Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-30 Thread John Ioannidis

John Gilmore wrote:

PPS: On a consulting job one time, I helped my customer patch out the
license check for some expensive Unix circuit simulation software they
were running.  They had bought a faster, newer machine and wanted to
run it there instead of on the machine they'd bought the "node-locked"
license for.  The faster their simulation ran, the easier my job was.
Actually, I think we patched the Unix kernel or C library that the
program depended upon, rather than patch the program; it was easier.

Kernel. Instead of calling the subroutine that would retrieve the 32-bit 
hostid from the PROM, you just did a load immediate with the right 
number.  The instructions were the same length, so everything worked fine :)

Not that I know of any places that actually did this, of course :)


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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-30 Thread Jerry Leichter

On May 29, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Jerry Leichter  writes:

For the most part, software like this aims to keep reasonably honest
people honest.  Yes, they can probably hire someone to hack around  

licensing software.  (There's generally not much motivation for J
Random User to break this stuff, since it protects business software
with a specialized audience.) But is it (a) worth the cost; (b) worth
the risk - if you get caught, there's clear evidence that you broke
things deliberately.

I think a far more important consideration for license-management  
isn't "how secure is it" but "how obnoxious is it for legitimate  
users"?  I
know a number of people who have either themselves broken or  
downloaded tools
to break FlexLM and similar schemes, and in every single case they  
legitimate users who were prevented from using their legally  
purchased product by the license-mismanagement tools, or who after  
spending hours or even days fighting with the license-mismanagement  
software found it easier to break the protection than to try and  
figure out what contortions were required to keep the license- 
checking code happy

I agree 100%.

The most important thing to keep in mind when doing license management  
software is that it has *NO* value to the *customer*.  The guys who  
sell this stuff will always claim that it "helps the customer keep  
track of licenses" or some such rot - but it's complete nonsense.  In  
fact, license management code has *negative* customer value.  That  
doesn't mean it doesn't have a legitimate role - the cash registers in  
the supermarket add a negative value to all the sold, but the  
supermarket wouldn't be there without them.  But unless you  
understand, deep down, that this is something that you're imposing on  
your customer and that therefore it needs to be as close to invisible  
and fail-safe as possible; and you act *effectively* on that basis -  
you're just going to encourage circumvention or a search for  
alternatives to your software.

-- Jerry

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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-29 Thread Peter Gutmann
Jerry Leichter  writes:

>For the most part, software like this aims to keep reasonably honest  
>people honest.  Yes, they can probably hire someone to hack around the  
>licensing software.  (There's generally not much motivation for J  
>Random User to break this stuff, since it protects business software  
>with a specialized audience.) But is it (a) worth the cost; (b) worth  
>the risk - if you get caught, there's clear evidence that you broke  
>things deliberately.

I think a far more important consideration for license-management software 
isn't "how secure is it" but "how obnoxious is it for legitimate users"?  I 
know a number of people who have either themselves broken or downloaded tools 
to break FlexLM and similar schemes, and in every single case they were 
legitimate users who were prevented from using their legally purchased product 
by the license-mismanagement tools, or who after spending hours or even days 
fighting with the license-mismanagement software found it easier to break the 
protection than to try and figure out what contortions were required to keep 
the license-checking code happy.  I've experienced this myself with a software 
tool I use, there are some (as I found out after several hours of searching 
support forums) well-known problems with it that the vendor doesn't seem 
interested in fixing, and that you can eventually resolve either with some 
registry hacks and other low-level changes or by downloading haxor tools 
that'll achieve the same result with a few minutes work (just for the record, 
I took the multi-hour route).  So if your license-management software is 
sufficiently obnoxious that it turns legitimate users into DMCA-violators, you 
have a problem.


