Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-08 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 10:22:57PM -0400, Jerry Leichter wrote:

> But there isn't actually such a thing as classical thermodynamical 
> randomness!  Classical physics is fully deterministic.  Thermodynamics uses 
> a probabilistic model as a way to deal with situations where the necessary 
> information is just too difficult to gather.  Classically, you could in 
> principle measure the positions and momenta of all the atoms in a cubic 
> liter of air, and then produce completely detailed analyses of the future 
> behavior of the system.  There would be no random component at all.  In 
> practice, even classically, you can't hope to get even a fraction of the 
> necessary information - so you instead look at aggregate properties and, 
> voila, thermodynamics.  There's no randomness assumption - much less an 
> unpredictability assumption - for the micro-level quantities.  What you 
> need is some uniformity assumptions.  If I had access to the full micro 
> details of that liter of air, your calculations of the macro quantities 
> would be completely undisturbed.

This glosses over the *fundamental* complexity of non-linear classical
dynamics. It is a leap to claim that the underlying determinism of a
classical dynamical system leads one to conclude that it is even in
principle "predictable", in the presence of chaos.

We should not short-change classical "chaos" which is an emergent property
of complex deterministic systems.


Riddled Basins  

The notion of determinism in classical dynamics has eroded since
Poincar??'s work led to recognition that dynamical systems can exhibit
chaos: small perturbations grow exponentially fast. Hence, physically
ubiquitous measurement errors, noise, and computer roundoff strongly
limit the time over which, given an initial condition, one can
predict the detailed state of a chaotic system. Practically speaking,
such systems are nondeterministic. Notwithstanding the quantitative
uncertainty caused by perturbations, the system state is confined
in phase space (on an "attractor") so at least its qualitative
behavior is predictable. Another challenge to determinism arises
when systems have competing attractors. With a boundary (possibly
geometrically convoluted ) between sets of initial conditions tending
to distinct attractors ("basins of attraction"), perturbations
make it difficult to determine the fate of initial conditions near
the boundary. Recently, mathematical mappings were found that are
still worse: an attractor's entire basin is riddled with holes on
arbitrarily fine scales. Here, perturbations globally render even
qualitative outcomes uncertain; experiments lose reproducibility.

J.C. Sommerer and E. Ott, "A Qualitatively Nondeterministic
Physical System", Nature, 365, 135 (1993).


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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-08 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Tue, 7 Sep 2010 22:22:57 -0400 Jerry Leichter 
> On Sep 6, 2010, at 10:49 PM, John Denker wrote:
> > It's easy to pin down.  If it's unpredictable to the attacker,
> > it's unpredictable enough for all practical purposes.
> I was talking about mathematical, even philosophical, underpinnings
> - not "practical purposes".
> In any case, even if you are concerned with practice, the
> statement that something is "unpredictable to the attacker" sounds
> suspect. After all, most junk cryptographic arguments claim that
> some algorithm is "not reversible by the attacker".  One should
> really expect more.

Actually, I've seen a significant number of proofs in the crypto world
that amount to "show that the attacker cannot distinguish these bits
from a set of random bits with probability better than uninformed

It appears to be reasonable to think that if the attacker cannot
distinguish a stream from a "true" random stream, or cannot predict
the next bit with better probability than chance, the attacker has no
handle on which to base an attack. I would invite people who are
more versed on this topic to chime in.


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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-08 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Sep 6, 2010, at 10:49 PM, John Denker wrote:
If you think about the use of randomness in cryptography, what  

isn't really randomness - it's exactly unpredictability.


This is a very
tough to pin down:  What's unpredictable to me may be predictable to

It's easy to pin down.  If it's unpredictable to the attacker,
it's unpredictable enough for all practical purposes.
I was talking about mathematical, even philosophical, underpinnings -  
not "practical purposes".

In any case, even if you are concerned with practice, the statement  
that something is "unpredictable to the attacker" sounds suspect.   
After all, most junk cryptographic arguments claim that some algorithm  
is "not reversible by the attacker".  One should really expect more.

and unpredictability "collapses" as soon as the random value is
"known" ("measured?").  QM unpredictability as described by Conway  
much closer to the kind of thing you really need to get crypto  

You're working too hard.  QM is interesting, but it is overkill
for cryptography.  Plain old classical thermodynamical randomness
is plenty random enough.
But there isn't actually such a thing as classical thermodynamical  
randomness!  Classical physics is fully deterministic.  Thermodynamics  
uses a probabilistic model as a way to deal with situations where the  
necessary information is just too difficult to gather.  Classically,  
you could in principle measure the positions and momenta of all the  
atoms in a cubic liter of air, and then produce completely detailed  
analyses of the future behavior of the system.  There would be no  
random component at all.  In practice, even classically, you can't  
hope to get even a fraction of the necessary information - so you  
instead look at aggregate properties and, voila, thermodynamics.   
There's no randomness assumption - much less an unpredictability  
assumption - for the micro-level quantities.  What you need is some  
uniformity assumptions.  If I had access to the full micro details of  
that liter of air, your calculations of the macro quantities would be  
completely undisturbed.

