The following is an attempt to gather all the information on the Diginotar
meltdown in one place.  There's references to external sources ("[REF...]")
and cross-links ("!!!!!!") which aren't present in the text, but apart from
that it should be pretty complete.  I've posted it here in case anyone finds
it useful, and if there's anything I've missed or that's incorrect, please let
me know.


-- Snip --

A far more serious CA compromise occurred a few months later.  The problem was
first noticed when Iranian users of Google's chrome browser, which contains
hardcoded knowledge of the certificates that are expected from Google sites (a
technique known as "certificate pinning"), started getting warnings that the
sites were serving unexpected certificates [REF: 1a, 1b].  This problem, which
ultimately affected up to 300,000 users [REF: 1d] was caused by certificates
for a whole range of major sites being replaced by new ones from a Dutch
trusted root CA called Diginotar (the suggestion to check for suspicious
certificate issuance for high-value sites dating from the last CA compromise
had been ignored).

This CA, which already had a long history of compromises by different hacker
groups in different countries going back over two years [REF: 2d], was
compromised in the current breach in around June 2011 [REF: 2f] with 283 rogue
certificates issued on 10 July and another 124 issued on 18 July
[REF: 2e].  Diginotar finally realised that there was a problem on 19 July
[REF: 2b], possibly after the attacker(s) left a note on Diginotar's site
informing them of this [REF: 2a][XREF: 2d] since they hadn't been aware of the
previous several years' worth of breaches.  In response to this the CA then
tried to revoke the rogue certificates and thought that they'd succeeded, but
an independent check carried out at that point couldn't find any evidence of
this, with the investigator concluding that "I'd love to see the
\\\*dozens\\\* of revocations [...] but I simply cannot find them" [REF: 2e].
In the meantime more rogue certificates were being issued, and Diginotar again
tried to revoke them [REF: 2c], again without much apparent effect (despite
the hacker activity at Diginotar ceasing on 22 July, new rogue certificates
were still being discovered as late as September [REF: 2f]).

The Dignotar breach was a fairly serious one since the attacker(s) were able
to issue not only generic web-server certificates but also high-value EV
certificates, European Qualified Certificates (these are discussed in
"!!!!!!!!X.509 in Practice" on page !!!!!), and Dutch government (PKIoverheid)
certificates.  The latter group included certificates for use by Dutch
notaries, which could be used to notarise high-value transactions like house
sales, after which they were transferred to an automated central government
registry.  While the Dutch government initially believed Diginotar when they
said that they'd got the situation under control [REF: 6c], a claim that was
backed up by an audit by the Dutch CERT GovCERT, a second evaluation by
security company Fox-IT [REF: 4a], combined with the appearance of further
rogue certificates as well as OCSP responder queries for even further
yet-to-be-discovered certificates, including high-value Qualified Certificates
and PKIoverheid certificates [REF: 2f] indicated that the problem hadn't
actually been fixed.

After an all-night crisis meeting, the Dutch government discontinued all use
of Diginotar certificates [REF: 6a], leaving all government sites that had
used Diginotar with invalid certificates until they could buy new ones from
other CAs [REF: 6a].  In all a total of 58,000 certificates had to be
replaced, a problem so massive that the Dutch government went so far as to ask
browser vendors to postpone taking any action because of the disruption that
it would cause.  The replacement process itself required extensive
coordination with users "to prevent the total collapse of all M2M
[machine-to-machine] communication" [REF: 6e].  Shortly afterwards the Dutch
government took over the administration of Diginotar [REF: 6b], prevented them
from issuing further high-value certificates like Qualified Certificates, and
had them revoke all (known) existing ones [REF: 6f].

A catastrophe on this scale was something that even the browser vendors
couldn't ignore.  Diginotar had issued a vanishingly small number of
general-purpose public certificates (its cash cow was the highly lucrative
business of selling to the Dutch government and government users, not to the
general public), totalling a mere 700-odd certificates [REF: 3a], of which
only 29 featured in the Alexa top million sites, all of them in the
Netherlands [REF: 3b].  Up against this were at least 531 known rogue
certificates (and an unknown number of further ones that hadn't been
discovered), including 124 that were issued after Diginotar detected the
compromise, indicating that there were further compromised systems or that the
supposedly re-secured systems remained compromised [REF: 3c].

As with previous CA compromises, the browser vendors had to resort to
hardcoding blacklists into the browsers because the standard PKI revocation
mechanisms didn't work [REF: 5a, 5b, 5c].  Browsers either hardcoded in
hundreds of certificates (at least the ones that they knew about) [REF: 5d],
or blacklisted the issuing CA's certificates [REF: 5a] (this continuing
inability to deal with invalid certificates later led one observer to comment
that "revocation only works when you don't need it" [REF: 4b]).

Not long afterwards, realising that they were sitting on a bottomless well of
liability, Diginotar's parent company Vasco wound the company up [REF: 7a].

In response to this disaster, and with an eye on moves by the Dutch government
to make breach disclosure notification mandatory [REF: 6d], when the Dutch
telco KPN discovered that the web site that it used to issue its certificates
had been compromised for up to four years (!!), it immediately suspended
certificate issuance and notified the government [REF: 8b, 8c].  A later study
of certificate revocations among global CAs that was carried out in response
to the Diginotar catastrophe indicated that as many as fourteen commercial CAs
had been compromised at one time or another [REF: 8a].  There's no evidence
that any of these CAs notified their users or anyone who relied on the
certificates that they issued of the existence of any problem.

While earlier CA compromises had received fairly extensive coverage within the
technical community, Diginotar was novel in that it gained attention outside
the field as well.  For example an attendee at a law conference in the US
reported that Diginotar was a topic of discussion among non-technical lawyers
there, indicating that in the future more attention may need to be paid to
liability issues when working with PKI.

In the meantime a likely attacker came forward: the same one who had
compromised Comodo some months earlier [REF: X.a, X.b].  The attacker
authenticated the claim by using one of the fraudulent certificates to code-
sign Windows Calculator [REF: X.c], something that only the genuine attacker
(or at least someone with access to their private keys) would have been able
to do.  The attacker further claimed to control four more CAs, including
fairly complete access to GlobalSign [REF: X.e] (GlobalSign acknowledged that
their server was compromised but denied that there was any further damage
[REF: X.f]), and a partial breach of StartCom that was prevented by additional
controls that the CA had in place [REF: X.d].  Debate over whether it really
was a lone Iranian hacker, the Iranian government (performing a
man-in-the-middle attack on huge numbers of Iranian users would be well beyond
the capabilities of an individual hacker), or the Bavarian Illuminati, will no
doubt continue for some time.

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