have been able to receive correctly.  Alice
tells Bob (in the clear) to check a randomly-chosen set
of C bits, checking that they have the values Alice
thinks they should have.  If this test is passed, it
puts an upper bound on how greedy Mallory has been.
Then Alice tells Bob (in the clear) to use another
(disjoint) set of C bits.  Bob XORs these bits together
and calls it one bit of key.  There is only one chance
in 2^-C that Mallory knows this bit.  The efficiency of the
key-exchange is roughly one part in 2C.  So there is an
exponential security/efficiency tradeoff.  Not too shabby.
The foregoing assumed an error-free channel.  Things get
much worse if the good guys need to do error correction.
There are snake-oily products out there that throw in
some "mild" cryptographic assumptions in order to increase
the efficiency.  So beware.
On 09/13/2003 05:06 PM, David Wagner wrote:
> Quantum cryptography *assumes* that you
> have an authentic, untamperable channel between sender and receiver.
Not true.  The signal is continually checked for
tampering;  no assumption need be made.
Not all the world's oil comes from snakes.
Some does, some doesn't.
> if we want end-to-end security, one can't
> stick classical routers or other such equipment in the middle of the
> connection between you and I.
That's true.  A classical router is indistinguishable
from a tap.
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Re: cryptographic ergodic sequence generators?

2003-09-07 Thread John S. Denker
On 09/06/2003 02:09 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> For making things like IP fragmentation ids and other similar
> protocol elements unpredictable,
OK, that more-or-less defines an objective.

> it would be useful to have what I'll call a cryptographic ergodic
> sequence generator
I'm not at all sure that is the best way to approach
the stated objective.
As usual, we need a clear idea of what threats we
are facing; we need more detail than is provided by
the objective mentioned above.  Also, as always, we
want to impose large costs on the bad guys and
small costs on the good guys, so we need to have
some sort of cost model.  In this case, the main
issues appear to be:
 a) some cost if try to re-use an ID prematurely.
 b) some cost if the bad guy guesses what ID we are
going to use in the near future.  (Presumably he
can replay IDs from the recent past as much as
he wants;  we can't stop that.)
 c) constraints on n, the number of bits in the ID.
 d) computation costs and communication costs.
 e) possibly it is important for our peer at the
receiving end to be able to treat our IDs as
being _sequential_ and well-ordered, as the
Subject: of this thread suggests, as opposed
to being merely distinct.
There's no point in designing something that works
well only when it is not under attack... so let's
assume it is under heavy attack.  The bad guy is
trying like crazy to guess IDs.  This means that
cost (b) must be taken very seriously.
In particular, suppose we have an ergodic design
with n=24.  Then the bad guy can just sit and watch
the first 16 million packets, and can then eat us
for lunch, predicting future IDs with 100% success.
In the long run (large numbers of packets), this is
outcome is as bad as anything could possibly be.
We can do better.

I recommend we consider schemes that are not
strictly ergodic, but instead incorporate some
degree of randomness.
To understand the effectiveness of my schemes, we
must understand item (c), the constraints on n.
Let us suppose that there can be at most 2^k IDs
"alive" in the system at any one time.
 -- Obviously we must have n>=k;  otherwise it
would be impossible to use the IDs reliably, even
in the absence of an attack.
 -- More interestingly, we need to assume n is
appreciably bigger than k, or the whole game is
not worth playing.  That's because the bad guy
has one chance in 2^(n-k) of guessing an ID that
corresponds to an "alive" ID, no matter how
cleverly we choose the IDs.
Therefore, without further ado:

