Re: The perils of security tools

2008-06-03 Thread Philipp Gühring

> It is not an implementaion issue but a requirement of the C standard.
> To avoid buffering use
>setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
> right after the fopen.

Ah! Thanks a lot!

Ok, I think that should be written into the man-pages of /dev/random and 
fgetc/fread and other related howtos.

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-31 Thread Nate Lawson

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 4:55 PM, "Hal Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A simple trick can be used to help immunize DSA signatures against
these kinds of failures. I first learned of this idea many years ago
from Phil Zimmermann, and a varient has been used for a long time in
PGP and probably other code, but aparently not OpenSSL. The idea is
to base the random k not just on the output of your RNG, but also on
the private key x. Something like:

k = hash (x, rng()).

Of course it is still necessary that k be uniformly distributed mod q
(the DSA subgroup prime order), so this can't be just a straight hash.
It might be a separate PRNG instance which gets seeded with the data
values shown.  But the idea is to mix in the secret key value, x, in
addition to data from the RNG.

I've used this idea before, although in the form of using the private
key as part of the PRNG seed -- which isn't of much use if the PRNG
ignores its seeding as in this case.  However, even the form

k = hash (x, rng())

isn't good enough if the PRNG is sufficiently broken.  The Debian code
generated an output that was not merely predictable, but also prone to
repetition if you run a binary multiple times.  With typically just
2^15 different byte streams from the PRNG, by the birthday paradox
you'd have to expect to have been reusing some k after around 2^8
iterations or so.  So your DSA key would still be at risk!

While mixing in more entropy is a good idea in general, I'd like to 
caution against just throwing things in without knowing the full design 
end-to-end.  For example, if the environment is an embedded device and 
hash() introduces visible power or timing side channels, you may not 
want to do this exact construction.  Most of the time it is fine, though.

DSA is especially vulnerable to all kinds of subtleties with k.  As you 
point out, it is fatal to replay k for a given private key x.  But even 
worse, it is fatal if some small number of bits of k are *predictable*. 
 This means even if the output wasn't completely predictable, but had 
merely become somewhat predictable, it would still be exploitable.

Mark Marson at Cryptography Research has done some great work 
implementing these attacks.  They're quite practical.  I hope he'll give 
a public talk about it some day.

You could also make k message-dependant -- i.e., feed both x and k
into the hash function:

k = hash (x, rng(), m)

This avoids that problem, and is likely to remain unbreakable even if
rng() returns just some constant.  However, then you lose one
advantage of DSA, namely being able to do most of the computation in
advance, before you've even seen the message to be signed: If you've
obtained k and done the DSA exponentiation beforehand, you can create
signatures almost instantaneously; but this won't work if k depends on
the message.

This assumes the message always changes.  Isn't this just getting back 
to padding schemes, where you build something like PSS under your DSA to 
protect against signing identical messages?

Since it appears some OpenSSL people are on this list, I'd like to ask 
for more openness in the PRNG design and seeding.  The current code is 
crufty and arbitrary.  Some minor but careful additions could have 
helped reveal this bug earlier.

The code should generate warnings in the case of PURIFY being defined. 
A comment should explain the security relevance of the seeding.  For 

#ifndef PURIFY
/* SECURITY: add entropy to our pool.  This is essential. (more) */
#warning PRNG seeding disabled for Purify, do NOT use PRNG output!
printf("WARNING: PRNG seeding disabled for Purify, do NOT use PRNG 


Also, there should be a TEST_MODE_INSECURE flag that outputs a debug 
print of each time the PRNG is seeded and the data itself.  This should 
be run on a regular basis as part of automated tests.  For example:

#warning PRNG seeding debug prints enabled, do NOT use PRNG output!
printf("WARNING: PRNG seeding debug prints enabled, do NOT use PRNG 


seed_PRNG(src_name, buf)
printf("PRNG seeding from %s: %s\n", src_name, hex_dump(buf));

... do seeding ...

Anyway, I hope this incident helps us all add more openness and paranoia 
to our designs.


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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-30 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 28 May 2008 10:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> Yes. Still, some people are using fopen/fread to access /dev/random, which 
> does pre-fetching on most implementations I saw, so using open/read is 
> preferred for using /dev/random.

It is not an implementaion issue but a requirement of the C standard.
To avoid buffering use

   setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

right after the fopen.



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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-28 Thread The Fungi
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:34:53AM +0200, Philipp Gühring wrote:
> > it is imperative that wasteful reads of this pseudo-device be
> > avoided at all costs. 
> Yes. Still, some people are using fopen/fread to access
> /dev/random, which does pre-fetching on most implementations I
> saw, so using open/read is preferred for using /dev/random.
> Implementations can be rather easily checked with strace.

Oh, agreed wholeheartedly. I simply meant that *wasteful*
(gratuitous) reads of /dev/random should be avoided. Justifiable,
conservative reads of /dev/random are, of course, why it exists in
the first place!

And fopen/fread is definitely a bad idea in this case for the
reasons you point out. In general, anything which prefetches
potentially excess data in a read from /dev/random is destructive to
the entropy pool.
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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-28 Thread Philipp Gühring

> (it doesn't just "slow down a lot"). Since /dev/random use depletes
> the pool directly, it is imperative that wasteful reads of this
> pseudo-device be avoided at all costs. 

Yes. Still, some people are using fopen/fread to access /dev/random, which 
does pre-fetching on most implementations I saw, so using open/read is 
preferred for using /dev/random.

