Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-02 Thread John Young
The US General Accounting Office today issued "Critical
Infrastructure Protection: Challenges in Securing Control 
Systems," testimony before Congress yesterday, which 
discusses widespread infratructure vulnerabilities caused 
by increasing use of Microsoft OS, "Unix-like" systems 
and Internet protocols in process control. It describes
as well readily available information about control systems 
and why industry footdragging could impact national 

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-02 Thread Bill Frantz
Peter has raised a number of important points.  Let me start by saying that
I do not see a strong distinction between a file to be viewed and a
program.  Both are instructions to the computer to perform some actions.
While we might think the renderer showing us flat ASCII text is quite
trustworthy, our degree of trust in an HTML should be less, and we
shouldn't trust a Word format renderer at all (thanks to Word Macro

At 9:21 PM -0700 9/30/03, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>Bill Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>The real problem is that the viewer software, whether it is an editor, PDF
>>viewer, or a computer language interpreter, runs with ALL the user's
>>privileges.  If we ran these programs with a minimum of privilege, most of
>>the problems would "just go away".
>This doens't really work.  Consider the simple case where you run Outlook with
>'nobody' privs rather than the current user privs.  You need to be able to
>send and receive mail, so a worm that mails itself to others won't be slowed
>down much.

I do not envision running either programs or viewers under the privileges
of the mail agent.  Since I am not really a Unix person, let me take a stab
at a design and let the people who know what they are doing take stabs at

What we need is an environment of very limited privilege to use to confine
our untrusted code.  Specifically:

* No ability to make connections to other services, either over the network
or locally.  (I think this item requires a kernel change.)

* Very limited access to the file system.  We might take the view that
since we control all the ways the confined process can send data out of the
system, it can have full read-only access to the file system without
risking anything important.  I am told we can build general limits of file
system access with chroot, but I am also told that processes can break out
of these limits.  This is an area where I would love to learn more.

* We can pass in the privileges we think the process should have via open
file handles.  These will probably include the ability to render on a
portion of the screen, and the ability to get mouse and keyboard focus.
(We need a way for trusted code to mediate these accesses so the user can
have a "secure attention" function.)

* Strict control of other communication paths I haven't thought of.  :-)

>In addition everyone's sending you HTML-formatted mail, so you
>need access to (in effect) MSIE via the various HTML controls.

An HTML renderer should be able to run in the above environment.

>Further, you
>need Word and Excel and Powerpoint for all the attachments that people send

For viewing Word etc. documents, the applications should run in the above
environment.  The interesting case is where someone has sent you something
like a Word document and asked you to mark it up.  Everything should
proceed well in the above until it comes time to save a local copy or mail
the changed document back. describes the "Powerbox"
pattern for allowing the user to specify an output file for a confined
process such as we are discussing.  I would think the best way to return
such a file in Unix would be as an open file handle.  However I don't know
of a way for a program to call a service with greater privilege than it has
and accept a return value unless that service is part of the kernel.
Perhaps some Unix experts can come up with ideas.

As for mailing the document back, if the mail agent gave the confined
program read-write access to a copy of the file, the confined program could
write its output over the input and the mail agent could then make that
file available to the user when the confined program returns, and the user
could include it in the reply email.

>They need access to various subsystems like ODBC and who knows what else
>as an extension of the above.

Since most users do not have these facilities running on their machines, I
suspect that most Word/Excel/Powerpoint files would render quite well from
a confined process.  I would say that having random, perhaps hostile, files
able to update my local data bases is a violation of my security policy.

>As you follow these dependencies further and
>further out, you eventually end up running what's more or less an MLS system
>where you do normal work at one privilege level, read mail at another, and
>browse the web at a third.  This was tried in the 1970s and 1980s and it
>didn't work very well even if you were prepared to accept a (sizeable) loss of
>functionality in exchange for having an MLS OS, and would be totally
>unacceptable for someone today who expects to be able to click on anything in
>sight and have it automatically processed by whatever app is assigned to it.

UIs have changed considerably since the 1980s.  It turns out that modern
UIs make it much easier for users to run programs with only the privileges
they need than the UIs of the 80s.  (See the email thread at

Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-02 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| >> "Can be relied on to _only_ deliver text" is a valuable and important
| >> piece of functionality, and a capability that has been cut out of too
| >> many protocols with no replacement in sight.
While I agree with the sentiment, the text/code distinction doesn't capture
what's important.

Is HTML text or code?  Well ... it's actually neither.  There is a set of tags
in HTML that is perfectly safe.  Setting fonts and font colors, describing a
table ... all kinds of stuff like that isn't text, but it can't hurt you
either.  (Whether these are *useful* in mail is a whole other question)
On the other hand, embedded references that reach out over the network are
inherently dangerous, since the very act of autonomously opening a connection
to a system of someone else's choosing is something I, personally, don't want
my mail reader doing, ever.

Text is code, too!  A plain ASCII message received by Pine is run through the
Pine Interpretation Engine - the Pine MUA under another name.  Some character
sequences cause entries to be made into a list of subject lines.  Others
may trigger automatic refiling.  Most cause bits to be written to a terminal
window.  Those bits in turn are really code, interpreted by my xterm (or
whatever), causing it do to all kinds of complicated things that ultimately
light some pixels on my screen.

