Re: replay & integrity

2003-07-10 Thread Jeroen C. van Gelderen
On Wednesday, Jul 9, 2003, at 13:31 US/Eastern, Whyte, William wrote:

I wouldn't say that this is a good reason to take
these features out of SSL.  But assuming they are
"needed" is a cautious assumption, and assuming
that SSL meets the needs for replay & integrity
makes even less sense when we are dealing with a
serious top-to-bottom security model.
[ ... ]

SSL just doesn't address the security needs of
protocols as well as all that.  Where I've seen
it used, the core need for it is privacy of the
data stream, not anything else.
Maybe so, but if you don't have integrity checking,
so that an attacker can inject packets into the stream,
this can often compromise privacy too. For example,
consider Serge Vaudenay's CBC padding attack.
This would be a side-channel problem in the protocol which needs to be 
fixed, not obfuscated by an integrity mechanism. Worse, the integrity 
protection didn't even work in TLS 1.0: "TLS v1.0 also provides an 
optional MAC which failed to thwart the attack..." [Vau02a].


Jeroen C. van Gelderen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Be precise in the use of words and expect precision from others"
 -- Pierre Abelard
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Re: replay & integrity

2003-07-10 Thread Jeroen C. van Gelderen
On Wednesday, Jul 9, 2003, at 14:19 US/Eastern, Zooko wrote:
 Ian Grigg wrote:
So, some protocols don't need replay prevention
from lower layers because they have sufficient
checks built in.  This would apply to any protocols
that have financial significance;  in general, no
protocol should be without its own unique Ids.
I'll try to make this concrete.  My thesis is different than Ian's -- 
than saying that those apps need less than what TLS offers, I say that 
need more!  (So that each app need no longer implement the added 

From what I can see, both IanG and Zooko are making an end-to-end 
argument: if one requires end-to-end replay (integrity/confidentiality) 
protection, one does not necessarily benefit from the corresponding 
point-to-point mechanisms that SSL provides.

IIRC SSL provides secure, point-to-point, ordered byte streams. 
Systemics' SOX tries to provide secure, end-to-end, (partially) 
offline, non-repudiable, unordered, at-most-once transactions.  

There is no benefit in using SSL underneath SOX: if SOX is insecure, 
using SSL won't help (except perhaps of obfuscate the problems) and if 
SOX is indeed secure, it provides all the security functionality that 
is required.

There are plenty other situations in which use of SSL is 
counterproductive or impossible. Various group communication and 
replication algorithms (BFT) come to mind, as well as various UDP-based 

Reinventing SSL is not such a good idea (although -having studied the 
SSL spec a few years ago- I can see why the SSH designers went that 
route). Blindly assuming everyone can or should use SSL is an equally 
bad idea.

[Disclaimer: My understanding of SSL/TLS is incomplete.  Eric 
Rescorla's book
is on my amazon wishlist.  Please be polite when correcting my errors, 
I'll do the same for you.]
That is fine, my understanding isn't perfect either. You should not 
need a book to be able to use or discuss an open protocol like SSL/TLS. 
As Eric Rescorla said: "What makes developer's lives simple is simple 

[good stuff elided]

P.S.  I am aware that TLS encompasses the notion of stored or cached 
originally conceived for performance reasons.  Perhaps a higher-level
abstraction could be built by requiring each party to use that 
facility in a
specific way...
It might get you from per-session protection to across-all-session 
protection. But it can never protect against injecting two messages 
with identical meaning (replay) into the SSL layer twice.

