M. Montgomery wrote:
> Finishing up a site for a client: http://photosbykat.net/
> I know it doesn't validate, but she absolutely insists on the
> right-click disable (though I explained it's easy to work around), and
> I don't know how to do it validly.
> I'm working on the gallery pages, and a sample from a ministry trip is
> posted at: http://photosbykat.net/cuba/
> The css file is at:http://photosbykat.net/textpattern/css.php?s=cuba
> The xhtml and css for the gallery page both validate.
> My question is about the (ugly) help text on the right, below the
> search box, a paragraph currently in what ought to be an unnecessary
> div="help"
> The css includes some generic styling for p elements.
> The #sidebar sets font-size and line-height, and the #help div (inside
> the #sidebar) attempts to bring the size back down to something
> reasonable.
> Why isn't it working?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "not working", but I suspect a
combination line-height/font-size problem. See if the following don't
get you pointed in the right direction:

In #sidebar, change:
        font-size: 1.5em; to font-size: x-large;
        line-height: 2em; to line-height: 2;

and in #help p, change:
        font-size: .9em; to font-size: medium;
        line-height: 1.6em; to line-height: 1.3;

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