Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Dave Howe
Ian Grigg wrote:
Dave Howe wrote:
No - it means you might want to consider a system that guarantees 
end-to-end encryption - not just "first link, then maybe if it feels 
like it"
That doesn't mean TLS is worthless - on the contrary, it adds an 
additional layer of both user authentication and session encryption 
that are both beneficial - but that *relying* on it to protect your 
messages is overoptimistic at best, dangerous at worst.
This I believe is a bad way to start looking
at cryptography.  There is no system that you
can put in place that you can *rely* upon to
protect your message.
No, there are plenty that you can rely on to protect your message while 
still in transit.
If you can ensure that the only possible points of vulnerability are at 
the two endpoints, then you and your correspondent take control of your 
security - it won't be perfect, as you point out - but you won't be 
reliant on the goodwill and efforts of some third party whose most 
economic option is to accidentally or deliberately neglect TLS between 
your local smart host and your correspondent's email spooler, or indeed, 
to supply minimal security to the email spools at smarthost or destination.

(Adi Shamir again: #1 there are no secure systems,
ergo, it is not possible to rely on them, and
to think about relying will take one down false
Secure systems exist - but are rarely worth the effort involved.
Many PDAs can handle PGP or S/Mime traffic these days - certainly, you 
could offload your message (already encrypted) to flash media, insert 
into sending host, receive (from email spool) at the destination and 
transfer to flash media, then insert into decoding PDA.  To compromise 
either PDA would require access - so if you keep it about your person 
(and within sight when you bathe), you should be safe against anything 
but a midnight intrusion with sleeping gas
But regardless - the level of defence required is proportional to the 
likely threat.  It is entirely possible that it would be worthwhile for 
some hacker to compromise a router between your ISP's mail server and 
your correspondent's spool, or that spool itself. It is less likely that 
it would be worth someone's while to break into your home with exquisite 
timing and tracelessly alter software on your trusted airgapped machine 
while you shower (and if that *is* your threat model, I envy the income 
you must get to justify being in such a position or bow to the value of 
your information to some repressive regime)

Otherwise, we adopt what military people call
"tactical security:"  strong enough to keep
the message secure enough so that most of the
time it does the job.
Indeed so.
The principle which needs to be hammered time
and time again is that cryptography, like all
other security systems, should be about risk
and return - do what you can and put up with
the things you can't.
Again, true. I suspect we differ in what we consider an acceptable risk 
- I don't consider any setup where the security of the channel is 
against the best interests of the people controlling that channel 
acceptable - especially where I have no way to discover if that channel 
was compromised.
I have what I hope is an acceptably secure system at home - and I also 
hope my correspondents do likewise. If our messages are compromised (not 
that they contain anything worth stealing) then it is my fault or theirs 
- not an admin at the isp, or some minimum-wage employee on a helpdesk 
bribed to let someone take a peak at my mailspool. This extra security 
comes free, gratis, not a penny does it cost - beyond the effort of 
learning how to use it - and while I was used to hotkeying my way into 
the current window, my recent switch to Enigmail means I don't even have 
to do that. Why would I settle for less?

Applying the specifics to things like TLS and
mail delivery - yes, it looks very ropey.  Why
for example people think that they need CA-signed
certs for such a thing when (as you point out)
the mail is probably totally unprotected for half
the journey is just totally mysterious.
And indeed I had a conversation with someone who was interested in a 
"secure" mailing list only a few days ago. I suggested he not bother and 
 just set up a HTTPS website with any one of a dozen BBoard systems and 
local certificate support - because that was free and all the complexity 
(and most of the vulnerabilites) are at the server side - while setting 
up a secure email burster would be almost impossible and would rely on 
not only training the end users, but ensuring they have the right 
software installed.

