Mary Ellen Curtin wrote:
> Yes! that works. I still don't understand why the login box's 
> position:absolute caused the problem -- I mean, pos:abs is supposed 
> to take it right out of the document flow, right?

Yes, but absolute positioned elements are positioned relative to
something, and the relation - and thereby also the position wasn't the
right one. Stacking/layering and thereby visibility can be affected in
most browsers if we get such relations wrong, and IE/Mac had most
problems with it this time. I lost partial/total sight of that table in
several browsers, while checking for those relations.

> And the client says it's still acting as though the paragraph below 
> the floatwrap is still inside the left float. This doesn't show up on
>  browsercam -- is it something where I have to move around the screen
>  to activate?

Can't see any problems in my IE/Mac version (or any other of my
browsers), and I don't have access to OS9. That paragraph can become
pretty narrow - down to one word width - on very narrow windows though,
since neither IE/Mac nor IE6/win understands 'min-width'.


May be worth fixing the source-code though, as it isn't XHTML...
...and some browsers may not be able to handle and correct all 36 errors.

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