Alice has:

1. A system which does processing of encrypted network streams.

Alice wants the following from Bob:

2. A test system for the processing system in 1. This system is going to
be used to decide if the processing system in 1 is working (processing)
as it should.

3. A test system for the test system in 2. This system is going to be used
to decide if the test system in 2 is working (testing) as it should.

4. A specification for the test system in 3. This specification shall contain
explicit and well defined critera for how to decide that the test system in 2
is working (testing) as it should.

So the question really is; how does Bob convince Alice that the test system in
2 works (tests) as it should? Alice does not need strict formal mathematical
proofs for the correctness of 2, but neither is she going to be satisfied by
hearing Bob (in his best Snake Oil voice) say: "Trust me, I know what I'm
doing..." Does anyone have any good pointers to information about problems like

Thanks in advance,
Fredrik Henbjork

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