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 10:14 PM 5/30/2004, Peter Gutmann wrote:
The S/MIME list debated this some time ago, and decided (pretty much
unanimously) against it, for two reasosn.  Firstly, because it adds huge ugly
blobs of base64 crap to each message (and before the ECC fans leap in here,
that still adds small ugly blobs of base64 crap to each message).  Secondly,
because if you get a message from someone you know you'll be able to get a
pretty good idea of its authenticity from the content (for example an SSH
developer would be unlikely to be advocating SSL in a list posting), and if
you get a message from someone you don't know then it's pretty much irrelevant
whether it's signed or not.  So the consensus was not to sign messages.

this may or may not be my KISS authentication thread.
mid-90s, some number of financial institutions retrenched from x.509 
identity certificates to simple relying-party-only certificates ... because 
of enormous privacy issues regarding blanketing the world with privacy 
information contained in identity certificates.

however, they were still looking at taking a 60-80 bytes payment message, 
attaching a 128byte digital signature, and then attaching a 4k byte to 12k 
byte relying-party-only certificate ... and sending it back to the 
financial institution that issued the certificate. this is not counting any 
ASN.1 encoding that might have been done which then possiby includes a 
bunch more bytes. note that standard payment message message has been 
around some 30 years carefully crafted as simple 7bit ascii w/o any 
addition encoding requirements. the purpose of the certificate was to carry 
the account number ... which was also included in the signed payment 
message ... and the public key ... which was stored in the account record 
back at the financial institution that was receiving the transmission and 
had originally issued the relying-party-only certificate.

so the financial institution receives this new payment object, retrieves 
the account number from the (signed) payment message and uses the public 
key in the account record to verify the signature ... w/o ever resorting to 
the certificate. So we have a payload bloat of one hundred times ... in 
order to carry a certificate that is redundant and superfluous and never used.

so x9.59 was fairly carefully crafted to add a 42byte ECC signature to a 
standard 60-80byte payment message. any special encoding to carry 42byte 
ecc 8bit in 7bit transmission at worst doubled the signature payload size.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Ian Grigg
Dave Howe wrote:
Ian Grigg wrote:
 Dave Howe wrote:
> TLS for SMTP is a nice, efficient way to encrypt the channel.
> However, it offers little or no assurance that your mail will
> *stay* encrypted all the way to the recipients.
 That's correct. But, the goal is not to secure email to the extent
 that there is no risk, that's impossible, and arguing that the
 existence of a weakness means you shouldn't do it just means that we
 should never use crypto at all.
No - it means you might want to consider a system that guarantees 
end-to-end encryption - not just "first link, then maybe if it feels 
like it"
That doesn't mean TLS is worthless - on the contrary, it adds an 
additional layer of both user authentication and session encryption that 
are both beneficial - but that *relying* on it to protect your messages 
is overoptimistic at best, dangerous at worst.

This I believe is a bad way to start looking
at cryptography.  There is no system that you
can put in place that you can *rely* upon to
protect your message.
(Adi Shamir again: #1 there are no secure systems,
ergo, it is not possible to rely on them, and
to think about relying will take one down false
In general terms, most ordinary users cannot
rely on their platform to be secure.  Even in
specific terms, those of us running BSD systems
on laptops that we have with us all the time
still have to sleep and shower...  There are
people out there who have the technology to
defeat my house alarm, install a custom
key logger designed for my model of laptop,
and get out before the hot water runs out.
For that reason, I and just about everyone
else do not *rely* on tech to keep my message
safe.  If I need to really rely on it, I do what
Adolf Hitler did in November of 1944 - deliver
all the orders for the great breakout by secure
courier, because he suspected the enigma codes
were being read.  (He was right.)
Otherwise, we adopt what military people call
"tactical security:"  strong enough to keep
the message secure enough so that most of the
time it does the job.
The principle which needs to be hammered time
and time again is that cryptography, like all
other security systems, should be about risk
and return - do what you can and put up with
the things you can't.
Applying the specifics to things like TLS and
mail delivery - yes, it looks very ropey.  Why
for example people think that they need CA-signed
certs for such a thing when (as you point out)
the mail is probably totally unprotected for half
the journey is just totally mysterious.
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Dave Howe
Ian Grigg wrote:
 Dave Howe wrote:
> TLS for SMTP is a nice, efficient way to encrypt the channel.
> However, it offers little or no assurance that your mail will
> *stay* encrypted all the way to the recipients.
 That's correct. But, the goal is not to secure email to the extent
 that there is no risk, that's impossible, and arguing that the
 existence of a weakness means you shouldn't do it just means that we
 should never use crypto at all.
No - it means you might want to consider a system that guarantees 
end-to-end encryption - not just "first link, then maybe if it feels 
like it"
That doesn't mean TLS is worthless - on the contrary, it adds an 
additional layer of both user authentication and session encryption that 
are both beneficial - but that *relying* on it to protect your messages 
is overoptimistic at best, dangerous at worst.
In limited circumstances it could well be enough - say, if your 
mailserver *is* yours, and hands off directly to the recipient's mail 
server which you know is accessed by either ssl-secured pop3, https, or 
some other secure access method (or unencrypted, but via a local lan 
link of course) - but for the majority of users this isn't going to be 
possible; more and more ISPs frown on even their business customers 
using direct outbound SMTP, and few sites are willing or able to accept 
mail using the alternate port for TLS.

