Re: RNG quality verification

2006-04-12 Thread Max
Similar site aiming to detect defects in various ciphers and hashes:
"...where block ciphers can be compared against stream ciphers,
asymmetric ciphers and hash functions in their quality determined by
the security of each individual component as well as their

"We aim to collect all the existing block ciphers, stream ciphers,
asymmetric ciphers and hash functions under one roof, proving
Shannon's 1949 definition of cipher security to be correct. We also
want to show that cryptanalytic progress of the past few decades has
enabled automated detection of flaws in cryptographic primitives, thus
significantly reducing the amount of time required to determine
security or insecurity of a given cryptographic primitive."


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Re: RNG quality verification

2006-04-04 Thread Philipp Gühring

> Your tests would not detect that kind of vulnerability.

Let´s try it.

I have setup a small randomness collection website, and I am asking everyone 
to submit as many random numbers as possible from as many different sources 
as possible.

Please upload any kind of randomness (none, PRNG, special patterns, your 
personally preferred HRNG, ...) to the website.

I will try to do a larger statistical analysis of all random samples, and also 
try to find ways to identify PRNGs ...

I have a couple of goals with the project:
* perhaps being able with a high number of samples to differentiate 
statistically between PRNG and HRNGs
* a HRNG commercial market overview, which random speed you can get for which 
* at the end, I am planning, to run the analysis tools as a web service, so 
that everyone can have his own random numbers tested anytime, by simply 
uploading them, and having them analyzed and compared to the others 

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: RNG quality verification

2006-01-03 Thread James A. Donald

John Kelsey wrote:
> To assess a cryptographic PRNG, you need to know two things:
> a.  If it had a starting point or seed which was impossible to
> guess, would you be able to find any problems with its outputs?
> b.  Does it get a starting point or seed which is impossible to
> guess?
> Assessing (a) is about cryptanalysis; statsitics can help there, but
> mostly, you're looking at the output from some cryptographic
> function like SHA1 or AES or 3DES.  Assessing (b) is about data
> analysis--you're going to look at the sources for seed material, and
> try to determine what makes them ultimately unpredictable, and to
> model them somehow.  You can't assess how much entropy some variable
> has without some kind of probability model for it.

All observables are necessarily theory laden.  Entropy and randomness
are more theory laden than most, so theory laden as to be impossible
to observe directly.  One must study what goes in, not what goes out.

For any test, ask yourself this:  If the source of "random" numbers
was the current time, hashed with SHA and a sixteen bit fixed code,
would your test show any problem?

James A. Donald

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Re: RNG quality verification

2006-01-03 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Philipp Gühring wrote:
> I took OpenSSL, generated 1 RSA keys, and took them apart.
> First I analyzed the raw keys:

Try this:

Generate 256000 bytes from MD5(i), i=1...16000 and run the same tests. That is
clearly not acceptable as a PRNG because it is completely predictable if you
know that the sequence is MD5(1) ... MD5(16000), but it should pass any tests
other than one that checks specifically if it is correlated to MD5(1) ...

Perhaps you would say that example is unfair because MD5 makes a perfectly good
PRNG as long as the software package seeds it properly. In that case, how are
you going to ensure that the package you are testing is seeding the PRNG 

In fact, the famous Netscape vulnerability was based on a PRNG that was simply
MD5 of a counter, with the vulnerability being predictability of the seed. See for a clear
description of that.

Your tests would not detect that kind of vulnerability.

You asked,
> Has anyone tested yet, how much samples are needed to detect those PRNGs?

The point is that your tests will not detect the difference between a PRNG
using a properly seeded MD5(counter) and one with a predictable seed. More
generally, a sequence can be predictable while still being statistically random.

Carrying it even further, back in 1996 the only problem with using MD5 of a
counter as a PRNG was making sure that the seed was unpredictable. That may not
be true anymore because of recent results of MD5 collisions, or more
accurately, it may not remain true if stronger attacks continue to be found.
Statistical tests have not all of a sudden changed their results: MD5 will not
appear any less random in those tests just because vulnerabilities are found.