Scheme #1:  Construct a n-bit-long plain-ID using
a k-bit counter concatenated with (n-k) bits of
randomness.  Then form the final crypto-ID by
encrypting the plain-ID.  (The encryption key is
randomly chosen at system boot time, and remains
This guarantees that no ID will collide with any
of the 2^k most-recently-used IDs.  It also
guarantees that the bad guy's chance of guessing
the next ID is only 2^(n-k).  [After all, *we*
don't have any better chance of guessing our next
ID, because of the randomness.]
In the long run, this is better than the strictly
ergodic scheme by a factor of 2^(n-k).  This is
about as well as we can do, in a minimax sense,
based on the maximum success the bad guy can have.
NOTE:  If the IDs need to be sequential, as
mentioned in desideratum (e) above, then we need to
give the decryption key to our peer at the receiving
end.  The peer can recover the plain-ID, discard
the randomness, and use the counter for sequencing.
Scheme #2:  We could go to the extreme of having
no counter at all, just n bits of randomness.  To
prevent collisions, we use a content-addressable
memory sufficient to remember the last 2^k IDs we
sent.  We choose candidate IDs at random; if a candidate
would cause a collision, we discard the candidate and
try again.  This anti-collision step increases
computational costs by roughly one part in 2^(n-k)
and increases communications costs not at all.
About the only advantage this has over scheme #1 has
to do with whether you think k is an upper bound or
a typical value.  If the typical number of "alive"
IDs in the system is less than the maximum number,
scheme #2 introduces more randomness and therefore
makes life harder for the bad guy.
This of course totally sacrifices any notion of
Scheme #3:  This is a hybrid of scheme #1 and scheme
#2.  Keep a c-bit counter, where we allow c to be
less than k.  This absolutely guarantees no collisions
with the last 2^c IDs, and makes it highly likely
that there will be no collisions stretching back much
farther than that.  We take our chances, without
bothering to have a content-addressable memory.
This scheme exploits the tradeoff between cost (a)
and cost (b).  In the likely case that cost (b) is
much larger, it might pay to reduce the chance of
incurring cost (b) even if this means a slight risk
of incurring cost (a).
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lopsided Feistel (was: cryptographic ergodic sequence generators)

2003-09-06 Thread John S. Denker
On 09/06/2003 02:33 PM, Tim Dierks wrote:
> I'm sure that it would be possible to design a Feistel-based block
> cipher with variable block size, supporting some range of even values
> of n.
There's no need to exclude odd n.

I know the typical superficial textbook describes
the Feistel trick in terms of splitting each block
exactly in half, but if you understand the trick
you see that it works just fine for other splits.
It doesn't need to be anywhere near half.  It
doesn't even need to be a two-way split.
You could process a 21-bit word as:
 -- three groups of seven, or
 -- seven groups of three, or
 -- one group of twelve and one group of nine, or
 -- whatever.
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Re: cryptographic ergodic sequence generators?

2003-09-06 Thread John S. Denker
On 09/06/2003 02:09 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> For making things like IP fragmentation ids and other similar
> protocol elements unpredictable, it would be useful to have what I'll
> call a cryptographic ergodic sequence generator -- that is, a
> generator that will produce a sequence of n bit numbers such that
> there are no repeats until you pass the 2^nth number in the sequence
> (that is, the sequence is a permutation of all 2^n bit numbers) and
> such that it is very difficult to predict what the next number in the
> sequence might be beyond the fact that it will not be one of the
> numbers seen earlier in the sequence. It is also rather important
> that the generator be computationally inexpensive.
> Anyone know how to produce such a thing?
Encrypted counter.

The counter provably has a cycle of 2^n.
The encryption is provably 1-to-1.
Choose the encryption key randomly and keep it secret.
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Re: PRNG design document?

2003-09-02 Thread John S. Denker
On 08/29/2003 03:43 PM, Tim Dierks wrote:

> Allow me to clarify my problem a little. I'm commonly engaged to
> review source code for a security audit, some such programs include a
> random number generator, many of which are of ad-hoc design. The
> nature of such audits is that it's much more appealing to be able to
> say "here are three accepted guidelines that your generator violates"
> rather than "I haven't seen that before and I don't like it, you
> should replace it with something else".
That's a very helpful clarification.