Implementations can be rather easily checked with strace.

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-27 Thread The Fungi
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 12:29:11PM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> My understanding of the situation is that the way you get secure
> use of a PRNG is by feeding it "real" entropy,
> the reason /dev/random is cryptographically secure is that it
> *does* require "real" entropy, which of course means that it slows
> down a lot when you run out of "real" entropy in the pool.

This statement seems a little confused. If you 'man 4 random' on a
Linux system, you will see:

   The random number generator gathers environmental noise from
   device drivers and other sources into an entropy pool. The
   generator also keeps an estimate of the number of bits of noise
   in the entropy pool. From this entropy pool random numbers are
   created. When read, the /dev/random device will only return
   random bytes within the estimated number of bits of noise in the
   entropy pool. /dev/random should be suitable for uses that need
   very high quality randomness such as one-time pad or key
   generation. When the entropy pool is empty, reads from
   /dev/random will block until additional environmental noise is

So /dev/random on Linux isn't so much a PRNG seeded by entropy, as a
direct means of pulling (hashed) entropy directly out of the pool.
For each byte of /dev/random you read, the entropy pool is depleted
by the same amount. When there are no estimated bits of entropy
remaining, further reads are blocked until new entropy is available
(it doesn't just "slow down a lot"). Since /dev/random use depletes
the pool directly, it is imperative that wasteful reads of this
pseudo-device be avoided at all costs. By contrast, /dev/urandom
*is* a PRNG (optionally) seeded by available entropy. If its seed
value is known, output sequence can be determined until it gets

> An additional entropy pool would need more places to *get*
> entropy, of course.

For the sake of this discussion, "the entropy pool" should be
defined as a pool of all entropy sources available to the system.
Thus, the idea of "an additional entropy pool" wouldn't make any
sense, though "additional sources of entropy feeding/mixed into the
entropy pool" might be what you were getting at (such as a hardware
RNG chip, webcam pointed at a few lava lamps, microphone aimed at
the nearest freeway, et cetera).

> Essentially, giving the characteristics of cryptographically
> useful randomness and perfect forward secrecy to /dev/urandom
> would ultimately mean you turned it into a duplicate of
> /dev/random.

Well, /dev/urandom (on Linux) represents a PRNG while /dev/random
does not. I suppose if you read from /dev/urandom byte-at-a-time and
reseed it with a byte from /dev/random between each read, it will
essentially be (deterministically because you know how to predict
the mapping between seed and sequence number n) a duplicate of
/dev/random, but this argument is superfluous.
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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-27 Thread Chad Perrin
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:22:18AM +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> For example, reading a lot of data from linux's /dev/urandom will
> deplete the entropy pool in the kernel, which effectively makes reads
> from /dev/random stall.  The two devices uses the same entropy pool.
> I believe a much better approach would be if /dev/urandom was a fast and
> secure PRNG, with perfect-forward-secrecy properties, and /dev/random
> was a slow device with "real" entropy (whatever that means..) gathered
> from the hardware.  The two devices would share little or no code.  The
> /dev/urandom PRNG seed could be fed data from /dev/random from time to
> time, or from other sources (like kernel task switching timings).  I
> believe designs like this have been proposed from time to time, but
> there hasn't been any uptake.

My understanding of the situation is that the way you get secure use of a
PRNG is by feeding it "real" entropy, and the way you get fast use of a
PRNG is by feeding it whatever seeds you have on-hand, regardless of
"real" randomness -- or just don't feed it any seeds at all, if you don't
have any on-hand.  Thus, the reason /dev/urandom is fast is that it
doesn't actually *require* "real" entropy, and the reason /dev/random is
cryptographically secure is that it *does* require "real" entropy, which
of course means that it slows down a lot when you run out of "real"
entropy in the pool.

Assuming I am not mistaken in my understanding of the operation of the
two randomness devices, you could probably get reasonable security and
speed overall for /dev/urandom by limiting how quickly and often it
accesses the entropy pool, hitting it once in a while at (pseudo)random
intervals within a reasonable range to seed the PRNG.  This would make it
fast unless you're taxing the entropy pool so badly with multiple
processes using /dev/urandom or some /dev/random use that there literally
is no entropy left in the pool for /dev/urandom to use at all when it
tries to hit the pool.  It would not provide "perfect" forward secrecy,
however, because there would be brief intervals (between hits to the
entropy pool) during which knowing the PRNG algorithm and its current
state would allow someone to predict further PRNG output until the end of
the current entropy interval.  The length of the interval, however, could
conceivably be (effectively) unknowable.

Ultimately, I think the reason nobody has implemented a /dev/urandom that
allows for fast, secure PRNG operation with perfect forward secrecy is
that it's kind of a "pick n-1" situation, such as with the old saw, "Fast
good, cheap; pick two."  To get cryptographically strong randomness, you
need entropy, which taxes the entropy pool.  An additional entropy pool
would need more places to *get* entropy, of course.  Essentially, giving
the characteristics of cryptographically useful randomness and perfect
forward secrecy to /dev/urandom would ultimately mean you turned it into
a duplicate of /dev/random.

It looks like you're suggesting just changing the way /dev/urandom
receives its entropy so that it happens periodically, similarly to how I
described limiting it from exhausting the entropy pool above -- but that
won't solve the problem of giving /dev/urandom strong security and
perfect forward secrecy characteristics.

. . . or is there something I missed?