FWIW, quantum noise is just the limiting case of thermal noise in
the limit of high frequency and/or low temperature.  There is no
dividing line between the two, by which I mean that the full range
of intermediate cases exists, and the same equation describes both
asymptotes and everything in between.  A graph of noise versus
temperature for a simple circuit can be found at

If anybody can think of a practical attack against the randomness
of a thermal noise source, please let us know.  By "practical" I
mean to exclude attacks that use such stupendous resources that
it would be far easier to attack other elements of the system.
As a matter of practical engineering, I agree with you.  But read what  
you said over again, and distinguish it from typical snake-oil  
arguments for novel crypto algorithms.  The differences that make your  
claims believable while those of the snake-oil salesmen are not are  
subtle and illuminating.  But, as the long argument on this subject  
today has shown, that's still not the end of the story.  Just as the  
snake-oil systems typically fail because their security claims require  
constraints on the attacker (which real attackers will get around),  
your claims assume constraints as well.  Lowering the temperature and  
injecting RF.  Hmm, hadn't thought of that as an attack technique

-- Jerry

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread Marsh Ray

On 09/07/2010 02:18 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

The question is, can you make it more expensive to do that than to,
say, buy a new parking card or whatever else the smart card is being
used for. If the attack is fairly cheap and repeatable and yields
something reasonably valuable, you have a problem. If you can make the
attack expensive and only yield something cheap, you're doing well.

The designer often has wrong information about what the system will be 
used for. Most systems don't see much adoption and are discontinued 
because they don't make any money. Systems that succeed with low-value 
transactions tend to get repurposed for more and more important roles 
until the breaking point. SSL and Zigbee are two examples.

Imagine how much an additional shielded region would cost to a cell 
phone that's expected to sell 50 million units. An engineer is probably 
going to be trading that cost off against some other feature with a 
tangible benefit. When the junior engineer speaks up and says "let's 
just use the microphone for entropy gathering instead" he's going to be 
considered a hero for saving millions.

An additional consideration is that the device must also operate 
reliably when someone puts popcorn in the microwave or uses an arc 
welder in the next room. The detector must absolutely never create a 
false positive.

Most actual consumer products sold will prefer to continue insecure 
operation rather than shut off. For example, the GSM standard includes a 
mechanism to notify the user on the display if they're connected to a 
cell tower with an unencrypted signal. Cell carriers typically disable 
this notification, presumably because it tangibly increases support 
costs for a benefit that appears highly theoretical. It's usually only 
when it's the interests of the manufacturer that are being protected 
that a device will actually go out of its way to find a reason to cease 
operation (e.g., DRM).

- Marsh

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Tue, 07 Sep 2010 11:56:25 -0700 John Denker  wrote:
> The true noise level depends only on gain, bandwidth,
> temperature, and resistance.  Blasting the system
> with RF will not lower the temperature, so that's
> not a threat.

One could, however, run the card one is trying to attack under reduced
temperature and hit it with RF at the same time.

The question is, can you make it more expensive to do that than to,
say, buy a new parking card or whatever else the smart card is being
used for. If the attack is fairly cheap and repeatable and yields
something reasonably valuable, you have a problem. If you can make the
attack expensive and only yield something cheap, you're doing well.

> So unless you have a scenario where
> the RF lowers the resistance, lowers the gain,
> and/or lowers the bandwidth 
> _in a way that the calibrator cannot detect_

Don't assume, though, that the attacker can't lower the temperature in
most of the circuit, keep the tiny thermometer you included at room
temperature, and inject RF at the same time. Don't even assume they
will need to rip the device apart to do it. The only question is, can
you make it expensive enough to succeed to protect what you're trying
to protect.

Perry E.

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread Marsh Ray

On 09/07/2010 12:58 PM, John Denker wrote:

On 09/07/2010 10:21 AM, Marsh Ray wrote:

If anybody can think of a practical attack against the randomness
of a thermal noise source, please let us know.  By "practical" I
mean to exclude attacks that use such stupendous resources that
it would be far easier to attack other elements of the system.

Blast it with RF for one.

1) This is not an argument in favor of quantum noise over
thermal noise, because the same attack would be at least
as effective against quantum noise.


2) You can shield things so as to make this attack very,
very difficult.

