Le 22 août 2012 à 10:46, Rick Lecoat <li...@sharkattack.co.uk> a écrit :

> Thanks for that Philippe. Yes, it seems that was indeed the problem -- 
> something that I’d initially discounted since those elements were not being 
> clipped in desktop browsers.

I checked some older versions of Safari / Omniweb and this is an old WebKit bug 
– Safari 5 / OmniWeb 5.11 suffer from it, and so does Safari 5.1.7 (OS X 10.6 
Snow Leopard). Safari 6 works OK of course. One can assume that MobileSafari on 
the upcoming iOS 6 will have no problems with this construct (memo to self, 
must check if Michel Fortin's standalone Safari 5.1 runs on Mountain Lion).

On iOS 5.1 one can actually scroll to make the submenu visible, fwiw.

> The overflow:auto was there to contain the floated elements, so I’ll sort out 
> an alternative solution for them and put it back to overflow:visible.

Many options there (using generated content as documented in normalize.css or 
html5 boilerplate i forgot which one being the most versatile). Using 
overflow:hidden or auto is always tricky when you want to have absolute 
positioned elements come out of the box.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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