 The goal is to make it more difficult, within a tight budget. Using
 TLS for SMTP is free. Why not do it?
You should do it - but you shouldn't expect it to do any good; in the 
long term, pushing for TLS support from your ISP, giving them grief 
(within limits of course) to ensure opportunistic TLS outbound, and so 
forth, will increase the security of the system as a whole. but at the 
moment reliance is a step too far.

 a) Once a bunch of people send mail via TLS/SMTP, the ISP is
 incentivised to look at onward forwarding it that way.
Many ISPs accept TLS inbound, but don't specify it outbound. there is no 
value to them in doing so - its transparent to the user either way, adds 
additional load to the local server, and the occasions they get asked 
about it are so rare they can safely ignore it.

 b) It may be that your local threat is the biggest, if for example
 you are using 802.11b to send your mail. The threat of listening
 from the ISP onwards is relatively small compared to what goes on
 closer to the end nodes.
Certainly possible - but of course that implies using SSL during the 
collection too.

 c) every node that starts protecting traffic this way helps - because
 it boxes the attacker into narrower and narrower attacks. It may be
 that the emails are totally open over the backbone, but who cares if
 the attacker can't easily get there?
Indeed so, yes. however, as I say - just because it is a step forward 
towards a completely end-to-end secure link, it is worth doing - even a 
little extra security for free is worth having - but if it is important 
enough to *need* encryption, it is important enough to ensure end-to-end 
encryption is used.

I must admit to being impressed by how functional EnigMime for 
thunderbird is in this regard - I can specify per-destination-user that 
encryption will aways be used, and its type - and have it "just work"

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Ian Grigg
Dave Howe wrote:
Peter Gutmann wrote:
It *is* happening, only it's now called STARTTLS (and if certain vendors
(Micromumblemumble) didn't make it such a pain to set up certs for 
their MTAs
but simply generated self-signed certs on install and turned it on by 
it'd be happening even more).
TLS for SMTP is a nice, efficient way to encrypt the channel. However, 
it offers little or no assurance that your mail will *stay* encrypted 
all the way to the recipients.

That's correct.  But, the goal is not to secure
email to the extent that there is no risk, that's
impossible, and arguing that the existence of a
weakness means you shouldn't do it just means that
we should never use crypto at all.
See those slides that Adi Shamir put up, I collected
the 3 useful ones in a recent blog:
I'd print these three out and post them on the wall,
if I had a printer!
The goal is to make it more difficult, within a
tight budget.  Using TLS for SMTP is free.  Why
not do it?
(Well, it's free if self-signed certs are used.
If CA-signed certs are used, I agree, that exceeds
the likely benefit.)