Chad Perrin [ content licensed PDL: ]
Baltasar Gracian: "A wise man gets more from his enemies than a fool from
his friends."

Description: PGP signature

Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-27 Thread Simon Josefsson
Taral <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 5/26/08, Simon Josefsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  For example, reading a lot of data from linux's /dev/urandom will
>>  deplete the entropy pool in the kernel, which effectively makes reads
>>  from /dev/random stall.  The two devices uses the same entropy pool.
> That's a bug in the way the kernel hands out entropy to multiple
> concurrent consumers. I don't think it's a semantic issue.

Do you have any references?  Several people have brought this up before
and have been told that the design with depleting the entropy pool is

Still, the semantics of /dev/*random is not standardized anywhere, and
the current implementation is sub-optimal from a practical point of
view, so I think we are far away from an even OK situation.


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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-27 Thread Bodo Moeller
On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 4:55 PM, "Hal Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A simple trick can be used to help immunize DSA signatures against
> these kinds of failures. I first learned of this idea many years ago
> from Phil Zimmermann, and a varient has been used for a long time in
> PGP and probably other code, but aparently not OpenSSL. The idea is
> to base the random k not just on the output of your RNG, but also on
> the private key x. Something like:
> k = hash (x, rng()).
> Of course it is still necessary that k be uniformly distributed mod q
> (the DSA subgroup prime order), so this can't be just a straight hash.
> It might be a separate PRNG instance which gets seeded with the data
> values shown.  But the idea is to mix in the secret key value, x, in
> addition to data from the RNG.

I've used this idea before, although in the form of using the private
key as part of the PRNG seed -- which isn't of much use if the PRNG
ignores its seeding as in this case.  However, even the form

k = hash (x, rng())

isn't good enough if the PRNG is sufficiently broken.  The Debian code
generated an output that was not merely predictable, but also prone to
repetition if you run a binary multiple times.  With typically just
2^15 different byte streams from the PRNG, by the birthday paradox
you'd have to expect to have been reusing some k after around 2^8
iterations or so.  So your DSA key would still be at risk!

You could also make k message-dependant -- i.e., feed both x and k
into the hash function:

k = hash (x, rng(), m)

This avoids that problem, and is likely to remain unbreakable even if
rng() returns just some constant.  However, then you lose one
advantage of DSA, namely being able to do most of the computation in
advance, before you've even seen the message to be signed: If you've
obtained k and done the DSA exponentiation beforehand, you can create
signatures almost instantaneously; but this won't work if k depends on
the message.


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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-27 Thread Taral
On 5/26/08, Simon Josefsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  For example, reading a lot of data from linux's /dev/urandom will
>  deplete the entropy pool in the kernel, which effectively makes reads
>  from /dev/random stall.  The two devices uses the same entropy pool.

That's a bug in the way the kernel hands out entropy to multiple
concurrent consumers. I don't think it's a semantic issue.

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-26 Thread Ivan Krstić

On May 25, 2008, at 6:02 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:

I meant: how good are the PRNGs underneath them?

Not a direct answer to your question, but somewhat relevant as context  
is Michal Zalewski's analysis of TCP/IP sequence number predictability  
across operating systems:

It's several years out of date, however.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-26 Thread IanG

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Sat, 24 May 2008 20:29:51 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of course, we have now persuaded even the most stubborn OS that 
randomness matters, and most of them make it available, so perhaps

this concern is moot.

Though I would be interested to know how well they do it! I did have 
some input into the design for FreeBSD's, so I know it isn't

completely awful, but how do other OSes stack up?

I believe that all open source Unix-like systems have /dev/random
and /dev/urandom; Solaris does as well.

Yes, but with different semantics:

 /dev/urandom is a compatibility nod
 to Linux. On Linux, /dev/urandom will
 produce lower quality output if the
 entropy pool drains, while
 /dev/random will prefer to block and
 wait for additional entropy to be
 collected.  With Yarrow, this choice
 and distinction is not necessary,
 and the two devices behave
 identically. You may use either.

(random(4) from Mac OSX.)

Depending on where you are in the security paranoia 
equation, the differences matter little or a lot.  If doing 
medium level security, it's fine to outsource the critical 
components to the OS, and accept any failings.  If doing 
paranoid-level stuff, then best to implement ones own mix 
and just stir in the OS level offering.  That way we reduce 
the surface area for lower-layer config attacks like the 
Debian adventure.


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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-26 Thread zooko

On May 24, 2008, at 9:18 PM, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

I believe that all open source Unix-like systems have /dev/random
and /dev/urandom; Solaris does as well.

By the way, Solaris is an open source Unix-like system nowadays.  ;-)



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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-26 Thread Simon Josefsson
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>> On Sat, 24 May 2008 20:29:51 +0100
>> Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Of course, we have now persuaded even the most stubborn OS that
>>> randomness matters, and most of them make it available, so perhaps
>>> this concern is moot.
>>> Though I would be interested to know how well they do it! I did
>>> have some input into the design for FreeBSD's, so I know it isn't
>>> completely awful, but how do other OSes stack up?
>> I believe that all open source Unix-like systems have /dev/random
>> and /dev/urandom; Solaris does as well.
> I meant: how good are the PRNGs underneath them?

For the linux kernel, there is a paper:

Another important aspect is the semantics of the devices: None of the
/dev/*random devices are standardized anywhere (as far as I know).
There semantics can and do differ.  This is a larger practical problem.

