RE: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-08-11 Thread Jason Resch
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:
> [dropping tahoe-dev from Cc:]
> On Thursday,2009-08-06, at 2:52 , Ben Laurie wrote:
> > Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:
> >> I don't think there is any basis to the claims that Cleversafe 
> >> makes that their erasure-coding ("Information Dispersal")-based 
> >> system is fundamentally safer
> ...
> > Surely this is fundamental to threshold secret sharing - until you 
> > reach the threshold, you have not reduced the cost of an attack?
> I'm sorry, I don't understand your sentence.  Cleversafe isn't using 
> threshold secret sharing -- it is using All-Or-Nothing-Transform 
> (built out of AES-256) followed by Reed-Solomon erasure-coding.

I would define that combination as a threshold secret sharing scheme.  Noting 
of course what you said below in that it is a computationally-secure as opposed 
to Shamir's information theoretically secure scheme.

> The 
> resulting combination is a computationally-secure (not information-
> theoretically-secure) secret-sharing scheme.  The Cleversafe 
> documentation doesn't use these terms and is not precise about this, 
> but it seems to claim that their scheme has security that is somehow 
> better than the mere computational security that encryption typically 
> offers.
> Oh wait, now I understand your sentence.  "You" in your sentence is 
> the attacker.  Yes, an information-theoretically-secure secret-
> sharing scheme does have that property.  Cleversafe's scheme hasn't.

Recalling what the original poster said:
"Surely this is fundamental to threshold secret sharing - until you 
reach the threshold, you have not reduced the cost of an attack?"

Cleversafe's method does have this property, the difficulty in breaking the 
random transformation key does not decrease with the number of slices an 
attacker gets.  Though the difficulty is not infinite, (as is the case with an 
information theoretically secure scheme) it does remain fixed until a threshold 
is reached.


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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-08-09 Thread Jerry Leichter
3.  Cleversafe should really tone down the Fear Uncertainty and  
Doubt about today's encryption being mincemeat for tomorrow's  
cryptanalysts.  It might turn out to be true, but if so it will be  
due to cryptanalytic innovations more than due to Moore's Law.  And  
it might not turn out like that -- perhaps AES-256 will remain safe  
for centuries.  Also, Cleversafe's product is not more secure than  
any other product against this threat.
Since people do keep bringing up Moore's Law in an attempt to justify  
larger keys our systems "stronger than cryptography," it's worth  
keeping in mind that we are approaching fairly deep physical limits.   
I wrote about this on this list quite a while back.  If current  
physical theories are even approximately correct, there are limits to  
how many "bit flips" (which would encompass all possible binary  
operations) can occur in a fixed volume of space-time.  You can turn  
this into a limit based solely on time through the finite speed of  
light:  A computation that starts at some point and runs for n years  
can't involve a volume of space more than n light years in radius.   
(This is grossly optimistic - if you want the results to come back to  
the point where you entered the problem, the limit is n/2 light years,  
which has 1/8 the spacial volume).  I made a very approximate guess at  
how many bit-flips you could get in a time-space volume of a 100 light- 
year sphere; the answer came out somewhere between 2^128 and 2^256,  
though much closer to the former.  So physical limits prevent you from  
doing a brute force scan - in fact, you can't even enumerate all  
possible keys - in 100 years for key lengths somewhere not much more  
than 128 bits.

It's rather remarkable that such fundamental limits on computation  
exist at all, but physics over the last 100 years - and especially  
over the last couple of decades - has increasingly shown us that the  
world is neither continuous nor infinite; it has solid finite limits  
on almost everything.  Even more remarkable is that we've pretty much  
reached some of those limits.  For any recently designed cryptosystem,  
brute force is simply out of the question, and will remains so forever  
(unless we are very much mistaken about physics).  Moore's Law as a  
justification for using "something more" makes no sense.

