Hi all,

I am trying to design a website using CSS. You can see the disaster  
at www.drder.plus.com However, it is only a disaster in IE running  
under Windows, on my Mac using various browsers, including IE on the  

At this point, there are two main things I am trying to correct.  
Firstly, the obvious problem of the left column that isn't there,  
until you resize the window. Then it appears on the right side, until  
you try to click on one of the bottom two buttons. At which point, it  
jumps to where it ought to be. If I wasn't so frustrated with it, it  
would be kind of fun.

The second problem is the border around the top navigation tabs. It  
shouldn't be there. I have tried border-style: none and a few other  
things, but any help would be much appreciated. At last check, both  
the CSS and HTML validated find. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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