Jeroen C. van Gelderen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
War prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or a plague
brings. The earthquake means good business for construction workers,
and cholera improves the business of physicians, pharmacists, and
undertakers; but no one has for that reason yet sought to celebrate
earthquakes and cholera as stimulators of the productive forces in
the general interest. -- Ludwig von Mises
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Re: replay & integrity

2003-07-10 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 02:19 PM 7/9/2003 -0400, Zooko wrote:
I'll try to make this concrete.  My thesis is different than Ian's -- rather
than saying that those apps need less than what TLS offers, I say that they
need more!  (So that each app need no longer implement the added features
we did two kinds of replay countermeasures ... one for AADS RADIUS
and a different kinds for x9.59 (for all electronic payments in all 

in the aads radius there is this (real-time) protocol chatter; client 
contacts server, server returns message with unique value, client includes 
unique value in signed message that is returned to server. server validates 
the signature and makes sure the client's message returns the previously 
transmitted unique value.

for x9.59 to work in all environments ... it had to operate in single round 
trip (as per many of existing financial messages). the client creates a 
complete signed message and sends it to the server (financial institution), 
the message has some possibly unique values ... but not necessarily 
guaranteed, including time. the server uses current time and message time 
to bracket checking of previously processed messages for replay.

the radius implementation requires two round-trips to establish the unique 
value as part of replay counter measure.

the x9.59 implementation (in order to meet one of the requirements for the 
protocol; perform completely in single round trip) uses a log and a sort of 
fuzzy time implementation (at the server).  this is in part because the 
client end can be considered somewhat unreliable ... not necessarily being 
able to reliably remember previous value and/or keep synchronized time. 
highly synchronized time could eliminate the log check. having reliable 
client that was guaranteed to remember previous transaction could get by 
with the log elimination by using a take off on the single password scheme 
 where both the server and the client reliably remembers just the 
previously used value, this rmemory doesn't get out of sync ... and the 
iteration to the next value is non-obvious.

and of course the overall requirement given the x9a10 working group for 
x9.59 was to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for all 
electronic payments in all environments.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: replay & integrity

2003-07-10 Thread C. Wegrzyn
Zooko, I don't think you actually need to worry about the At-Most-Once 
semantics you example below. This sort of stuff has been around for 
decades and there are a number of open source programs available. Don't 
confuse what TLS does - transport messages securely end-to-end - to what 
the end points do with them. We don't need to have another protocol 
which includes TLS+At-Most-Once semantics. I'd say that would be a 
terrible idea.

Chuck Wegrzyn

Zooko wrote:

Ian Grigg wrote:

So, some protocols don't need replay prevention
from lower layers because they have sufficient
checks built in.  This would apply to any protocols
that have financial significance;  in general, no
protocol should be without its own unique Ids.

I'll try to make this concrete.  My thesis is different than Ian's -- rather 
than saying that those apps need less than what TLS offers, I say that they 
need more!  (So that each app need no longer implement the added features 

[Disclaimer: My understanding of SSL/TLS is incomplete.  Eric Rescorla's book 
is on my amazon wishlist.  Please be polite when correcting my errors, and 
I'll do the same for you.]

Replay prevention in SSL/TLS is related to the concept of "sessions".  A given 
sequence of bytes can't be replayed within a given session, nor replayed in a 
different session, nor can a session itself be replayed in whole or in part.

Sounds good, right?

But suppose at the higher layer you have a message which you wish to send, and 
you wish to ensure that the message is processed by the recipient at most 
once, and you wish to keep trying to send the message even if you suffer a 
network failure.

For example: "100876975231 

Assume that the user has delivered the instructions to you, through clicking 
on a GUI, sending you a signed snail mail letter, or whatever, and now it is 
your job to convince the computer at the other end of the TLS connection -- 
your "counterparty" -- to implement this transaction.

Now if you send this message, and you get a response from your counterparty 
saying "completed", then you are finished.

But suppose you send this message, and then the TCP connection breaks and the 
TLS session ends?

You don't know if your counterparty got the message, much less if he was able 
to implement the transaction on his end.  If you open a new TLS connection and 
send the message again, you might inadvertently transfer *two* thousand 
dollars instead of one.

Now the state of the art in apps like these, as Ian has pointed out, is to 
implement replay protecton at the app level, for example adding a transaction 
sequence number to the message.

To me, this sounds like an opportunity for another layer, which provides a 
general solution to this problem.  (I would expect Ian's SOX protocol to be 
one such design.)

Of course, not all problems are amenable to a general, reusable solution.
Not even when, as in this case, almost all applications independently 
re-invent a special-purpose solution.