Most of us (including me most of the time) are in the position of using 
their ISPs or Employer's smarthost to relay email to its final 
destination; in fact, most employers (and many ISPs) actually enforce 
this, redirecting or blocking port 25 traffic.
If my employer or isp accept TLS traffic from me, but then turn around 
and send that completely unprotected to my final recipient, I have no 
way of preventing or even knowing that.
Sendmail's documentation certainly used to warn this was the case - 
probably still does :)

a) Once a bunch of people send mail via TLS/SMTP,
the ISP is incentivised to look at onward forwarding
it that way.
b) It may be that your local threat is the biggest,
if for example you are using 802.11b to send your
mail.  The threat of listening from the ISP onwards
is relatively small compared to what goes on closer
to the end nodes.
c) every node that starts protecting traffic this
way helps - because it boxes the attacker into
narrower and narrower attacks.  It may be that the
emails are totally open over the backbone, but who
cares if the attacker can't easily get there?
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Russell Nelson
I see that you are not interested in discussing the relative merits of
STARTTLS vs. DomainKeys, but instead are just trying to push
STARTTLS.  I hope that Perry will see through your sales job, and will
return your email to you, just as he will return this one to me.

[Moderator's note: No such luck for you I'm afraid. However, I'd
prefer if both of you tried to stay away from being personal. --Perry]

Peter Gutmann writes:
 > Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > >Peter Gutmann writes:
 > >
 > >If Alice and Cathy both implement STARTTLS, and Beatty does not, and Beatty
 > >handles email which is ultimately sent to Cathy, then STARTTLS accomplishes
 > >nothing.  If Uma and Wendy implement DomainKeys, and Violet does not, and
 > >Violet handles email which is ultimately sent to Wendy, then Wendy can check
 > >Uma's signature.
 > Since none of Uma, Wendy, or Violet implement DomainKeys or even know what
 > they are, DomainKeys accomplishes nothing.  OTOH if their { ISP, company,
 > whatever } has STARTTLS enabled, they're getting their email encrypted without
 > even knowing about it and are having better-than-average security applied to
 > their POP/IMAP mail account, again without even knowing about it (I suspect
 > the latter is far more of a selling point to users than encryption.  No-one
 > would want to read their mail anyway so they're not worried about that, but if
 > it stops those nasty hackers from breaking into their account, it's a good
 > thing).
 > >If, instead, Perry had a list of PGP keys and email addresses, he wouldn't
 > >*need* to compare the email address on the incoming email.
 > He'd instead need to spend even more time mucking around with keyrings and
 > updating keys and writing scripts to handle all the checking and wondering why
 > it all has to be so complicated, and maybe he should just ask people to fax in
 > submissions.
 > Peter.

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Ed Gerck

Peter Gutmann wrote:
The S/MIME list debated this some time ago, and decided (pretty much
unanimously) against it, for two reasosn.  Firstly, because it adds huge ugly
blobs of base64 crap to each message (and before the ECC fans leap in here,
that still adds small ugly blobs of base64 crap to each message).  Secondly,
because if you get a message from someone you know you'll be able to get a
pretty good idea of its authenticity from the content (for example an SSH
developer would be unlikely to be advocating SSL in a list posting), and if
you get a message from someone you don't know then it's pretty much irrelevant
whether it's signed or not.  So the consensus was not to sign messages.

What you're saying is that based on only *two* bits of information (e.g., SSH=1
and SSL=0) for a given mail sender, the message could be authenticated well-enough
to be useful in the operational context.
I agree with this and that's why I think that conventional digital signatures
with 1024-bit keys are an overkill for common email. If the ugly blob of base64
rubbish is small enough, it should be tolearable.
The problem with asymmetric keys, though, is that faking short signatures is
too trivial for current cryptosystems.
Ed Gerck
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Dave Howe
Peter Gutmann wrote:
It *is* happening, only it's now called STARTTLS (and if certain vendors
(Micromumblemumble) didn't make it such a pain to set up certs for their MTAs
but simply generated self-signed certs on install and turned it on by default,
it'd be happening even more).
TLS for SMTP is a nice, efficient way to encrypt the channel. However, 
it offers little or no assurance that your mail will *stay* encrypted 
all the way to the recipients.
Most of us (including me most of the time) are in the position of using 
their ISPs or Employer's smarthost to relay email to its final 
destination; in fact, most employers (and many ISPs) actually enforce 
this, redirecting or blocking port 25 traffic.
If my employer or isp accept TLS traffic from me, but then turn around 
and send that completely unprotected to my final recipient, I have no 
way of preventing or even knowing that.
Sendmail's documentation certainly used to warn this was the case - 
probably still does :)

