My apologies if this is considered spam; however, it may be of interest
to a number of list subscribers. 

We are soliciting proposals for presentations in the Industry track at
the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, which will
be held October 29th to November 2nd in Alexandria, VA. For more
information, see below, or visit the ACM CCS website,




                             Call for Proposals

            Industry Track Submission Deadline: August 3, 2007

The Industry and Government Track of the 14th ACM Computer and
Communications Conference seeks novel and innovative reports of
experiences in security product development and deployment of products
to meet system security goals.  In addition, reports on the scope and
content of current sponsored research programs in information security
are of interest.

The track will foster active discussion of practical experiences in the
imaginative or large scale deployment of security solutions in
organizational contexts and the relationship of these experiences to
current research initiatives. Particularly of interest are lessons
learned and deficiencies in existing products or systems that might
identify areas in which research is needed. Government or commercial
requirements for future systems are also relevant. Technical
characteristics of novel products may be of interest, but marketing
pitches are verboten! As one of the most influential conferences in the
area, CCS affords industry and government the opportunity to gain the
attention of a capable and energetic set of researchers.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Access control
Accounting and auditing
Applied cryptography
Case studies of computer and systems security design
Commercial and industry security
Cryptographic protocols
Data/system integrity
Database and system security
Digital rights management
DoS detection and mitigation
Embedded systems security
Enterprise security policies
Experimental studies of impact of tools and processes
Information warfare
Intellectual-property protection
Intrusion detection
Key management
Mobile code security
Physical security
Privacy and anonymity
Secure networking
Security issues in administration of large computer systems
Security management
Security measurement and modeling
Security verification
Smart cards and secure PDAs

For this track, we are soliciting panel and presentation proposals.
Proposals accepted for the program will be made accessible prior to the
conference. The track may include invited speakers as space and interest
permit. Submission format and other instructions are available soon.

Presentation Proposals

A position paper or full presentation is appropriate. The paper should
include sufficient motivation and detail to focus and depth of
presentation. Detailed proposals or presentations are highly recommended
and will receive preferential treatment. Expected speakers should be
identified. All submissions should be received by August 3rd, 2007 and
sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Word, .pdf, and powerpoint submissions
will be accepted.

Panel Proposals

A panel proposal should be no longer than three (3) pages in length. It
should include possible panelists and an indication of which panelists
have confirmed their participation.


Information will be posted soon.


Program Co-chairs (Research Track): 
 - Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, University of Milan, Italy
 - Paul Syverson, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Program Chair (Industry and Government Track): 
 - Patrick McDaniel, Penn State University, USA
General Chair: Peng Ning, NC State University, USA
Publicity Chairs: Radha Poovendran, University of Washington, USA
Publication Chair: David Evans, University of Virginia, USA
Tutorials Chair: Wenliang (Kevin) Du, Syracuse University, USA
Treasurer: Sencun Zhu, Penn State University, USA
Workshops Chair: Vijay Atluri, Rutgers University, USA

Steering Committee:

Sushil Jajodia (Chairman), George Mason University, USA                         
Carl A. Gunter, University of Illinois, USA
Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan, Italy                            
Ravi Sandhu, George Mason University, USA

Program Committee:

Dave Dorenbos, Motorola, USA            
David Du, National Science Foundation, USA
Yong Guan, Iowa State University, USA   
Trevor Jim, AT&T Research, USA          
Hugh Harney, SPARTA, USA
Brian LaMachia, Microsoft, USA
Gary McGraw, Cigital, USA
Shubho Sen, AT&T Research, USA
Patrick Traynor, Pennsylvania State University, USA 
Brian Wies, CISCO, USA


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