Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-12 Thread James A. Donald
On 11 Jun 2003 at 16:11, Jeffrey I. Schiller wrote:
> Oh, and btw, the form posting URL in my message wasn't even
> https, it was just http. So all the futzing in the world with
> https wouldn't help!

If https provided an adequate substitute for shared secrets, it
would help.

 James A. Donald

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-12 Thread Jeffrey I. Schiller
Yep, I deployed such a PKI here at MIT back in 1996. Today every student 
and most faculty and staff have certificates.

It really does work, but unfortunately the support for them in the 
common browsers is quirky enough that we have our support fun! I can 
understand why commercial sites shy away.

I have also been involved in efforts to get U.S. Higher Education to 
start deploying client certificates. The big problem there is that 
public key encryption appears to require more then the amount of clue 
that most computer administrators seem to have, so education is a real 


Nomen Nescio wrote:
Jeffrey I. Schiller writes:

Oh, and btw, the form posting URL in my message wasn't even https, it 
was just http. So all the futzing in the world with https wouldn't help!

Of course it would help.  Have you been following this discussion
at all?  The idea is to eliminate passwords as being of any value in
getting access to PayPal or other ecommerce sites, by replacing them
with client certificates.  This implies using https or something
cryptographically similar.

Description: PGP signature

Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-12 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 08:20 PM 6/11/2003 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
I think you have put your finger right on the problem.
Certificates, https, and the entire PKI structure were designed
for an accountless world, but the problem is accounts.
or slightly more accurately doing authentication for accounts. the other is 
frequently confusing  identification with authentication. the internet 
registries (both domain and ip-address) haven't been doing authentication 
... but just some simple identification. there are situations where 
identification may quite orthogonal to whether or not you are the owner of 
the account in question. also, identification also tends to open up the 
whole can of worms around protecting privacy. as periodically stated (in 
reference to x9.59) thick blanket of encryption protecting privacy 
information is good, the information not being there at all is even better.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-12 Thread Nomen Nescio
Jeffrey I. Schiller writes:

> Oh, and btw, the form posting URL in my message wasn't even https, it 
> was just http. So all the futzing in the world with https wouldn't help!

Of course it would help.  Have you been following this discussion
at all?  The idea is to eliminate passwords as being of any value in
getting access to PayPal or other ecommerce sites, by replacing them
with client certificates.  This implies using https or something
cryptographically similar.

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-12 Thread James A. Donald
On 10 Jun 2003 at 23:26, Anonymous wrote:
> In short, if Palladium comes with the ability to download 
> site-specific DLLs that can act as NCAs, it should allow for
> solving the spoofed-site problem once and for all.  When you
> login to paypal or e-gold, you would authenticate yourself
> using a cert that only those sites could see. This can be
> done in the framework of standard SSL, but would require a
> Palladium-aware browser.

Well, this would work just great provided the browser was made
palladium aware in such a way as to be useful to the user,
rather than to verisign.

 James A. Donald

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-12 Thread James A. Donald
On 10 Jun 2003 at 21:33, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> certificates were originated to address a specific issue with
> key distribution and trust involving parties that 1) had no
> prior business relation, 2) were unlikely to have any future
> business relationship, and 3) didn't have online access to
> trusted 3rd party. however, it is actually much more natural
> in a standard business process setting that public key is 
> registered in lieu of shared-secret authentication material
> when parties are involved that have established business
> relationship (aka for example a person with some sort of an
> account, especially in any sort of online paradigm). A
> trivial examples is certificateless operation with
> public/private keys for radius, kerbers pk-init or x9.59
> standard for all retail payment transactions (internet, 
> non-internet, point-of-sale, debit, credit, ach,
> stored-value, etc).

I think you have put your finger right on the problem.
Certificates, https, and the entire PKI structure were designed
for an accountless world, but the problem is accounts.

 James A. Donald

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-11 Thread Jeffrey I. Schiller
Oh, and btw, the form posting URL in my message wasn't even https, it 
was just http. So all the futzing in the world with https wouldn't help!


Pete Chown wrote:
John R. Levine wrote:

Crypto lets someone say "Hi!  I absolutely definitely
have a name somewhat like the name of a large familiar organization,
and I'd like to steal your data!" ...

It might help if browsers displayed some details of the certificate 
without being asked.  For example, instead of a padlock, the browser 
could have an SSL toolbar.  This would show the verified name and 
address of the site you are connected to.