How many messages to the Cryptography Mailing List are cryptographically
The S/MIME list debated this some time ago, and decided (pretty much
unanimously) against it, for two reasosn.  Firstly, because it adds huge ugly
blobs of base64 crap to each message (and before the ECC fans leap in here,
that still adds small ugly blobs of base64 crap to each message).  Secondly,
because if you get a message from someone you know you'll be able to get a
pretty good idea of its authenticity from the content (for example an SSH
developer would be unlikely to be advocating SSL in a list posting), and if
you get a message from someone you don't know then it's pretty much irrelevant
whether it's signed or not.  So the consensus was not to sign messages.
Agreed.  In cases of spoofing, there could of course be an issue - but 
lets be honest here; when was the last time a mailing list regular 
*anywhere* lost reputation because someone posted spam or trollishness 
to the list in their name?
I am not saying that doesn't happen - but it is rare, and usually the 
real poster points out the difference in header data that would indicate 
that email came from a source other than him.

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Dave Howe
Ed Gerck wrote:
No -- DomainKeys has nothingf to do with 'email cryptography'. They are
I wouldn't say PGP/MIME (as opposed to pgp inline) was a widely enough 
used standard to be considered one of two options - pgp (both methods) 
certainly, but not pgp/mime exclusively.

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-06-01 Thread Peter Gutmann
Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Peter Gutmann writes:
>If Alice and Cathy both implement STARTTLS, and Beatty does not, and Beatty
>handles email which is ultimately sent to Cathy, then STARTTLS accomplishes
>nothing.  If Uma and Wendy implement DomainKeys, and Violet does not, and
>Violet handles email which is ultimately sent to Wendy, then Wendy can check
>Uma's signature.

Since none of Uma, Wendy, or Violet implement DomainKeys or even know what
they are, DomainKeys accomplishes nothing.  OTOH if their { ISP, company,
whatever } has STARTTLS enabled, they're getting their email encrypted without
even knowing about it and are having better-than-average security applied to
their POP/IMAP mail account, again without even knowing about it (I suspect
the latter is far more of a selling point to users than encryption.  No-one
would want to read their mail anyway so they're not worried about that, but if
it stops those nasty hackers from breaking into their account, it's a good

>If, instead, Perry had a list of PGP keys and email addresses, he wouldn't
>*need* to compare the email address on the incoming email.

He'd instead need to spend even more time mucking around with keyrings and
updating keys and writing scripts to handle all the checking and wondering why
it all has to be so complicated, and maybe he should just ask people to fax in


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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-31 Thread Russell Nelson
Peter Gutmann writes:

If Alice and Cathy both implement STARTTLS, and Beatty does not, and
Beatty handles email which is ultimately sent to Cathy, then STARTTLS
accomplishes nothing.  If Uma and Wendy implement DomainKeys, and
Violet does not, and Violet handles email which is ultimately sent to
Wendy, then Wendy can check Uma's signature.

 > [ S/MIME uses huge ugly blogs of base64 crap, and context is
 > sufficient for authentication. ] So the consensus was not to sign
 > messages.

Before I could send the previous email, I had to tell Perry to accept
email from my outgoing email address because I'm subscribed to the
list under a list-specific email address.  If, instead, Perry had a
list of PGP keys and email addresses, he wouldn't *need* to compare
the email address on the incoming email.  He could just verify the
key.  Then, he could discard the signature, since everybody has
[EMAIL PROTECTED] whitelisted anyway, right?

--My blog is at  | 
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Bugs of a feather
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | flock together.
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | FWD# 404529 via VOIP  | 

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-31 Thread Peter Gutmann
Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > It would be better if the solution does NOT need industry
> > > support at all, only user support. It should use what is already
> > > available.
>This is the point in the script at which I laugh at you, Ed.  S/MIME and PGP
>have been available for many many years now.  How many messages to the
>Cryptography Mailing List are cryptographically signed?  If it was going to
>happen, it would have *already* happened.

