Re: [Cryptography] prism-proof email in the degenerate case

2013-10-11 Thread Nico Williams
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 04:22:50PM -0400, Jerry Leichter wrote:
> On Oct 10, 2013, at 11:58 AM, "R. Hirschfeld"  wrote:
> > Very silly but trivial to "implement" so I went ahead and did so:
> > 
> > To send a prism-proof email, encrypt it for your recipient and send it
> > to
> Nice!  I like it.

Me too.  I've been telling people that all PRISM will accomplish
regarding the bad guys is to get them to use dead drops, such as comment
posting on any of millions of blogs -- low bandwidth, undetectable.  The
technique in this thread makes the use of a dead drop obvious, and adds
significantly to the recipient's work load, but in exchange brings the
bandwidth up to more usable levels.

Either way the communicating peers must pre-agree a number of things --
a traffic analysis achilles point, but it's one-time vulnerability, and
chances are people who would communicate this way already have such

> A couple of comments:
> 1.  Obviously, this has scaling problems.  The interesting question is
> how to extend it while retaining the good properties.  If participants
> are willing to be identified to within 1/k of all the users of the
> system (a set which will itself remain hidden by the system), choosing
> one of k servers based on a hash of the recipient would work.  (A
> concerned recipient could, of course, check servers that he knows
> can't possibly have his mail.)  Can one do better?

Each server/list is a channel.  Pre-agree on channels or use hashes.  If
the latter then the hashes have to be of {sender, recipient}, else one
party has a lot of work to do, but then again, using just the sender or
just the recipient helps protect the other party against traffic
analysis.  Assuming there are millions of "channels" then maybe
something like

H({sender, truncate(H(recipient), log2(number-of-channels-to check))})

will do just fine.  And truncate(H(recipient, log2(num-channels))) can
be used for introduction purposes.

The number of servers/lists divides the total work to do to receive a

> 2.  The system provides complete security for recipients (all you can
> tell about a recipient is that he can potentially receive messages -
> though the design has to be careful so that a recipient doesn't, for
> example, release timing information depending on whether his
> decryption succeeded or not).  However, the protection is more limited
> for senders.  A sender can hide its activity by simply sending random
> "messages", which of course no one will ever be able to decrypt.  Of
> course, that adds yet more load to the entire system.

But then the sender can't quite prove that they didn't send anything.
In a rubber hose attack this could be a problem.  This also applies to
recipients: they can be observed fetching messages, and they can be
observed expending power trying to find ones addressed to them.

Also, there's no DoS protection: flooding the lists with bogus messages
is a DoS on recipients.

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Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-07 Thread Nico Williams
On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 11:45:56AM -0400, Arnold Reinhold wrote:
> If we are going to always use a construction like AES(KDF(key)), as
> Nico suggests, why not go further and use a KDF with variable length
> output like Keccak to replace the AES key schedule? And instead of

Note, btw, that Keccak is very much like a KDF, and KDFs generally
produce variable length output.  In fact, the HKDF construction
[RFC5869] is rather similar to the sponge concept underlying Keccak.  It
was the use of SHA-256 as a KDF [but not in an HKDF-like construction]
that I was objecting to.

> making provisions to drop in a different cipher should a weakness be
> discovered in AES,  make the number of AES (and maybe KDF) rounds a
> negotiated parameter.  Given that x86 and ARM now have AES round
> instructions, other cipher algorithms are unlikely to catch up in
> performance in the foreseeable future, even with an higher AES round
> count. Increasing round count is effortless compared to deploying a
> new cipher algorithm, even if provision is made the protocol. Dropping
> such provisions (at least in new designs) simplifies everything and
> simplicity is good for security.

As Jerry Leichter said, that's a really nice idea.  My IANAC concern
would be that there might be greatly diminished returns past some number
of rounds relative to the sorts of future attacks that that might
drastically weaken AES.  There are also issues with cipher modes to
worry about, so that on the whole I would still like to have algorithm
agility (though I don't think you were arguing against it!); but the
addition of a cipher strength knob might well be useful.

You're quite right that with CPU support for AES it will be very
difficult to justify switching to any other cipher...  There's always
3AES (a form of round count, but a layer up, and with much bigger step
sizes).  I suspect it's not AES we'll have problems with, but everything
else (asymmetric crypto and cipher modes most likely).