So how do you certify PRNGs used by your customers? You have them use well
known software packages that have been analyzed and vetted by the cryptographic
community, such as OpenSSL. It would be a shock if any of them did not pass the
simple statistical tests that you can perform. Passing those tests does not
ensure that there are none of the more subtle vulnerabilities that are only
discovered by many smart people taking a very hard look over a significant time

 -- Sidney Markowitz

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Re: RNG quality verification

2006-01-03 Thread John Kelsey

>From: Philipp G�hring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 3, 2006 12:13 PM
>To: "Steven M. Bellovin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: Re: RNG quality verification

>Ok, now I did the first test.
>I took OpenSSL, generated 1 RSA keys, and took them apart.
>First I analyzed the raw keys:

It's helpful if you try to determine what you're testing here.  What
is the ideal situation which you hope to approximate by your RNG?  For
example, RSA moduli will always be odd, since they're the product of
two odd primes.  So you're going to get some statistical flaws when
you look at the low bit.  Similarly, the high few bits will be
somewhat skewed by our choices of p and q (you usually set the high
bits so that you get the desired size of modulus).  And you may be
choosing p and q according to some other criteria--I don't know what
OpenSSL does exactly.  

Further, you're looking at the result of using the PRNG outputs in a
really complicated way.  There might be all kinds of nonrandom
behavior in the outputs that would not be apparent at all in the
result of generating RSA keys.  Think about what's happening--you're
generating a random starting point of 512 bits with a certain form
(high bit set), and then sieving it, and then running a primality test
for a bunch of rounds.  Then you're doing the same thing a second
time.  Then you're multiplying the numbers together. 

To assess a cryptographic PRNG, you need to know two things:

a.  If it had a starting point or seed which was impossible to guess,
would you be able to find any problems with its outputs?

b.  Does it get a starting point or seed which is impossible to guess?

Assessing (a) is about cryptanalysis; statsitics can help there, but
mostly, you're looking at the output from some cryptographic function
like SHA1 or AES or 3DES.  Assessing (b) is about data
analysis--you're going to look at the sources for seed material, and
try to determine what makes them ultimately unpredictable, and to
model them somehow.  You can't assess how much entropy some variable
has without some kind of probability model for it.  It's really hard
to get a satisfactory model for most of the OS/software sources,
unfortunately.  If you can't get a simple model for it, you can at
least attempt to determine some kind of bound on its entropy.  See
Peter Gutmann's wonderful paper from USENIX a few years ago on his
Cryptlib's PRNG for some flavor of what this kind of analysis looks

The critical thing to understand here is where your statistical tools
are and are not useful.  There's no harm in running some big
statistical tests on the outputs from a cryptographic mechanism, and
you may in principle even find something this way, but you probably
won't.  To the extent that you have a probability model for the source
of seed material or entropy you're using, you can use statistical
tests to check the plausibility of your model.  (That is, if your
model says that successive samples of some variable are independent,
it's really a good idea to run some statistical tests to check
that--Chi Square tests of independence, autocorrelation, whatever
makes sense with the kind of data you have.)  

>Perhaps I should have stated the quality demands for possible solutions:
>Since I am working on a practical solution, and not a theoretical solution, 
>the following demands apply:
>* A 99.999% solution is ok.

Well, the analysis of your entropy source is ultimately a data
analysis problem.  You go back and forth between your best
understanding of the underlying process that generates entropy, your
data, and what kind of models you can work with, refining your
understanding of your entropy source until your money or time run
out.  If some attacker has a much better model than yours, he may be
able to predict your seeds and thus break your PRNG.  (This is a good
reason to seed the PRNG with more estimated entropy than the minimum
you can get away with--there are other reasons to do this, too.)  

>> However -- and it's a big "however" -- numbers that are "random enough"
>> for statistical purposes are not necessarily good enough for
>> cryptographic purposes.  As several people have pointed out already,
>> there are processes involving cryptographic algorithms that produce
>> very "random" sequences, but are in fact deterministic to someone who
>> knows a secret.  In other words, if you don't control the generator,
>> it's not possible to distinguish these two cases.  
>Has anyone tested yet, how much samples are needed to detect those PRNGs?