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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-29 Thread John Gilmore
>Their product inserts program code into 
> existing applications to make those applications monitor and report
> their own usage and enforce the terms of their own licenses, for 
> example disabling themselves if the central database indicates that 
> their licensee's subscription has expired or if they've been used 
> for more hours/keystrokes/clicks/users/machines/whatever in the 
> current month than licensed for.
> The idea is that software developers could use their product instead
> of spending time and programming effort developing their own license-
> enforcement mechanisms...

Many people have had the same idea before.  The "software license
manager" field is pretty full of little companies (and divisions of
big ones).  Your prospect might be able to find a niche in there
somewhere, if they study their competition to see what's missing and
how they can build up an edge.  But customers tend to hate software
that comes managed with license managers, so it takes an exceptional
company to fight the uphill sales battle to impose them.  (And having
a company switch from License Manager A to License Manager B requires
reissuing licenses to every customer, an extraordinary customer-
support hassle.)  Only in markets where the customer has no effective
choice (of a competing DRM-free product) does it tend to work.

My last startup, Cygnus, sold un-license-managed compilers,
competiting with some entrenched companies that sold license-managed
compilers.  We kept seeing how our own automated overnight software
builds would fail using our competitors' compilers because the license
manager would screw up -- or merely because the local net or Internet
was down.  Or it would hang overnight awaiting an available license,
and doing no work in the meantime.  Our compiler always ran when you
asked it to.

We got tens of thousands of people to switch to our (free) GNU C and
C++ compilers, and enough of them paid us for support and development
that our company kept growing.  Our best selling point against Sun's
compilers, for example, was that ours didn't use any license manager.
Once you bought or downloaded it, it was yours.  It would run forever,
on as many machines as you liked, and you were encouraged to share it
with as many friends as you could.  It was simple for us to invade
their niche when they had deliberately forsworn a feature set like that.

John Gilmore

PS:  Our trade-show giveaway button one year was "License Managers Suck";
 it was very popular.

PPS: On a consulting job one time, I helped my customer patch out the
license check for some expensive Unix circuit simulation software they
were running.  They had bought a faster, newer machine and wanted to
run it there instead of on the machine they'd bought the "node-locked"
license for.  The faster their simulation ran, the easier my job was.
Actually, I think we patched the Unix kernel or C library that the
program depended upon, rather than patch the program; it was easier.

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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-27 Thread Bill Squier
This is getting a bit far afield from cryptography, but proper threat  
analysis is still relevant.

On May 27, 2009, at 4:07 AM, Ray Dillinger wrote:

On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 18:49 -0700, John Gilmore wrote:

It's a little hard to help without knowing more about the situation.
I.e. is this a software company?  Hardware?  Music?  Movies?
Documents?  E-Books?

It's a software company.

Is it trying to prevent access to something, or
the copying of something?  What's the something?  What's the threat
model?  Why is the company trying to do that?  Trying to restrain

Its customers would be other software companies that want to produce
"monitored" applications.  Their product inserts program code into
existing applications to make those applications monitor and report
their own usage and enforce the terms of their own licenses, for
example disabling themselves if the central database indicates that
their licensee's subscription has expired or if they've been used
for more hours/keystrokes/clicks/users/machines/whatever in the
current month than licensed for.

The idea is that software developers could use their product instead
of spending time and programming effort developing their own license-
enforcement mechanisms, using it to directly transform on the
executables as the last stage of the build process.

The threat model is that the users and sysadmins of the machines
where the "monitored" applications are running have a financial
motive to prevent those applications from reporting their usage.

If this is really their threat model, it's ill-considered.  First, no  
reputable company in their right mind would play games with software  
licensing in an attempt to save a few dollars.  In fact, most  
companies bend over backwards with internal audits and other  
mechanisms to ensure they are in compliance.  The risk is far too  
great to do otherwise -- both to reputation and to the bottom line.

They may counter that they are attempting to nudge into compliance  
reputable companies that are simply not large enough or savvy enough  
to ensure their own compliance.  In this case, something far less  
complex than what is traditionally implied by "DRM" can be used.