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Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-07 Thread Nico Williams
On Sat, Oct 05, 2013 at 09:29:05PM -0400, John Kelsey wrote:
> One thing that seems clear to me:  When you talk about algorithm
> flexibility in a protocol or product, most people think you are
> talking about the ability to add algorithms.  Really, you are talking
> more about the ability to *remove* algorithms.  We still have stuff
> using MD5 and RC4 (and we'll probably have stuff using dual ec drbg
> years from now) because while our standards have lots of options and
> it's usually easy to add new ones, it's very hard to take any away.  

Algorithm agility makes it possible to add and remove algorithms.  Both,
addition and removal, are made difficult by the fact that it is
difficult to update deployed code.  Removal is made much more difficult
still by the need to remain interoperable with legacy that has been
deployed and won't be updated fast enough.  I don't know what can be
done about this.  Auto-update is one part of the answer, but it can't
work for everything.

I like the idea of having a CRL-like (or OCSP-like?) system for
"revoking" algorithms.  This might -in some cases- do nothing more
than warn the user, or -in other cases- trigger auto-update checks.

But, really, legacy is a huge problem that we barely know how to
ameliorate a little.  It still seems likely that legacy code will
continue to remain deployed for much longer than the advertised
service lifetime of the same code (see XP, for example), and for at
least a few more product lifecycles (i.e., another 10-15 years
before we come up with a good solution).

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-06 Thread Nico Williams
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:
> So, it seems that instead of AES256(key) the cipher in practice should be
> AES256(SHA256(key)).

More like: use a KDF and separate keys (obtained by applying a KDF to
a root key) for separate but related purposes.

For example, if you have a full-duplex pipe with a single pre-shared
secret key then: a) you should want separate keys for each direction
(so you don't need a direction flag in the messages to deal with
reflection attacks), b) you should derive a new set of keys for each
"connection" if there are multiple connections between the same two
peers.  And if you're using an AEAD-by-generic-composition cipher mode
then you'll want separate keys for data authentication vs. data

The KDF might well be SHA256, but doesn't have to be.  Depending on
characteristics of the original key you might need a more complex KDF
(e.g., a PBKDF if the original is a human-memorable password).  This
(and various other details about accepted KDF technology that I'm
eliding) is the reason that you should want to think of a KDF rather
than a hash function.

Suppose some day you want to switch to a cipher with a different key
size.  If all you have to do is tell the KDF how large the key is,
then it's easy, but if you have to change the KDF along with the
cipher then you have more work to do, work that might or might not be
easy.  Being able to treat the protocol elements as modular has
significant advantages -and some pitfalls- over more monolythic

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Re: [Cryptography] The hypothetical random number generator backdoor

2013-09-25 Thread Nico Williams
On Sep 25, 2013 8:06 AM, "John Kelsey"  wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:
> > Either way, the question is how to stop this side channel attack.
> > One simple way would be to encrypt the nonces from the RNG under a
> > secret key generated in some other fashion.
> >
> > nonce = E (R, k)
> This would work if you had a secure key I couldn't guess for k.  If
> the entropy is really low, though, I would still see duplicate outputs
> from time to time.  If the RNG has short cycles, this would also show
> up.

Note that Kerberos "confounds": it encrypts it's nonces for AES in CTS
mode (similar to CBC).  Confounding makes it harder to exploit a
backdoored RNG if the exploit is made easier by the ability to see RNG
outputs as nonces.  I'm not sure how much harder though: presumably in
the worst case the attacker has the victim's device's seed somehow
(e.g., from a MAC address, purchase records, ...), and can search its
output via boot and iteration counter searches (the details depend on
the PRNG construction, obviously).  Seeing an RNG output in the clear
probably helps, but the attacker could design the PRNG such that they
don't need to.

Now, there's a proposal to drop confounding for new cipher suites in
Kerberos.  Among other things doing so would improve performance.  It
would also make analysis of the new cipher suites easier, as they'd
match what other standard protocols do.

Of course, I'd rather implementations have a strong enough RNG and SRNG
-- I'd rather not have to care if some RNG outputs are trivially
available to attackers.  But if confounding is a net security
improvement for PRNG-only use cases (is it? it might depend on the PRNG
construction and boot-time seed handling), maybe we should keep it.


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] [cryptography] very little is missing for working BTNS in Openswan

2013-09-13 Thread Nico Williams
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 08:28:56PM -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:

> Stop making crypto harder!

I think you're arguing that active attacks are not a concern.  That's
probably right today w.r.t. PRISMs.   And definitely wrong as to cafe
shop wifi.