Suppose I'm using AES128 with a key of 0 in counter mode, starting
with a counter of 0.  This will pass all the statistical tests you run

Re: RNG quality verification

2006-01-03 Thread Philipp Gühring

Ok, now I did the first test.
I took OpenSSL, generated 1 RSA keys, and took them apart.
First I analyzed the raw keys:

~~> ./ent RNGQA/openssl-keys-raw.random
Entropy = 7.992782 bits per byte.

Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 258 byte file by 0 percent.

Chi square distribution for 258 samples is 38940.74, and randomly
would exceed this value 0.01 percent of the times.

Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.2214 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.177609302 (error 1.15 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is -0.016663 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).

Then I stripped off the first 2 bytes and the last byte:

~~> ./ent RNGQA/openssl-keys-stripped.random
Entropy = 7.32 bits per byte.

Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 252 byte file by 0 percent.

Chi square distribution for 252 samples is 236.33, and randomly
would exceed this value 75.00 percent of the times.

Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.4632 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.14527 (error 0.12 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is 0.000327 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).

It isn´t perfect random quality, but I also don´t see any big problems with 

You can get the program and the extracted data here:

> It's really unsolvable, in several different ways.

Perhaps I should have stated the quality demands for possible solutions:
Since I am working on a practical solution, and not a theoretical solution, 
the following demands apply:
* A 99.999% solution is ok.

> First -- you just cannot tell if a single number is "random".  At best,
> you can look at a large selection of numbers and see if they fit
> certain randomness tests.  Even that isn't easy, though there are
> several packages that will help.  The best-known one is DIEHARD;
> ask your favorite search engine for "diehard random".


> However -- and it's a big "however" -- numbers that are "random enough"
> for statistical purposes are not necessarily good enough for
> cryptographic purposes.  As several people have pointed out already,
> there are processes involving cryptographic algorithms that produce
> very "random" sequences, but are in fact deterministic to someone who
> knows a secret.  In other words, if you don't control the generator,
> it's not possible to distinguish these two cases.  

Has anyone tested yet, how much samples are needed to detect those PRNGs?

> In fact, any cipher 
> or hash function whose output was easily distinguishable from a true-
> random source would be rejected by the cryptographic community.

Yes, sure.

> Furthermore, even if the generator is good, if the machine using the
> certificates has been compromised it doesn't matter, because the
> malware can steal the secret key.  What this boils down to is that you
> either trust the endpoint or you don't.

Sure. To secure against compromised machines, you need Hardware Tokens with a 
qualified certificate request mechanism. 
But in the scenario, I am currently working on, the assumption is that we only 
have a software engine, and that the machine of the user is not compromised.
But still the quality of the random number generator and the correct usage of 
the random numbers for the certificate request are not known yet.

> Finally, even if it were possible for you to verify that p and q were
> "random", you *really* don't want to do that -- you *never* want to see
> users' secret keys, because that exposes the keys to danger and hence
> you to liability.

I will not ask the users to send in their private keys for testing!

As you write below, I would like to test the standard generation packages 
(Firefox, IE, Opera, OpenSSL), and I also want to offer a guideline (or even 
the testing software) for the advanced users that they can test their own 
generation package, if they really want to.

> Let me make an alternative suggestion.  Pick two or three key
> generation packages -- as I recall, both Firefox and IE have such --
> generate a lot of keys, and run them through DIEHARD.  Then warn your
> users to use only approved mechanisms for generating their certificate
> requests -- you just can't do any better.

That´s exactly what I wanted to do. (Sorry if I didn´t wrote that clear enough 

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-27 Thread Travis H.
On 12/23/05, Philipp Gühring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It´s easy to say that it´s their responsibility.
> But how should they do it?

Very carefully.

Picking random numbers is far too important to be left to chance.
"Vast emptiness, nothing sacred." -- Bodhidharma -><-
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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-27 Thread James A. Donald
From:   Philipp Gühring 
> The problem is that I have to live with COTS 
> (Common-off-the-shelf) software out there, that is 
> generating the certificate requests. The only thing I 
> can do is create a blacklist or a whitelist of known 
> bad or known good software, to tell the users: Use 
> this software, or don´t use that software.

Randomness is necessarily theory laden.  To determine 
what is good, and what is bad, you have to look inside 
the software.

Software should get its randomness from dev/random, or 
from similarly open sources of randomness, so that the 
source of randomness can be inspected.