For example, reading a lot of data from linux's /dev/urandom will
deplete the entropy pool in the kernel, which effectively makes reads
from /dev/random stall.  The two devices uses the same entropy pool.

I believe a much better approach would be if /dev/urandom was a fast and
secure PRNG, with perfect-forward-secrecy properties, and /dev/random
was a slow device with "real" entropy (whatever that means..) gathered
from the hardware.  The two devices would share little or no code.  The
/dev/urandom PRNG seed could be fed data from /dev/random from time to
time, or from other sources (like kernel task switching timings).  I
believe designs like this have been proposed from time to time, but
there hasn't been any uptake.


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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-25 Thread Ben Laurie

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Sat, 24 May 2008 20:29:51 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of course, we have now persuaded even the most stubborn OS that 
randomness matters, and most of them make it available, so perhaps

this concern is moot.

Though I would be interested to know how well they do it! I did have 
some input into the design for FreeBSD's, so I know it isn't

completely awful, but how do other OSes stack up?

I believe that all open source Unix-like systems have /dev/random
and /dev/urandom; Solaris does as well.

I meant: how good are the PRNGs underneath them?


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-25 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 24 May 2008 20:29:51 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course, we have now persuaded even the most stubborn OS that 
> randomness matters, and most of them make it available, so perhaps
> this concern is moot.
> Though I would be interested to know how well they do it! I did have 
> some input into the design for FreeBSD's, so I know it isn't
> completely awful, but how do other OSes stack up?
I believe that all open source Unix-like systems have /dev/random
and /dev/urandom; Solaris does as well.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-24 Thread Ben Laurie

Eric Young wrote:

  #ifndef PURIFY
MD_Update(&m,buf,j); /* purify complains */


I just re-checked, this code was from SSLeay, so it pre-dates OpenSSL
taking over from me
(about 10 years ago, after I was assimilated by RSA Security).

So in some ways I'm the one at fault for not being clear enough about
why 'purify complains' and why it was not relevant.
Purify also incorrectly companied about a construct used in the digest
gathering code which functioned correctly, but purify was
also correct (a byte in a read word was uninitialised, but it was later
overwritten by a shifted byte).

One of the more insidious things about Purify is that once its
complaints are investigated, and deemed irrelevant (but left in the
anyone who subsequently runs purify on an application linking in the
library will get the same purify warning.
This leads to rather distressed application developers.  Especially if
their company has a policy of 'no purify warnings'.

One needs to really ship the 'warning ignore' file for purify (does
valgrind have one?).

I personally do wonder why, if the original author had purify related
comments, which means he was aware of the issues,
but had still left the code in place, the reviewer would not consider
that the code did some-thing important enough to
ignore purify's complaints.

I think the core point is that 10+ years ago, when this code was 
written, randomness was actually quite hard to come by. Daemons like EGD 
had to be installed and fed and cared for. So, even a little entropy 
from "uninitialised" memory (I use the quotes because I do appreciate 
that the memory probably has somewhat predictable content) was worth having.

Of course, we have now persuaded even the most stubborn OS that 
randomness matters, and most of them make it available, so perhaps this 
concern is moot.

Though I would be interested to know how well they do it! I did have 
some input into the design for FreeBSD's, so I know it isn't completely 
awful, but how do other OSes stack up?




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-24 Thread Eric Young

>   #ifndef PURIFY
> MD_Update(&m,buf,j); /* purify complains */
>   #endif

I just re-checked, this code was from SSLeay, so it pre-dates OpenSSL
taking over from me
(about 10 years ago, after I was assimilated by RSA Security).

So in some ways I'm the one at fault for not being clear enough about
why 'purify complains' and why it was not relevant.
Purify also incorrectly companied about a construct used in the digest
gathering code which functioned correctly, but purify was
also correct (a byte in a read word was uninitialised, but it was later
overwritten by a shifted byte).

One of the more insidious things about Purify is that once its
complaints are investigated, and deemed irrelevant (but left in the
anyone who subsequently runs purify on an application linking in the
library will get the same purify warning.
This leads to rather distressed application developers.  Especially if
their company has a policy of 'no purify warnings'.

One needs to really ship the 'warning ignore' file for purify (does
valgrind have one?).

I personally do wonder why, if the original author had purify related
comments, which means he was aware of the issues,
but had still left the code in place, the reviewer would not consider
that the code did some-thing important enough to
ignore purify's complaints.


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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-23 Thread Florian Weimer
* Ben Laurie:

> I must confess that I said that because I did not have the energy to
> figure out the other routes to adding entropy, such as adding an int
> (e.g. a PID, which I'm told still makes it in there).

The PID dependency is there because of the need for fork
support--obviously, the PRNG must return a different key stream in the
parent and child process, but the two cannot communicate with each

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-23 Thread Florian Weimer
* Ben Laurie:

> Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:
>> Ben: I'm idly curious. Was this exceptionally unusual case where use of
>> uninitialized memory was valid properly commented in the code?

It's mentioned in the manpage for a function that eventually calls the
function that was (correctly) patched--through a function pointer.  The
incorrectly patched function looks somewhat parallel, but it's not.

There is no local comment in the source code for this particular case of
uninitialized memory access.

> Well. Kinda. It didn't really explain why:
>   i=fread(buf,1,n,in);
>   if (i <= 0) break;
>   /* even if n != i, use the full array */
>   RAND_add(buf,n,(double)i);
> There is in theory a second place where it might used an uninitialised
> buffer, but I think in practice that never happens.

