Sounds good, but they're already asking for backdoors to the haystacks...

2012-03-27 17:45 skrev Ed Stone:

Just as immunizations protect not only the person immunized, but also help 
protect the community from contagion, wouldn't more encrypted content have a 
public benefit through increasing the costs per "nugget" found and cause a 
narrowing of focus on those communications where there is probable cause or at 
least reasonable suspicion, versus wholesale hoovering of the spew?

While there are many technical defenses in systems, procedures, algorithms and 
implementations, wouldn't a vast increase in encrypted content also add 
substantially to the security of individual encrypted content by increasing the 
number of haystacks (costs and time) per valuable needle?

Rather than security through obscurity, more haystacks mean that encryption, 
being more common, is less of a red flag of suspicion, and that selection among 
encrypted content for the crackers has to be more discriminating.


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