The real distinction is:  Which of *my* resources are *you* able to manipulate
by sending me mail?  I'm willing to give you complete access to send characters
to the terminal in which pine runs ... well, almost.  There's a long history
of security holes *in terminals* - e.g., escape sequences that load the "WRU"
buffer, and then a control character that causes the "WRU" to send back
"qyy|rm *\n"!  You have to carry this analysis *all the way through all the
levels of interpretation*.  Way back, when I worked on designing terminals at
DEC, we were aware of the security issues and it was a design rule that there
was no way to send characters to the terminal and have exactly those read back
automatically.  (Usually, you couldn't read it back at all.  Otherwise, they
were wrapped up in a format that would be innocuous to all but very strange
programs - e.g., as a hex string.)  It was fun evaluating competitor's
terminals against that design rule - almost all of them failed.  (It was not
so much fun telling marketing that no, we would not implement that particular
feature even though the competition had it.)

Anyhow ... if you consider the entire *system*, then the rule is that I will
give you complete access to write a certain "safe" subset of ASCII characters,
or a "safe" subset of ASCII characters plus escape sequences.  That's why mail
clients have long filtered out certain characters.  (An MUA that talks direct
X calls has no reason to filter anything, since writing a text string directly
with X goes into an interpreter that can change *only* the bits on the

A resource-based model gives you some basis for deciding which parts of HTML
are acceptable, and which are not.  Given such a model, it's perfectly
possible to write a safe HTML interpreter.  Of course, you lose some features -
that's life.  Life would also be much easier if you never had to lock your
door because no one would ever think of stealing.

BTW, a resource model has to change with time.  The traditional view has been
that I grant anyone full write access to the end of mail file - i.e., anyone
can send me as much mail as they like.  These days, I really *don't* want to
grant that access to spammers - and spam blocking techniques are all about how
to control the "SMTP interpreter" I present to the outside world to protect
my disk resources.
-- Jerry

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Don't kill the messenger (was: Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security)

2003-10-02 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 22:02, bear wrote:

> No, it is not.  You can make a hyperdocument that is completely
> self-contained and therefore "text", but that is not how HTML is
> normally made.  HTML can cause your machine to do things other than
> display it, and to that extent it is "code", not text.

A small nit: HTML is, in fact, text.  The effects you describe are the result 
of a client taking certain actions based on the text/html MIME type.  That's 
the reason you use Pine (and I use Kmail).  These clients (and others... yay, 
elm!) don't take unbidden actions to render HTML mail or cause executable 
attachments to execute.

> You can't rely on "saving" an HTML document
> and being able to read it years or decades later, because with
> hypertext, maybe the part you're interested in (or need for evidence)
> isn't even on the page you saved.

True, but again, that's a property of HTML. That the HTML document was 
transmitted through mail is a side issue.

It's not that email has been overloaded, through the use of MIME, to carry 
content other than text/plain.  The problem is that certain MUAs have been 
built to take some default actions based on the MIME types received, and 
those clients have become (for whatever reason) popular among mail users of 
a, shall we say, non-technical bent.

> The fact that sending HTML (and other code) through SMTP was not
> considered a violation of SMTP has allowed a generation of mail
> readers to become common that encourage mail viruses, macroviruses,
> worms, and other malicious code.  If we are interested in security, we
> need some kind of protocol where we as a group just draw a line and
> say "nothing but text through this port."

SMTP is *already* such a protocol.  Base-64 encoding (and UUENCODE before it) 
was designed to address the 7-bit gateway through which email once passed.  
MIME only describes and encapsulates non-textual content.  (the first M 
originally stood for 'multimedia', not 'multipurpose') Some mail clients have 
evolved (or been designed *cough*outlook*cough*) to be infection vectors, but 
that's not the fault of the base transport protocol.  It's the result of poor 
security decisions in the client design process.

This is not to demonize MIME, either.  Some applications, like PGP signatures, 
are elegant uses. Much better than the X-PGP-Signature header I was helping 
develop 10 years ago.  There's nothing intrinsically wrong with extending 
mail to carry arbitrary content.  The problem appears when the MUA is able to 
take some risky action with that content, whether automatically or through 
unwise user action.  Grandma clicks on everything.

Mail as a vulnerability is a client issue and a training issue.

That said, I also despise HTML mail for all the reasons you describe.  But 
between the September That Never Ended and the release of Mosaic, it's really 
no surprise that eye candy has become an imperative.

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-02 Thread lists
From: bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Heh. You looked at my mail headers, didn't you?  Yes, I use pine -
> primarily *because* of that property.  It treats all incoming messages
> as text rather than live code.

BUGTRAQ in the last 3 years lists over 80 mails on pine - including
reference to this recently:
which also appears in candidates on
(Mitre seem to take unreasonable time in converting candidates to
definite problems unless I'm misunderstanding their website.)

> [HTML mail] can cause your machine, specifically, to make network
> connections to get graphics, style sheets, etc, and will not display

That could include web bugs for spammers.  I agree it's ridiculous to
read mail in a browser but a conventional MUA has risks too.

I write all mail to disk and view it with my favourite text editor.
This is convenient with practice.  Now I only want MUAs for sending
mail (it's worth it to get the correct references in my reply headers).