Thus, the users you are now considering are members of _disreputable_  
companies.  Since DRM is easily circumvented, and the company is  
disreputable, you have a reasonable expectation that your DRM will be  

Second, sysadmins have no financial motive, unless they are also the  
owners.  It is irrelevant to the sysadmin whether the business pays an  
appropriate amount for licenses. His salary is still his salary.

Finally, large institutions (let's take financial firms as this is my  
area of expertise) will not install software that has hard expirations  
or other restrictive licensing mechanisms.  The reason is simple.   
These mechanisms cause outages -- sometimes because of snafus in the  
renewal of licenses, sometimes because of poor code quality in the  
enforcement mechanism.  At my firm, any such scheme is an immediate  


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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-27 Thread Nathan Loofbourrow
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Darren J Moffat  wrote:
> John Gilmore wrote:
>> It's only the DRM fanatics whose installed bases of customers
>> are mentally locked-in despite the crappy user experience (like
>> the brainwashed hordes of Apple users, or the Microsoft victims)
>> who are troublesome.  In such cases, the community should
> I assume the Apple reference here is aimed at iTunes.  You do know that
> iTunes Music Store no longer uses any DRM right ?

For the music, that's true, but not for the other items sold there
(movies, TV shows, and especially not iPhone apps, as any iPhone
developer who's jumped through those DRM hoops will tell you).


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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-27 Thread Jerry Leichter
The introduction of the acronym "DRM" has drawn all the hysteria it  
always does.

The description you've posted much more closely matches license (or  
sometimse entitlement) management software than DRM.  There are many  
companies active in this field.  Many are small, but Microsoft sells  
some solution and there are moderately large companies around.  Some  
of these have been around for many years.

Traditionally, license management software looked at local files or  
databases rather than out on the Internet.  However, I'm sure Internet  
options exist.

The better software of this sort is challenging to crack.  Certainly,  
none of it is *impossible* to crack - though the best dongle-based  
systems are probably extremely difficult (but also unacceptable for  
most kinds of software).

For the most part, software like this aims to keep reasonably honest  
people honest.  Yes, they can probably hire someone to hack around the  
licensing software.  (There's generally not much motivation for J  
Random User to break this stuff, since it protects business software  
with a specialized audience.) But is it (a) worth the cost; (b) worth  
the risk - if you get caught, there's clear evidence that you broke  
things deliberately.

Probably the greatest use for such software is not in preventing  
unlicensed users from running it at all but in enforcing contractual  
limits - e.g., you can only use this to manage up to X machines.   
Every company that has sold software with that kind of contract will  
likely find that, unless the software enforces the limitation, its  
customers will exceed it - often unknowingly, often by large factors.

I'd suggest that you, and the company you're consulting to, spend some  
time understanding the market.  What kind of software vendors are you  
selling to?  B2B is a very different marketplace from consumer.   
Within B2B, "high touch" sales are very different from mass market.   
If you go international, a great deal depends on where you think  
you're going to sell.  If you are ultimately depending on contractual  
enforcement, with the licensing software just an encouragement to good  
behavior, you're fine in the US and Western Europe, but you're not  
going to have a happy time in, say, Russia and China.

A Google search on "license management software" turns up many hits,  
including an overview article that may be useful: 
  (One thing to be aware of is that this phrase is a bit ambiguous,  
covering both software a vendor puts in to its code to manage  
licenses, and software sold to large end users to help them keep track  
of what licenses they are using.  The listing in the article covers  
both, but is still incomplete - it misses one of the long-established  
companies, Acresso Software - a new name - that sells the FLEXnet  
license enforcement software, a business it's been in for at least 10  
years or so.)