The particular sticking point in this problem seems to be state management -- 
you have to be careful that one side or the other isn't stuck with excessive 
requirements to store information in order to complete the protocol.

As Ian mentioned, apps can have several other possible requirements in 
addition to this one (which I call "retriability").  Consider a situation 
where the message has to be printed out and stuck in a folder for a lawyer to 
review.  If the integrity guarantee is encoded into a long-term, multi-packet 
TLS stream, then this guarantee cannot easily be stuck into the folder.  If 
the integrity guarantee appears as a MAC or digital signature specific to that 
message, then perhaps it is reasonable for it to be printed out in the header 
of the message.

Now to be clear, I'm not saying that TLS ought to provide this kind of 
functionality, nor am I even asserting that a generic layer *could* provide 
functionality sufficient for these sorts of apps, but I am saying that the 
notion of replay-prevention and integrity which is implemented in TLS is 
insufficient for these sorts of apps, and that I'm interested in attempts to 
offer a higher-level abstraction.


^-- under re-construction: some new stuff, some broken links
P.S.  I am aware that TLS encompasses the notion of stored or cached sessions, 
originally conceived for performance reasons.  Perhaps a higher-level 
abstraction could be built by requiring each party to use that facility in a 
specific way...

P.P.S.  A lot of the "app-specific" solutions that get deployed, such as the 
"add a sequence number" one mentioned in the example above, *depend* upon 
TLS's session-specific replay-prevention for security.  Ian suggested that 
this was a good test of the cryptographic robustness of a higher-layer protocol.

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Re: replay & integrity

2003-07-10 Thread Zooko

 Ian Grigg wrote:
> So, some protocols don't need replay prevention
> from lower layers because they have sufficient
> checks built in.  This would apply to any protocols
> that have financial significance;  in general, no
> protocol should be without its own unique Ids.

I'll try to make this concrete.  My thesis is different than Ian's -- rather 
than saying that those apps need less than what TLS offers, I say that they 
need more!  (So that each app need no longer implement the added features 

[Disclaimer: My understanding of SSL/TLS is incomplete.  Eric Rescorla's book 
is on my amazon wishlist.  Please be polite when correcting my errors, and 
I'll do the same for you.]

Replay prevention in SSL/TLS is related to the concept of "sessions".  A given 
sequence of bytes can't be replayed within a given session, nor replayed in a 
different session, nor can a session itself be replayed in whole or in part.

Sounds good, right?

But suppose at the higher layer you have a message which you wish to send, and 
you wish to ensure that the message is processed by the recipient at most 
once, and you wish to keep trying to send the message even if you suffer a 
network failure.

For example: "100876975231 

Assume that the user has delivered the instructions to you, through clicking 
on a GUI, sending you a signed snail mail letter, or whatever, and now it is 
your job to convince the computer at the other end of the TLS connection -- 
your "counterparty" -- to implement this transaction.

Now if you send this message, and you get a response from your counterparty 
saying "completed", then you are finished.

But suppose you send this message, and then the TCP connection breaks and the 
TLS session ends?

You don't know if your counterparty got the message, much less if he was able 
to implement the transaction on his end.  If you open a new TLS connection and 
send the message again, you might inadvertently transfer *two* thousand 
dollars instead of one.

Now the state of the art in apps like these, as Ian has pointed out, is to 
implement replay protecton at the app level, for example adding a transaction 
sequence number to the message.

To me, this sounds like an opportunity for another layer, which provides a 
general solution to this problem.  (I would expect Ian's SOX protocol to be 
one such design.)

Of course, not all problems are amenable to a general, reusable solution.
Not even when, as in this case, almost all applications independently 
re-invent a special-purpose solution.

The particular sticking point in this problem seems to be state management -- 
you have to be careful that one side or the other isn't stuck with excessive 
requirements to store information in order to complete the protocol.