I use this script on one of my accounts where I accept HTML mail
(reluctantly from a hotmail user).
The HTML conversion is done by lynx (confined by SubDomain).

This practice can result in running "mimencode -u" and "metamail -w"
on a few things.  It's not that common for a non-text message to get
past my procmail rules and have me choose to read it.

This is all pretty simple but certainly not mass-market.  I must order a
"told you so" rubber stamp for when my monocultural acquaintances get hacked.

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-02 Thread Barney Wolff
On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 07:02:00PM -0700, bear wrote:
> Heh. You looked at my mail headers, didn't you?  Yes, I use pine -
> primarily *because* of that property.  It treats all incoming messages
> as text rather than live code.
> A protocol for text (as opposed to live code) requires compliant
> clients (ie, clients that don't do anything other than display the
> recieved messages).  As such, it's at least somewhat a social issue.

While I agree that text is far safer than html or a .exe, do you run
Pine on a dumb terminal, or in a window?  If the latter, escape
sequences which most folks would class as "text" can lead to remote
compromise.  There have been occasional bugs in terminal emulators,
in X and others.  TERM=vt100 is in some sense defining an interpreted
programming language, albeit a limited one.

That absolute safety is impossible does not excuse software from our
favorite vendor whose security model is all but impossible to fathom,
so I'm not at all disagreeing with your point.  I use Mutt.

Barney Wolff
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-01 Thread bear

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Kevin T. Neely wrote:

>bear allegedly wrote...

>> "Can be relied on to _only_ deliver text" is a valuable and important
>> piece of functionality, and a capability that has been cut out of too
>> many protocols with no replacement in sight.

>Is delivery really the problem, though?  You can deliver all the code
>you want to an e-mail account which I check using pine and none of it
>will ever run.

Heh. You looked at my mail headers, didn't you?  Yes, I use pine -
primarily *because* of that property.  It treats all incoming messages
as text rather than live code.

A protocol for text (as opposed to live code) requires compliant
clients (ie, clients that don't do anything other than display the
recieved messages).  As such, it's at least somewhat a social issue.

> I think that the problem is that the mail clients in question have
> the ability to interpret the code.  HTML?  It's text-only, but
> contains a number of features that, when implemeted, produce what I
> think we'd all call undesirable results.

No, it is not.  You can make a hyperdocument that is completely
self-contained and therefore "text", but that is not how HTML is
normally made.  HTML can cause your machine to do things other than
display it, and to that extent it is "code", not text.

It can cause your machine, specifically, to make network connections
to get graphics, style sheets, etc, and will not display correctly
unless the network is available, making it impossible (or at least
difficult) to properly read mail offline and introducing dependencies
that you as reader may or may not be aware of.  Someone at a site a
thousand miles away can change out a graphic in their server, and
suddenly your "text" is different.  A machine you've never heard of in
a location you don't know can go down, and suddenly your "text"
becomes undisplayable.  You can't rely on "saving" an HTML document
and being able to read it years or decades later, because with
hypertext, maybe the part you're interested in (or need for evidence)
isn't even on the page you saved.  Hypertext creates the illusion of
being a single document; but hypertext documents are code directing
interaction with a network, not just text storing information.

The fact that sending HTML (and other code) through SMTP was not
considered a violation of SMTP has allowed a generation of mail
readers to become common that encourage mail viruses, macroviruses,
worms, and other malicious code.  If we are interested in security, we
need some kind of protocol where we as a group just draw a line and
say "nothing but text through this port."


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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-01 Thread Kevin T. Neely
bear allegedly wrote...

"Can be relied on to _only_ deliver text" is a valuable and important
piece of functionality, and a capability that has been cut out of too
many protocols with no replacement in sight.
Is delivery really the problem, though?  You can deliver all the code you want to an e-mail account which I check using pine and none of it will ever run.  I think that the problem is that the mail clients in question have the ability to interpret the code.  HTML?  It's text-only, but contains a number of features that, when implemeted, produce what I think we'd all call undesirable results.

I could send a message that says:

here's some viagra I'd like to sell you
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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-01 Thread bear

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Peter Gutmann wrote:

>This doens't really work.  Consider the simple case where you run Outlook with
>'nobody' privs rather than the current user privs.  You need to be able to
>send and receive mail, so a worm that mails itself to others won't be slowed
>down much.  In addition everyone's sending you HTML-formatted mail, so you
>need access to (in effect) MSIE via the various HTML controls.  Further, you
>need Word and Excel and Powerpoint for all the attachments that people send
>you.  They need access to various subsystems like ODBC and who knows what else
>as an extension of the above.  As you follow these dependencies further and
>further out, you eventually end up running what's more or less an MLS system
>where you do normal work at one privilege level, read mail at another, and
>browse the web at a third.  This was tried in the 1970s and 1980s and it
>didn't work very well even if you were prepared to accept a (sizeable) loss of
>functionality in exchange for having an MLS OS, and would be totally
>unacceptable for someone today who expects to be able to click on anything in
>sight and have it automatically processed by whatever app is assigned to it.

I think part of the point is that that expectation is a substantial

Data that moves between machines is inherently suspect; and if it can
originate at unknown machines (as in SMTP or NNTP), it should be
regarded as guilty until proven innocent.  There ought to be no way to
send live code through the mail.  Users simply cannot be expected to
have the ability to make an informed decision (as opposed to a habit)
about whether to run it, because its format does not give them enough
information to make an informed decision.

