Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-25 Thread Joachim Strömbergson


Leichter, Jerry skrev:

So presumably the model is:  Put each manufactured chip into a testing
device that repeatedly power cycles it and reads all of memory.  By
simply comparing values on multiple cycles, it assigns locations to
Class 1 or 2 (or 3, if you like).  Once you've done this enough to have
reasonable confidence in your assignments, you pick a bunch of Class 1
locations and use them for the id; and a bunch of Class 2 locations and
call them the entropy source.  You burn the chosen locations into ROM on
the chip.  At power up, the chip checks the ROM, and constructs an ID
from the list of Class 1 locations and a random value from the list of
Class 2 locations.  (Obviously, you want to be a bit more clever - e.g.,
if all your Class 1 locations hold the same value on every power up,
something is wrong with your assumptions and you reject the chip rather
than using an ID of all 0's or all 1's.  The paper is asserting that
this won't happen often enough to matter.)

Yes, that is one way to do it - but its not the way they do it in the 
paper. Doing it your way, that is writing the bit locations for the ID 
and RNG sources into an index mem on chip, goes against the purpose of 
the presented scheme. As they write in the paper:

The non-volatile approach involves programming an identity into a tag at 
the time of manufacture using EPROM, EEPROM, flash, fuse, or more exotic 
strategies. While non-volatile identities are static and fully reliable, 
they have drawbacks in terms of the process cost and the area cost of 
supporting circuitry. Even if only a small amount of non-volatile 
storage is used, the process cost must be paid across the entire chip area.


One could also argue that if you add the functionality (the non volatile 
storage) and take the post-production time (and cost) to write down the 
locations, you could just as well write down a normal ID. (You have the 
same conclusion futher down in your mail.)

If you do it the way they do it in the paper - communicate the SRAM mem 
state to an extrnal source to have your ID extracted for you - doesn't 
that change the ID and authentication protocol?

This is only done during manufacturing.  Presumably it would be
integrated into the testing process, which you're doing anyway.

Nope, again the paper is (pretty) clear that the external reader 
receives the mem dump and then extracts the ID fingerprint using hamming 
distance to match the mem dump with a DB of known IDs. This also means 
that your Class 2 bits (the RNG sources) will be communicated, something 
that I see as a security problem.

Finally. I have been in contact with the authors regarding their view on 
rememanence problemns and they simply wait long enough to allow 
remanence effects to be nullified.

But as I see it the device have no way of knowing that long enough 
time have passed. And if it hasn't, communicating the SRAM state might 
lead to appication information leakage. Correct?

The unique ID stuff is clever, but it's not clear how much it gains
you:  Since you need to do some final per-device programming anyway to
identify the locations to be used for the ID, why not just burn in a
unique ID?


 The random generator is clever, but the question is whether
produces an unpredictable result is really a stable characteristic
of memory.

As Peter Gutmann stated earlier in this thread: RAM state is entropy 
chicken soup, you may as well use it because it can't make things any 
worse, but I wouldn't trust it as the sole source of entropy.

Device aging, changes is the manufacturing process, electrical and 
environmental changes (accidental or deliberately) will all affect the 
RNG, and there is no easy way for the (low cost) device to know how good 
or bad quality of the RNG is.

Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.

Kryptoblog - IT-säkerhet på svenska

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-24 Thread Joachim Strömbergson


Peter Gutmann skrev:

So RAM state is entropy chicken soup, you may as well use it because it can't
make things any worse, but I wouldn't trust it as the sole source of entropy.

Ok, apart from the problems with reliable entropy generation. I'm I 
right when I get a bad feeling when I think about the implications of 
how the device ID is established.

As I understand it, the device itself doesn't know it's ID. Instead you 
repeatedly send over mem dumps to the reader which then extracts what it 
(to some estimated degree) consider to be the correct ID.

Wouldn't a simple thing like a challenge response and become much more 
complicated - and insecure?

Basically the device goes from saying: I'm ID XYZ and to prove it by 
providing the following response to your challange, to I'm an amnesiac 
device and here are my mem dump, please calculate my ID (please 
remember to power-cycle me x times) and then I'll send a response.

Also, wouldn't the ID-scheme presented in the paper take a very long 
time. Transferring 256 Bytes * x times + hamming calc (by the host) vs 
reading 64 bits (or similar ID length)?

I give the paper plus marks for novelty, but can't see how to use this 
in a secure, practical and cost efficient way.

Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.

Kryptoblog - IT-säkerhet på svenska

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-18 Thread alan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, James A. Donald wrote:

Using SRAM as a source of either randomness or unique
device ID is fragile.  It might well work, but one
cannot know with any great confidence that it is going
to work.  It might work fine for every device for a
year, and then next batch arrives, and it completely
fails.  Worse still, it might work fine on the test
batch, and then on the production run fail in ways that
are subtle and not immediately obvious.