The point is that this it's a generic, relatively low-tech attack that 
is likely to be effective against a straightforward implementation of 
the general idea.

3) The attack is detectable long before it is effective,
whereupon you can shut down the RNG, so it is at best a
DoS attack.

Only if the engineers know about it and spend the resources to build in 
such resistances to it. So the system which consumes the entropy also as 
to look for the "I'm not producing any more entropy" signal as well. The 
proper operation of this signaling has to part of the test process. So 
now there needs to be a way to simulate the attack scenario for testing. 
Presumably this becomes another input to the system which itself must be 
test. All this adds time, cost, and complexity and it's not surprising 
that they don't always get it perfect.

There is some evidence that engineers designing chips that go into 
actual products (little stuff like girls' toys and smart grid power 
meters) aren't familiar with this:
"This graph shows the counts of individual seed bytes in a poor random 
number generator. The sample width is a single integer, and the RNG byte 
is expected to be one of the very few spikes presented on this graph."

Note that the above description is a little confusing because there are 
multiple problems going on here. The "seed bytes" are coming from a 
poorly engineered radio source and are also going into a "poor random 
number generator".

Here's a better description:

 And then you have to compare it against
other brute-force DoS attacks, such as shooting the
computer with an AK-47.

Well, the idea of physical stress attacks is that you get the system to 
do something it isn't supposed to do (e.g., sign with a weak nonce).

Typically the natural thermal noise amounts to just a few millivolts,
and so requires a relatively sensitive A/D converter. This makes it
susceptible to injected "unnatural noise" overloading the conversion and
changing most of the output bits to predictable values.

Even the cheapest of consumer-grade converters has 16 bits of
resolution, which is enough to resolve the thermal noise and
still have _two or three orders of magnitude_ of headroom.

Were they engineered for use with crypto to resist attack? Were they 
tested in an actively hostile RF environment?

It's really unwise to try to reason about the behavior of complex 
systems like digitial circuitry when operated outside of its absolute 
maximum specifications. You'd have to re-qualify them for such use.

you are really worried about this, studio-grade stuff is still
quite affordable, and has even more headroom and better shielding.

And it will not get built into any product if it costs $0.01 more unless 
the hardware engineer is unable to justify the additional expense.

How much RF are we talking about here?

Probably very little if the engineer didn't take special precautions.

Also the attacker gets to choose the frequency and direction from which 
the device is most susceptible and combine this will all other 
techniques simultaneously. For example, perhaps would run current 
through the external shielding or expose it to a static magnetic field 
(thus heating it or saturating its magnetic permeability).

At some point you can
undoubtedly DoS the RNG ... but I suspect the same amount of
RF would fry most of the computers, phones, and ipods in the

So the attacker leaves his ipod out of the faraday cage in which he's 
abusing the smart card or DRM device.

Is the RF attack in any way preferable to the AK-47 attack?

The attacker doesn't necessarily have to completely eliminate all 
entropy from the output, just enough that he can make up the difference 
with brute force or analytic techniques.
"Changes from Revision Original (September 2009) to Revision A" "Removed 
sentence that pseudorandom data can be used for security."

- Marsh

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread John Denker
On 09/07/2010 11:19 AM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>> > 2) You can shield things so as to make this attack very,
>> > very difficult.
> I suspect that for some apps like smart cards that might be hard.
> OTOH, it might be straightforward to detect the attempt.

We should take the belt-and-suspenders approach:
 a) Do some reasonable amount of shielding, and
 b) detect the attack.

Detecting the attack is utterly straightforward.  

The primary defense is to "close the loop" around 
the noise-generating element.  That is, we inject 
a known calibration signal on top of the noise ... 
and use that to constantly check that the input
channel gain and bandwidth are correct.

The true noise level depends only on gain, bandwidth,
temperature, and resistance.  Blasting the system
with RF will not lower the temperature, so that's
not a threat.  So unless you have a scenario where
the RF lowers the resistance, lowers the gain,
and/or lowers the bandwidth 
_in a way that the calibrator cannot detect_
then this attack does not rise above the level of
a brute-force DoS attack, in the same category as 
the AK-47 attack or the stomp-the-smart-card-to-dust

The calibrator idea relies on the fact that the
computer's i/o system has an o as well as an i.

Note that this defense is equally effective against
 *) Continuing attacks, where a continuing RF blast
  drives the first stage amplifier into saturation, 
  without necessarily doing irreversible damage, and
 *) One-shot attacks, where a super-large blast does
  irreversible damage to the amplifier.

Secondary defenses, if you want to go to the trouble,
include putting a canary in the coal mine, i.e.
implementing a second sensor with a different gain,
bandwidth, and resistance.  I reckon that attacking
one sensor and getting away with it is only possible
on a set of measure zero, but the chance of attacking
two non-identical sensors without either one of them 
noticing is a set of measure zero squared.