The bar could also show the server name for unverified connections. This 
would avoid the attacks that use URLs like[EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Description: PGP signature

Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-11 Thread Jeffrey I. Schiller
Folks, this isn't an https (or even http) problem. It is a tough user 
interface issue. Note: The form posting goes to, which 
doesn't remotely look like!

To make matters worse, there are plenty of businesses that send you leg 
imitate email that comes from a "random" looking place. Just today I 
received one from MIT's Alumni Association, but the actual source was 
something like (or something). Obviously the Alumni 
Association outsources the sending of the mail to some third party 
company. So even if we came up with some fancy was of saying "This form 
doesn't post to the same place this page came from [never mind that the 
original of an e-mail form is ill defined]" won't help.

I also received this scam mail. There were only two hints of badness 
(besides the obvious request for personal info that paypal shouldn't 
need) one was the form posting and the other was the "Received-by" line 
which my mail system put on the message which showed its original at a 
suspicious place (I believe in Japan, but I may have remembered wrong, 
it didn't look right at the time).

This is a social problem. Technical measures can help, but won't solve 
it, I am afraid.


Roy M.Silvernail wrote:
On Sunday 08 June 2003 06:11 pm, martin f krafft wrote:

also sprach James A. Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.06.08.2243 +0200]:

(When you hit the submit button, guess what happens)
How many people actually read dialog boxes before hitting Yes or OK?

It's slightly more subtle.  The action tag of a form submission isn't usually 
visible to the user like links are.  In the scam copy I received, all the 
links save one pointed to legitimate PayPal documents.  Only the 

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Description: PGP signature

Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-11 Thread Pete Chown
Anonymous wrote:

The solution to this [key theft by malware] is Palladium (NGSCB).
You could achieve the same protection on any system with decent 
mandatory access controls.  SELinux would be fine, for example.  You 
could have a program like ssh-agent which performs the public key 
operations; you then deny everything else access to the key store.

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-11 Thread Udhay Shankar N
Pete Chown wrote [ at 10:14 AM 6/10/2003 +0100 ]:

The bar could also show the server name for unverified connections. This 
would avoid the attacks that use URLs like[EMAIL PROTECTED] .
Opera 7.x, by default, warns you whenever you are attempting to connect to 
a URL containing a username, like above.


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((
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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-10 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 11:26 PM 6/10/2003 +0200, Anonymous wrote:
The problem to be solved is this.  Spoofed sites can acquire user
credentials, especially passwords, and then use those to impersonate the
user on the real sites.  With paypal and e-gold, this allows stealing
real money.
Using client certificates to authenticate would solve this, because
even if the user got fooled and authenticated to the spoofed site, the
attacker wouldn't learn the client cert secret key and so would not be
able to masquerade as the user.
The problem (among others) is that this allows a virus to steal the
client cert.  If it is protected by a password, the malware must hang
around long enough for the user to unlock the cert (perhaps because the
malware sent a spoofed email calling for the user to visit the site,
even the real site!).  It can then read the user's keystrokes and acquire
the password.  Now it has the cert and password and can impersonate the
user at will.
slight nit  the solution is non-shared secret in conjunction with 
something you have authentication implementing, digital signatures, 
public/private keys where the private key is never divulged  even to 
the owner (the private key housing can be hardware token ... or something 
embedded in the computer).

it seems that certificates sometimes are considered synonymous with 
public/private key and digital signatures. however, certificates were 
originated to address a specific issue with key distribution and trust 
involving parties that 1) had no prior business relation, 2) were unlikely 
to have any future business relationship, and 3) didn't have online access 
to trusted 3rd party. however, it is actually much more natural in a 
standard business process setting that public key is registered in lieu of 
shared-secret authentication material when parties are involved that have 
established business relationship (aka for example a person with some sort 
of an account, especially in any sort of online paradigm). A trivial 
examples is certificateless operation with public/private keys for radius, 
kerbers pk-init or x9.59 standard for all retail payment transactions 
(internet, non-internet, point-of-sale, debit, credit, ach, stored-value, 

Also note, a certificate tends to only contain the owners public key and 
some other information about the owner (and nominally is assumed to be 
freely distributable, somewhat in  the same way the PGP keyserver 
information is published). The certificate doesn't contain the private key 
... which tends to be either in a software encrypted file or an external 
hardware token.