AFAIK, this piece of code is not really related and rarely used outside
OpenSSL itself.  And in the OpenSSL case, the fread call always
overwrites the whole buffer, it seems.

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-23 Thread Ben Laurie

Florian Weimer wrote:

* Ben Laurie:

I must confess that I said that because I did not have the energy to
figure out the other routes to adding entropy, such as adding an int
(e.g. a PID, which I'm told still makes it in there).

The PID dependency is there because of the need for fork
support--obviously, the PRNG must return a different key stream in the
parent and child process, but the two cannot communicate with each

I'm fully aware why its there! I just wasn't sure (at the time) that 
this change didn't also remove it.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-23 Thread Florian Weimer
* Peter Gutmann:

> Debian seem to be particularly bad for not reporting changes to
> maintainers,

This shouldn't be the case.  There's a clear policy that non-packaging
changes (basically, anything beyond trivial build fixes and pathname
changes for FHS compliance) should be submitted upstream.

> I've got a few packages that are contained in a number of distros and
> I notice via occasional Google searches for semi-related items that
> I'm getting hits to CVS change logs for my code where someone is
> repeatedly re-applying some patch to every new version I release.

If you name names, we can certainly fix that.  I couldn't figure out
what packages are affected on Debian's side.

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Thu, 15 May 2008, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> The bigger picture is that distributions who are doing local mods
> should really have an ongoing conversation with the software's
> developers. Even if the developers don't want to talk to you, a
> one-way conversation of "we're doing this, we're doing that" could be
> useful.

Apparently, there was even a "two-way" communication about the
issue in openssl-dev [1]

  The code in question that has the problem are the following
  2 pieces of code in crypto/rand/md_rand.c:


  #ifndef PURIFY
MD_Update(&m,buf,j); /* purify complains */


  What I currently see as best option is to actually comment out
  those 2 lines of code.  But I have no idea what effect this
  really has on the RNG.  The only effect I see is that the pool
  might receive less entropy.  But on the other hand, I'm not
  even sure how much entropy some unitialised data has.

  What do you people think about removing those 2 lines of code?

but I guess nobody on the openssl side was bothered to check
exactly what code Kurt was talking about and thus a potential
ROTFL moment turns out to be a security disaster.

[1] Random number generator, uninitialised data and valgrind


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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman
More interesting threadage about the issue here: 
, particularly in the 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread "Hal Finney"
Ben Laurie alerts us to the recent bug in Debian distributions of
OpenSSL which caused the RNG to have almost no entropy. The distribution
mistakenly commented out the call that added seeding and most other
sources of entropy to the RNG state. This is requiring many keys to
be re-issued.

One of the more unfortunate aspects of this bug is that it affects not
only keys generated on systems with the weak RNG, but also even securely
generated DSA keys, if the keys were used for signing on systems with
the bug. DSA keys are vulnerable to weak RNGs not only at keygen time
but at any later time that signatures are created. This causes those
keys to be far more vulnerable to problems in RNGs.

The reason is the DSA signature equation sk - xr = h, where h is the
message hash, r and s are signature components, x is the private key,
and k is a random value chosen uniquely per message. If k is guessable,
as potentially was the case with this recent bug, then x can be deduced
since the other values are typically sent in the clear.

A simple trick can be used to help immunize DSA signatures against
these kinds of failures. I first learned of this idea many years ago
from Phil Zimmermann, and a varient has been used for a long time in
PGP and probably other code, but aparently not OpenSSL. The idea is
to base the random k not just on the output of your RNG, but also on
the private key x. Something like:

k = hash (x, rng()).

Of course it is still necessary that k be uniformly distributed mod q
(the DSA subgroup prime order), so this can't be just a straight hash.
It might be a separate PRNG instance which gets seeded with the data
values shown.  But the idea is to mix in the secret key value, x, in
addition to data from the RNG.

In this way, if the rng data is predictable but the secret key is unknown,
k should still be unguessable. And if your mixing function is good then
this should not leak any information about x, especially in the usual
case where the rng is of good quality.

A variant on this idea protects against a separate problem, where k
is unguessable but somehow the same k value is used for two separate
signatures. This again lets the attacker deduce x because he will observe
two instances of the DSA signature equation above, with all values known
except k and x, and since k is the same, this is two equations with two
unknowns and allows recovering both values.

To immunize against this failure, include the message hash h in the mixing
function that generates k:

k = hash (x, h, rng()).

Now, if the RNG does produce identical output, h will typically differ
among signatures, again producing unique and unguessable k values. And
if h is the same for two messages in this form, k will be the same, but
then r and s will be the same as well, and the second signature will be
an exact match of the first and not leak new information.

I think these techniques are widely known among implementors but I did
not see them in HAC so I thought it was worth reminding the community
here. OpenSSL is such a widely used crypto library that it would be
especially valuable for it to consider incorporating these mechanisms. It
would have saved some considerable pain as administrators who use OpenSSH
(which depends on OpenSSL) DSA keys now are forced to consider whether
they may be vulnerable to the bug even if their primary servers were not
exposed to it, since any client out there may have generated insecure
signatures and inadvertantly revealed secret keys.

Hal Finney

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Paul Hoffman wrote:

At 10:25 AM +0100 5/15/08, Ben Laurie wrote:

Paul Hoffman wrote:

I'm confused about two statements here:

At 2:10 PM +0100 5/13/08, Ben Laurie wrote:
The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian's 
"Edgy" release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on 
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This 
includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

. . .