As Ian mentioned, apps can have several other possible requirements in 
addition to this one (which I call "retriability").  Consider a situation 
where the message has to be printed out and stuck in a folder for a lawyer to 
review.  If the integrity guarantee is encoded into a long-term, multi-packet 
TLS stream, then this guarantee cannot easily be stuck into the folder.  If 
the integrity guarantee appears as a MAC or digital signature specific to that 
message, then perhaps it is reasonable for it to be printed out in the header 
of the message.

Now to be clear, I'm not saying that TLS ought to provide this kind of 
functionality, nor am I even asserting that a generic layer *could* provide 
functionality sufficient for these sorts of apps, but I am saying that the 
notion of replay-prevention and integrity which is implemented in TLS is 
insufficient for these sorts of apps, and that I'm interested in attempts to 
offer a higher-level abstraction.


 ^-- under re-construction: some new stuff, some broken links

P.S.  I am aware that TLS encompasses the notion of stored or cached sessions, 
originally conceived for performance reasons.  Perhaps a higher-level 
abstraction could be built by requiring each party to use that facility in a 
specific way...

P.P.S.  A lot of the "app-specific" solutions that get deployed, such as the 
"add a sequence number" one mentioned in the example above, *depend* upon 
TLS's session-specific replay-prevention for security.  Ian suggested that 
this was a good test of the cryptographic robustness of a higher-layer protocol.

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Re: replay & integrity

2003-07-09 Thread Anton Stiglic
> Integrity:  Financial protocols that use crypto
> (as opposed to ones abused by crypto) generally
> include signed messages.  The signature provides
> for its own integrity, as well as a few other
> things.

I don't believe that is enough.  Take for example
the SSL 2.0 ciphersuite rollback vulnerability or the 
SSL 3.0 key-exchange algorithm vulnerability . Any kind
of rollback attack is serious, and won't be protected
by signatures in the bulk data (and those signature might
be weakened by forcing a rollback to a possible weaker

> Replay:  One of the commonest problems in HTTPS
> sites is replay failure.  The solution is well
> known out in the real world - you have to have
> replay prevention at the higher layers.
> (Credit card processors have replay prevention
> too!)
> So, some protocols don't need replay prevention
> from lower layers because they have sufficient
> checks built in.  This would apply to any protocols
> that have financial significance;  in general, no
> protocol should be without its own unique Ids.

So maybe I can't replay a complete financial transaction, 
because at some high layer there is replay prevention,
what about replaying some init protocol request?
Is that not annoying?  Would a bank not care that 
their ATMs are not working for a day because someone
is executing a DoS attack on the lower layers of the 
protocols of their system? I think not, you need replay 
protection on both levels. 

How can a secure socket be dubbed secure if it doesn't
protect against these basic attacks?

To quote from Wagner and Schneier`s paper, Analysis
of the SSL 3.0 protocol:

"Replay attacks are a legitimate concern, and as they are
so easy to protect against, it would be irresponsible to fail
to address these threats."


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Re: replay & integrity

2003-07-09 Thread Eric Rescorla
tom st denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> --- Eric Rescorla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is all fine, but irrelevant to my point, which is that
> > if you're designing a channel security protocol it should
> > provide channel level integrity and anti-replay unless there's
> > some really good reason not to.
> For the love of god the horse is dead.  Let it be!
> I've pulled the code [and the rest of the site].  I admitted you were
> right, I admited it had unintentional flaws.  
> What more do you want?  


I'm sorry you're taking this personally, since it's not really
about you. I take Ian to be making a generic argument
that there's not a need for these features in a channel
security protocol. I've certainly hear this argument
before and I think it's worth discussing--even though
I think he's wrong.


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RE: replay & integrity

2003-07-09 Thread Whyte, William
> I wouldn't say that this is a good reason to take
> these features out of SSL.  But assuming they are
> "needed" is a cautious assumption, and assuming
> that SSL meets the needs for replay & integrity
> makes even less sense when we are dealing with a
> serious top-to-bottom security model.

[ ... ]

> SSL just doesn't address the security needs of
> protocols as well as all that.  Where I've seen
> it used, the core need for it is privacy of the
> data stream, not anything else.

Maybe so, but if you don't have integrity checking,
so that an attacker can inject packets into the stream,
this can often compromise privacy too. For example,
consider Serge Vaudenay's CBC padding attack.