As you point out, the story for advances in cryptographic theory is  
much more complex and impossible to predict.  That cryptographic  
advances would render the "safer" AES-256 at risk while AES-128  
remains secure (for now) is something no one could have predicted,  
though in retrospect some of the concerns about the key scheduling may  
have been right.  All the protocols and standards out there calling  
for AES-256 - it's obviously "better" than AES-128 because after all  
256 is *twice as large* as 128! - were just a bunch of nonsense.  And,  
perhaps, dangerous nonsense.

-- Jerry

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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-08-09 Thread Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

[dropped tahoe-dev from Cc:]

On Thursday,2009-08-06, at 17:08 , james hughes wrote:

Until you reach the threshold, you do not have the information to  
attack. It becomes information theoretic secure.

This is true for information-theoretically secure secret sharing, but  
not true for Cleversafe's technique of composing an All-Or-Nothing- 
Transform with Reed-Solomon erasure coding.

CleverSafe can not provide any security guarantees unless these  
questions can be answered. Without answers, CleverSafe is neither  
Clever nor Safe.

Hey, let's be nice.  Cleversafe has implemented a storage system  
which integrates encryption in the attempt to make it safer.  They  
GPL at least some of their work [*], and they publish their ideas and  
engage in discussion about them.  These are all good things.  My  
remaining disagreements with them are like this:

1.  (The important one.)  I don't think the access control policy of  
"whoever can access at least K of the N volumes of data" is the  
access control policy that I want.  For one thing, it immediately  
leads to the questions that James Hughes was asking, about who is  
authorized to access what servers.  For another thing, I would really  
like my access control policy to be fine-grained, flexible, and  
dynamic.  So for example, I'd like to be able to give you access two  
three of my files but not all my other files, and I'd like you to  
then be able to give your friend access to two of those files but not  
the third.  See Brian Warner's and Jason Resch's discussion of these  
issues: [1, 2].

2.  Cleversafe seems to think that their scheme gives better-than- 
computational security, i.e. that it guarantees security even if  
AES-256 is crackable.  This is wrong, but it is an easy mistake to  
make!  Both Ben Laurie and James Hughes have jumped to the conclusion  
(in this thread) that the Cleversafe K-out-of-N encoding has the same  
information-theoretic security that secret-sharing K-out-of-N  
encoding has.

3.  Cleversafe should really tone down the Fear Uncertainty and Doubt  
about today's encryption being mincemeat for tomorrow's  
cryptanalysts.  It might turn out to be true, but if so it will be  
due to cryptanalytic innovations more than due to Moore's Law.  And  
it might not turn out like that -- perhaps AES-256 will remain safe  
for centuries.  Also, Cleversafe's product is not more secure than  
any other product against this threat.

It is hard to explain to non-cryptographers how much they can rely on  
the security of cryptographic schemes.  It's very complicated, and  
most schemes deployed have failed due to flaws in the surrounding  
system, engineering errors or key management (i.e. access control)  
problems.  Nobody knows what cryptanalytic techniques will be  
invented in the future.  My opinion is that relying on well- 
engineered strong encryption to protect your data is at least as safe  
alternatives such as keeping the data on your home computer or on  
your corporate server.  The Cleversafe FUD doesn't help people  
understand the issues better.




[*] Somebody stated on a mailing list somewhere that Cleversafe has  
applied for patents.  Therefore, if you want to use their work under  
the terms of the GPL, you should also be aware that if their patents  
are granted then some of what you do may be subject to the patents.   
Of course, this is always true of any software (the techniques might  
be patented), but I thought it was worth mentioning since in this  
case the company authoring the software is also the company applying  
for patents.

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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-08-09 Thread Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

[dropping tahoe-dev from Cc:]

On Thursday,2009-08-06, at 2:52 , Ben Laurie wrote:

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:
I don't think there is any basis to the claims that Cleversafe  
makes that their erasure-coding ("Information Dispersal")-based  
system is fundamentally safer

Surely this is fundamental to threshold secret sharing - until you  
reach the threshold, you have not reduced the cost of an attack?