for the various possible types of social engineering & virus exploits, 
eliminating shared secrets is only a partial solution (although shared 
secrets have a number of vulnerabilities and exploits, so eliminating 
shared secrets is not a bad thing)., if the individual has direct access to 
the private key in anyway, then it is possible to compromise that 
access.  That is where some flavor of "something you have" authentication 
comes in with hardware that houses the private key and there is no way to 
divulge the private key, even to the owner.  EU finread (financial reader) 
has an external reader with its own display and pin-pad. This addresses the 
issue (even with something you have hardware token) where a viirus can 1) 
display one value on the screen and send another value to the token for 
signing and 2) spoof keystroke entry with the correct PIN (perform 
fraudulent transactions w/o the owners knowledge).

If the

1) private key can never be directly physically accessed,

2) the digital signature is taken to represent a form of something you have 

3) the display can be trusted to always display what will be signed

4) the keypad can't be spoofed and actually requires the person to hit the keys

5) hardware token never signs anything unless there has been (human) keypad 

then the remaining types of fraud will tend to be no different than the 
phone scams, mail scams and the people coming to your door scams  
effectively no different than the types of fraud that has been going on for 
hundreds/thousands of years.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-10 Thread Anonymous
The problem to be solved is this.  Spoofed sites can acquire user
credentials, especially passwords, and then use those to impersonate the
user on the real sites.  With paypal and e-gold, this allows stealing
real money.

Using client certificates to authenticate would solve this, because
even if the user got fooled and authenticated to the spoofed site, the
attacker wouldn't learn the client cert secret key and so would not be
able to masquerade as the user.

The problem (among others) is that this allows a virus to steal the
client cert.  If it is protected by a password, the malware must hang
around long enough for the user to unlock the cert (perhaps because the
malware sent a spoofed email calling for the user to visit the site,
even the real site!).  It can then read the user's keystrokes and acquire
the password.  Now it has the cert and password and can impersonate the
user at will.

The solution to this is Palladium (NGSCB).

You'd want each ecommerce site to download a Nexus Computing Agent into
the client.  This should be no more difficult than downloading an Active-X
control or some other DLL.  The NCA has a manifest file associated with it
that contains the ecommerce site's signing key.  This allows the NCA to be
effectively locked to that key.

The user's site-specific client certificate would be sealed to this NCA.
That means that no other NCA could get access to the client cert for
that site, nor could any legacy software.  All this is protected by the
Palladium hardware and software.

If a password is used for further security, to unlock the client cert
(in addition to the NCA-specific encryption), it can use a secure
channel to the NCA so that no keystroke loggers can steal the password.
(However, as mentioned in a previous mail, this may not stop rogue NCA's
from fooling the user by pretending to be the ecommerce site's NCA and
picking up the password.  It's not clear that adding a password really
increases security.  Fortunately the NCA security itself is already
vastly stronger than anything available on a PC today.)

In short, if Palladium comes with the ability to download site-specific
DLLs that can act as NCAs, it should allow for solving the spoofed-site
problem once and for all.  When you login to paypal or e-gold, you would
authenticate yourself using a cert that only those sites could see.
This can be done in the framework of standard SSL, but would require a
Palladium-aware browser.

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-10 Thread James A. Donald
 James A. Donald:
> > I keep posting "you cannot do this using https", and people 
> > keep replying "yes you can"

On 10 Jun 2003 at 1:52, John R. Levine wrote:
> I think there's two separate problems here.  One is domain 
> squatting. I've seen lots of phishes from domains like 
> (which is registered to someone in 
> Pakistan.)  It is truly pitiful that with all of the 
> anti-squatting nonsense involved with ICANN and their UDRP,  
> and despite the cases cases we've read about with trademark 
> owners suing everyone who registers "", 
> people still register deliberately confusing domain names in 
> bad faith for fraudulent purposes and get away with it.

The example I posted did not rely on a misleading name, though 
most such scams do, and a misleading name greatly facilitates 
such scams.

> The other issue, as someone else noted, is that html, like 
> just about everything else on the net, wasn't designed to be 
> secure and unless you're going to go reading the source code 
> of every form you use, you can't tell where your information 
> is going.

If https made it possible to log on to a site without sending  
the site a shared secret, that would help, because then end  
users would be surprised and suspicious on being asked to send 
a shared secret.