The general rule is that true randomness comes from 
quantities that are known to be unknown - for example 
the variation in disk read timing, which is affected by 
turbulence, or the microphone input, which is inherently 
noisy. You have to ask where these random numbers
ultimately come from. 

 James A. Donald

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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-23 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Philipp =?utf-8?q?G=C3=BChrin
g?= writes:
>Hi Peter,
>> Easily solveable bureaucratic problems are much simpler than unsolveable
>> mathematical ones.
>Perhaps there is some mis-understanding, but I am getting worried that the 
>common conception seems to be that it is an unsolveable problem.
>What is wrong with the following black-box test?
>* Open browser
>* Go to a dummy CA´s website
>* Let the browser generate a keypair through the  or cenroll.dll
>* Import the generated certificate
>* Backup the certificate together with the private key into a PKCS#12 
>* Extract the private key from the backup
>* Extract p and q from the private key
>* Extract the random parts of p and q (strip off the first and the last bit)
>* Automate the previous steps with some GUI-Automation system
>* Concatenate all random bits from all the keypairs together
>* Do the usual statistical tests with the random bits
>Is this a valid solution, or is the question of the proper usage of random 
>numbers in certificate keying material really mathematically unsolveable?
(I am not a RSA specialist yet, I tried to stay away from the bit-wise details 
>and the mathematics, so I might be wrong)
>But I would really worry, if it is mathematically impossible to attestate the 
>correct usage (to a certain extent, I know about the statistical limitations) 
>of random numbers with the software I am using to get certificates.

It's really unsolvable, in several different ways.

First -- you just cannot tell if a single number is "random".  At best, 
you can look at a large selection of numbers and see if they fit 
certain randomness tests.  Even that isn't easy, though there are 
several packages that will help.  The best-known one is DIEHARD;
ask your favorite search engine for "diehard random".

However -- and it's a big "however" -- numbers that are "random enough" 
for statistical purposes are not necessarily good enough for 
cryptographic purposes.  As several people have pointed out already, 
there are processes involving cryptographic algorithms that produce 
very "random" sequences, but are in fact deterministic to someone who 
knows a secret.  In other words, if you don't control the generator, 
it's not possible to distinguish these two cases.  In fact, any cipher 
or hash function whose output was easily distinguishable from a true-
random source would be rejected by the cryptographic community.

Furthermore, even if the generator is good, if the machine using the 
certificates has been compromised it doesn't matter, because the 
malware can steal the secret key.  What this boils down to is that you 
either trust the endpoint or you don't.

Finally, even if it were possible for you to verify that p and q were 
"random", you *really* don't want to do that -- you *never* want to see 
users' secret keys, because that exposes the keys to danger and hence 
you to liability.

Let me make an alternative suggestion.  Pick two or three key 
generation packages -- as I recall, both Firefox and IE have such -- 
generate a lot of keys, and run them through DIEHARD.  Then warn your 
users to use only approved mechanisms for generating their certificate 
requests -- you just can't do any better.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-23 Thread Philipp Gühring
Hi Peter,

> Easily solveable bureaucratic problems are much simpler than unsolveable
> mathematical ones.

Perhaps there is some mis-understanding, but I am getting worried that the 
common conception seems to be that it is an unsolveable problem.

What is wrong with the following black-box test?

* Open browser
* Go to a dummy CA´s website
* Let the browser generate a keypair through the  or cenroll.dll
* Import the generated certificate
* Backup the certificate together with the private key into a PKCS#12 
* Extract the private key from the backup
* Extract p and q from the private key
* Extract the random parts of p and q (strip off the first and the last bit)

* Automate the previous steps with some GUI-Automation system

* Concatenate all random bits from all the keypairs together
* Do the usual statistical tests with the random bits

Is this a valid solution, or is the question of the proper usage of random 
numbers in certificate keying material really mathematically unsolveable?

(I am not a RSA specialist yet, I tried to stay away from the bit-wise details 
and the mathematics, so I might be wrong)

But I would really worry, if it is mathematically impossible to attestate the 
correct usage (to a certain extent, I know about the statistical limitations) 
of random numbers with the software I am using to get certificates.