I'm sorry, I don't understand your sentence.  Cleversafe isn't using  
threshold secret sharing -- it is using All-Or-Nothing-Transform  
(built out of AES-256) followed by Reed-Solomon erasure-coding.  The  
resulting combination is a computationally-secure (not information- 
theoretically-secure) secret-sharing scheme.  The Cleversafe  
documentation doesn't use these terms and is not precise about this,  
but it seems to claim that their scheme has security that is somehow  
better than the mere computational security that encryption typically  

Oh wait, now I understand your sentence.  "You" in your sentence is  
the attacker.  Yes, an information-theoretically-secure secret- 
sharing scheme does have that property.  Cleversafe's scheme hasn't.



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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-08-09 Thread james hughes

On Aug 6, 2009, at 1:52 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:

I don't think there is any basis to the claims that Cleversafe makes
that their erasure-coding ("Information Dispersal")-based system is
fundamentally safer, e.g. these claims from [3]: "a malicious party
cannot recreate data from a slice, or two, or three, no matter what  

advances in processing power." ... "Maybe encryption alone is 'good
enough' in some cases now  - but Dispersal is 'good always' and
represents the future."

Surely this is fundamental to threshold secret sharing - until you  

the threshold, you have not reduced the cost of an attack?

Until you reach the threshold, you do not have the information to  
attack. It becomes information theoretic secure.

They are correct, if you lose a "slice, or two, or three" that's fine,  
but once you have the threshold number, then you have it all. This  
means that you must still defend the site from attackers, protect your  
media from loss, ensure your admins are trusted. As such, you have  
accomplished nothing to make the management of the data easier.

Assume your threshold is 5. You lost 5 disks... Whose information was  
lost? Anyone? Do you know? What if the 5 drives were lost over 5  
years, what then? CleverSafe can not provide any security guarantees  
unless these questions can be answered. Without answers, CleverSafe is  
neither Clever nor Safe.


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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-08-06 Thread Ben Laurie
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:
> I don't think there is any basis to the claims that Cleversafe makes
> that their erasure-coding ("Information Dispersal")-based system is
> fundamentally safer, e.g. these claims from [3]: "a malicious party
> cannot recreate data from a slice, or two, or three, no matter what the
> advances in processing power." ... "Maybe encryption alone is 'good
> enough' in some cases now  - but Dispersal is 'good always' and
> represents the future."

Surely this is fundamental to threshold secret sharing - until you reach
the threshold, you have not reduced the cost of an attack?


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-08-05 Thread Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

[cross-posted to and]


It doesn't look like I'm going to get time to write a long post about  
this bundle of issues, comparing Cleversafe with Tahoe-LAFS (both use  
erasure coding and encryption, and the encryption and key-management  
part differs), and arguing against the ill-advised Fear, Uncertainty,  
and Doubt that the Cleversafe folks have posted.  So, I'm going to  
try to throw out a few short pieces which hopefully each make sense.

First, the most important issue in all of this is the one that my  
programming partner Brian Warner already thoroughly addressed in [1]  
(see also the reply by Jason Resch [2]).  That is the issue of access  
control, which is intertwined with the issues of key management.  The  
other issues are cryptographic details which are important to get  
right, but the access control and key management issues are the ones  
that directly impact every user and that make or break the security  
and usefulness of the system.

Second, the Cleversafe documents seem to indicate that the security  
of their system does not rely on encryption, but it does.  The data  
in Cleversafe is encrypted with AES-256 before being erasure-coded  
and each share stored on a different server (exactly the same as in  
Tahoe-LAFS).  If AES-256 is crackable, then a storage server can  
learn information about the file (exactly as in Tahoe-LAFS).  The  
difference is that Cleversafe also stores the decryption key on the  
storage servers, encoded in such a way that  any K of the storage  
servers must cooperate to recover it.  In contrast, Tahoe-LAFS  
manages the decryption key separately.  This added step of including  
a secret-shared copy of the decryption key on the storage servers  
does not make the data less vulnerable to weaknesses in AES-256, as  
their documents claim.  (If anything, it makes it more vulnerable,  
but probably it has no effect and it is just as vulnerable to  
weaknesses in AES-256 as Tahoe-LAFS is.)