> So I'm interested in such design guidelines, if they're available,
> which such a generator could be tested against. While the resources
> provided have been useful, it's only led me to where I was: that the
> only way to do so is to attempt to analyze the system for
> vulnerability to a collection of known flaws.
That dissatisfaction is wise. Checking for
known flaws is far from sufficient. It is
possible to do much better.
> I know a bunch of basic, obvious things that I can state (have a
> large enough internal state, generate output with a secure hash,
> etc.) and a bunch of other fuzzier notions that are harder to
> concretize (output should be dependent on a sufficient quantity of
> the internal pool, reseeding should affect a sufficent quantity of
> the internal pool, etc.). But I don't have a resource which attempts
> to canonically define minimal requirements for all these elements.
> (If I have missed such a list in skimming the broad resources
> available, I'd appreciate a note.)
First, as is so common in this business, a lot
depends on the threat model.
-- If some scientist is doing Monte Carlo integrations,
almost anything will be "random enough". I recommend
using a long-period counter feeding MD5; that is
sufficiently random and sufficiently efficient that
it's probably not worth considering alternatives.
-- At the other extreme, for some high-stakes
adversarial applications, such a nationwide lottery
or military crypto, *none* of the fuzzy concepts
mentioned above come anywhere near being sufficient.
Also keep in mind that many of the biggest threats
against a PRNG do not attack the algorithm itself,
but rather attack the *seed*. The state must be
initialized (which is hard) and protected forever
after (which is hard).
I know the Subject: of this thread mentions PRNG, but
I would not use a pseudo-random number generator for
any high-stakes adversarial application.
In particular, if anybody cares enough to hire you,
asking you whether the PRNG is good enough, the
answer almost certainly is no.
Also note that I have made it very easy to use a
hardware random number generator. For any high-stakes
adversarial situation, I strongly recommend using
For details, see
If you want some "principles" that are "violated"
by typical RNGs, start with this:  the RNG needs
to come with a proof of correctness. In particular,
this should include some sort of guaranteed lower
bound on the entropy density of the generated symbols.
In the case of any RNG with persisent state, there
should be a proof that the seed is random and the
state remains secure for all time.
That's not a complete list of principles, but it
should suffice to disqualify most of the junk
that is out there.
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Re: traffic analysis

2003-08-29 Thread John S. Denker
On 08/28/2003 04:26 PM, David Wagner wrote:
> Are you sure you understood the attack?
Are you sure you read my original note?

> The attack assumes that communications links are insecure.

I explicitly hypothesized that the links were
encrypted. The cryptotext may be observed and
its timing may be tampered with, but I assumed
the attackers could not cut through the
encryption to get at the plaintext.
> The *transmission* from Alice may adhere to a fixed schedule, but
> that doesn't prevent the attacker from introducing delays into the
> packets after transmission.
Fine. So far the timing doesn't tell us anything
about the behavior of Alice, just the behavior
of the attacker.
> For instance, suppose I want to find out who is viewing my web site.
> I have a hunch that Alice is visiting my web site right this instant,
>  and I want to test that hunch.  I delay Alice's outgoing packets,
> and I check whether the incoming traffic to my web contains matching
> delays.
I explicitly said that if some endpoints are not
secure, Alice suffers some loss of privacy when
communicating with such an endpoint.  Here DAW is
playing the role of attacker, and is mounting an
attack that combined traffic analysis with much
more powerful techniques; he is assuming he "owns"
the endpoint or otherwise can see through the
crypto into the plaintext.
Let us not confuse "traffic analysis" issues with
"anonymity" issues.
I explicitly said that traffic analysis was not the
only threat to be considered.
To say it another way:  The US ambassador in Moscow
is not trying to remain anonymous from the US
ambassador in Riyadh;  they just don't want the
opposition to know if/when/how-often they talk.

I described a certain model based on certain hypotheses.