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-23 Thread Peter Gutmann
Philipp =?utf-8?q?G=C3=BChring?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>What is wrong with the following black-box test?
>* Open browser
>* Go to a dummy CA's website
>* Let the browser generate a keypair through the  or cenroll.dll
>* Import the generated certificate
>* Backup the certificate together with the private key into a PKCS#12 container
>* Extract the private key from the backup
>* Extract p and q from the private key
>* Extract the random parts of p and q (strip off the first and the last bit)
>* Automate the previous steps with some GUI-Automation system
>* Concatenate all random bits from all the keypairs together
>* Do the usual statistical tests with the random bits

How would this differentiate between keygen for which the PRNG is
SHA1( get_thermal_noise() ) and one where it's SHA1( counter++ )?  Or
one where it's get_constant_value() and you take the counter++ -th primes as p
and q?  Or one where ...?  In addition the PRNG input to the keygen process
has no bearing on the form of the primes generated, look at the IPsec DH
primes with their long strings of 1 bits for an example, they'd fail a
statistical test because they've been specially constructed to have a certain
form, but that makes them stronger, not weaker.  Thus both David Wagner's and
my comments that the people asking this question/setting this requirement
don't understand the problem.  So if you want a solution to something
originating at the bureaucratic layer, you need to provide the solution at the
bureaucratic layer.


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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-23 Thread Philipp Gühring
Hi David,

> Go tell whoever wrote your requirements that they (to be frank) don't
> know what they're talking about.  


> What they're asking for doesn't make 
> any sense.  

At first I had the same answer. But then I started to think it through.
And it makes far more sense to me now.

> You should ask them what problem they're trying to solve. 

They are just trying to fulfill the legal requirements.

> Don't let them try to tell you how to solve it; you just need to know
> the goal, not the mechanism.

They just told me their requirements, and how it is normally solved. 
I am known for inventing my own mechanisms to solve requirements.

Actually, I already developed one mechanism, that solves that problem as a 
But it´s dedicated for hardware implementations, and I need mechanism for  
software implementations (mostly for the browsers) now.

> The standard solution is to just not worry about this at all, and say
> that it is the user's responsibility to choose good random numbers.

Yes. That´s what I am planning to do.

But what do I do, if the users ask "And how do I do that?"

It´s easy to say that it´s their responsibility.
But how should they do it?

At the moment, I wouldn´t even know how to do it myself, if someone asked me 
to care for it.

Ok, let´s forget the CA and the users. How do I do it myself?
How do I make sure myself, that the browser is generating good random numbers, 
and actually using them properly for the certificate requests?
I will be personally liable for it, it that random thing breaks.

Well, I could get a lot of paper, a good hex editor, and start calculating my 
own RSA keys with pencil and paper, read through the ASN.1 specifications, 
and manufacture my certificate request myself.
(Has anyone actually does that yet, and can give some time-estimations?)

> If the user fails to do so, they're the one who bears the costs of their
> failure, so why should you care?

Perhaps because I am working for a CA that actually does care.

Do you know any browser vendor that guarantees the correct generation of 
secure random numbers and their correct usage, that offer to take liability, 
if it goes wrong?

> If the goal is to hold the hands of your users, then you might want to
> think carefully about whether you want to be in that business, 

I am already in that business. And yes, it´s great fun, and I like it.

> what are 
> the most likely failure modes, and what is the best way to deal with it.
> (Trying to check whether their numbers are random probably isn't the best
> answer.)  

Well, I have to start somewhere. And the best way to start that I could find 
is by fulfilling the requirements that are already given. So yes, I start 
here now. And I´ll try not to stop, before I haven´t found good answers to 
all the open questions.

> Most CA's have gravitated towards the opinion that that's not 
> something they can control, nor do they want to, nor should they -- 

I don´t want to control it, I want to audit it. I want the users to have it 
under their control. At the moment, nobody gave them much control over the 
random number quality of the keys they are using.

> and 
> that sounds reasonable to me.  

Yes, it´s reasonable, if you aren´t paranoid enough. I thought exactly the 
same way, before I started to think more about this specific topic more 
detailled. Now I think it´s a bit negligent to ignore the topic completely.
But perhaps there are bigger problems, yes. (Sometimes little problems are 
easier to solve than bigger problems ...)

