Dear List,


Confession: based on inherited code, as it needs to fit with a family
of existing sites. I've stripped out as much as I can to try to
simplify things.

Problems (as viewed in Firefox 1.0.6 on WinXP - I haven't even touched
IE6 yet) as follows:

1) Height of main navigation:
I want the #navigation div to be the same height as the home link. If
I set the height on the div explicitly (or on the ul inside it, or
even on both), it doesn't seem to make any difference. This makes me
think that it is expanding to accommodate *something* inside it, but I
can't figure out what.

2) Position of centrecontent:
I want this div to sit nicely underneath the #navigation div and to
the right of the left_menu/green_menu divs. According to Aardvark,
it's doing neither, but starting in the top-left corner. I set a 128px
left margin on centrecontent to deal with the latter, which worked for
a while, but in fiddling with the code to try to address problem (1),
I appear to have broken it again :-(

I'm sure that the problems here are all related to fairly elementary
CSS concepts (my suspicions are collapsing margins and float drops),
and the answers will be obvious to you old hands. However, having read
articles on these topics until my head spins, I still can't figure it
out. I throw myself on your collective mercies!

Many thanks in advance for your advice.




Sarah Harrison: I want a job where there is achievement rather than
Humphrey: I don't understand.
Sarah Harrison: I know. That's why I'm leaving.

Yes Minister - "Equal Opportunities"
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