Very timely.


Hitchhiker's World (Issue #9)

Observable Elections --------------------

    Vipul Ved Prakash <mail @>
    November 2004

This is an interesting time for electronic voting. India, the largest democracy in the world, went completely paper- free for its general elections earlier this year. For the first time, some 387 million people expressed their electoral right electronically. Despite initial concerns about security and correctness of the system, the election process was a smashing success. Over a million electronic voting machines (EVMs) were deployed, 8000 metric tonnes of paper saved[1] and the results made public within few hours of the final vote. Given the quarrelsome and heavily litigated nature of Indian democracy, a lot of us were expecting post-election drama, but only a few, if any, fingers were found pointing.

    Things didn't fare so well in the United States.

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((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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