And you might get better results from cheaper ram which may fail more 
often.  (Adding a different sort of randomness.)

I have a friend who is a hardware engineer who is preparing a talk on just 
this sort of issue with the state of DRAM chips.  It will be interesting 
to see what he says.  (For those people in Portland, OR, it will be given 
at the PLUG Advanced Topics meeting sometime early next year.)

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:20:32 -0700
Netsecurity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Back in the late 60's I was playing with audio and a magazine I
 subscribed to had a circut for creating warble tones for standing
 wave and room resonance testing.
 The relevance of this is that they were using a random noise
 generating chip that they acknowledged was not random enough for good
 measurements. The fix suggested was to parallel a number, six as I
 recall, to improve the randomness by mixing the signals to achieve
 better randomness. I don't recall the math but the approach improved
 the randomness by more than an order of magnitude. 
 I have also seen the same effect on reverse biased zener diodes used
 as random noise generators and that seemed - no real hard
 measurements that I can recall - to work quite well. Mind you these
 were not zeners all fabricated on a single chip, but rather
 individuals soldered together so the charateristics of each were more
 random because of the semi-randomness of the manufacturing process.
This is an old technique.  We could even go back to von Neumann's
scheme: look at two successive bits.  If they're equal, discard them.
Otherwise, map 0,1 to 0 and 1,0 to 1.

See the section on Software whitening in (which
was correct as of when I looked at it, a few minutes before the
timestamp on this email; check the Wiki history to be sure).

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-17 Thread James A. Donald

Netsecurity wrote:
 Back in the late 60's I was playing with audio and a
 magazine I subscribed to had a circuit for creating
 warble tones for standing wave and room resonance

 The relevance of this is that they were using a
 random noise generating chip that they acknowledged
 was not random enough for good measurements. The fix
 suggested was to parallel a number, six as I recall,
 to improve the randomness by mixing the signals to
 achieve better randomness. I don't recall the math but
 the approach improved the randomness by more than an
 order of magnitude.

If one such chip was so non random that the ear could
hear the difference from white noise or pink noise, it
is most unlikely that six together would be random
enough for cryptographic purposes.

As has often been stated on this list, the noise source
must be understood, so that we have physical theory as
to where the noise is coming from, and also tested to
make sure it is functioning in accord with theory.  No
one really understands where zener diode noise is coming

True entropy in equals true entropy out.   You need to
be able to determine the true entropy in from physical
theory, and be able to test the hardware to check it is
working in accordance with theory.

To know that a true random number generator is
cryptographically secure, you need knowledge of the
underlying hardware, knowledge that shows it derives its
randomness from the fundamental randomness of the
universe, either thermal entropy, (Johnson noise) or
quantum indeterminacy (shot noise), knowledge that
enables us to determine the good functioning of the
underlying noise amplification circuits from the
character of the output.

A good circuit would simply directly amplify the
underlying noise source, so that the entropy of the
output would be somewhat less than one entropy bit per
signal bit, thus ensuring that any malfunction of the
underlying circuit would be obvious, and then pass that
output into a hash generator, which emits hash that
outputs less bits than the true entropy.

Using SRAM as a source of either randomness or unique
device ID is fragile.  It might well work, but one
cannot know with any great confidence that it is going
to work.  It might work fine for every device for a
year, and then next batch arrives, and it completely
fails.  Worse still, it might work fine on the test
batch, and then on the production run fail in ways that
are subtle and not immediately obvious.

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-16 Thread Peter Gutmann
Udhay Shankar N [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sounds like an interesting idea - using SRAM state as a source of randomness.
Any of the folks here willing to comment on this?

The paper actually covers two (related) things, fingerprint extraction and
using SRAM power-up state as a random number source/seed, I assume your
question is about the latter so I'll only address that.  In addition I'm not
sure if you're looking only at RAM state in limited embedded devices or are
wondering whether it's a good source in general, e.g. in desktop PCs, so I'll
assume both.

The problem with using device state in this manner is that it's *completely*
dependent on the device technology and environment in which it's used.  Any
change in the manufacturing process can change the results.  Any change in the
environment (temperature, supply voltage, etc) can change the results.  A
deliberate attack, for example irradiating the device to change the RAM cell
threshold, can change the results.  Even without deliberate modification, SRAM
cells that store a constant value tend to acquire a set over time in which
they'll come up in that state when powered on (this has happened with crypto
hardware storing keys over long periods of time in SRAM).  In a PC, the +5VSB
may trickle enough power through the RAM to retain state for some time after
the machine is powered off, or possibly more or less indefinitely unless the
power is physically removed (I've measure 3-5W power consumption on several
PCs in the suppsedly turned-off state, which indicates that the +5VSB is
powering parts of the system).  ECC memory scrubbing may set the RAM into a
predetermined state.  A slow memory test during POST (which writes all cells
rather than doing a quick test with a large stride) would have the same
effect.  The list goes on and on...