Third, I don't understand why Cleversafe documents claim that public  
key cryptosystems whose security is based on "math" are more likely  
to fall to future advances in cryptanalysis.  I think most  
cryptographers have the opposite belief -- that encryption based on  
bit-twiddling such as block ciphers or stream ciphers is much more  
likely to fall to future cryptanalysis.  Certainly the history of  
modern cryptography seems to fit with this -- of the original crop of  
public key cryptosystems founded on a math problem, some are still  
regarded as secure today (RSA, DH, McEliece), but there has been a  
long succession of symmetric crypto primitives based on bit twiddling  
which have then turned out to be insecure.  (Including, ominously  
enough, AES-256, which was regarded as a gold standard until a few  
months ago.)

Fourth, it seems like the same access control/key management model  
that Cleversafe currently offers could be achieved by encrypting the  
data with a random AES key and then using secret sharing to split the  
key and store on share of the key with each server.  I *think* that  
this would have the same cryptographic properties as the current  
Cleversafe approach of using an All-Or-Nothing-Transform followed by  
erasure coding.  Both would qualify as "computation secret sharing"  
schemes as opposed to "information-theoretic secret sharing"  
schemes.  I would be curious if there are any significant differences  
between these two constructions.

I don't think there is any basis to the claims that Cleversafe makes  
that their erasure-coding ("Information Dispersal")-based system is  
fundamentally safer, e.g. these claims from [3]: "a malicious party  
cannot recreate data from a slice, or two, or three, no matter what  
the advances in processing power." ... "Maybe encryption alone is  
'good enough' in some cases now  - but Dispersal is 'good always' and  
represents the future."

Fifth, as I've already mentioned, the emphasis on cryptography being  
defeated due to advances in processing power e.g. reference to  
Moore's Law is confused.  Advances in processing power would not be  
sufficient to crack modern cryptosystems and in many cases would not  
be necessary either.

Okay I think that's it.  I hope these notes are not so terse as to be  
confusing or inflammatory.


Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn


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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-07-31 Thread Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn


Over on the Tahoe-LAFS mailing list Brian Warner gave a typically  
thoughtful, thorough, and precise analysis of cleversafe access  
control as contrasted with Tahoe-LAFS access control.  Brian  
attempted to cross-post it to this list, but it bounced since he is  
not a subscriber.

Jason Resch of cleversafe has also been participating in the  
discussion on that list.



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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-07-26 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Jul 26, 2009, at 12:11 AM, james hughes wrote:

On Jul 24, 2009, at 9:33 PM, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:

[cross-posted to and 

Disclosure:  Cleversafe is to some degree a competitor of my Tahoe- 
LAFS project.

I am tempted to ignore this idea that they are pushing about  
encryption being overrated, because they are wrong and it is  

The trick is cute, but I argue largely irrelevant. Follows is a  
response to this web page that can probably be broadened to be a  
criticism of any system that claims security and also claims that  
key management of some sort is not a necessary evil
It seems to me there's a much simpler critique.  The Cleversafe  
approach - which is not without its nice points - solves the "key  
management problem" in exactly the same way that some version of  
Windows solved the "frequent General Protection Fault crashes" problem  
(by eliminating the error message).

The "key management problem" comes down to:  I have encrypted data  
stored somewhere (where we assume attackers can access it, but not  
make use of it without the key).  To make that data meaningful, I need  
to be able to locate the key appropriate to that data.  What's a key?   
It's some private information.  In Cleversafe's approach, I have data  
stored in pieces all over the place.  To get at it, I need to know  
where the pieces of some data are.  That information has to be secret,  
since anyone who has access to it can do the same computation and  
recover the data just as I can.

Alternatively, I can rely not on the secrecy of that information, but  
on the discretion of those who hold the pieces.  OK, but I could have  
done that with a simpler technique:  Encrypt the data conventionally,  
then split the key among the trusted holders.  That's a tiny, and more  
to the point, *fixed* overhead beyond the size of the data, which will  
always beat the cleverest Reed-Solomon or erasure coding.  (It also  
has - if I use an appropriate mode - such nice features as random  
access to small parts of the data without the need to decrypt the  
whole thing first.)

