Re: [tahoe-dev] Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-09-18 Thread Peter Gutmann
Brian Warner  writes:

>From what I can tell, the Sparkle update framework (for OS-X)[1] is doing
>something like what I want for firefox: the Sparkle-enabled application will
>only accept update bundles which are signed by a DSA privkey that matches a
>pubkey embedded in the app.

You can extend this further to make it tolerant of key loss by embedding
multiple public keys and allowing a quorum of them to replace an existing key.
So say you have five keys, you can decide that any three of them can vote out
an existing key, allowing compromised keys to be replaced and existing keys to
be rolled over.  This creates a kind of fault-tolerant PKI which does away
with the need to have a CA vouch for key replacements, once you've got the
initial keys established (for example on first install) you can recover from
anything short of a total compromise, upgrade to larger keys sizes and hashes,
and so on.

>It'd be nice if Firefox could do the same. And if Firefox were to establish a
>quietly-backwards-compatible convention (i.e. the hash-mark trick) for strong
>URL-based authentication of HTTP resources, then other applications could
>start using it too, and a significant class of current web security problems
>(like the mixed-content one where an HTTPS page loads a javascript library via
>HTTP) could be fixed.

See my previous post, there was an attempt made to do this in the past but it
never got anywhere.  It'd be interesting to hear the reasons why.


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Re: [tahoe-dev] Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-09-17 Thread Brian Warner
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:
> began with him mentioning a specific use case that he cares about and
> sees how to improve: authentication of Mozilla plugins.

To be specific, the itch that I was looking to scratch was the
authentication of Firefox updates. In some slides from the last
BlackHat, I was dismayed to learn that the firefox update process
depends utterly upon SSL and the assorted Certificate Authorities to
validate https URLs that land on a server. The actual update
bundles that are fetched from those https URLs are not validated at all.

This causes two problems. The first is that any failure of the SSL or CA
path will allow an attacker to subvert the update process and take over
the browser. The slides I looked through showed one easy attack (the
ASN.1 pascal-vs-C-string bug) which has since been fixed. But we've seen
lots of failures at this level, and there are dozens of CAs in the TCB:
a compromise of any one of them would break everything (some are still
using MD5). Since firefox checks in daily to find out about new updates,
there are lots of opportunities to mount this attack.

The second is that it limits Mozilla's mirroring possibilities. I think
that they currently have to hand out private keys to their mirrors,
something like a cert that designates the server as,
so they must be very cautious about who runs each mirror. Their mirrors
must all be running SSL, and a compromise of any of those mirrors could
jeopardize the whole update path. I think that they could have far more
mirrors (and be better able to accomodate the tens of millions of
firefox users) if they didn't have this limitation.

Having an end-to-end method to validate the update bundles would fix
both of these problems. Updates could even be acquired via other means
(sneakernet, local mirror, etc) and validated by the browser
individually before unpacking+installation. Plugins could conceivably
used something similar, but I think the basic browser update path is a
valuable one that's easier to reason about.

>From what I can tell, the Sparkle update framework (for OS-X)[1] is
doing something like what I want for firefox: the Sparkle-enabled
application will only accept update bundles which are signed by a DSA
privkey that matches a pubkey embedded in the app. It'd be nice if
Firefox could do the same. And if Firefox were to establish a
quietly-backwards-compatible convention (i.e. the hash-mark trick) for
strong URL-based authentication of HTTP resources, then other
applications could start using it too, and a significant class of
current web security problems (like the mixed-content one where an HTTPS
page loads a javascript library via HTTP) could be fixed.



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Re: [tahoe-dev] Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-09-16 Thread Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

On Wednesday,2009-09-16, at 14:44 , Ivan Krstić wrote:

Yes, and I'd be happy to opine on that as soon as someone told me  
what those important problems are.

The message that you quoted from Brian Warner, which ended with him  
wondering aloud what new applications could be enabled by such  
features, began with him mentioning a specific use case that he cares  
about and sees how to improve: authentication of Mozilla plugins.   
Brian has an admirable habit of documenting the use cases that  
motivate his engineering decisions.  I think in this case he omitted  
some explanation of why he finds the current solution unsatisfactory,  
perhaps because he assumed the audience already shared his view.  (I  
think he mentioned something in his letter like "the well-known  
failures of the SSL/CA approach to this problem".)


