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Status:  U
Subject: Nov. 26: Barry Hurewitz, HIIP Seminar on Privacy; Nov. 29: Jerry
Hausman, New
 Directions in Regulation Seminar on Broadband Access
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:07:35 -0500

HIIP Seminar

"Current Developments in U.S. Data Privacy Regulation"

Barry J. Hurewitz
Government and Regulatory Affairs, Hale and Dorr LLP

Monday, November 26, 2001
noon-1:30 p.m.
BCSIA Library, Littauer Room 369, 3rd Floor
John F. Kennedy School of Government

Regulatory protection of personal privacy in the U.S. has risen from
obscurity in the past few years. Sector by sector, privacy regulations have
transformed e-commerce and invigorated advocates of personal information
privacy. Privacy protections have been extended to driver's license
information, children's online information, financial data, wireless
communications, and health records. A combination of industry self-
regulation and government enforcement has shaped emerging practices in
consumer online privacy.

Now, the change in administrations, the war on terrorism, emerging
technologies and economic trouble in the online industry are changing the
privacy debate in Washington. The FTC has abandoned its call for new
privacy laws, and Congress has expanded law enforcement surveillance

What is the U.S. regulatory structure for privacy protection? What is
happening to e-privacy? Does better information need to compromise privacy?
How will the current trend affect e-business?

Barry Hurewitz, a partner in Hale and Dorr's Government & Regulatory
Affairs Department, has a multidisciplinary practice focusing on federal
legislative and regulatory matters affecting technology companies,
including federal technology policy, regulatory compliance, government
procurement, and technology transfer.

As data privacy and security issues have expanded across the high-
technology sector, Mr. Hurewitz has advised clients on U.S. and
international data privacy developments, including Internet privacy, health
data privacy, financial privacy, the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor program for
protecting personal data about EU persons, federal surveillance techniques,
and privacy in telecommunications. Hurewitz' practice includes regulatory
counseling, developing internal corporate data protection procedures,
responding to enforcement actions and private claims, participating in the
development of new regulations, and tracking emerging state and federal
privacy legislation.

HIIP Seminar - Schedule for Remaining Sessions, Autumn 2001

December 3
Tim Berners-Lee, Director, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and
Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT

Seminars to be held on Mondays, 12-1:30pm,
BCSIA Library, Room Littauer 369, John F. Kennedy School of

This is a brown bag style seminar with limited seating available.
The schedule is posted at <http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/iip/HIIP-Seminar.html

The 2001-2002 HIIP Seminar Series is dedicated
to the memory of Michael L. Dertouzos (1936-2001).

Thursday, November 29, 2001
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Bell Hall
John F. Kennedy School of Government

The Regulatory Policy Program and The Harvard Information Infrastructure
Project, Center for
Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government invite you to
attend a New Directions in Regulation Lunch Seminar with Jerry Hausman on
"Broadband Internet Access: The Effect of Asymmetric Regulation"

The growing market for current digital cellular service (2G) is beginning
to decrease the usage of wireline
(traditional) telephone service. Although long distance usage is
decreasing, as is local usage in countries where
consumers pay to make local calls, wireline telephone service offers
broadband (high speed) Internet service
which current mobile 2G technology cannot offer.  Professor Hausman will
explore whether the next generation
mobile technology, 3G, will provide an adequate data substitute for
wireline service.  If it does, the need for
regulation for wireline service is likely to disappear along with the
numerous distortions in the economy that
traditional forms of regulation create.

Jerry A. Hausman is the John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics
at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.  He has taught at MIT for 28 years.  He is Director of the
MIT Telecommunications Economics
Research Program.  Professor Hausman teaches a course, "Competition in
Telecommunications," to graduate
students in economics and business.  He is also a Special Consultant to
Lexecon, Inc.  Professor Hausman
received the John Bates Clark Award from the American Economics Association
in 1985 for the most
outstanding contributions to economics by an economist under 40 years of
age.  He also received the Frisch
Medal from the Econometric Society.  Professor Hausman has published
numerous papers in econometrics and
applied microeconomics.  His recent applied research has been in
differentiated products and in

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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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