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is 
bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but 
OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good 
idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do 
no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause 
irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though, 
including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag 
(PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian 
maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the 
uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of 
adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood 
the bug before fixing it.

The second bit makes it sound like the stuff that the Debian folks 
blindly removed was one, possibly-useful addition to the entropy 
pool. The first bit makes it sound like the stuff was absolutely 
critical to the entropy of produced keys. Which one is correct?

They removed _all_ entropy addition to the pool, with the exception of 
the PID, which is mixed in at a lower level.

I take it that these are not 128-bit, non-monotonic PIDs. :-)

The bigger picture is that distributions who are doing local mods should 
really have an ongoing conversation with the software's developers. Even 
if the developers don't want to talk to you, a one-way conversation of 
"we're doing this, we're doing that" could be useful.

That doesn't scale very well, though - which is why my position is that 
they should avoid local mods.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:25 AM +0100 5/15/08, Ben Laurie wrote:

Paul Hoffman wrote:

I'm confused about two statements here:

At 2:10 PM +0100 5/13/08, Ben Laurie wrote:
The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian's 
"Edgy" release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on 
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. 
This includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

. . .

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is 
bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but 
OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good 
idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can 
do no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does 
cause irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, 
though, including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have 
a flag (PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the 
Debian maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the 
uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of 
adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood 
the bug before fixing it.

The second bit makes it sound like the stuff that the Debian folks 
blindly removed was one, possibly-useful addition to the entropy 
pool. The first bit makes it sound like the stuff was absolutely 
critical to the entropy of produced keys. Which one is correct?

They removed _all_ entropy addition to the pool, with the exception 
of the PID, which is mixed in at a lower level.

I take it that these are not 128-bit, non-monotonic PIDs. :-)

The bigger picture is that distributions who are doing local mods 
should really have an ongoing conversation with the software's 
developers. Even if the developers don't want to talk to you, a 
one-way conversation of "we're doing this, we're doing that" could be 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Paul Hoffman wrote:

I'm confused about two statements here:

At 2:10 PM +0100 5/13/08, Ben Laurie wrote:
The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian's 
"Edgy" release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on 
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This 
includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

. . .

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is bad 
to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but OpenSSL 
happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good idea: its 
randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do no harm and 
might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause irritating 
errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though, including valgrind 
and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag (PURIFY) that removes 
the offending code. However, the Debian maintainers, instead of 
tracking down the source of the uninitialised memory instead chose to 
remove any possibility of adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly 
they had not understood the bug before fixing it.

The second bit makes it sound like the stuff that the Debian folks 
blindly removed was one, possibly-useful addition to the entropy pool. 
The first bit makes it sound like the stuff was absolutely critical to 
the entropy of produced keys. Which one is correct?

They removed _all_ entropy addition to the pool, with the exception of 
the PID, which is mixed in at a lower level.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:

On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 10:34 +0100, Ben Laurie wrote:

Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:

Ben: I'm idly curious. Was this exceptionally unusual case where use of
uninitialized memory was valid properly commented in the code?

Well. Kinda. It didn't really explain why...

Then you got what you deserved.

_I_ didn't get anything. And _I_ didn't deserve anything: I did not 
write the code.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:

Ben: I'm idly curious. Was this exceptionally unusual case where use of
uninitialized memory was valid properly commented in the code?

Well. Kinda. It didn't really explain why:

if (i <= 0) break;
/* even if n != i, use the full array */

There is in theory a second place where it might used an uninitialised 
buffer, but I think in practice that never happens.

I'd note that ISO/IEC 9899 says the result of doing this is undefined, 
so I am inclined to remove it from future releases.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Tue, 13 May 2008, Ben Laurie wrote:
> Had Debian done this in this case, we (the OpenSSL Team) would have
> fallen about laughing

I think we all should not miss this ROTFL experience:

Original code (see ssleay_rand_add)


the patch


and the end result



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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I must confess that I said that because I did not have the energy to figure
out the other routes to adding entropy, such as adding an int (e.g. a PID,
which I'm told still makes it in there).

So just to clarify, does the Debian patch only remove the ability to add
uninitialised memory (which will be all-zeroes anyway on an OS with proper
resource controls) or does it remove the ability to add any entropy at all?
The advisory makes it sound like it's the latter.

Indeed, it is the latter.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I must confess that I said that because I did not have the energy to figure
>out the other routes to adding entropy, such as adding an int (e.g. a PID,
>which I'm told still makes it in there).

So just to clarify, does the Debian patch only remove the ability to add
uninitialised memory (which will be all-zeroes anyway on an OS with proper
resource controls) or does it remove the ability to add any entropy at all?
The advisory makes it sound like it's the latter.


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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
"Jonathan S. Shapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>That said, I agree that pushing the changes upstream is vital, and I further
>agree that fixing bugs you don't understand is a bad idea. Debian screwed up.

Debian seem to be particularly bad for not reporting changes to maintainers,
although other distros do it as well.  I've got a few packages that are
contained in a number of distros and I notice via occasional Google searches
for semi-related items that I'm getting hits to CVS change logs for my code
where someone is repeatedly re-applying some patch to every new version I
release.  All they'd have to do is send me email to say they've made the
change and I can apply it to the master copy, but instead they re-patch every
new release.  In addition because I have no idea where it's ending up, I can't
even send out a notification to say there's a new version out.  It's a very
strange way to "maintain" code.