> But if you want to be in the hand-holding 
> business, you're going to have to do an awful lot more than just check
> the random numbers.

Yes. Do you have a TODO list for me?

Thanks for your input,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Victor Duchovni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 10:28:47AM +0100, Philipp G?hring wrote:
>> I think the better way would be if I had a possibility to verify the quality
>> of the random numbers used in a certificate request myself, without the
>> dependence on the vendor.
>This is impossible. You don't see the raw "random" inputs: the CSR does not
>disclose the input primes, it only discloses their product. The real problem
>is deeper: there is no such thing as a single number that is or is not
>random, a random *process* produces the same discrete outputs as a similar
>non-random process.

This question may be solveable, but to do it you need to step back and look at
who's set this requirement and why.  I've run into the random-number-obsession
a couple of times, generally when government agencies or government
departments following policy set by government agencies are involved (example:
The CA generates the keys for the user and emails them their private key,
because we can't trust the quality of the user's RNG).  The reason I label it
an obsession is because the entire remainder of the keygen process can be
arbitrarily insecure as long as the RNG is some sort of officially approved
one (in fact in at least two cases the officially approved RNGs were quite
dubious).  So if this is merely a checkbox requirement then it can be met by
including an attribute in the request saying that the RNG was FIPS-certified,
and recording during the issue process that the request stated that it used an
approved RNG.

Easily solveable bureaucratic problems are much simpler than unsolveable
mathematical ones.


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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-22 Thread Philipp Gühring
Hi Travis,

> The only thing is, you cannot test in randomness, 

That´s true, but I can test non-randomness. And if I don´t detect 
non-randomness, I can assume randomness to a certain extent.

> and it is an abuse 
> of statistics to make predictions about individual events -- 

Wasn´t that one of the reasons, why statistic was invented?

> they 
> describe populations.  The best thing you could do is combine them
> with a truly random source that you control.  

I don´t control the software everyone is using on this world.

> Of course then your 
> users may not trust you, so you have to do a cryptographically strong
> combination such that control of one of the inputs doesn't translate
> into control of the outputs.  For example, you cannot simply XOR them
> or you could force the key to be anything of the same length by
> choosing an appropriate stream.  Also, you could not do this with
> small input spaces or else exhaustive search is trivial (try every
> input until the output is what you want).

The problem is that I have to live with COTS (Common-off-the-shelf) software 
out there, that is generating the certificate requests. The only thing I can 
do is create a blacklist or a whitelist of known bad or known good software, 
to tell the users: Use this software, or don´t use that software.

> The best you could do is examine (reverse engineer) the RNGs in the
> products, and whatever seeds them, and then create tests for their
> nonrandom properties, and then see if the tests work.  This would,
> however, not tell you anything you didn't already know once you had
> examined the internals.  

Has anyone done this yet?

> You might be able to find structure in their 
> outputs through blind application of general-purpose statistics, but
> it will likely take a great deal more output, even with supposedly
> sensitive statistics like double-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnof.

Hmm, every key should deliver about 1000 bits of randomness, I guess. How many 
bits should I collect for the tests in your opinion?

> As a pathological example, my RNG may output the text of the King
> James Bible, encrypted with AES-CBC using a counter as the key, and
> uniquified across instances by using a processor serial number or
> licence number as an IV.  Unless you knew this, you would be
> hard-pressed to tell they were not random and in fact totally
> predictable to anyone who knows the "secret".  If a general statistic
> could distinguish this from a random stream, I think it would imply a
> weakness in AES-CBC.  The tests would likely fail until enough output
> was generated that it started to repeat itself.  On the other hand, I
> could decrypt it with a counter and see what pops out, and all I'd
> have to do is distringuish the KJV from a random stream.

I guess someone would have noticed already, if Microsoft, Mozilla or OpenSSL 
had done that.

Wait. How many LOC(lines of code) does the King James Bible have? Mozilla had 
something like 13 Mio. LOC as far as I remember ... perhaps they really hid 
the KJ Bible in it! ;-)

> I'd look at seeding techniques first, as that's an easy win.
> Predictable seed -> predictable output.  If that bootstrap is wrong,
> you can treat everything else as an oracle and still get a good
> distinguisher.