Granted, Cleversafe has other nice features.  But other than changing  
"the key management problem" to "the secret information needed to get  
at the data, which won't be used as a crypto key" problem, I don't see  
how they've actually *solved* anything.

Further:  If I'm only encrypting stuff for myself, there's little  
reason to use multiple keys.  The key management problem becomes  
interesting when there is different encrypted data with different  
access rights for different groups of users.  It's beyond me how  
Cleversafe's approach makes this easier - or harder.

-- Jerry

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Re: cleversafe says: 3 Reasons Why Encryption is Overrated

2009-07-26 Thread james hughes

On Jul 24, 2009, at 9:33 PM, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:

[cross-posted to and]

Disclosure:  Cleversafe is to some degree a competitor of my Tahoe- 
LAFS project.

I am tempted to ignore this idea that they are pushing about  
encryption being overrated, because they are wrong and it is  

and probably patent pending regardless of there being significant  
amounts of prior art for their work. One reference is “POTSHARDS:  
Secure Long-Term Storage Without Encryption” by Storer, Greenan, and  
Miller at Maybe  
they did include this in their application. I certainly do not know.  
They seem to have one patent
and 7 pending.

But I've decided not to ignore it, because people who publicly  
spread this kind of misinformation need to be publicly contradicted,  
lest they confuse others.


The trick is cute, but I argue largely irrelevant. Follows is a  
response to this web page that can probably be broadened to be a  
criticism of any system that claims security and also claims that key  
management of some sort is not a necessary evil. # Response Part 2:  
Complexities of Key Management

I agree with many of your points. I would like to make a few of my own.
1) If you are already paying the large penalty to Reed Solomon the  
encrypted data, the cost of your secret sharing scheme is a small  
additional cost to bear, agreed. Using the hash to “prove” you have  
all the pieces is cute and does turn Reed Solomon into an AONT. I will  
argue that if you were to do a Blakley key split of a random key, and  
append each portion to each portion of the encrypted file you would  
get similar performance results. I will give you that your scheme is  
simpler to describe.

2) In my opinion, key management is more about process than  
cryptography. The whole premise of Shamir and Blakley is that each  
share is independently managed. In your case, they are not. All of the  
pieces are managed by the same people, possibly in the same data  
center, etc. Because of this, some could argue that the encryption has  
little value, not because it is bad crypto, but because the shares are  
not independently controlled. I agree that if someone steals one  
piece, they have nothing. They will argue, that if someone can steal  
one piece, it is feasible to steal the rest.

3) Unless broken drives are degaussed, if they are discarded, they can  
be considered lost. Because of this, there will be drive loss all the  
time (3% per year according to several papers). As long as all N  
pieces are not on the same media, you can actually lose the media, no  
problem. This can be expanded to a loss of a server, raid controllers,  
NAS box, etc. without problem as long as there is only N-1 pieces, no  
problem. What if you lose N chunks (drives, systems, etc.) over time,  
are you sure you have not lost control of someone’s data? Have you  
tracked what was on each and every lost drive? What is your process  
when you do a technology refresh and retire a complete configuration?  
If media destruction is still necessary, will resulting operational  
process really any easier or safer than if the data were just split?

4) What do you do if you believe your system has been compromised by a  
hacker? Could they have read N pieces? Could they have erased the logs?

5) I also suggest that there is other prior art out there for this  
kind of storage system. I suggest the paper “POTSHARDS: Secure Long- 
Term Storage Without Encryption” by Storer, Greenan, and Miller at 
 because it covers the same space, and has a good set of references  
to other systems.

My final comment is that you raised the bar, yes. I will argue that  
you did not make the case that key management is not needed. Secrets  
are still needed to get past the residual problems described in these  
comments. Keys are small secrets that can be secured at lower cost  
that securing the entire bulk of the data. Your system requires the  
bulk of the data to to be protected, and thus in the long run, does  
not offer operational efficiency that simple bulk encryption with a  
traditional key management provides.


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