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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Tue, 13 May 2008 23:27:52 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you
saying that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
uninitialized memory?

No. That would be fantastically stupid.

So why are are the keys so guessable?  Or did they delete other

"However, the Debian maintainers, instead of tracking down the source
of the uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility
of adding memory to the pool at all."

Ah -- you wrote "adding memory" rather than "adding entropy", which I
found ambiguous.

I must confess that I said that because I did not have the energy to 
figure out the other routes to adding entropy, such as adding an int 
(e.g. a PID, which I'm told still makes it in there).


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 23:27:52 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>> Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you
> >>> saying that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
> >>> uninitialized memory?
> >> No. That would be fantastically stupid.
> >>
> > So why are are the keys so guessable?  Or did they delete other
> > code?
> "However, the Debian maintainers, instead of tracking down the source
> of the uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility
> of adding memory to the pool at all."
Ah -- you wrote "adding memory" rather than "adding entropy", which I
found ambiguous.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Tue, 13 May 2008 23:00:57 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Tue, 13 May 2008 14:10:45 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems"
pointed out by security tools can be disastrous.

I've blogged about it here:

Vendors Are Bad For Security

I?ve ranted about this at length before, I?m sure - even in print,
in O?Reily?s Open Sources 2. But now Debian have proved me right
(again) beyond my wildest expectations. Two years ago,
they ?fixed? a ?problem? in OpenSSL reported by valgrind[1] by
removing any possibility of adding any entropy to OpenSSL?s pool
of randomness[2].

The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian?s
?Edgy? release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys.
This includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is
bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but
OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good
idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do
no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does
cause irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though,
including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag
(PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian
maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the
uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of
adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood
the bug before fixing it.

Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you
saying that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
uninitialized memory?

No. That would be fantastically stupid.

So why are are the keys so guessable?  Or did they delete other code?

"However, the Debian maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of 
the uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of 
adding memory to the pool at all."


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 23:00:57 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > On Tue, 13 May 2008 14:10:45 +0100
> > Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems"
> >> pointed out by security tools can be disastrous.
> >>
> >> I've blogged about it here:
> >>
> >> Vendors Are Bad For Security
> >>
> >> I?ve ranted about this at length before, I?m sure - even in print,
> >> in O?Reily?s Open Sources 2. But now Debian have proved me right
> >> (again) beyond my wildest expectations. Two years ago,
> >> they ?fixed? a ?problem? in OpenSSL reported by valgrind[1] by
> >> removing any possibility of adding any entropy to OpenSSL?s pool
> >> of randomness[2].
> >>
> >> The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian?s
> >> ?Edgy? release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on
> >> Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys.
> >> This includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.
> >>
> > 
> >> [2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is
> >> bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but
> >> OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good
> >> idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do
> >> no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does
> >> cause irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though,
> >> including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag
> >> (PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian
> >> maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the
> >> uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of
> >> adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood
> >> the bug before fixing it.
> >>
> > Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you
> > saying that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
> > uninitialized memory?
> No. That would be fantastically stupid.
So why are are the keys so guessable?  Or did they delete other code?

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Tue, 13 May 2008 14:10:45 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems"
pointed out by security tools can be disastrous.

I've blogged about it here:

Vendors Are Bad For Security

I?ve ranted about this at length before, I?m sure - even in print, in 
O?Reily?s Open Sources 2. But now Debian have proved me right (again) 
beyond my wildest expectations. Two years ago, they ?fixed? a

?problem? in OpenSSL reported by valgrind[1] by removing any
possibility of adding any entropy to OpenSSL?s pool of randomness[2].

The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian?s
?Edgy? release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This
includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is
bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but
OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good
idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do
no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause
irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though,
including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag
(PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian
maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the uninitialised
memory instead chose to remove any possibility of adding memory to
the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood the bug before
fixing it.

Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you saying
that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
uninitialized memory?

No. That would be fantastically stupid.

If so, is there any support in the relevant
standards that dictate that this memory MUST NOT be cleared?  I was
thinking of things like SELinux, which may (or may not) clear memory
areas before handing it to an application.

--Steve Bellovin,


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 02:10:45PM +0100, Ben Laurie wrote:

> [Moderator's note: A quick reminder: please use ASCII except if you
> need Unicode to spell your name right. Microsoft's proprietary quote
> marks are not a standard and don't look right on non-Microsoft
> displays. I edited them out of this by hand. --Perry]
> Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems" pointed 
> out by security tools can be disastrous.

Upstream authors can take defensive measures against ill-advised
patches of this sort. For a while, distributions were in the habit
of Patching the code that Postfix uses to learn the its own hostname.
Invariably, they botched it. The code now reads:

  /* get_hostname - look up my host name */

  const char *get_hostname(void)
charnamebuf[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1];

 * The gethostname() call is not (or not yet) in ANSI or POSIX, but it is
 * part of the socket interface library. We avoid the more politically-
 * correct uname() routine because that has no portable way of dealing
 * with long (FQDN) hostnames.
if (my_host_name == 0) {
  if (gethostname(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf)) < 0)
msg_fatal("gethostname: %m");
  namebuf[MAXHOSTNAMELEN] = 0;
  if (valid_hostname(namebuf, DO_GRIPE) == 0)
msg_fatal("unable to use my own hostname");
  my_host_name = mystrdup(namebuf);
return (my_host_name);

every couple of lines appears to have solved the problem: it deliberately
breaks all prior patches (context diff overlaps), and strongly signals
that the code must not be messed with.