Contrary to the normal challenge of developing a new random number generator, 
I don´t have the possibility to change the existing software, I just have to 
evaluate them, and find out, whether it´s ok or not.

I first thought about a black-box test, by simply tracing in the operating 
system where the software gets its numbers from. A open("/dev/random") 
systemcall at the time of key generation might be a good hint for good random 
numbers. But as Netscape proofed some years ago, you can 
ch=read(stream,&ch,1) one perfectly random number, and overwrite it with the 
value 1 (which is not soo random anymore) in one single line of error, and 
invisibly to the operating system failing to use the random numbers given.
So since the random numbers might be modified between gathering and using for 
the keypair, I thought that I need to evaluate the quality at the end of the 
keypair generation.

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-22 Thread Travis H.
On 12/22/05, Philipp Gühring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if I extract the key, remove the first and the last bit, then I should have
> the pure random numbers that are being used. If I do that with lots of keys,
> I should have a good amount of random material for the usual statistical
> tests.

The only thing is, you cannot test in randomness, and it is an abuse
of statistics to make predictions about individual events -- they
describe populations.  The best thing you could do is combine them
with a truly random source that you control.  Of course then your
users may not trust you, so you have to do a cryptographically strong
combination such that control of one of the inputs doesn't translate
into control of the outputs.  For example, you cannot simply XOR them
or you could force the key to be anything of the same length by
choosing an appropriate stream.  Also, you could not do this with
small input spaces or else exhaustive search is trivial (try every
input until the output is what you want).

The best you could do is examine (reverse engineer) the RNGs in the
products, and whatever seeds them, and then create tests for their
nonrandom properties, and then see if the tests work.  This would,
however, not tell you anything you didn't already know once you had
examined the internals.  You might be able to find structure in their
outputs through blind application of general-purpose statistics, but
it will likely take a great deal more output, even with supposedly
sensitive statistics like double-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnof.

As a pathological example, my RNG may output the text of the King
James Bible, encrypted with AES-CBC using a counter as the key, and
uniquified across instances by using a processor serial number or
licence number as an IV.  Unless you knew this, you would be
hard-pressed to tell they were not random and in fact totally
predictable to anyone who knows the "secret".  If a general statistic
could distinguish this from a random stream, I think it would imply a
weakness in AES-CBC.  The tests would likely fail until enough output
was generated that it started to repeat itself.  On the other hand, I
could decrypt it with a counter and see what pops out, and all I'd
have to do is distringuish the KJV from a random stream.

I'd look at seeding techniques first, as that's an easy win. 
Predictable seed -> predictable output.  If that bootstrap is wrong,
you can treat everything else as an oracle and still get a good
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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-22 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 10:28:47AM +0100, Philipp G?hring wrote:

> I think the better way would be if I had a possibility to verify the quality 
> of the random numbers used in a certificate request myself, without the 
> dependence on the vendor.

This is impossible. You don't see the raw "random" inputs: the CSR does
not disclose the input primes, it only discloses their product. The real
problem is deeper: there is no such thing as a single number that is or
is not random, a random *process* produces the same discrete outputs as
a similar non-random process.

Furthermore, it is impossible to prove an untrusted sampled process to be
securely random. To have *assurance* of randomness you need to participate
in the process, and to have access to the raw random data. This of
course you cannot do as a CA, because you don't have legitimate access
to the private keys. If you must police the users, hand them their keys
on smart cards (or other suitable hardware) that you initialize.


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Re: RNG quality verification

2005-12-22 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Philipp [iso-8859-1] G?hring wrote:
> I have been asked by to verify the quality of the random numbers which are
> used for certificate requests that are being sent to us, to make sure that
> they are good enough, and we don?t issue certificates for weak keys.

Consider an implementation which uses x = time and when
SHA1(hardcoded-string||x), SHA1(hardcoded-string||x+1), etc. as a
starting point to search for primes. Unless you know what is the
hardcoded-string you cannot tell that the random starting point was
not that random: it is very important to realize that randomness is
the property of the source and not of a string.

BTW, note that what you can see in the certificate request for an
RSA key is n and not p and q themselves.


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