And when I say "possible" I do not mean "possible if you send a 
hundred dollars per customer to verisign and your administrator 
spends an hour talking face to face with each customer and  
fiddling with each customer's computer",

> I can't see that either of those issues can be addressed by  
> cryptography

The problem is shared secrets.  Abolish shared secrets, nothing 
for the scam sites to steal.

 James A. Donald

The Cryptography Mailing List
Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-10 Thread Dave Howe
Pete Chown wrote:
> It might help if browsers displayed some details of the certificate
> without being asked.  For example, instead of a padlock, the browser
> could have an SSL toolbar.  This would show the verified name and
> address of the site you are connected to.
or just show the verified name in the status bar
use a specific font that makes vaguely similar characters wildly different -
use an ornate script font for numbers, with a sans font for letters, and
symbols in a "grey" halftone bold. as long as 1 can't look like i or l and 0
is wildly different from O, a lot of "fake" sites will stand out

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-10 Thread John Saylor

( 03.06.10 01:52 - ) John R. Levine:
> Crypto lets someone say "Hi!  I absolutely definitely have a name
> somewhat like the name of a large familiar organization, and I'd like
> to steal your data!" and lots of users will say "OK, fine, whatever."

i think this is more a problem with people than technology [crypto].
similarly, another aspect of the problem is the widespread unfamiliarity
with digital credentials. again, this part could be 'solved' by teaching
people instead of creating more technology.

nothing is foolproof. we live in a dangerous world.


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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-10 Thread Pete Chown
John R. Levine wrote:

Crypto lets someone say "Hi!  I absolutely definitely
have a name somewhat like the name of a large familiar organization,
and I'd like to steal your data!" ...
It might help if browsers displayed some details of the certificate 
without being asked.  For example, instead of a padlock, the browser 
could have an SSL toolbar.  This would show the verified name and 
address of the site you are connected to.

The bar could also show the server name for unverified connections. 
This would avoid the attacks that use URLs like[EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-09 Thread John R. Levine
> I keep posting "you cannot do this using https", and people keep
> replying "yes you can"

I think there's two separate problems here.  One is domain squatting.
I've seen lots of phishes from domains like (which
is registered to someone in Pakistan.)  It is truly pitiful that with
all of the anti-squatting nonsense involved with ICANN and their UDRP,
and despite the cases cases we've read about with trademark owners
suing everyone who registers "", people still
register deliberately confusing domain names in bad faith for fraudulent
purposes and get away with it.

The other issue, as someone else noted, is that html, like just about
everything else on the net, wasn't designed to be secure and unless
you're going to go reading the source code of every form you use, you
can't tell where your information is going.

I can't see that either of those issues can be addressed by
cryptography.  Crypto lets someone say "Hi!  I absolutely definitely
have a name somewhat like the name of a large familiar organization,
and I'd like to steal your data!" and lots of users will say "OK,
fine, whatever."

John R. Levine, IECC, POB 727, Trumansburg NY 14886 +1 607 330 5711
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Village Trustee and Sewer Commissioner,, 
Member, Provisional board, Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-09 Thread LJ
Re: Martin's comments

> even so, whether you do or not, taken in account that do you have your
> fingerprints memorized...
> - Original Message - 
> From: "martin f krafft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 3:11 PM
> Subject: Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

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Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-09 Thread Roy M . Silvernail
On Sunday 08 June 2003 06:11 pm, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach James A. Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.06.08.2243 +0200]:
> > (When you hit the submit button, guess what happens)
> How many people actually read dialog boxes before hitting Yes or OK?

It's slightly more subtle.  The action tag of a form submission isn't usually 
visible to the user like links are.  In the scam copy I received, all the 
links save one pointed to legitimate PayPal documents.  Only the 

Re: The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-08 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach James A. Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.06.08.2243 +0200]:
> (When you hit the submit button, guess what happens)

How many people actually read dialog boxes before hitting Yes or OK?

I know you do, and most of us, but who's the majority?

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
keyserver problems?
get my key here:
"my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better,
 they don't know anything at all."
-- oscar wilde

Description: PGP signature

The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-08 Thread James A. Donald

I keep posting "you cannot do this using https", 
and people keep replying "yes you can"
No you cannot, cause if you could, paypal, e-gold, 
e-bay, and the rest would not be suffering from the problem illustrated by scam 
mails such as the following
(When you hit the submit button, guess what 




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