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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 14:10:45 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems"
> pointed out by security tools can be disastrous.
> I've blogged about it here:
> Vendors Are Bad For Security
> I?ve ranted about this at length before, I?m sure - even in print, in 
> O?Reily?s Open Sources 2. But now Debian have proved me right (again) 
> beyond my wildest expectations. Two years ago, they ?fixed? a
> ?problem? in OpenSSL reported by valgrind[1] by removing any
> possibility of adding any entropy to OpenSSL?s pool of randomness[2].
> The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian?s
> ?Edgy? release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on
> Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This
> includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

> [2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is
> bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but
> OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good
> idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do
> no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause
> irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though,
> including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag
> (PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian
> maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the uninitialised
> memory instead chose to remove any possibility of adding memory to
> the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood the bug before
> fixing it.
Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you saying
that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
uninitialized memory?  If so, is there any support in the relevant
standards that dictate that this memory MUST NOT be cleared?  I was
thinking of things like SELinux, which may (or may not) clear memory
areas before handing it to an application.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 12:10:16 -0400
"Jonathan S. Shapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ben's points are well taken, but there is one *small* piece of this
> where I have some sympathy for the Debian folks:
> > What can we learn from this? Firstly, vendors should not be fixing 
> > problems (or, really, anything) in open source packages by patching
> > them locally - they should contribute their patches upstream to the
> > package maintainers.
> The response times from package maintainers -- even the good ones like
> the OpenSSL team -- are not always fast enough. Sometimes, vendors
> don't have a choice. There is a catch-22 on both sides of this coin.
I was going to post something similar.  I maintain several pkgsrc
packages (; while most upstream maintainers are
happy to receive bug fixes, others range from indifferent to downright
hostile.  For example, I once reported a portability bug to a
developer: POSIX standards *require* that a certain system call reject
out-of-range arguments, and NetBSD enforces that check.  The Linux
kernel (or rather, the kernel of that time; I haven't rechecked lately)
did not.  Fine -- a minor standards issue with Linux.  But the
application I was adding to pkgsrc relied on the Linux behavior and the
developer angrily rejected my fix -- the standard was "stupid", and he
saw no reason to change his code to conform.

Usually, though, indifference is a bigger problem.  The NetBSD internal
developers' mailing list has seen numerous complaints about *major*
package developers ignoring portability and correctness fixes.  If it
isn't Linux and it isn't Windows, it doesn't matter, it seems.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

I'm confused about two statements here:

At 2:10 PM +0100 5/13/08, Ben Laurie wrote:
The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian's 
"Edgy" release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on 
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This 
includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

. . .

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is 
bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but 
OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good 
idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do 
no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause 
irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though, 
including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag 
(PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian 
maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the 
uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of 
adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood 
the bug before fixing it.

The second bit makes it sound like the stuff that the Debian folks 
blindly removed was one, possibly-useful addition to the entropy 
pool. The first bit makes it sound like the stuff was absolutely 
critical to the entropy of produced keys. Which one is correct?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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The perils of security tools

2008-05-13 Thread Ben Laurie

[Moderator's note: A quick reminder: please use ASCII except if you
need Unicode to spell your name right. Microsoft's proprietary quote
marks are not a standard and don't look right on non-Microsoft
displays. I edited them out of this by hand. --Perry]

Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems" pointed 
out by security tools can be disastrous.

I've blogged about it here:

Vendors Are Bad For Security

I've ranted about this at length before, I'm sure - even in print, in 
O'Reily's Open Sources 2. But now Debian have proved me right (again) 
beyond my wildest expectations. Two years ago, they "fixed" a "problem" 
in OpenSSL reported by valgrind[1] by removing any possibility of adding 
any entropy to OpenSSL's pool of randomness[2].

The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian's "Edgy" 
release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on Debian (and 
hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This includes SSH 
keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

What can we learn from this? Firstly, vendors should not be fixing 
problems (or, really, anything) in open source packages by patching them 
locally - they should contribute their patches upstream to the package 
maintainers. Had Debian done this in this case, we (the OpenSSL Team) 
would have fallen about laughing, and once we had got our breath back, 
told them what a terrible idea this was. But no, it seems that every 
vendor wants to "add value" by getting in between the user of the 
software and its author.

Secondly, if you are going to fix bugs, then you should install this 
maxim of mine firmly in your head: never fix a bug you don't understand. 
I'm not sure I've ever put that in writing before, but anyone who's 
worked with me will have heard me say it multiple times.

Incidentally, while I am talking about vendors who are bad for security, 
it saddens me to have to report that FreeBSD, my favourite open source 
operating system, are also guilty. Not only do they have local patches 
in their ports system that should clearly be sent upstream, but they 
also install packages without running the self-tests. This has bitten me 
twice by installing broken crypto, most recently in the py-openssl package.

[1] Valgrind is a wonderful tool, I recommend it highly.

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is bad 
to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but OpenSSL 
happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good idea: its 
randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do no harm and 
might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause irritating 
errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though, including valgrind 
and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag (PURIFY) that removes the 
offending code. However, the Debian maintainers, instead of tracking 
down the source of the uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any 
possibility of adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not 
understood the bug before fixing it.

P.S. I'd link to the offending patch in Debian's source repository. If I 
could find a source repository. But I can't.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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