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Re: [tahoe-dev] Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-09-08 Thread Brian Warner
James A. Donald wrote:
> Nicolas Williams wrote:
>  > > One possible problem: streaming [real-time] content.
> Brian Warner wrote:
>  > Yeah, that's a very different problem space. You need
>  > the low-alacrity stuff from Tahoe, but also you don't
>  > generally know the full contents in advance. So you're
>  > talking about a mutable stream rather than an
>  > immutable file.
> Not mutable, just incomplete.
> Immutable streaming content needs a tiger hash or a
> patricia hash, which can handle the fact that some of
> the stream will be lost in transmission, and that one
> needs to validate the small part of the stream that one
> has already received rather than waiting for the end.

I was assuming a real-time stream, so the goal would be to provide a
filecap before the source had finished generating all the bits. This
would necessarily be a mutable filecap, unless you've got some way of
predicting the future :-).

If instead, you just have a large file that a client wants to fetch one
piece at a time, well, Tahoe's immutable-file merkle trees already
handle the goal of quickly validating a small part of a large byte
sequence. You could use this in a non-real-time stream, in which you
process the entire input stream, produce and publish the filecap, then a
client fetches pieces of that stream at their own pace.

>  > upgrade bundles are produced by a very strict process,
>  > and are rigidly immutable [...] For software upgrades,
>  > it would reduce the attack surface significantly.
> But how does one know which immutable file is the one
> that has been blessed by proper authority?

You're right, I was assuming a pre-existing secure "what to upgrade to"
channel which could send down an integrity-enhanced download URL. To
actually implement such a channel would require further integrity
guarantees over mutable data.

As I understand it, Firefox actually has a fairly complex upgrade path,
because only certain combinations of from-version/to-version are fully
tested by QA. Sometimes moving from e.g. to requires
going through a>>>> sort of
path. The upgrade channel basically provides instructions to each older
version, telling them which new version they should move to.

The best sort of integrity guarantees I could think of would be a rule
that says "the new version must be signed by my baked-in DSA key and
have a version number that is greater than mine", or maybe just "the
upgrade instructions must be signed by that DSA key". It's probably not
a robust idea to make the rules too strict.


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Re: [tahoe-dev] Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-09-08 Thread James A. Donald

Nicolas Williams wrote:
> > One possible problem: streaming [real-time] content.

Brian Warner wrote:
> Yeah, that's a very different problem space. You need
> the low-alacrity stuff from Tahoe, but also you don't
> generally know the full contents in advance. So you're
> talking about a mutable stream rather than an
> immutable file.

Not mutable, just incomplete.

Immutable streaming content needs a tiger hash or a
patricia hash, which can handle the fact that some of
the stream will be lost in transmission, and that one
needs to validate the small part of the stream that one
has already received rather than waiting for the end.

> upgrade bundles are produced by a very strict process,
> and are rigidly immutable [...] For software upgrades,
> it would reduce the attack surface significantly.

But how does one know which immutable file is the one
that has been blessed by proper authority?  Although
Version 3.5.0 is immutable, what makes it Version 3.5.0,
rather than haxx350, is that some authority says so -
the same authority that said that your current version
is 3.4.7 - and it should not even be possible to get a
file named by some different authority as an upgrade.

Of course, one would like a protocol that committed the
authority to say the same thing for everyone, and the
same thing for all time, saying new things in future,
but never being able to retroactively adjust past things
it has said.

In other words, upgrades should be rooted in an append
only capability.

I suppose this could be implemented as a signed dag of
hashes, in which whenever one upgraded, one checked that
the signed dag that validates the upgrade is consistent
with the signed dag that validated the current version.

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Re: [tahoe-dev] Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-08-31 Thread Brian Warner
Michael Walsh wrote:

>  - Adding a HTTP header with this data but requires something like a
> server module or output script. It also doesn't ugly up the URL (but
> then again, we have url shortner services for manual typing).

Ah, but see, that loses the security. If the URL doesn't contain the
root hash, then you're depending upon somebody else for your
authentication, and then it's not end-to-end anymore. URL shortener
services are great for the location properties, but lousy for the
identification properties. Not only are you relying upon your DNS, and
your network, and every other network between you and the server, and
the server who's providing you with the data.. now you're also dependent
upon the operator of the shortener service, and their database, and
anyone who's managed to break into their database, etc.