The worst case is a change in the environment or manufacturing process, which
typically occurs without the end user even knowing about it.  You simply can't
guarantee anything about RAM state as an RNG source, you'd have to prove a
negative (no change in manufacturing technology or the environment will affect
the quality of the source) in order to succeed.  It's like the thread-timing-
based RNGs, you can never prove that some current variation of or future
change to the scheduler won't result in totally predictable random numbers.

So RAM state is entropy chicken soup, you may as well use it because it can't
make things any worse, but I wouldn't trust it as the sole source of entropy.
What I'd use is a device fingerprint (which is never revealed) seeding a PRNG
with a counter in nonvolatile memory to ensure the PRNG state never repeats.
However the publication of the fingerprint for device ID purposes tends to
negate this usage.


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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-16 Thread Joachim Strömbergson


Peter Gutmann skrev:

The worst case is a change in the environment or manufacturing process, which
typically occurs without the end user even knowing about it.  You simply can't
guarantee anything about RAM state as an RNG source, you'd have to prove a
negative (no change in manufacturing technology or the environment will affect
the quality of the source) in order to succeed.  It's like the thread-timing-
based RNGs, you can never prove that some current variation of or future
change to the scheduler won't result in totally predictable random numbers.

One could add test functionality that checks the randomness of the 
initial SRAM state after power on. But somehow I don't think a good test 
suite and extremely low cost devices (for example RFID chips) are very 
compatible concepts.

Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.

Kryptoblog - IT-säkerhet på svenska

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-16 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 12, 2007, at 7:06 AM, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
Sounds like an interesting idea - using SRAM state as a source of  
randomness. Any of the folks here willing to comment on this?

If you care about your randomness, you don't want to be making the  
assumption that a source is random because it sometimes looks that  
way, sort of. You want to be using a source that's assumed random  
because, as far as you know, it's very hard for it to be any other way.

Clearly, SRAM state falls into the former category, and there are  
lots and lots of variables keeping it firmly outside the latter. This  
means the usual wisdom applies: if you really need the extra entropy,  
mix some of these SRAM state bits into your pool, but make sure  
you're also feeding the pool from at least one source about whose  
randomness you can reason strongly.

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-16 Thread Alexander Klimov

On Sun, 16 Sep 2007, Joachim Strmbergson wrote:
 One could add test functionality that checks the randomness of the
 initial SRAM state after power on. But somehow I don't think a good test
 suite and extremely low cost devices (for example RFID chips) are very
 compatible concepts.

One can test a source of randomness by checking statistics of its few
samples, but if I understand the article correctly, in case of SRAM
each cell behaves as an independent source of randomness: some bits
are almost always stuck at fixed values while others have some
freedom. In this case it is pointless to do tests using initial SRAM
state after a single power on, because to gather a few samples from
each source one needs to repeatedly reset the device.

Applying statistical tests to a hash of the whole SRAM does not make
much sense either -- a good hash function will give statistically good
results even if you give it a counter.


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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-15 Thread Joachim Strömbergson


Udhay Shankar N skrev:
Sounds like an interesting idea - using SRAM state as a source of 
randomness. Any of the folks here willing to comment on this?


IMHO a very interesting paper.

But I have a few questions about practical aspects of this (and the paper).

First off I don't see any info in the paper about the time between power 
cycling and reading the memory. Shouldn't the RNG generated by the 
memory be affected by remanence problems if the power cycle is to short? 
I.e if the power off state is to short, the bit pattern from one read 
operation will contain more of the bit pattern from previous power on 

(2) How would one go about extracting the fingerprint/ID? As I see it 
you would either have to do numerous read operations (with power cycling 
in between) and then extract the fixed bits on a host. That is, the host 
reads the whole memory (just like in the paper) and from that extract 
the ID. This means that the RFID-unit will not know it's own ID.

The other way to do it (as I see it), is to do the multiple reads during 
manufacturing (post production test/configuration), extract the fixed 
bits and then stor the index to these bits within the RFID chip. This 
would allow the RFID to assemble the bits and know it's own ID, but then 
the idea (as presented in the paper) to not have to do post 
manufacturing work to set the ID is gone.

(3) in the opposite situation to (2), how should the RFID unit avoid the 
fixed bits when generating a key based on the random bits? Would it be 
ok to simply run the power on memory state through a cryptographic hash 
function, ignoring the fixed bits?

Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.

Kryptoblog - IT-säkerhet på svenska

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