The threat model is the key.  If you don't care about active attacks,
then you can get BTNS with minimal effort.  This is quite true.

At least some times we need to care about active attacks.

> On Thu, 12 Sep 2013, Nico Williams wrote:
> >Note: you don't just want BTNS, you also want RFC5660 -- "IPsec
> >channels".  You also want to define a channel binding for such channels
> >(this is trivial).
> This is exactly why BTNS went nowhere. People are trying to combine
> anonymous IPsec with authenticated IPsec. Years dead-locked in channel
> binding and channel upgrades. That's why I gave up on BTNS. See also
> the last bit of my earlier post regarding Opportunistic Encryption.

It's hard to know exactly why BTNS failed, but I can think of:

 - It was decades too late; it (and IPsec channels) should have been
   there from the word (RFC1825, 1995), and even then it would have been
   too late to compete with TLS given that the latter required zero
   kernel code additions while the former required lots.

 - I only needed it as an optimization for NFS security at a time when
   few customers really cared about deploying secure NFS because Linux
   lacked mature support for it.  It's hard to justify a bunch of work
   on multiple OSes for an optimization to something few customers used
   even if they should have been using it.

 - Just do it all in user-land has pretty much won.  Any user-land
   protocol you can think of, from TLS, to DJB's MinimaLT, to -heck-
   even IKE and ESP over UDP, will be easier to implement and deploy
   than anything that requires matching kernel implementations in
   multiple OSes.

   You see this come up *all* the time in Apps WG.  People want SCTP,
   but for various reasons (NAATTTS) they can't, so they resort to
   putting an entire SCTP or SCTP-like stack in user-land and run it
   over UDP.  Heck, there's entire TCP/IP user-land stacks designed to
   go faster than any general-purpose OS kernel's TCP/IP stack does.

   Yeah, this is a variant of the first reason.

There's probably other reasons; listing them all might be useful.  These
three were probably enough to doom the project.

The IPsec channel part is not really much more complex than, say,
"connected" UDP sockets.  But utter simplicity four years ago was
insufficient -- it needed to have been there two decades ago.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Summary of the discussion so far

2013-09-13 Thread Nico Williams
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 03:17:35PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:53:28 -0500 Nico Williams
>  wrote:
> > Traffic analysis can't really be defeated, not in detail.
> What's wrong with mix networks?

First: you can probably be observed using them.  Unless too many people
use mix networks you might just end up attracting unwanted attention:
more passive surveillance, maybe even active attacks (at the limit very
physical attacks).

Second: I suspect that to be most effective the mix network also has to
be most inconvenient (high latency, for example).  That probably means
mix networks won't be popular enough to help with the first problem.

Third: the mix network had better cross multiple jurisdictions that are
not accustomed to cooperating with each other.  This seems very
difficult to arrange.

I'd love to be disabused of the above though.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Summary of the discussion so far

2013-09-13 Thread Nico Williams
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 04:03:44PM -0700, Nemo wrote:
> Phillip Hallam-Baker  writes:
> > I have attempted to produce a summary of the discussion so far for use
> > as a requirements document for the PRISM-PROOF email scheme. This is
> > now available as an Internet draft.
> >
> >
> First, I suggest removing all remotely political commentary and sticking
> to technical facts.  Phrases like "questionable constitutional validity"
> have no place in an Internet draft and harm the document, in my opinion.

Privacy relative to PRISMs is a political problem first and foremost.
The PRIM operators, if you'll recall, have a monopoly on the use of
force.  They have the rubber hoses.  No crypto can get you out of that

I'm extremely skeptical of anti-PRISM plans.  I'd start with:

 - open source protocols
 - two or more implementations of each protocol, preferably one or more
   being open source
 - build with multiple build tools, examine their output[*]
 - run on minimal OSes, on minimal hardware [**]

After that... well, you have to trust counter-parties, trusted third
parties, ...  It get iffy real quick.

The simplest protocols to make PRISM-proof are ones where there's only
one end-point.  E.g., filesystems.  Like Tahoe-LAFS, ZFS, and so on.
One end-point -> no counter-parties nor third parties to compromise.
The one end-point (or multiple instances of it) is still susceptible to
lots of attacks, including local attacks involving plain old dumb
security bugs.

Next simplest: real-time messaging (so OTR is workable).

Traffic analysis can't really be defeated, not in detail.

