On 31/01/2015 16:14 pm, John Young wrote:
An early program of Highlands Group was perception management by
which public opinion would be shaped by disparagement of opposition
to ubiquitous gov-com spying with gambits like "tin-foil hat," "conspiracy
theory," and other forms of reputation attacks.

Sadly, these are really good tactics. They're almost costless, they really hit hard against the auditing public, and they're almost blameless.

I'd love to see evidence of the program, and I don't doubt it exists, it's just too good to pass up on. We know for example that the USAF was running around stoking up the UFO people so as to give cover for the experimental plane flights. There is no doubt that the spies are running around stoking up the cypherpunkian elements to provide cover for what they are really doing. Read a hundred classic spy stories, etc.

Even if we see the evidence, the masses still won't believe it. But, speaking for myself, knowing that there was compelling verified evidence of actual skulduggery was something that kept me sane.

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