Many people have responded with attacks on different
models, based on different hypotheses.  Some have
frankly admitted contradicting me without having
bothered to read what I wrote.  I'm not going to
respond to any more of these ... except to say that
they do not, as far as I can see, detract in any
way from the points I was making.
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Re: traffic analysis

2003-08-28 Thread John S. Denker
A couple of people wrote in to say that my remarks
about defending against traffic analysis are "not
As 'proof' they cite
which proves nothing of the sort.
The conclusion of that paper correctly summarizes
the body of the paper;  it says they "examined" and
"compared" a few designs, and that they "pose the
question as to whether other interesting protocols
exist, with better trade-offs, that would be practical
to implement and deploy."
Posing the question is not the same as proving that
the answer is negative.
I am also reminded of the proverb:
 Persons saying it cannot be done should
 not interfere with persons doing it.
The solution I outlined is modelled after
procedures that governments have used for decades
to defend against traffic analysis threats to
their embassies and overseas military bases.
More specifically, anybody who thinks the scheme
I described is vulnerable to a timing attack isn't
paying attention.  I addressed this point several
times in my original note.  All transmissions
adhere to a schedule -- independent of the amount,
timing, meaning, and other characteristics of the
And this does not require wide-area synchronization.
If incoming packets are delayed or lost, outgoing
packets may have to include nulls (i.e. cover traffic).
This needn't make inefficient use of communication
resources.  The case of point-to-point links to a
single hub is particularly easy to analyze:  cover
traffic is sent when and only when the link would
otherwise be idle.
Similarly it needn't make inefficient use of
encryption/decryption resources.  This list is
devoted to cryptography, so I assume people can
afford 1 E and 1 D per message; the scheme I
outlined requires 2 E and 2 D per message, which
seems like a cheap price to pay if you need
protection against traffic analysis.  On top of
that, the processor doing the crypto will run
hotter because typical traffic will be identical
to peak traffic, but this also seems pretty cheap.
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traffic analysis (was: blackmail / stego)

2003-08-27 Thread John S. Denker
I changed the Subject: line because most of the
blackmail / stego thread was about traffic
analysis.  It's amusing that traffic analysis could
be used to defeat a steganographic blackmail
attempt, but there are larger issues involved.
It is not true, despite what some people recently
suggested, that traffic analysis destroys any
hope of real-time anonymous communication.
It is true that if you design an "anonymity" system
under the assumption that the opposition doesn't
have enough resources to perform traffic analysis,
you'll be taken to the cleaners if the opposition
does have such resources.
There exist well-known techniques for greatly
reducing the effectiveness of traffic analysis.
A scenario of relevance to the present discussion
goes like this:
 -- There exists a data haven.  (Reiter and Rubin
called this a "crowd".)
 -- Many subscribers have connections to the haven.
 -- Each subscriber maintains a strictly scheduled
flow of traffic to and from the haven, padding
the channel with nulls if necessary.
 -- All the traffic is encrypted, obviously.
Then the opponent can put unlimited effort into
traffic analysis but won't get anything in return,
beyond the _a priori_ obvious fact that some pair
of subscribers *may* have communicated.
As an extension:
 -- The haven may fetch a lot of web pages, some of
them in response to requests from subscribers, and
some not.
Then the opponent can conclude that some subscriber(s)
*may* have looked at some of the fetched pages.
Remark:  I said that each channel must carry (and
only carry) strictly scheduled traffic.  It is
sufficient but not necessary to send a constant
rate.  More complicated schedules, possibly
incorporating a degree of randomness, are allowed.
The point is that the cryptotext traffic must be
independent of the amount (and other characteristics)
of the plaintext traffic.
Additional remarks, having little to do with traffic
analysis, except as a reminder that traffic analysis
isn't the only threat to be considered:
 *) Anonymity means They can't prove you're guilty.
But it also means you can't prove you're innocent.
A sufficiently totalitarian regime will require
everyone to be able to prove their innocence at all
times.  Subscribing to an anonymity service would
therefore be automatically illegal.
 *) Obviously the haven itself must be resistant
to penetration by the opposition.
 *) Obviously if you use this service (or any
other) to communicate with somebody at an endpoint
that is already under surveillance, you have no
privacy.  So you must to some extent trust the
endpoints, no matter how good the channel is.
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Re: PRNG design document?

