
March 13, 2003 

Recognizing the Dance on the Dotted Line 

IN the movies, biometrics can give a high-tech sheen to an ordinary task like 
establishing that someone is who he says he is. Lasers scan retinas or glass plates 
read fingerprints before hidden machinery will open doors, which invariably slide 
rather than swing. 

But a system to verify the identity of credit-card shoppers could soon be based on an 
old-fashioned, even ancient, piece of biometric information: the handwritten 

"Signatures are a biometric," said Thomas G. Zimmerman, a computer scientist at the 
I.B.M. Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif. "The dance of your hand on the 
paper is unique to you." 

Biometric handwriting recognition could eventually free shoppers from carrying credit 
or debit cards. At the very least, proponents say, a signature system could make 
stolen cards useless and could reduce fraud in several other ways. 

Biometric handwriting systems have little in common with current methods, in which the 
signature a shopper scribbles on a paper receipt or a digital tablet is compared with 
the signature on the back of the card. It doesn't take a master forger to produce a 
signature that can pass muster with a harried cashier. Criminals who forge cards 
simply put their own signatures on the back. 

By contrast, in biometric systems the appearance of the signature matters little. 
Instead, it is the act of signing that counts. 

Decades of research at I.B.M. Almaden, Mr. Zimmerman said, have shown that signing is 
done almost unconsciously. "When you sign your name, you are moving your hand two 
times faster than you can control it," Mr. Zimmerman said. "But a forger is signing in 
a very controlled motion. They can't reproduce the cadence of the dance that your hand 

Shai Waisel, chief executive officer of WonderNet, a company in Israel, said 
development of its handwriting authentication system, now known as Penflow, began in 
part from a simple observation. "You can sign your name without looking," Mr. Waisel 
said. "People are signing their names without knowing what they're doing." 

The idea of using handwriting dynamics to authenticate signatures is not new. For 
several years, I.B.M. has sold a system based on the principle to banks and other 
financial institutions to authorize computer transfers of large amounts of money. But 
such systems use costly, specially made pens and require the transfer of relatively 
large amounts of data, making them impractical for retailers with thousands of cash 

Two related factors, however, have prompted recent interest in developing dynamic 
signature systems for stores. Legislation passed in the fall of 2000 that gave 
electronic signatures the same legal validity as ones made with pen and paper prompted 
many retailers to install digital signature pads. Currently the electronic pads' main 
function is to provide a substitute for paper records of credit card sales. But 
I.B.M., WonderNet and the Communication Intelligence Corporation (the company behind 
Jot handwriting software for digital assistants) all say the pads can also be used to 
provide signature verification. 

While the three companies' systems vary in some details, they all take the same basic 
approach. Before using any of them, customers will have to create three to six sample 
autographs using a digital pad. Software will carefully time every movement and change 
of direction of the pen. When a customer signs a digital pad while making a purchase, 
the timing and pen direction will be matched against the stored record. (More 
sophisticated pads can add pen pressure and other factors into the comparison.) 

If such systems were widely adopted, Mr. Zimmerman said, it would be possible for 
people to abandon plastic credit cards. When making a purchase, a shopper would 
identify himself by typing a number (a telephone number, say) on a keypad at the cash 
register, then sign a digital pad. At the very least, Mr. Waisel of WonderNet said, 
credit card companies could eliminate the signatures and other personal details from 
cards, making them less attractive to thieves. 

Guido DiGregorio, chief executive of Communication Intelligence, said that online 
sales would be one of the first areas to realize security improvements from signature 
verification systems. A shopper could place a hand-held computer in a cradle connected 
to a PC and verify purchases by autographing its handwriting recognition area. Those 
with wireless Internet connections could bypass desk-bound computers altogether. 

Right now, the technology companies seem to be well ahead of retailers, at least in 
the United States. Richard Mader, executive director of the National Retail 
Federation's technical standards branch, said he had not heard the idea discussed 
within his industry. But at least in theory, he said, dynamic handwriting analysis 
might appeal more to merchants than systems that use iris scans or fingerprints 
because it requires no additional hardware at cash registers in stores that already 
digitally capture signatures. 

Mr. Mader said retailers would have to be convinced that the systems would not 
mistakenly reject legitimate cardholders. Whether related to credit or identity, such 
mistakes could mean lost sales and damaged customer relations. 

Unlike fingerprints, signatures and how they are written can vary. A shopper holding a 
cranky child will not sign the same way he or she might while at a desk. Similarly, 
people's signature patterns gradually change over time. 

Communication Intelligence tries to limit a customer's ability to vary his signature 
as much as possible, Mr. DiGregorio said. False rejections, he suggested, could be 
avoided simply by having clerks ask for another piece of identification. At WonderNet, 
variations are welcomed as a way to increase security by building a more nuanced 
profile of a customer's handwriting dynamics, Mr. Waisel said. 

Revelers, however, might be advised to carry plenty of cash if handwriting 
verification becomes the norm. All three companies agree that there is a situation 
that no system will be able to handle. "If you're really drunk and having trouble 
signing," Mr. Zimmerman said, "I've got to reject that." 

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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