I have noticed that Safari had problems when I put comments inside the  
class bracklets or when using the slash workaround for IE.
Here are some examples where safari presumably had problems.

.someclass { text-align:justify;
                 /*padding:7px; i don't need this right now*/

.othercase { text-align:justify;

I'm not sure also how two succseding comment lines affect the reading like

body { ... }
h1 { ... }
/* here ends the basic section */

/* start of classes used inside the #head div */

#head {...}
#logo {...}

And also I have no idea about how Safari handels syntax errors.

The problem is I run a PC and canot test Safari extensively. But I have a  
client that uses Safari.
He showed me bugs in the web site while the site looked normaly in other  
browsers (IE, FF, Opera).
I managed to get rid of the bugs just by tiding a little inside the css  
file so now I don't know what was really wrong :P

So does anyone know if there are specifics about how Safari handels CSS  
Thanx, Greg

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