(bear with this one.  it takes a lot of non-CSS setup before I get to the
actual CSS question)

I am working on a report-generating application that includes the ability to
do nested subreports.  For example, suppose the user defines the following

Report 1: Pets.  Displays Name, Kind of Animal

Report 2: Kids: Displays First Name, Last Name, Age.
Includes Report1 as a subreport (i.e. to show the pets for each kid found)

Report 3: Adults.  Displays First Name, Last Name, Age
Includes Report3 as a subreport (i.e. to show the kids for each adult found)

The output might look something like this:
http://home.comcast.net/~rob.freundlich/css/report.html (very crude
formatting for now, but it should give the general idea).  If you look at
the source for the link, you'll see lots of nested tables.  I don't think
that's a conceptual problem here, since I'm displaying tabular data.

However, there's a *HUGE* practical problem with it: Internet Explorer (6.0)
doesn't render table rows as it receives them, even if I use "table-layout:

In the example I give above, it's not noticeable, since it's a small,
pre-generated file.  However, my app might be generating hundreds or
thousands of rows, each of which might have a deep subreport or subreports,
and it's pushing the data out to the browser as it renders, rather than
waiting for the whole report to be completed before sending it to the
browser.  The intent there is to show the user results as they are
generated; this gives the user a better feeling of responsivness, and can
actually help them if the data they want is near the beginning of the report
(because they don't have to wait for the full render).

What I've noticed, though, is that even if I've pushed (for example) rows
1 - 10, IE might not yet be displaying them.  I can see my app generating
them (through internal logging), and if I View Source in IE, I see the data
(so I know IE has received it), but IE steadfastly refuses to render them
until it hits some blackbox state.  So my user's experience is choppy and
slow even if my app is smoothly producing data.

OK, enough setup.  On to the CSS questions.

According to Microsoft's web site
ference/properties/tablelayout.asp), using "table-layout: fixed" should
cause the table to render one row at a time, instead of waiting for the
entire table to be received.  I have used table-layout fixed and fulfilled
all of the conditions they specify in that article (not in the sample link I
provided above, I know, but in my app I do it), and I still see the behavior
I'm describing.  It's definitely an improvement over waiting for the whole
table, but it's *not* row-by-row as they state on their site.

Since this application is being written primarily for IE 6, this is a
problem for me, and I find myself wondering the reverse of the usual
tables-vs-CSS question: is it possible to nicely present tabular data nicely
without using tables?

Well, of course it is.  I could use DIVs for the rows and SPANs for the
fields in each row, and define a class for each field, and end up with
something like this:

<div class="mainReport">
    <div class="row">
        <span class="col1">John</span>
        <span class="col2">Smith</span>
        <span class="col3">37</span>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="subReport1">
            <div class="row">
                <span class="col1">Rover</span>
                <span class="col2">Dog</span>

    <div class="row">
        <span class="col1">Bill</span>
        <span class="col2">Jones</span>
        <span class="col3">29</span>

The problem with this, and the reason tabular data is best presented as
tables, is that I have to give every span a class and then set up
hierarchical styles such as "mainReport row col1 {
css-for-col1-in-main-report };     mainReport col2 { sic };   subreport1
col1 { sic };" and so on.  Definitely doable, but it adds a lot of metadata
(compared to the table technique, where I can put formatting on th's, cols,
or whatever, instead of each and every td.

Another possibility in an ideal world would be to use adjacent-sibling
selectors to specify CSS for the columns.  But of course, since I'm
targeting IE6, that's not an option for me.

Can anyone offer an alternative?  (note: if you can suggest a way to fix
IE's table behavior, please respond to me off-list)

Rob Freundlich
"Males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes." - Newt Gingrich
"Some folks you don't have to satirize, you just quote 'em." - Tom Paxton

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