2003-08-22 Thread John S. Denker
On 08/19/2003 11:57 AM, Tim Dierks wrote:
> I'm assuming a cryptographic PRNG of the type in OpenSSL, PGP, etc.,
> where entropic seeding data is accumulated into a pool and output is
> produced by operating on the pool with a secure hash or similar
> cryptographic algorithm.
The statement contains two inequivalent ideas:
 -- some applications (OpenSSL, PGP, etc.) which
imply certain requirements, and
 -- some technology for generating numbers which
may or may not meet those requirements.
The mentioned technology is what I classify as a
_stretched_ random symbol generator, because it
outputs an entropy density greater than zero but
less than 100%.
For most of the things that OpenSSL and PGP do,
certainly certificate generation and almost
certainly session-key generation, I would *not*
recommend using a stretched random symbol
generator, but rather a full-blown True Random
Symbol Generator, i.e. 100% entropy density.
There are other situations (e.g. expunging a
multi-gigabyte disk) where you might really
need to do some stretching.
BTW I prefer to reserve the term PRNG to apply
to the extreme case of zero entropy density, but
there's not much to be gained by quibbling about
> Is there a definitive or highly recommended paper or book on the
> design of PRNGs?
How about this:
> I'm interested in whether there's a strong source on what the design
>  considerations for how to process the input into the pool, mix &
> remix the pool, and generate output are.
The idea of a pool that needs mixing and remixing
is not the optimal design IMHO.

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Re: authentication and ESP

2003-06-22 Thread John S. Denker
On 06/19/2003 01:49 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
> As far as I can tell, IPsec's ESP has the functionality of
> authentication and integrity built in:
It depends on what you mean by "built in".
 1) The RFC provides for ESP+authentication but
does not require ESP to use authentication.
 2) Although the RFC allows ESP without
authentication, typical implementations are
less flexible.  In FreeS/WAN for instance, if
you ask for ESP will get ESP+AH.
ESP without authentication may be vulnerable to
replay attacks and/or active attacks that tamper
with the bits in transit.  The degree of vulnerability
depends on details (type of chaining, higher-level
properties of payload, ...).
Remember that encryption and authentication perform
complimentary roles:  Suppose Alice is sending to
Bob.  They are being attacked by Eve.  Encryption
limits the amount of information _Eve_ receives.
Authentication prevents tampering, so _Bob_ can
trust what he receives.
It is possible to construct situations where you
could omit the AH from ESP+AH without losing
anything, but you would need to analyze the
situation pretty carefully.  If you have a good
reason for using something other than ESP+AH,
please clarify what you want to do and why.
Otherwise just go with the normal ESP+AH.
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Re: https for virtual hosts (was: attack on paypal)

2003-06-11 Thread John S. Denker
On 06/11/2003 10:56 AM, Sunder wrote:
www.foo.com www.bar.com www.baz.com can't all live on the same IP and
have individual ssl certs for https. :(  This is because the cert is
exchanged before the http 1.1 layer can say "I want www.bar.com" 

So you need to waste IP's for this.  Since the browser standards are
already in place, it's unlikely to be to find a workaround.
A reasonable workaround might be something like:
   ... to allow isolated IPv6 domains or
   hosts, attached to an IPv4 network which has no native IPv6 support,
   to communicate with other such IPv6 domains or hosts with minimal
   manual configuration, before they can obtain natuve IPv6
   connectivity.  It incidentally provides an interim globally unique
   IPv6 address prefix to any site with at least one globally unique
   IPv4 address, even if combined with an IPv4 Network Address
   Translator (NAT).
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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread John S. Denker
"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Attached is a spam mail that constitutes an attack on paypal similar
>>in effect and method to man in the middle.
Yeah, I've been seeing that one for a month or
two now.  I've seen several versions.  Some of
them are quite well done.  I imagine they get
more than a few victims.
I would have thought that the perpetrators would
have been too afraid of stings to try something
so bold.  The existence of such schemes is a sad
commentary on the state of law enforcement.
>>The bottom line is that https just is not working.  Its broken.