It *is* happening, only it's now called STARTTLS (and if certain vendors
(Micromumblemumble) didn't make it such a pain to set up certs for their MTAs
but simply generated self-signed certs on install and turned it on by default,
it'd be happening even more).

>How many messages to the Cryptography Mailing List are cryptographically

The S/MIME list debated this some time ago, and decided (pretty much
unanimously) against it, for two reasosn.  Firstly, because it adds huge ugly
blobs of base64 crap to each message (and before the ECC fans leap in here,
that still adds small ugly blobs of base64 crap to each message).  Secondly,
because if you get a message from someone you know you'll be able to get a
pretty good idea of its authenticity from the content (for example an SSH
developer would be unlikely to be advocating SSL in a list posting), and if
you get a message from someone you don't know then it's pretty much irrelevant
whether it's signed or not.  So the consensus was not to sign messages.


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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-31 Thread Ed Gerck

Russell Nelson wrote:
 > also sprach Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.05.28.1853 +0200]:
 > > It's "industry support". We know what it means: multiple,
 > > conflicting approaches, slow, fragmented adoption --> will not
 > > work.
In other words  change.  If you have any alternatives to change,
please describe them.  Ollivander's wand shop is not available in this
The alternative to change (ie, replacement) is complement. I mentioned that.
 > > It would be better if the solution does NOT need industry
 > > support at all, only user support. It should use what is already
 > > available.
This is the point in the script at which I laugh at you, Ed. 
I laugh with you ;-)
and PGP have been available for many many years now.  How many
messages to the Cryptography Mailing List are cryptographically
signed?  If it was going to happen, it would have *already* happened.
S/MIME and PGP did NOT earn user support. What's wrong with them, we all
know and Martin exemplifies below:
martin f krafft writes:
 >   - The technology is too complex to be grasped. users may be able
 > to select encryption in their GUI, but they fail to understand
 > the consequences. This is especially problematic on the receiver
 > side, because no standard user knows how to handle a BAD
 > SIGNATURE alert.
Yup.  That's why I think that the MTA that checks the signature should
surround the RFC2822 address comment with '?' if the signature is
missing or bad.  If the email lacks a valid signature, you really
*don't* know who it's from, so the question marks are simply telling
the truth.
That's cute but your suggestion may have missed the point. If the email
lacks a valid signature, there may be many causes. Today, within CA cert
rollover dates, your browser's root certs may just need an update. Absence
of a valid signature simply means you have less evidence of whom it's from,
not no evidence.
 >   - The infrastructure is not there. Two standards compete for email
 > cryptography, and both need an infrastructure to back them up.
Two standards?  DomainKeys and what else?
No -- DomainKeys has nothingf to do with 'email cryptography'. They are
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-31 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.05.30.0515 +0200]:
>  >   - The infrastructure is not there. Two standards compete for
>  >   email cryptography, and both need an infrastructure to back
>  >   them up.
> Two standards?  DomainKeys and what else?

I meant PGP and S/MIME

But there's DomainKeys and CAs I guess... including those CAs
inserted into web of trusts.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
invalid/expired pgp subkeys? use as keyserver!
"... alle sätze der logik sagen aber dasselbe. nämlich nichts."
   -- wittgenstein

Description: Digital signature

Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-30 Thread Russell Nelson
 > also sprach Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.05.28.1853 +0200]:
 > > It's "industry support". We know what it means: multiple,
 > > conflicting approaches, slow, fragmented adoption --> will not
 > > work.

In other words  change.  If you have any alternatives to change,
please describe them.  Ollivander's wand shop is not available in this

 > > It would be better if the solution does NOT need industry
 > > support at all, only user support. It should use what is already
 > > available.

This is the point in the script at which I laugh at you, Ed.  S/MIME
and PGP have been available for many many years now.  How many
messages to the Cryptography Mailing List are cryptographically
signed?  If it was going to happen, it would have *already* happened.

martin f krafft writes:
 >   - The technology is too complex to be grasped. users may be able
 > to select encryption in their GUI, but they fail to understand
 > the consequences. This is especially problematic on the receiver
 > side, because no standard user knows how to handle a BAD
 > SIGNATURE alert.

