Brett Merkey wrote:

Results for anyone interested:
Failure. At least this particular Unicode font cannot be relied upon for
glyph mapping in combination with CSS even in systems where the font is
installed and the browser and OS claim to support Unicode.

Hi Brett. Is there ever a time that a font can be relied on for anything on the web?

Relying on browser functionality (e.g. font, display, JavaScript) for any necessary interactivity without degrading gracefully is generally unwise, as people who override styles with their own, or people who use nonstandard user agents (phone browsers, text-based browsers, screen readers, etc.) won't be able to get access to that interactivity. For some developers, that's an inconvenience...for government and education developers (constrained by sec. 508 and sec. 504, respectively), it's out of the question.

I do still wonder what the 'problem' is with the way IE6 displays checkboxes, which you mentioned in your first email. I don't remember ever having a problem getting them to display, but I don't use IE6 much. :-)

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