I took some cascading style sheets classes in 2002 though the International Webmasters Association/HTML Writers Guild.

The first class started with the basics and the second one taught how to do real things.

The last one, an advanced course taught by Eric A. Meyer, was very challenging and demanding. The course had quite a bit of CSS theory as well as practice that helped me to understand why browsers behave as they do, what should be happening, and how to try to turn things to an advantage.

Topics explored included: how selectors really work, why the cascade and specificity can turn your hair gray, techniques to overcome strangeness in line layout, media-specific and alternate styles, how DOCTYPE switching can make styling easier or harder, and a few ways to sneak past browser bugs without upsetting others.

I'm not sure who is currently teaching CSS at the International Webmasters Association/HTML Writers Guild and what is covered now but you could check it out at:

Also the Web Design Reference is a huge mega-reference (over 3,000 links) of information and articles about web design and development. It has a full section of online CSS resources (plus accessibility, usability, web standards, and many related topics are covered).

The Web Design Reference URL is:

CSS Section:

CSS Books:

You might also find the Web Design Update Newsletter helpful. The URL is:

The newsletter is a plain text email digest that typically goes out once a week as an adjunct to the site.

All the Best,
Laura L. Carlson
Information Technology Systems and Services
University of Minnesota Duluth
Duluth, MN  55812-3009
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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