-- Jerry

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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-27 Thread Darren J Moffat

John Gilmore wrote:

It's only the DRM fanatics whose installed bases of customers
are mentally locked-in despite the crappy user experience (like
the brainwashed hordes of Apple users, or the Microsoft victims)
who are troublesome.  In such cases, the community should

I assume the Apple reference here is aimed at iTunes.  You do know that 
iTunes Music Store no longer uses any DRM right ?

Darren J Moffat

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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-27 Thread Ray Dillinger
On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 18:49 -0700, John Gilmore wrote:
> It's a little hard to help without knowing more about the situation.
> I.e. is this a software company?  Hardware?  Music?  Movies?
> Documents?  E-Books?  

It's a software company. 

> Is it trying to prevent access to something, or
> the copying of something?  What's the something?  What's the threat
> model?  Why is the company trying to do that?  Trying to restrain
> customers? 

Its customers would be other software companies that want to produce 
"monitored" applications.  Their product inserts program code into 
existing applications to make those applications monitor and report
their own usage and enforce the terms of their own licenses, for 
example disabling themselves if the central database indicates that 
their licensee's subscription has expired or if they've been used 
for more hours/keystrokes/clicks/users/machines/whatever in the 
current month than licensed for.

The idea is that software developers could use their product instead
of spending time and programming effort developing their own license-
enforcement mechanisms, using it to directly transform on the
executables as the last stage of the build process.

The threat model is that the users and sysadmins of the machines 
where the "monitored" applications are running have a financial 
motive to prevent those applications from reporting their usage.

> What country or countries does the company
> operate in?  What jurisdictions hold its main customer bases?  

They are in the US.  Their potential customers are international.
And their customers' potential clients (the end users of the 
"monitored" applications) are of course everywhere. 

> Why should we bother?  Isn't it a great idea for DRM fanatics to
> throw away their money?  More, more, please!  Bankrupt yourselves
> and drive your customers away.  Please!

You're taking a very polarized view.  These aren't "DRM fanatics"; 
they're business people doing due diligence on a new project, and
likely never to produce any DRM stuff at all if I can successfully
convince them that they are unlikely to profit from it.


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Re: consulting question.... (DRM)

2009-05-26 Thread John Gilmore
It's a little hard to help without knowing more about the situation.
I.e. is this a software company?  Hardware?  Music?  Movies?
Documents?  E-Books?  Is it trying to prevent access to something, or
the copying of something?  What's the something?  What's the threat
model?  Why is the company trying to do that?  Trying to restrain
customers?  Competitors?  Trying to build a cartel?  Being forced to
do it by a cartel?  Is their product embedded?  Online?  Hardware?
Software?  Battery powered?  Is it on a phone network?  On the
Internet?  On no network?  What country or countries does the company
operate in?  What jurisdictions hold its main customer bases?  How
much hassle will its customers take before they switch suppliers?
What kind of industry standards must the company adhere to?  What
other equipment or data formats do they have/want to interoperate

Most DRM is probably never cracked, because the product it's in
never gets popular enough that anyone talented wants to crack it.
If they only sell a thousand units, will they be happy?  Or do they
hope/plan/need to sell millions of units?

Most DRM exists to build a cartel -- to make an artificial monopoly --
not to prevent *customers* from copying things, but to prevent
*competitors* from being able to build compatible or interoperable
equipment.  This is largely because US reverse-engineering law makes
such a cartel unenforceable in court, unless you use DRM to make it.

> Can anyone point me at good information uses I can use to help prove 
> the case to a bunch of skeptics who are considering throwing away 
> their hard-earned money on a scheme that, in light of security
> experience, seems foolish?

Why should we bother?  Isn't it a great idea for DRM fanatics to
throw away their money?  More, more, please!  Bankrupt yourselves
and drive your customers away.  Please!

It's only the DRM fanatics whose installed bases of customers
are mentally locked-in despite the crappy user experience (like
the brainwashed hordes of Apple users, or the Microsoft victims)
who are troublesome.  In such cases, the community should
intervene on behalf of the users -- not to prevent the company
from wasting its time and money.


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