The distinction between live code and text is crucial.  While both are
just sequences of bytes, text has no semantics as far as the machine
is concerned.  Once you start sending something that has machine
semantics - something that contains instructions for the machine to
run and running those instructions may cause the machine to do
something besides just displaying it - then you are dealing with live
code. And live code is handy, but dangerous.

There is pressure to stick live code into any protocol that moves
text; SMTP sprouted 'clickable' attachments.  Java, javascript, and
now flash seem to have gotten stuck into HTTP. But I think that live
code really and truly needs a different set of protocols; and for
security's sake, there really need to be text-only protocols.  It
should be part of their charter and part of their purpose that they do
*NOT* under any circumstances deliver live code.

"Can be relied on to _only_ deliver text" is a valuable and important
piece of functionality, and a capability that has been cut out of too
many protocols with no replacement in sight.

Separating it by protocol would give people practical things that they
could do.  You could, for example, allow people to use a live-code
mail protocol inside a company firewall or allow a live-code browsing
protocol inside the firewall, while allowing only a text mail protocol
or a text browsing protocol to make connections from outside the
company.  We approximate this by trying to make smarter clients that
have different trust models for different domains, but that's always a
crapshoot; you then have to depend on a client, and if the client can
be misconfigured and/or executes live code it can't really be relied
on.  It would be better to have separate protocols; Ideally, even
separate applications.

>One thing that I noticed in the responses to "CyberInsecurity: The Cost of
>Monopoly" was that of the people who criticised it as recommending the wrong
>solution, no two could agree on any alternative remedy.  This indicates just
>how hard a problem this really is...

Indeed.  I think that there ought to be simpler, text-only protocols
for the use of people who don't need to send and recieve live code, so
that they could be effectively protected from live code at the outset
unless they really need it.  Others, of course, disagree.


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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-10-01 Thread Peter Gutmann
Bill Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>The real problem is that the viewer software, whether it is an editor, PDF
>viewer, or a computer language interpreter, runs with ALL the user's
>privileges.  If we ran these programs with a minimum of privilege, most of
>the problems would "just go away".

This doens't really work.  Consider the simple case where you run Outlook with
'nobody' privs rather than the current user privs.  You need to be able to
send and receive mail, so a worm that mails itself to others won't be slowed
down much.  In addition everyone's sending you HTML-formatted mail, so you
need access to (in effect) MSIE via the various HTML controls.  Further, you
need Word and Excel and Powerpoint for all the attachments that people send
you.  They need access to various subsystems like ODBC and who knows what else
as an extension of the above.  As you follow these dependencies further and
further out, you eventually end up running what's more or less an MLS system
where you do normal work at one privilege level, read mail at another, and
browse the web at a third.  This was tried in the 1970s and 1980s and it
didn't work very well even if you were prepared to accept a (sizeable) loss of
functionality in exchange for having an MLS OS, and would be totally
unacceptable for someone today who expects to be able to click on anything in
sight and have it automatically processed by whatever app is assigned to it.

Even if you could somehow enforce the MLS-style restrictions and convince
people to run an OS with this level of security enabled, the outcome when this
was tried with MLS OSes was that users would do everything possible to bypass
it because it was seen as an impediment to getting any work done: SIGMA
eventually allowed users to violate the *-property to avoid them having to re-
type messages at lower security levels (i.e. it recognised that they were
going to violate security anyway, so it made it somewhat less awkward to do),
Multics and GEMSOS allowed users to be logged in at multiple security levels
to get work done (now add the 1,001 ways that Windows can move data from A to
B to see how much harder this is to control than on a 1970s system where the
only data-transfer mechanism was "copy a file"), KSOS used non-kernel
security-related functions ("kludges") to allow users to violate security
properties and get their work done, etc etc.

One thing that I noticed in the responses to "CyberInsecurity: The Cost of
Monopoly" was that of the people who criticised it as recommending the wrong
solution, no two could agree on any alternative remedy.  This indicates just
how hard a problem this really is...


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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-28 Thread Bill Frantz
At 8:12 AM -0700 9/27/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Bill Frantz wrote:
>> The real problem is that the viewer software, whether it is an editor, PDF
>> viewer, or a computer language interpreter, runs with ALL the user's
>> privileges.  If we ran these programs with a minimum of privilege, most of
>> the problems would "just go away".
>And what privileges should the Perl interpreter run with when I click on a
>".pl" file? How would the graphical shell know what privileges to assign
>to each file?

Given a strange program that has just arrived on my machine, my current
policy is not to run it at all.

I might be willing to adopt a policy of giving it a small amount of memory,
CPU, and some space to render on the screen.  That would allow people to
exchange active amusements with a degree of safety.

If the program required more privilege (for example, a new version of a
utility from a co-worker), I would be happy to move it to an environment
where it had the resources it needs to run.

>On the other hand a *trivial* privilege system: "View" (zero privs) vs.
>"Run" (full privs) is viable, and is one of the pre-requisites for a more
>secure UI, along with the previously discussed trusted path issues,
>non-spoofing of the security interface, ...

