[css-d] Menu/navigation problem

2007-10-30 Thread Portman
I am working on a redesign for a client of mine and have run into a 
problem. The client wants a row of colored blocks across the top of the 
website and wants the navigation to fit inside each block. The problem 
is that when I design it to look good in 800 x 600, it looks awful in 
1024 x 768 and vice versa. I have tried using percentages, floats, etc. 
but am at my wits end on how to get this to work. One option is a 
JavaScript that detects the screen resolution, but that has its problems 
also. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: [css-d] Menu/navigation problem

2007-10-30 Thread Portman
Hi JonMarc,

Thank you for the reply. I had considered the colored background to each 
li or a, but wasn't sure what to do when the menu ended. I think I need 
to try it and see what problems I run into. (The menu is absolutely 
positioned already.)


JonMarc Wright wrote:
 You could use absolute positioning and left margins to make sure that 
 the text always starts in the right place, but then the header 
 wouldn't be liquid like the body of your site.

 getting it to look okay in both 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 isn't that 
 difficult, but getting it to look right when text size is bumped up or 
 down, or with window resizing below 800 pixels wide is where it gets 

 just at a glance and without too much thought, it would seem like the 
 best thing to do would be to make only the top row of colored boxes be 
 the background image, then use background colors (or images if you'd 
 like) on the second row.  each link would then be given a declared 
 with which would be the same as the image width, and each a (or it li) 
 would be given the padding to keep it separated by the same amount of 
 space.  they would then lay out horizontally next to each other, but 
 if the user resizes the window below their natural width a couple of 
 the blocks would bounce down to the next line.  if someone resizes the 
 text larger, their width doesn't change, but the height does.

 if you want to match the blocks perfectly, you could always make a 
 taller image for the top row of blocks, then use css to set the height 
 using em, that way if the font size is bumped up, the link blocks will 
 grow in height, and so will the top blocks that are just there for show.

 i don't have a lot of time right now (it is almost midnight here) but 
 i will try to put together a really quick example of what i'm talking 
 about for you to look at.  if you understand the concept that i've 
 written about above, but would like some help with specifics, just let 
 me know.

 take care,
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Re: [css-d] Menu/navigation problem

2007-10-30 Thread Portman
Thank you for the reply Alan. I appreciate the comments.

I did actually change the block graphic so that the blocks are smaller, 
but the only problem now is that the links are not centered at higher 
resolutions. I don't know if this will bother my client, but will look 
at the code again.

Thanks for the effort and the help,

Alan Gresley wrote:
 Hi Riva

 These are the challenges you are facing.

 1) Designing for a certain range of screen resolution.
 2) Using in-valid html [1].
 3) Using inline style.
 4) Not using the correct doctype. The doctype you were using was putting most 
 browsers in quirksmode [2] [3].
 5) You had one set of a style block for #wrapper followed by almost the same 
 style block for htmlbody #wrapper. This  is repeated through the stylesheet 
 for other selectors. Surely those styles are not so esoteric that IE6 would 
 spit the dummy. It can handle some quite robust CSS if given a chance.
 6) One of your images is 540kbytes. This could be reduced to around 30kbytes 
 to save bandwidth.

 Seeing that your boss is seeing a lovely brickwall and visualizing the links 
 sitting perfect in each brick, there is only one approach. Fixed width 
 anchors and a fixed width navigation div. So nothing looks to odd, we want 
 the navigation div centered. This is done with an left and right margin set 
 to auto. Now since we just did that, we better fix up that background. The 
 background bricks must be centered also.

 Knowing the screen resolution you were designing for and seeing those heights 
 in your stylesheet, you may have been after a sticky footer? The design and 
 it being tennis would call for this I think. This requires a min-height 0f 
 100% set on the #wrapper. The #topper div must be absolutely position, thus 
 being taken out of the flow so now the #wrapper will rise up to fill the 
 space. We use the FooterStickAlt [4] method for positioning the #botter div. 
 BTW, what is the topper and botter business. I have done this reworking.


 You may notice that I have commented out some menu items. The design is so 
 restricting that I had run out of bricks. The layout looks quite good on my 
 1280x800 screen. At 800x600, please note how the left edge of the class menu4 
 div is now sitting on the left edge of the page. The result is that as you 
 narrow the viewpoint more from this point on, all the links begin to slide 
 right relative to the background and finishing at about 50px as the min-width 
 kicks in. Maybe a rethink of the pages and content will resolve this as I 
 believe five links is the limit you can have. Maybe some bigger bricks would 
 help. It is also possible to have have the menu span over two rows of bricks 
 and aligning each anchor on each brick.

 You will find some extra comments in the CSS which is embedded in the header 
 of the source. The reworking works in IE5.5, IE6, IE7, FF, Opera 9.10 
 on Win XP SP2 and have tested font resizing 2+ / 2- and minimum font size of 
 26px in FF and Opera. A read of this about font size [5] will help. I have 
 linked to my links page in my signature line of this message. Many good links 
 are to be found on this page. Good luck.

