A quick note from your moderator:

A few people have asked about this recently so I thought I'd explain.

The list server blocks posts from people who are not list subscribers.
This is done at the incoming SMTP server, during the SMTP dialog,
based on envelope sender.

I do things this way because the list gets about one spam attempt
every two minutes (though on bad days it can be much more). Many of
those would be blocked by other means, but a few hundred hundred a day
would still get through. I could not possibly process this many
postings by hand.

Every once in a while, someone asks "do you have a way to let me post
from an email address that is not subscribed", and the answer is yes,
I do. The code that checks who is allowed to send to the list checks
both the normal subscribers and a special "post only" list. If it is
important for you to be able to post from an address you are not
subscribed on, contact me privately and appropriate arrangements will
be made.


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