Limiting the privilege of the "View" program would provide protection
against flaws in the viewer.  Given the number of flaws in very basic
software, such protection seems of have real value.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| "There's nothing so clear as   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | vague idea you haven't written | 16345 Englewood Ave | down yet." -- Dean Tribble | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-28 Thread Jürgen Botz
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Jeroen C.van Gelderen wrote:
Could it not ask the user? My Apple regularly asks for decisions of
this sort, and remembers the results. So do (popular firewall)
products on the PC. Now, most of these questions are too technical in 
nature but point remains that asking question and remembering the
answer is possible.

I continue to believe that few users would grant an email message
access to both the Internet and the Address Book when they are asked
those two questions, provided that the user had not been conditioned to
clicking "YES" in order to get any work done at all.
You have not met my users! This is really rather naive. Users don't
understand pop dialogues, they raise their stress level, always clicking
"yes" makes the problem go away.
Yes... and it isn't that the users are stupid or ignorant.  Most
of the time it's /really hard/ to be 100% sure, unambiguously,
what the pop-up dialogue is talking about.  This is for several
- Language.  It's hard to write a clear and unambiguous
  message, and since these are written by programmers they
  usually aren't even grammatically correct, never mind clear
  and unambiguous.
- Context.  The user often has multiple things going on, and
  often acts faster than the computer's stupid, slow, laggy,
  ugly GUI... now what did I do that caused this pop-up?  Was
  it my last click, or the other window that finally popped up
  from the link I clicked 2 minutes ago and which I had almost
  forgotten about?
- User mental "state".  The pop-up may ask for permission to use
  a previously entered password, but the user can't remember what
  they previously entered... was that one of my throwaway,
  non-secure passwords, or was it the PIN for my bank account?
These uncertainties cause stress.  After stressing about it for
a while the user clicks one choice only to find later that that
was the wrong one, increasing the stress level even more the
next time.  They are likely to soon give up, but even if they do
persevere in paying attention and trying to make the right choices,
the percentage of errors is going to be very high, and since a single
error can critically compromise security this means it's basically

Jürgen Botz   | While differing widely in the various
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | little bits we know, in our infinite
  | ignorance we are all equal. -Karl Popper

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-28 Thread Jeroen C . van Gelderen
On Saturday, Sep 27, 2003, at 20:31 US/Eastern, Zooko wrote:

 "Jeroen C. van Gelderen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is no way around asking the user because he is the ultimate
authority when it comes to making trust decisions. (Side-stepping the
issues in a (corporate) environment where the owner of the machine is
entitled to restrict its users in any way he sees fit. The point is
that the software agent cannot make trust decisions.)
... but you don't always have to *ask* the user, if instead you can 
infer from
actions that the user already performs.
Oops, I didn't mean to imply that you'd have to ask as much as happens 
at present! Automatically inferring is pretty much required if Alice is 
to be able to do a whole day's worth of work without seeing any popups 
in the steady case. You only ask Alice when you cannot otherwise 
reliably infer her intentions; That will be necessary at some point. 
The remaining questions that do get asked then are meaningful and do 
not condition towards a knee-jerk Click-Yes reaction.

I used to think that a capability desktop would be severely hobbled by 
requirement that the user state a plethora of privilege rules, until I 
Marc Stiegler's CapDesk demo at the second O'Reilly Emerging 

In that demo, a perfectly familiar desktop with "File -> Open" and
"File -> Save As" dialogs also serves as a Least-Privilege-enforcing 
control system which protects even a naive and lazy user from a 
malicious text
And you can even download and try it for yourself as all of CapDesk is 
freely available. If that is too much, just download Marc's video 
demonstration [1]:

I truly don't know how much more helpful one can get in order to dispel 
the perpetuation of these security myths?

See also Ping Yee's research in secure Human Interface.


[1] I don't know why the video is available in M$ proprietary format 
only though :(

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-28 Thread Zooko

 "Jeroen C. van Gelderen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is no way around asking the user because he is the ultimate 
> authority when it comes to making trust decisions. (Side-stepping the 
> issues in a (corporate) environment where the owner of the machine is 
> entitled to restrict its users in any way he sees fit. The point is 
> that the software agent cannot make trust decisions.)

... but you don't always have to *ask* the user, if instead you can infer from 
actions that the user already performs.

I used to think that a capability desktop would be severely hobbled by the 
requirement that the user state a plethora of privilege rules, until I saw 
Marc Stiegler's CapDesk demo at the second O'Reilly Emerging Technologies 

In that demo, a perfectly familiar desktop with "File -> Open" and 
"File -> Save As" dialogs also serves as a Least-Privilege-enforcing access 
control system which protects even a naive and lazy user from a malicious text 

See also Ping Yee's research in secure Human Interface.


Zooko O'Whielacronx

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-28 Thread lists
From: Jeroen C.van Gelderen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >  This is really rather naive. Users don't
> > understand pop dialogues, they raise their stress level, always 
> > clicking
> > "yes" makes the problem go away.
> True. But don't you think that this may be in part because the popup 
> dialogues are shown way too often in the course of normal use? And 
> because they ask questions that cannot be understood by Real Users? Is 
> it naive to assume that Real Users are intelligent but that an 
> ill-designed security architecture has *conditioned* them to always 

There was a user (c. 1996) given a yes-no popup with "Self-destruct now ?"
and chose yes.
> Because I'm an optimist I believe that Alice will read the dialog and 
> err on the side of caution. Maybe that isn't realistic. So we teach 
> Alice to always click "NO". We can do so because unlike today, Alice's 
> "NO" will not interfere with her ability to get work done.