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New algorithms and protocols, etc. (was Re: replay & integrity)

2003-07-09 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Eric Rescorla wrote:
> > which is whether or not one provides
> > proper message integrity and anti-replay. As far as I'm concerned,
> > there are almost no situations in which not providing those services
> > is appropriate. That kind of infrastructure is already built into
> > SSL and shouldn't be reinvented.
> Welcome to the applications world!
> Integrity:  Financial protocols that use crypto
[more examples of protocols that have their own replay, integrity,
etc. protection elided.]

> So, some protocols don't need replay prevention
> from lower layers because they have sufficient
> checks built in.  This would apply to any protocols
> that have financial significance;  in general, no
> protocol should be without its own unique Ids.
> I wouldn't say that this is a good reason to take
> these features out of SSL.  But assuming they are
> "needed" is a cautious assumption, and assuming

This is the security world. We survive because of making cautious
assumptions. Adding anti-replay and integrity to your protocol is
cheap, and once you've done it and analyzed it well, you have a solid
component on which to build. Rolling your own non-protected protocol
that has not been analyzed because you think that you don't need the
feature buys you essentially nothing at all and endangers you.

There is nothing wrong with several layers in your communication
system all doing similar kinds of protection. It is fine that you're
sending S/MIME signed and encrypted messages over TLSified SMTP.  The
cost is merely speed, and since hardware is used for most of the
instances where speed is a problem, it isn't an issue at all for the
most part. Besides, you often find you've gained something by
providing the redundant protections.

The truth is that people don't propose new algorithms and protocols
because there is a great unmet need they are trying to fill or because
a tiny bit of speed is lost through redundant safety measures. If they
aren't snake oil peddlers (a large category, sadly) they propose them
because they haven't read the literature and/or they enjoy

Now, tinkering is a fine and wonderful thing, and I'm a big advocate
of tinkering. It is fun building things, and the pleasure of doing so
is its own reward. It is also very educational. Just because you like
building your own cars from scratch, though, doesn't mean that they're
safe for the general public to drive, or that they'd be in any way
cheaper or better than cars built by professionals. Likely what you
build will be a clunker and have no advantages, and be unsafe
besides. Even if you had some slight advantages, the mere fact that
your parts are non-standard will make it impossible for others to
analyze or maintain your car design. The same is true in cryptography
and security.

Of course, this makes the world kind of boring and unpleasant for
tinkerers who want to go pro. The most obvious cryptographic algorithm
needs and cryptographic protocol needs have been essentially filled
already -- AES, RSA, TLS and other components are all just fine and
more or less span the whole space of requirements. All that is left is
the comparative drudgery of implementing well known protocols and
(since most of them have been implemented) using them. No fun at all!

This is not to say that we don't need people inventing new algorithms
and protocols, because we do -- in an academic context. After all,
someday AES will seem too weak, or someone will find a yet cleverer
way to factor large composites, and besides, we still don't have ideal
protocols for many sorts of distributed problems. Furthermore as I
said, there is nothing wrong with good clean fun. What we don't need
is people mistaking the sort of play and research of academia for
things that should be released as software to the public.

The shame of it all is, as people have noted, there is substantial
demand for better implementations of things like SSL, and even more
importantly, for better applications and infrastructures. It is too
hard to use the tools we have now, but not because AES is somehow hard
to use or because SSL is a bad component. The problems we have
deploying, both because of things that are difficult for programmers
to use and because of things that are inconvenient for users, are a
massive problem, and one that cries out for lots of work.

Unfortunately, it is the sort of work that isn't glamorous. In
engineering, one often finds a distinction between the personalities
of innovators and "finishers" -- the guy who's great at coming up with
a new car engine idea vs. the guy who's really good at cleaning up the
new engine idea for manufacturability and simplicity but who would not
have thought of the idea in the first place. It is the distinction
between implementing the neat prototype of a fantastic new idea and
polishing it into something your grandmother can use. Being a
"finisher" is, unfortunately, not seen as being as glamorous as b