brief comments/suggestions:

1. The whole discussion on how much eavesdropping is a threat is irrelevant. We all know it is a threat and the level is not important, as SSL/TLS provide a good, inexpensive solution. Drop this topic.

2. Stop beating the dead horse (SET). But yes, we should learn from mistakes... and Steve is right: SET main failure was lack of incentive to buyers and sellers. Such an incentive was our design assumption and I was assured by the CC `suits` they'll do it, but when they did, it was too little and much too late. And also they added so much baggage on this poor protocol that it became really so complex. But I am proud of few things in SET, especially...
> It wasn't even a real PKI ...
No, exactly, it wasn't. Because what you refer to as `real PKI` (see original note...) - identities, revocation etc. - are not needed for this application (and many others). We need to use the tool that fits the job.

3. Which brings us back to SSL and Ian's objection... I think Ian _really_ objects to the fact that the major SSL/TLS deployments (browsers, servers) depend on `browser PKI`. And I agree: I think the `browser PKI` is a sad joke (on us), with the weakly-secure, not-really-trusted list of over-100 CAs. We can do much better - use SSL, but checking certificates better; display the logo of the site and/or of the CA, and allow users to decide on sites they trust (and their logos) manually...

We have been discussing these things on this list for ages, and some even asked `is there a real use for crypto`. Then, with Ahmad, we implement and document a cute little extension to Mozilla that uses SSL and certificates, but probably not what some may call `real PKI`. And guess what? You go back to argue on SSL vs. SET and such.

Guys: give us some feedback! Ok, it's a paper, not a note, but it is really pretty easy reading. And if this is too much, at least look at the screen shot:

And then speak up - is it the right approach? Should we change something before releasing (hoping in a week or two) or longer term? Can you do it for IE or other browser?

(for the paper, see my homepage as below...)
Best regards,

Amir Herzberg
Associate Professor, Computer Science Dept., Bar Ilan University (information and lectures in cryptography & security)
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