As a long-confirmed pessimist I see this as the call for mandatory access
controls.  I've no hope of making major improvements at work until either
we get some simple MAC or people get sacked for violating security policy.
And I think their attitudes are largely attibutable to a certain single-user

BTW I think any popup that steals the keyboard focus is unfriendly and
should be used for nothing short of a condition about to wreck the whole
machine.  I think for most tasks I'm interested in a GUI is unfriendly -
I'm not so extreme as to think it's never useful.

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-28 Thread William Allen Simpson
"Jeroen C.van Gelderen" wrote:
> On Saturday, Sep 27, 2003, at 15:48 US/Eastern,
> > You have not met my users!
> Indeed, but I'm here to learn :)
> something is wrong. Why would she click "YES"?
> Because I'm an optimist I believe that Alice will read the dialog and
> err on the side of caution. Maybe that isn't realistic. ...
> I agree that such composition must be intuitive or we cannot expect it
> to work. I think that CapDesk is a nice publicly available prototype of
> a workable capability desktop. It would be very interesting to see your
> assessment on whether a CapDesk approach would be workable for your
> users. And if it isn't, why not. I hope you can lend your experience.
OK, I'll lend mine.  With my ISP hat on, the vast majority of support 
calls have to do with users ignoring the content of M$ dialog boxes,  
hitting YES or OK, then calling when things don't work.  Admittedly, 
the text in those dialog boxes isn't particularly useful.  But this 
costs us a lot of good old hard cash.

Or with my personal hat, my 15-year-old niece had an infected machine.  
Actually a multiply infected machine.  Took me several hours to clean up.  
And then I watched her check her yahoo mail, and click yes on the very 
next Norton/McAfee dialog box, reinfecting her Comcast connected machine 
before my very eyes. 

Why, I asked?  I just spent a lot of time fixing your machine, and 
explained what had gone wrong.  She says, "That message came from my 
best friend at school."  

Of course it didn't.  But it probably came from another friend with 
them both in the address book.  And social engineering is a lot more 
powerful than any amount of training, no matter how very recent!

The answer to a technical problem is _not_ depending on user caution!
William Allen Simpson
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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-28 Thread Paul Walker
On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 01:51:52PM -0400, Jeroen C.van Gelderen wrote:

> Are you familiar with the KeyKOS and EROS operating systems and/or
> Stiegler's CapDesk, a secure desktop in Java? They are all based on the

Without wishing to belittle the authors (EROS is definitely impressive; I'm
not familiar with the others), I suspect one reason that they don't have
many problems is because very few people use them. If they started to become
more widely used, I wonder how long before compromises would creep in.


I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a
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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-27 Thread Jeroen C . van Gelderen
On Saturday, Sep 27, 2003, at 15:48 US/Eastern, 

On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Jeroen C.van Gelderen wrote:

I continue to believe that few users would grant an email message
access to both the Internet and the Address Book when they are asked
those two questions, provided that the user had not been conditioned 
clicking "YES" in order to get any work done at all.

You have not met my users!
Indeed, but I'm here to learn :)

 This is really rather naive. Users don't
understand pop dialogues, they raise their stress level, always 
"yes" makes the problem go away.
True. But don't you think that this may be in part because the popup 
dialogues are shown way too often in the course of normal use? And 
because they ask questions that cannot be understood by Real Users? Is 
it naive to assume that Real Users are intelligent but that an 
ill-designed security architecture has *conditioned* them to always 
click YES, as you say because that is the only way for them to get any 
work done at all?

I have to imagine starting with a clean slate, with unconditioned users.

Now imagine that the Alice, a Real User, can usually do a full day's 
worth of work (Excel, Word, Browsing, Email) without seeing a security 
popup asking some weird question. Imagine this is the status quo. In 
this scenario, a security popup is cause for concern. After all, normal 
use doesn't result in popups so this is a clear indication that 
something is wrong. Why would she click "YES"?

Now additionally imagine that security popups ask Alice an intelligible 
question. Not "FooBar is trying TCP to port 1223, that okay with you?" 
but rather something like "This website wants access to ALL YOUR 
PERSONAL FILES, that okay with you?" Or: "This email wants to access 
the Internet and your Address Book, that okay with you?"

Because I'm an optimist I believe that Alice will read the dialog and 
err on the side of caution. Maybe that isn't realistic. So we teach 
Alice to always click "NO". We can do so because unlike today, Alice's 
"NO" will not interfere with her ability to get work done.

Also security is not closed under composition, two individually 
components can combine to produce an insecure system. I think that no
such secure *non-trivial* least privilege system exists for a
graphical general purpose computer either in theory, or in practice.
Are you familiar with the KeyKOS and EROS operating systems and/or
Stiegler's CapDesk, a secure desktop in Java? They are all based on 
Principle Of Least Privilege (trough capabilities) and they manage to
preserve security in the face of composition. Do you consider those
systems to be trivial, or broken? What is the reason these systems
cannot exist in theory or practice?
What fraction of "real" users will be able to use these systems? Will
users really understand the composition properties of security 
I agree that such composition must be intuitive or we cannot expect it 
to work. I think that CapDesk is a nice publicly available prototype of 
a workable capability desktop. It would be very interesting to see your 
assessment on whether a CapDesk approach would be workable for your 
users. And if it isn't, why not. I hope you can lend your experience.