Yup.  That's why I think that the MTA that checks the signature should
surround the RFC2822 address comment with '?' if the signature is
missing or bad.  If the email lacks a valid signature, you really
*don't* know who it's from, so the question marks are simply telling
the truth.

 >   - The infrastructure is not there. Two standards compete for email
 > cryptography, and both need an infrastructure to back them up.

Two standards?  DomainKeys and what else?

--My blog is at  | 
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Bugs of a feather
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | flock together.
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | FWD# 404529 via VOIP  | 

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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-28 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.05.28.1853 +0200]:
> It's "industry support". We know what it means: multiple,
> conflicting approaches, slow, fragmented adoption --> will not
> work. It would be better if the solution does NOT need industry
> support at all, only user support. It should use what is already
> available.

While I fundamentally agree, a user-side approach will not work for
two reasons, at least:

  - The technology is too complex to be grasped. users may be able
to select encryption in their GUI, but they fail to understand
the consequences. This is especially problematic on the receiver
side, because no standard user knows how to handle a BAD

  - The infrastructure is not there. Two standards compete for email
cryptography, and both need an infrastructure to back them up.
Unless the governments do not settle on one standard and provide
the necessary infrastructure, such as signing keycards or
pocket devices capable of stream en/decryption, encryption is
not going to be standard.

If everyone and their mother is supposed to use cryptography, then
the two points need to be addressed. And unless everyone (and their
mother) uses cryptography consistently, email is not going to be

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
invalid/expired pgp subkeys? use as keyserver!
the unix philosophy basically involves
giving you enough rope to hang yourself.
and then some more, just to be sure.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-28 Thread Adam Fields
On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 03:20:52PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How soon will the spammers get into the business of hosting free mailboxes
> for people who actually buy spamvertized products. Much easier to send the
> spam to their own users, let them indicate their preferences, set up
> forwarded notifications, ...

Er, doesn't this describe Gmail?

> What things brings us to is that a major part of the problem are of course
> the people who buy the spamvertized products. So long as there is a new
> sucker born every minute, there will also be someone ready to take
> advantage of same.


I'm curious about who these suckers actually are. I've never heard of
anyone buying any spam crap except journalists researching whether or
not you can actually buy spam crap.

Does >anyone< personally know someone who's bought something from a
spammer, for real?

> Can spam be solved through end-user education? "Do not buy spammed
> products" campaign signs right next to the public health signs against
> smoking? "How to not be this minute's sucker" education in schools? :-)

Put that sign right next to the Snapple machine.

> Is spam really that important a societal ill, if the spammers had better
> parenting, schooling and better career prospects would they still spam or
> litter the sidewalk? Are human societies free of spam and more serious
> ills possible or even desirable (what is the cost of eliminating the
> ills)?
> We get too carried away with spam, as threats to our way of life there are
> far more serious problems...

- Adam


The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-28 Thread Victor . Duchovni
On Fri, 28 May 2004, Ed Gerck wrote:

> The main problem with this approach is revealed in a mind slip by Yahoo
> themselves at :
>   For consumers, such as Yahoo! Mail users or a grandmother accessing email
>   through a small mid-western ISP, industry support for sender authentication
>   technologies will mean that they can start trusting email again
> It's "industry support". We know what it means: multiple, conflicting
> approaches, slow, fragmented adoption --> will not work.

And indeed some will view the various sender authentication proposals as
misguided solutions for the wrong problems, while others will be simply
disinclined to spend money to upgrade their working "just fine" MTAs so
these will by no means be universally adopted.

The spammers will increase the cost of receiving a clean mail stream, but
if that increase is not too high and the filter accuracy is high enough,
email will continue to work just fine.

The bargain basement email providers may be disinclined to pay more to
provide a commodity service where the competition often offers the service
at no cost. There may in the future be a larger market for premium email
services, with a second market for low to zero cost mailboxes subjected to
a kinder, gentler spam stream (likely from the email provider).