On the other hand, the PRISMs can't catch low-bandwidth communications
over dead drops.  The Internet is full of dead drops.  This makes one
wonder why bother with PRISMs.  Part of the answer is that as long as
the PRISMs were secret the bad guys might have used weak privacy
protection methods.  But PRISMs had to exist by the same logic that all
major WWII powers had to have atomic weapons programs (and they all
did): if it could be built, it must be, and adversaries with the
requisite resources must be assumed to have built their own.

Anti-PRISM seems intractable to me.


[*] Oops, this is really hard; only a handful of end-users will ever do
this.  The goal is to defeat the Thonpson attack -- Thompson trojans
bit-rot; using multiple build tools and dissassembly tools would be
one way to increase the bit-rot speed.

[**] Also insanely difficult.  Not gonna happen for most people; the
 ones who manage it will still be susceptible to traffic analysis
 and, if of interest, rubber hose cryptanalysis.
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Why prefer symmetric crypto over public key crypto?

2013-09-13 Thread Nico Williams
On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 02:48:56PM -0400, Jeffrey I. Schiller wrote:
> I don’t believe you can do this without using some form of public key
> system.

My $.02:

 - protocols based entirely on symmetric keying are either PSK or a
   flavor of Needham-Schroeder (e.g., Kerberos)

 - neither PSK nor Needham-Schroeder scale

- PSK fails to scale for obvious reasons

- Kerberos could scale if there were TLD realm operators, but there
  aren't any, and there can't be because they would have too much
  power, thus no one would trust them (see below)

- Kerberos could scale with a web of trust (PGP-like), but managing
  that web would be difficult, and realms that are widely trusted
  are... much too powerful (see below)

 - Kerberos KDCs have even more privileged a position than PKIX CAs:
   they can impersonate you to others and vice-versa (therefore they can
   MITM you) and they can recover all your session keys (unless you use
   PFS) even when they don't MITM you.

   This is necessarily so for any symmetric key only protocol.

 - To get past this requires PK crypto.  It's unavoidable.

 - Life will look a bit bleak for a while once we get to quantum machine

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Killing two IV related birds with one stone

2013-09-13 Thread Nico Williams
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 06:51:16PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> It occurs to me that specifying IVs for CBC mode in protocols
> like IPsec, TLS, etc. be generated by using a block cipher in counter
> mode and that the IVs be implicit rather than transmitted kills two
> birds with one stone.
> The first bird is the obvious one: we now know IVs are unpredictable
> and will not repeat.
> The second bird is less obvious: we've just gotten rid of a covert
> channel for malicious hardware to leak information.

I like this, and I've wondered about this in the past as well.  But note
that this only works for ordered {octet, datagram} streams.  It can't
work for DTLS, for example, or GSS-API, or Kerberos, or ESP, 

This can be implemented today anywhere that explicit IVs are needed;
there's only a need for the peer to know the seed if they need to be
able to verify that you're not leaking through IVs.  Of course, we
should want nodes to verify that their peers are not leaking through

There's still nonces that are needed at key exchange and authentication
time that can still leak key material / PRNG state.  I don't think you
can get rid of all covert channels...  And anyways, your peers could
just use out-of-band methods of leaking session keys and such.

BTW, Kerberos generally uses confounders instead of IVs.  Confounders
are just explicit IVs sent encrypted.  Confounders leak just as much
(but no more) than explicit IVs, so confounding is a bit pointless --
worse, it wastes resources: one extra block encryption/decryption
operation per-message.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] [cryptography] very little is missing for working BTNS in Openswan

2013-09-13 Thread Nico Williams
On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 10:25:03AM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Just got word from an Openswan developer:
> "
> To my knowledge, we never finished implementing the BTNS mode.
> It wouldn't be hard to do --- it's mostly just conditionally commenting out
> code.
> "
> There's obviously a large potential deployment base for
> BTNS for home users, just think of Openswan/OpenWRT.

Note: you don't just want BTNS, you also want RFC5660 -- "IPsec
channels".  You also want to define a channel binding for such channels
(this is trivial).

To summarize: IPsec protects discrete *packets*, not discrete packet
*flows*.  This means that -depending on configuration- you might be
using IPsec to talk to some peer at some address at one moment, and the
next you might be talking to a different peer at the same address, and
you'd never know the difference.  IPsec channels consist of ensuring
that the peer's ID never changes during the life of a given packet flow
(e.g., TCP connection).  BTNS pretty much requires IPsec configurations
of that make you vulnerable in this way.  I think it should be obvious
now that "IPsec channels" is a necessary part of any BTNS

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