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-27 Thread Will Rodger
The report, written by many a crypto list member, is at:

Will Rodger

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-27 Thread Victor . Duchovni
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Jeroen C.van Gelderen wrote:

> I continue to believe that few users would grant an email message
> access to both the Internet and the Address Book when they are asked
> those two questions, provided that the user had not been conditioned to
> clicking "YES" in order to get any work done at all.

You have not met my users! This is really rather naive. Users don't
understand pop dialogues, they raise their stress level, always clicking
"yes" makes the problem go away.

> There is no way around asking the user because he is the ultimate
> authority when it comes to making trust decisions. (Side-stepping the
> issues in a (corporate) environment where the owner of the machine is
> entitled to restrict its users in any way he sees fit. The point is
> that the software agent cannot make trust decisions.)

See above.

> > Also security is not closed under composition, two individually secure
> > components can combine to produce an insecure system. I think that no
> > such secure *non-trivial* least privilege system exists for a
> > graphical general purpose computer either in theory, or in practice.
> Are you familiar with the KeyKOS and EROS operating systems and/or
> Stiegler's CapDesk, a secure desktop in Java? They are all based on the
> Principle Of Least Privilege (trough capabilities) and they manage to
> preserve security in the face of composition. Do you consider those
> systems to be trivial, or broken? What is the reason these systems
> cannot exist in theory or practice?

What fraction of "real" users will be able to use these systems? Will
users really understand the composition properties of security policies?

Victor Duchovni
IT Security,
Morgan Stanley

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-27 Thread Jeroen C . van Gelderen
On Saturday, Sep 27, 2003, at 11:12 US/Eastern, 

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Bill Frantz wrote:

The real problem is that the viewer software, whether it is an 
editor, PDF
viewer, or a computer language interpreter, runs with ALL the user's
privileges.  If we ran these programs with a minimum of privilege, 
most of
the problems would "just go away".

And what privileges should the Perl interpreter run with when I click 
on a
".pl" file? How would the graphical shell know what privileges to 
to each file?
Could it not ask the user? My Apple regularly asks for decisions of 
this sort, and remembers the results. So do (popular firewall) products 
on the PC. Now, most of these questions are too technical in nature but 
point remains that asking question and remembering the answer is 

I continue to believe that few users would grant an email message 
access to both the Internet and the Address Book when they are asked 
those two questions, provided that the user had not been conditioned to 
clicking "YES" in order to get any work done at all.

There is no way around asking the user because he is the ultimate 
authority when it comes to making trust decisions. (Side-stepping the 
issues in a (corporate) environment where the owner of the machine is 
entitled to restrict its users in any way he sees fit. The point is 
that the software agent cannot make trust decisions.)

Also security is not closed under composition, two individually secure
components can combine to produce an insecure system. I think that no
such secure *non-trivial* least privilege system exists for a
graphical general purpose computer either in theory, or in practice.
Are you familiar with the KeyKOS and EROS operating systems and/or 
Stiegler's CapDesk, a secure desktop in Java? They are all based on the 
Principle Of Least Privilege (trough capabilities) and they manage to 
preserve security in the face of composition. Do you consider those 
systems to be trivial, or broken? What is the reason these systems 
cannot exist in theory or practice?
On the other hand a *trivial* privilege system: "View" (zero privs) vs.
"Run" (full privs) is viable, and is one of the pre-requisites for a 
secure UI, along with the previously discussed trusted path issues,
non-spoofing of the security interface, ...

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-27 Thread Victor . Duchovni
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Bill Frantz wrote:

> The real problem is that the viewer software, whether it is an editor, PDF
> viewer, or a computer language interpreter, runs with ALL the user's
> privileges.  If we ran these programs with a minimum of privilege, most of
> the problems would "just go away".

And what privileges should the Perl interpreter run with when I click on a
".pl" file? How would the graphical shell know what privileges to assign
to each file?

Also security is not closed under composition, two individually secure
components can combine to produce an insecure system. I think that no
such secure *non-trivial* least privilege system exists for a
graphical general purpose computer either in theory, or in practice.

On the other hand a *trivial* privilege system: "View" (zero privs) vs.
"Run" (full privs) is viable, and is one of the pre-requisites for a more
secure UI, along with the previously discussed trusted path issues,
non-spoofing of the security interface, ...

Victor Duchovni
IT Security,
Morgan Stanley

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-26 Thread Bill Frantz
At 6:47 AM -0700 9/26/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>While part of the security problems in Windows are Microsoft specific, in
>my view a large part is inherited from earlier graphiscal desktop designs,
>and is almost universal in this space. Specifically, when a user clicks
>(or double-clicks) on an icon there is not a clear distinction between
>"Run" and "View". Instead we have the polymorphic "Open".
>If files always opened in a safe viewer, (e.g. clicking on a .pl file
>fired up an editor, not the ActiveState Perl interpreter) a good part of
>the security problem with Graphical desktops, Microsoft's, Apple's,
>RedHat's, ... would be solved. The bizarre advice we give users to not
>open message attachments would be largely unnecessary (one also needs to
>close the the macro invocation problem, but this is not insurmountable).
>It is my contention that so long as activating an icon does not
>distinguish between "Run" and "View" all Graphical Shells will be

The real problem is that the viewer software, whether it is an editor, PDF
viewer, or a computer language interpreter, runs with ALL the user's
privileges.  If we ran these programs with a minimum of privilege, most of
the problems would "just go away".


Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| "There's nothing so clear as   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | vague idea you haven't written | 16345 Englewood Ave | down yet." -- Dean Tribble | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-26 Thread Victor . Duchovni
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Ian Grigg wrote:

> On the face of it, this is being too kind and not
> striking at the core of Microsoft's insecure OS.  For
> example, viruses are almost totally a Microsoft game,
> simply because most other systems aren't that vulnerable.

While part of the security problems in Windows are Microsoft specific, in
my view a large part is inherited from earlier graphiscal desktop designs,
and is almost universal in this space. Specifically, when a user clicks
(or double-clicks) on an icon there is not a clear distinction between
"Run" and "View". Instead we have the polymorphic "Open".

If files always opened in a safe viewer, (e.g. clicking on a .pl file
fired up an editor, not the ActiveState Perl interpreter) a good part of
the security problem with Graphical desktops, Microsoft's, Apple's,
RedHat's, ... would be solved. The bizarre advice we give users to not
open message attachments would be largely unnecessary (one also needs to
close the the macro invocation problem, but this is not insurmountable).

It is my contention that so long as activating an icon does not
distinguish between "Run" and "View" all Graphical Shells will be

Victor Duchovni
IT Security,
Morgan Stanley

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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-26 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.09.25.2253 +0200]:
> > "I wouldn't put all of the blame on Microsoft," Schneier said,
> > "the problem is the monoculture."
> On the face of it, this is being too kind and not striking at the
> core of Microsoft's insecure OS.  For example, viruses are almost
> totally a Microsoft game, simply because most other systems aren't
> that vulnerable.

Yes and no. First, I think that viruses will surface were e.g. Linux
to take top position, albeit they may have to employ totally new
paradigms to subvert the more advanced security architecture of

But I believe Schneier is right for the following reason: Microsoft
is a monopolist who, despite enjoying bad press for the past four
years, is managing to keep its sales going up each quarter. If you
are in business, what do you care for? The steep sales curve, or the
quality of your product?

As long as Microsoft has the monopoly on the desktop, as long as new
computers come with Windows per default, and as long as people stop
complaining and actually take action against the crap that Redmond
ships by switching to other systems in bulk, Microsoft has no reason
to invest any money in a code rework.

> So, in the market for server platform OSs, is there any view as to
> which are more secure, and whether that insecurity can be traced
> to the OS?

The defacement archive[1] has some statistics. But don't let
yourself be fooled as one should not forget that while Windows
usually comes with one web-, one mail-, one DNS server, there are
like 27 and up in each category for UNIX. So theoretically, when
comparing those categories, you need to include a factor of 27.


martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
invalid/expired pgp subkeys? use as keyserver!
"women love us for our defects.
 if we have enough of them,
 they will forgive us everything,
 even our gigantic intellects."
-- oscar wilde

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-25 Thread Peter Gutmann
"R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> forwarded:

>But the security experts said the issue of computer security had more to do
>with the ubiquity of Microsoft's software than any flaws in the software.

There was an example of a point raised in the paper the same day it was
published, when two anti-spam services ( and were both
DDOSed out of existence by (as the admin put it) "thousands of
separate zombie machines".  Although the anti-spam services were (I would
assume) not running Microsoft software, Windows provided the "convenient and
susceptible reservoir of platforms from which to launch attacks".  In addition
the users of the anti-spam services would be mostly Unix boxen (e.g. Postfix
users pulling in the hash-lists or sendmail users using the RBL), so ironically the only systems that wouldn't be adversely
affected by this are the ones that are causing the problem.


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Re: Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

2003-09-25 Thread Ian Grigg
"R. A. Hettinga" wrote:
> Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

> But the security experts said the issue of computer security
> had more to do with the ubiquity of Microsoft's software than
> any flaws in the software.

> "I wouldn't put all of the blame on Microsoft," Schneier said,
> "the problem is the monoculture."

On the face of it, this is being too kind and not
striking at the core of Microsoft's insecure OS.  For
example, viruses are almost totally a Microsoft game,
simply because most other systems aren't that vulnerable.

But, it is also possible to secure M$ OSs, so maybe there
is some merit to not putting "all the blame on Microsoft."

Either way, it can be tested.  There is one market where
M$ has not dominated, and that is the server platform.

I haven't looked for a while, but last I looked, the
#1,2,3 players were Linux, Microsoft, FreeBSD, and only
a percentage point or two separated them.  (I'm unsure
of the relative orders.  And this relates to testable
web server platforms, rather than all servers.)

So, in the market for server platform OSs, is there
any view as to which are more secure, and whether that
insecurity can be traced to the OS?  Or external factors
such as a culture of laziness in installing patches, or
derivative vulnerability from being part of the monoculture?

(I raise this as a research question, not expecting any


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