Re: [css-d] Sizing bullets in IE6/IE7

2010-06-19 Thread Francois Jordaan
Jukka K. Korpela replied to Peter Coates: Why not use ul { list-style-image URL(bullet.gif); } I believe that is supported by IE. The safest way to get bullets in larger size is to use bullet characters and font-size on them. In that case you would not use list markup at all (or,

[css-d] Stack level in IE (problem with position:absolute and z-index)

2009-02-27 Thread Francois Jordaan
This IE quirk seems to catch me on nearly every project: It comes down to the stacking model. All I remember from last time I struggled with this is it's well-nigh impossible to work around. I really, really want Item 3 to be above Item 2,

Re: [css-d] Stack level in IE (problem with position:absolute andz-index)

2009-02-27 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi Els, If you give Item 2 z-index:-1, it looks like it works. Not tested for possible side-effects when more content is involved. I whooped with joy ...briefly. This is a miraculous fix in *some* cases (where there is a predictable number of items), but in my case, unfortunately all the

[css-d] FF3 FOUC

2008-06-30 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi, On some sites, including one I'm working on, I've noticed a Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC) in FF3, which doesn't occur in any other browser. (This is where the page content displays unstyled for a split second before the CSS kicks in.) The site I'm working on is not yet public, but here's

[css-d] Oddity in FF3 related to overflow:auto

2008-06-30 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi, I've noticed that this page renders differently in FF3 than in other browsers: y.html In FF3, the entire page has a horizontal scrollbar, and the content area is stretched to the full page width. The culprit is

Re: [css-d] Oddity in FF3 related to overflow:auto

2008-06-30 Thread Francois Jordaan y.html Both of these URLs render identically on my FF3/Ubuntu 8.04 system. Damn, it seems he fixed it since I last looked, a couple of days ago. Sorry for not testing again before posting to the list. I'll email Ned

Re: [css-d] Oddity in FF3 related to overflow:auto

2008-06-30 Thread Francois Jordaan
Very helpful, interesting reply, thanks Philippe! Despite me not noticing that Ned had updated his CSS to address the problem since I last looked. francois __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [css-d] Best way to do an inline list?

2007-10-19 Thread Francois Jordaan
Thanks for the response, Bruno. At list in part, the problem is caused by absence of white space. What you say makes sense. I had originally deliberately removed all whitespace because it caused uneven line-height. I've updated my test page with a number of different whitespace variants:

[css-d] Best way to do an inline list?

2007-10-18 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi everyone, Please have a look at this test page (resize the page to change the linebreaks): I'm trying to do a simple inline list of the sort you use whenever you have a large lists of links in a small area. This calls for an unordered

[css-d] Best practice for class/id capitalisation?

2007-09-12 Thread Francois Jordaan
How do you name classes and IDs, and why? I used to stick to all lowercase, but am starting to use CamelCase for ease of reading (e.g. #HeaderMain rather than #header-main). This means I also capitalise short names, e.g. #Content or .Clearer. Makes no difference? Or are there practical

Re: [css-d] Can't beat a table for this navbar?

2007-09-11 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi Georg, Thanks very much for the (off-list) reply. It didn't get as much discussion as I'd hoped, but about as much as I deserve, as I've been a very disengaged lurker the last couple of years. When you want to replicate an HTML table with CSS,

[css-d] Can't beat a table for this navbar?

2007-09-07 Thread Francois Jordaan
Here's the test page: (Table-based top, list-based bottom) I've been doing CSS-based layouts for 5 years, but I just can't get a standards-based approach to work as well as a table for this horizontal navbar. This is the best I can get it. This is a

[css-d] Applying icons as background images: good or bad?

2007-09-03 Thread Francois Jordaan
I'm curious about what the consensus is on the list about this. I'm sure you all agree it's very convenient to control icons via the CSS, as in a.PDF, a.DOC, a.external-link, and so forth. But there are 2 potential problems with this: (1) It's debatable whether those icons are presentational, or

[css-d] Z-index problem in Internet Explorer

2007-08-08 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi everyone, Is there a solution for this problem in IE? It seems that position: relative puts an element higher than any absolutely positioned elements earlier in the DOM tree. An example of where this problem occurs is with dynamic dropdown menus in

[css-d] Mac/Windows line-height and padding differences

2007-08-01 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi everyone, Could someone please shed light on the big difference I see here between Windows and OS X? The most obvious annoying symptom is the cropping on the icons (which are 16x16). But the line-height differs by a whopping 2px. I could understand

[css-d] Layout help: something like float:center?

2006-05-27 Thread Francois Jordaan
Hi guys, How would you achieve this layout? +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+ +-+ Line1Line1