On 06/08/2003 05:47 PM, tom st denis wrote:
I disagree.  That attack is more akin to a "Hi, I'm calling from
{insert bank here} and we need your CC info to update your file."
So your "conclusions" are a bit off.
You guys are talking past each other.

All statements of the form.
 -- foo is working (or not)
 -- foo solves the problem (or not)
are so imprecise as to be useless.
It is better to talk about a definite specification.
Then we can ask whether foo meets the spec or not.
If you ask whether a given https implementation meets
the https specifications, then quite possibly it does.
So in this sense the technology is not "broken".
But if you ask whether https makes the world safe
for naifs to conduct e-commerce, by protecting them
from all possible spoofs and MITM attacks, then no,
it certainly does not do that.  There are some who
rashly claimed it was supposed to do that, so in
this sense it is quite broken.  It fails to meet
the broader spec.
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Re: Quantum crypto, from BBC

2003-06-07 Thread John S. Denker
On 06/07/2003 08:04 AM, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
I haven't seen this discussed here yet. 
It's been discussed here some, and discussed elsewhere
plenty.  I get 19,000 hits from

> Is there something to this?

It depends on your definition of "something".

Quantum cryptography is perfectly real and is
fascinating in an academic sort of way.
The available products are somewhere between "not
very practical" and "ridiculous" if you ask me.
Most companies can't be bothered to do classical
crypto properly.  The idea that they would pay the
incremental cost to step up to quantum crypto seems
far-fetched to me.
On the scale of physics hype, quantum crypto in
particular and quantum computation in general are
nowhere near as bad as cold fusion, but perhaps
comparable to high-Tc superconductors, which had
a definite basis in fact, but their practicality
was wildly overclaimed.
Dr Shields' team have demonstrated quantum cryptography working over
distances of 100 km, which should be enough to cover large metropolitan
areas such as London and Tokyo.
This is not new news.

The Department of Trade and Industry has pledged cash to help the
researchers refine their work and bring commercial quantum cryptography
products to market.
Tee hee.  Very funny.  I don't think "trade and industry"
considerations are the driving force here.  I think the
military and the cryptologic agencies have rather larger
budgets than the Department of Trade and Industry, and
they are really who's paying for the flurry of R&D.

If you want to improve the fact-to-hype ratio, go to
and type "cryptography" in the 'abstract' box.  I get
82 hits in the range 2001-to-date.  And those lead to
yet other references.

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baseline privacy ... not

2003-05-27 Thread John S. Denker
Hi --

1) In a cable-modem system, the layer-1 signal to/from
your cable is physically present in your neighbors' homes.
2) To defend against the obvious privacy problems this
implies, the standards provide for Baseline Privacy (BPI)
which encrypts the signals.
So you're safe, right?

3) Evidence suggests that most cable-modem customers in
the US are not protected.  Many service providers have
Baseline Privacy turned off.  Defeated.  Disabled.
Skipped.  No privacy.
The evidence for this comes from
 -- directly examining the configuration of a few modems
 -- talking to The Cable Guy
 -- noting that when certain small providers do implement
BPI, they brag about it and claim this gives them an
advantage over the "established" providers.
4) From this it appears that in most cases, all that
protects your privacy is security-by-obscurity.
And if you want an upper bound on how much obscurity
there is, note that there is a vibrant community of
cable-modem firmware hackers:
5) It's interesting to think what customers ought to
do about this, short-term and/or long-term.
 -- Obviously end-to-end security is needed.  But it is
not always feasible at present.  I would connect to google
via SSL if I could, but google doesn't implement https.
And that would still leave me open to traffic analysis.
 -- Link-by-link security is never a substitute for
overall security, but you need some link-by-link security
just to cut down on traffic analysis and DoS attacks,
including ARP poisoning and the like.
One idea that comes to mind is to use IPsec to secure the
connections to an onion routing system.  Or mist / crowd /
Comments?  Suggestions?

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