Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-10-02 Thread Paul Crowley
On 30 September 2013 23:35, John Kelsey  wrote:

> If there is a weak curve class of greater than about 2^{80} that NSA knew
> about 15 years ago and were sure nobody were ever going to find that weak
> curve class and exploit it to break classified communications protected by
> it, then they could have generated 2^{80} or so seeds to hit that weak
> curve class.

If the NSA's attack involves generating some sort of collision between a
curve and something else over a 160-bit space, they wouldn't have to be
worried that someone else would find and attack that "weak curve class"
with less than 2^160 work.
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] People should turn on PFS in TLS (was Re: Fwd: N.S.A. Foils Much Internet Encryption)

2013-09-17 Thread Paul Crowley
At a stretch, one can imagine circumstances in which trying multiple seeds
to choose a curve would lead to an attack that we would not easily
replicate. I don't suggest that this is really what happened; I'm just
trying to work out whether it's possible.

Suppose you can easily break an elliptic curve with the right "attack
string".  Attack strings are very expensive to generate, at say 2^80
operations. Moreover, you can't tell what curves they break until they are
generated, but it's cheap to test whether a given string breaks a given
curve. Each string breaks about one curve in 2^80. Thus the NSA generate an
attack string, then generate 2^80 curves looking for one that is broken by
the string they generated.  They can safely publish this curve, knowing
that unless a new attack is developed it will take 2^160 effort for anyone
else to generate an attack string that breaks the curve they have chosen.
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Squaring Zooko's triangle

2013-09-11 Thread Paul Crowley
>From the title it sounds like you're talking about my 2007 proposal:

This uses key stretching to increase the work of generating a colliding
identifier from 2^64 to 2^88 steps.
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] What's the state of the art in factorization?

2010-07-09 Thread Paul Crowley

Jonathan Katz wrote:


On the other hand, there is one published scheme that gives a slight 
improvement to our paper (it has fewer on-line computations): it is a 
paper by Chevallier-Mames in Crypto 2005 titled "An Efficient CDH-Based 
Signature Scheme with a Tight Security Reduction".

My preferred signature scheme is the second, DDH-based one in the linked 
paper, since it produces shorter signatures - are there any proposals 
which improve on that?

Incidentally, the paper doesn't note this but that second scheme has a 
non-tight reduction to the discrete log problem in exactly the way that 
Schnorr does.

\/ o\ Paul Crowley,

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Re: full-disk encryption standards released

2009-01-29 Thread Paul Crowley

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

I think the standard itself is here:

Browsing "TCG Storage Security Subsystem Class: Opal", I'm having a hard 
time seeing where the actual cryptography is specified.  They mention 
that they use AES but I can't see where they tell us what mode of 
operation they are using.

\/ o\ Paul Crowley

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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-16 Thread Paul Crowley

Damien Miller wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008, James A. Donald wrote:

If one uses a higher resolution counter - sub
microsecond - and times multiple disk accesses, one gets
true physical randomness, since disk access times are
effected by turbulence, which is physically true

Until someone runs your software on a SSD instead of a HDD. Oops.

How would software that attempted to measure the entropy of the incoming 
seek times behave when an SSD replaced an HDD?  Would the reduction in 
measured entropy be proportional to the reduction in entropy from the 
attacker's point of view?

\/ o\ Paul Crowley

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Re: SRP implementation - choices for N and g

2008-08-26 Thread Paul Crowley

Michael Tschannen wrote:

Has anybody already gained experience concerning the technical
implementation of SRP ( There is one point I
couldn't find in any documentation: Should the modulus and the generator
(N and g) be unique for each client or can they be chosen
application-wide? What are the (security-related) implications in each

They can safely be chosen application-wide, so long as they are secure 
choices as per the "Group parameter agreement" section of the SRP spec. 

\/ o\ Paul Crowley, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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5x speedup for AES using SSE5?

2008-08-23 Thread Paul Crowley

In the above Dr Dobb's article from a little over a year ago, AMD Senior 
Fellow Leendert vanDoorn states "the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 
algorithm gets a factor of 5 performance improvement by using the new 
SSE5 extension".  However, glancing through the SSE5 specification, I 
can't see at all how such a dramatic speedup might be achieved.  Does 
anyone know any more, or can anyone see more than I can in the spec?
\/ o\ Paul Crowley

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