Hi Chris,

I think you are better off tweaking the settings on the WYSWYIG editor to 
make the html it produces easier to style.  (e.g. turn off creation of
<p> & <br> elements, restrict use of style attribute, etc).

I've got some experience with Drupal so feel free to email me off list
& I can help you with the setup.

Ben Sommerville

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Blake
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 September 2009 12:31 AM
> Hi,
> I am working on this website: http://forge.redrunner.co.uk/?q=node/2
> (specifically this page).
> It is built via Drupal, which is OK- we have what we want, however
> because it is CMS we are worried that when the client uses the WYSIWYG
> editor for changing the main content the styling will be lost. That
> link shows the main content as I put it in via HTML and CSS. I have
> created another page http://forge.redrunner.co.uk/?q=node/10 and tried
> to replicate the other page but using the WYSIWYG editor.
> It's a nightmare! The only reason it looks slightly OK is because we
> have used tables! SHREAK! I don't want to do that but I can't see
> another way around clearing the floats. This editor creates a <p>
> everytime the user hits enter, it creates a <br /> every time the user
> hits shift and enter. Is there any effective way I can get any of
> those tags to clear floats via CSS?
> e.g.
> br {clear:both; }
> p{clear: both;} However if I do this and there is more than one
> paragraph associated to an image then it will mess it up.
> maybe I can add something to the H3, img tags?
> Thanks, Chris
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