On 22 May 2010, at 4:33, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

>>    To see the first new page on the test server : 
>> http://ansible.xlii.org/quarante-deux/index5.html
> The search button ('rechercher') drops below the search input field on my 
> side (with minimum font-size set to 12px).
> Philippe
> ---


I didn't think about the minimum font-size setting... Indeed, mine is set to 
10px, so the button was OK.

I had positioned both the navigation bar (nav#sitenav) and the search field 
absolutely, one to the left, the other to the right. I chose this method 
because, with this rewrite of the site, my idea is to avoid extraneous divs as 
much as possible. But the only fix I found was to wrap the navigation bar and 
the search form in a new div, position this div at the top and then float the 
search form to the right. I also had to move the search field down in the html 
(I had wanted it at the top when the page was read unstyled), to get the 
masthead out of the div.

This works fine in all my test browsers. However, now, when the window is 
narrowed, the tabs wrap to a second line. With the previous absolutely 
positioned elements, the search field overlapped the tabs (and hid the ones to 
the right) but the tabs didn't wrap.

You may ask, why let the window get narrow enough to wrap? The only reason is 
that I like fluid layouts... So this one is actually a sort of hybrid, with a 
max and min-width, but a bit fluid nonetheless.

Thanks for pointing out the problem.


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