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Tue, 07 Sep 2010 10:58:59 -0700 John Denker  wrote:
> On 09/07/2010 10:21 AM, Marsh Ray wrote:
> > Blast it with RF for one.
> 1) This is not an argument in favor of quantum noise over
> thermal noise, because the same attack would be at least
> as effective against quantum noise.

Very true.

> 2) You can shield things so as to make this attack very,
> very difficult.

I suspect that for some apps like smart cards that might be hard.
OTOH, it might be straightforward to detect the attempt.

> 3) The attack is detectable long before it is effective,
> whereupon you can shut down the RNG, so it is at best a
> DoS attack.  And then you have to compare it against
> other brute-force DoS attacks, such as shooting the
> computer with an AK-47.

Well, imagine that you could very reliably force the random number
generator on a smart card. You could then probably attack the smart
card in all sorts of ways, even retrieving keying material by
sufficiently perverting the "random" choices made in some protocol

This is not a practical attack for a remote server, but for some
situations, it probably is.

Perry E.

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread John Denker
On 09/07/2010 10:21 AM, Marsh Ray wrote:

>> If anybody can think of a practical attack against the randomness
>> of a thermal noise source, please let us know.  By "practical" I
>> mean to exclude attacks that use such stupendous resources that
>> it would be far easier to attack other elements of the system.
> Blast it with RF for one.

1) This is not an argument in favor of quantum noise over
thermal noise, because the same attack would be at least
as effective against quantum noise.

2) You can shield things so as to make this attack very,
very difficult.

3) The attack is detectable long before it is effective,
whereupon you can shut down the RNG, so it is at best a
DoS attack.  And then you have to compare it against
other brute-force DoS attacks, such as shooting the
computer with an AK-47.

> Typically the natural thermal noise amounts to just a few millivolts,
> and so requires a relatively sensitive A/D converter. This makes it
> susceptible to injected "unnatural noise" overloading the conversion and
> changing most of the output bits to predictable values.

Even the cheapest of consumer-grade converters has 16 bits of
resolution, which is enough to resolve the thermal noise and
still have _two or three orders of magnitude_ of headroom.  If
you are really worried about this, studio-grade stuff is still
quite affordable, and has even more headroom and better shielding.

How much RF are we talking about here?  At some point you can
undoubtedly DoS the RNG ... but I suspect the same amount of
RF would fry most of the computers, phones, and ipods in the 

Is the RF attack in any way preferable to the AK-47 attack?

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread Marsh Ray

On 09/06/2010 09:49 PM, John Denker wrote:

If anybody can think of a practical attack against the randomness
of a thermal noise source, please let us know.  By "practical" I
mean to exclude attacks that use such stupendous resources that
it would be far easier to attack other elements of the system.

Blast it with RF for one.

Typically the natural thermal noise amounts to just a few millivolts, 
and so requires a relatively sensitive A/D converter. This makes it 
susceptible to injected "unnatural noise" overloading the conversion and 
changing most of the output bits to predictable values.

Using digital outputs from an enclosed module with enough shielding 
could probably prevent it. But there are plenty of environments which 
are too small (e.g., smart cards) or are potentially in the hands of the 
attacker for an extended period of time (smart cards, DRM devices, power 
meters, etc.).

- Marsh

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Re: Randomness, Quantum Mechanics - and Cryptography

2010-09-07 Thread John Denker
On 09/05/2010 08:27 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:

> If you think about the use of randomness in cryptography, what matters
> isn't really randomness - it's exactly unpredictability.  


> This is a very
> tough to pin down:  What's unpredictable to me may be predictable to
> you,

It's easy to pin down.  If it's unpredictable to the attacker,
it's unpredictable enough for all practical purposes.

>  and unpredictability "collapses" as soon as the random value is
> "known" ("measured?").  QM unpredictability as described by Conway seems
> much closer to the kind of thing you really need to get crypto results.

You're working too hard.  QM is interesting, but it is overkill
for cryptography.  Plain old classical thermodynamical randomness
is plenty random enough.

FWIW, quantum noise is just the limiting case of thermal noise in
the limit of high frequency and/or low temperature.  There is no
dividing line between the two, by which I mean that the full range
of intermediate cases exists, and the same equation describes both
asymptotes and everything in between.  A graph of noise versus 
temperature for a simple circuit can be found at

If anybody can think of a practical attack against the randomness
of a thermal noise source, please let us know.  By "practical" I
mean to exclude attacks that use such stupendous resources that
it would be far easier to attack other elements of the system.

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