I guess there are three new things to add:

 * secure identifier in the URL
 * an upstream request, to say what additional integrity information you
 * a downstream response, to provide that additional integrity

The stuff I proposed used extra HTTP requests for those last two.

But, if you use the HTTP request headers to ask for the extra integrity
metadata, you could use the HTTP response headers to convey it. The only
place where this would make sense would be to fetch the merkle tree, or
the signature. (if the file was small and you only check the flat hash,
then there's nothing else to fetch; if the file is encrypted, then you
can define its data layout to be whatever you like, and just include the
integrity information in it directly).

Oh, and that would make the partial-range request a lot simpler: the
client does a GET with a "Range: 123-456" header, and the server looks
at the associated merkle tree, figures out which chain they'll need to
validate those bytes, and returns a header that includes all of those
hash tree nodes (and the segment size, filesize). And returns enough
file data to cover those segments (i.e. the Content-Range: response
would be for a larger range than the Range: request, basically rounded
up to a segment size). The client would hash the segments it receives,
build and verify the merkle chain, then compare the root of the chain
against the roothash in the URL and make sure they match.

The response headers might get a bit large:
log2(filesize/segsize)*hashsize . And you have to fetch at least a full
segsize. But that's predictable and fairly well bounded, so maybe it
isn't that big of a deal.

Doing this with HTTP headers instead of a separate GET would avoid a
roundtrip, since the server (which now takes an active role in the
process) can decide these things (like which hash tree nodes are needed)
on behalf of the client. Instead of the client pulling one file for the
data, then pulling part of another file to get the segment size (so it
can figure out which segments it wants), then pulling a different part
of that file to get the hash nodes... the client just does a GET Range:,
and the server figures out the rest.

As you said, it requires a server module. But compared to a client-side
plugin, that's positively easy :). It'd probably be a good idea to think
about a scheme that would take advantage of a server which had
additional capabilities like this. Maybe the client could try the header
thing first, and if the response didn't indicate that the server is able
to provide that data, go and fetch the .hashtree file.

> My thoughts purely turn to verifying files and all webpage resources
> integrity in a transparent and backward compatible way. Who has not
> encountered unstable connections where images get corrupted and css
> files don't fully load? Solving that problem would make me very happy!

Yeah. We've been having an interesting thread on tahoe-dev recently
about the backwards-compatible question, what sorts of failure modes are
best to aim for when you're faced with an old server or whatever.

You can't make this stuff totally transparent and backwards compatible
(in the sense that existing webpages and users should start benefiting
from it without doing any work).. I think that's part of the brokenness
of the SSL+CA model, where they wanted the only change to be starting
from "https" instead of "http". But you can certainly create a framework
that lets people get better control over what they're loading. Now, if
only distributed programs could be written in languages with those sorts
of properties...


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Re: [tahoe-dev] Bringing Tahoe ideas to HTTP

2009-08-31 Thread Michael Walsh
Hi Brian, all;

I'm all for including merkle trees with HTTP GETs, two items that
spring to mind:
 - Appending the location of the hash as you suggest in
#hashtree=ROOTXYZ;http://otherplace which requires no changes to the
 - Adding a HTTP header with this data but requires something like a
server module or output script. It also doesn't ugly up the URL (but
then again, we have url shortner services for manual typing).

One merkle hash tree over HTTP that interested me was the Tiger Tree
Hash Exchange/THEX [1] that's already in use in some P2P systems, and
would be interesting reading for other hash tree over HTTP systems.

Google Wave appears to use hash trees also, but it seems to be
under-speced [2]. I guess once that becomes fleshed out there would be
more content systems outputting data along with tree hashes.

I do like straightforwardness of using the
file.ext#hashtree=root;location or file.ext.sig conventions and an
added benefit is the .sig request can be HTTP/1.1 pipelined rather
than parsing the returned headers before sending on the additional

> I've no idea how hard it would be to write this sort of plugin. But I'm
> pretty sure it's feasible, as would be the site-building tools. If
> firefox had this built-in, and web authors used it, what sorts of
> vulnerabilities would go away? What sorts of new applications could we
> build that would take advantage of this kind of security?

My thoughts purely turn to verifying files and all webpage resources
integrity in a transparent and backward compatible way. Who has not
encountered unstable connections where images get corrupted and css
files don't fully load? Solving that problem would make me very happy!


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