>From what I have read, and as far as I have understood it, your
zero-knowledge proofs are linked to a specific "state" of your choice. In
other words, you prove that your Zerocoin mint was one of a certain set of
Zerocoin mints. One can ONLY test the zero-knowledge proof against that set
(since you generated the zero-knowledge proof with a specific accumulator
in the blockchain). So one can't test it against each individual Zerocoin

This might be incorrect, but I *think* it's how it works.

2013/5/15 Jane <th...@angels.la>

> Hello, it's me again.
> Upon re-reading Zerocoin paper (
> http://spar.isi.jhu.edu/~mgreen/ZerocoinOakland.pdf ), I've noticed
> the following:
> When I mint a Zerocoin, I add my 'c' to the accumulator.
> Accumulator state gets "checkpointed" at discrete intervals - possibly
> every block, or so.
> Now, let's say I've minted a zerocoin at blockheight N, and an
> accumulator state that includes my 'c' has been checkpointed at
> blockheight N+1
> Now, I wait for 100 blocks and spend my zerocoin, providing relevant
> proofs P and adding relevant serial number to the list of numbers
> spent. This happens at blockheight N+101
> For ease of experiment, I was the only person to mint at blockheight
> N+1, and the only one to  spend at blockheight N+101,  (there were
> some other mints at N+4 though)
> Question:
> Am I correct in thinking that attacker can *NOT* gain information
> regarding the blockheight at which my coin was minted by repeatedly
> trying my (π,S) with different accumulator state checkpoints (which
> come conveniently arranged in chronological order ;-) ) ?
> Something like
> "1) test this fine proof and this fine S against accumulator states
> and mint set assembled from blocks from N-100 to N-50...
> 2) then try same against N-100 to N...
> 3) then, finally, try same against N-100 to N+1"
> Would the last step yield anything informative ?
> Hope this makes sense and please pardon my ignorance...
> Best wishes,
>      Jane
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