How soon will the spammers get into the business of hosting free mailboxes
for people who actually buy spamvertized products. Much easier to send the
spam to their own users, let them indicate their preferences, set up
forwarded notifications, ...

What things brings us to is that a major part of the problem are of course
the people who buy the spamvertized products. So long as there is a new
sucker born every minute, there will also be someone ready to take
advantage of same.

Can spam be solved through end-user education? "Do not buy spammed
products" campaign signs right next to the public health signs against
smoking? "How to not be this minute's sucker" education in schools? :-)

Is spam really that important a societal ill, if the spammers had better
parenting, schooling and better career prospects would they still spam or
litter the sidewalk? Are human societies free of spam and more serious
ills possible or even desirable (what is the cost of eliminating the

We get too carried away with spam, as threats to our way of life there are
far more serious problems...


 /"\ ASCII RIBBON  NOTICE: If received in error,
 \ / CAMPAIGN Victor Duchovni  please destroy and notify
  X AGAINST   IT Security, sender. Sender does not waive
 / \ HTML MAILMorgan Stanley   confidentiality or privilege,
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-28 Thread Ed Gerck
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 10:07:43AM -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
yahoo draft internet standard for using DNS as a public key server
The main problem with this approach is revealed in a mind slip by Yahoo
themselves at :
 For consumers, such as Yahoo! Mail users or a grandmother accessing email
 through a small mid-western ISP, industry support for sender authentication
 technologies will mean that they can start trusting email again
It's "industry support". We know what it means: multiple, conflicting
approaches, slow, fragmented adoption --> will not work. It would be better
if the solution does NOT need industry support at all, only user support. It
should use what is already available.
Cheers--/Ed Gerck
The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-26 Thread bmanning

thats pretty much DNSSEC, now eleven years old.
or - presuming DNS is fine w/o integrity checks,
one should look at the rational for the creation
of the CERT (x509) resource record back in 1999
and documented in RFC 2538.

> yahoo draft internet standard for using DNS as a public key server
> misc past news refs:
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Re: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-26 Thread Adam Fields
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 10:07:43AM -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> yahoo draft internet standard for using DNS as a public key server

This sounds quite a lot like the ideas outlined in a paper I
co-authored in 1995, proposing the idea of a "trustmaster" for each
domain, keyed to the DNA hierarchy.

- Adam


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Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key server

2004-05-25 Thread R. A. Hettinga

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Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 21:26:31 -0600
Subject: Yahoo releases internet standard draft for using DNS as public key
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yahoo draft internet standard for using DNS as a public key server
misc past news refs:

a few past threads on using DNS as a public key server Public Key Infrastructure:
An Artifact... Merchant Comfort
Certificates Merchant Comfort
Certificates GAO: Government faces
obstacles in PKI security adoption Software for PKI Software for PKI Software for PKI Software for PKI DNSSEC (RE: Software for
PKI) DNSSEC (RE: Software for
PKI) CFP: PKI research workshop SSL, client certs, and MITM (was
WYTM?) some certification &
authentication landscape summary from recent threads SSL certs & baby steps SSL certs & baby steps (addenda) Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf? Why trust root CAs ? Server authentication Server authentication solicit advice on purchase of
digital certificate solicit advice on purchase of
digital certificate Can I create my own SSL key? Can I create my own SSL key? Can I create my own SSL key? Root certificates Root certificates PKI/Digital signature doesn't work CA Certificate Built Into Browser
Confuse Me Certificate Authentication Issues
in IE and Verisign PKI and Relying Parties SSL certificate modification SSL certificate modification Cirtificate Authorities 'CAs',
how curruptable are they to Cirtificate Authorities 'CAs',
how curruptable are they to Proposal for a new PKI model (At
least I hope it's new) Proposal for a new PKI model (At
least I hope it's new) Proposal for a new PKI model (At
least I hope it's new) Proposal for a new PKI model (At
least I hope it's new) Proposal for a new PKI model (At
least I hope it's new)

Internet trivia, 20th anv:

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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