 [1] http://validator.w3.org/
 [2] http://www.quirksmode.org/css/quirksmode.html
 [3] http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=E0989953B6F20B41
 [4] http://www.themaninblue.com/writing/perspective/2005/08/29/
 [5] http://www.gunlaug.no/contents/molly_1_01.html

 Kind Regards, Alan


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Re: [css-d] Menu/navigation problem

2007-10-30 Thread Portman
Thank you for the reply and suggestion, David. I did think of that  but 
my client wants all the blocks the same height and width.


David Laakso wrote:
 Trying to cram all those long word menu links into narrow width/height 
 spaces /may/ require some re-thinking of the layout concept to achieve 
 at least relatively reasonable usability (and even at that it is fragile).

 Cursory tested in Opera, Camino; and, IE6 and IE7.



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Re: [css-d] Menu/navigation problem

2007-10-30 Thread Portman
Thank you Brian and David. I actually did manage to get it working.


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[css-d] Pulling my hair out with positioning - need help please

2007-10-18 Thread Portman

I have a client who wants a send to a friend function on his website. 
I found some code for a css div that appears when you click a link on 
the page, but once I got the functionality working, the positioning got 
messed up. I have been looking at it for so long that my eyes are going 
screwy. If anyone could help, I would be most grateful.

The page is here (I didn't do the design, just the background 
programming): http://www.grafixer.biz/site/NewVersion/galleries.htm. The 
part that I need help with starts just under the body tag - I moved 
the div there in the hopes that it would position itself correctly 
relative the body of the page. The link that calls this is near the 
bottom of the page in the div id=stamp. Everything is very rough as 
I am getting the positioning right before fixing it up.

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Re: [css-d] dark purple a: visited link colour plus underlined!!!!!!

2007-09-09 Thread Portman
Your embedded styles have a visited link as #33 (which is a grey 
colour, no?) The embedded styles in your page will override the styles 
in the stylesheet. Try putting what you want in the embedded stylesheet 
and see if that helps.


Michael Forker wrote:

 I have a problem with a dark purple colour and an underlined problem with
 some of my links on a web site I am creating, can anyone help

 would like the underlined effect to go away and the a visited state to be a
 diiferent colour other than purpleor if someone can see the
 error/problem solution .


 Portfolio page.

 current work.

 please view it with Mozilla

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2007-09-04 Thread Portman
Hi Jane,

Could you post or paste the code somewhere for people to look at? I have 
found that those kind of errors have to do with either a doctype problem 
or some kind of JavaScript error. If you send the code, I am sure you 
will get more help.


jane jordan wrote:

 When validating (by local file upload) just my CSS
 stylesheet I receive no errors.  When I try and
 validate the page containing the CSS I receive the
 following message :-

 Lexical error at line 1, column 3. Encountered: D
 (68), after : !


 no style sheet found

 I am a complete newbie, using GoLive and not on-line
 yet, and I can't get past this problem (have lost
 about three days of my life !).  It seems  that the
 CSS itself is ok but it's as if something can't get
 past the beginning of my html document to check the
 css in the page.

 Please, if anyone could help me, it will be very
 greatly appreciated !  

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[css-d] IE/FF bug with ul background image

2007-06-11 Thread Portman

I am pulling my hair out trying to fix this problem and cannot figure it 

In one of my websites, the header graphic is in a blue box with a 1px 
white border. Just underneath and a little left of that blue box is a 
light blue box with a 1px white border (almost like a drop shadow.) The 
problem is with the navigation. I thought it would be cool to make a 
small graphic of the light blue box and place it just behind the 
navigation to mimic the header graphic. It looked fine in IE, but 
disappeared in FF and when it looked good in FF, it was too low in IE.

I searched and searched and eventually made a floating div 15px high, 
with the light blue color and the 1px white border and got it positioned 
behind the navigation, but I am still getting the same problem. I tried 
every conceivable hack I could find but nothing helped. If anyone could 
help me figure this out I would be very grateful. Below is the code.


#backer {
width: 110px;
background-color: #9aa5cc;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
border-left: 1px solid white;
position: relative;
float: right;
top: 300px;
top: 280px;
height: 20px;
#navcontainer {
color: white;
width: 130px;
display: inline;
border: 0px solid white;
margin: 0;
height: 180px;
padding: 0;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 80%;
text-align: center;
text-transform: uppercase;
position: relative;
float: right;
right: -1px;
ul#navlist {
padding: 0;
margin-left: 0;
width: 130px;
text-align: left;
border: 0px solid white;
background-color: #2f4d9a;
ul#navlist li {
list-style: none;
color: white;
line-height: 1em;
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border-top:1px solid white;
border-left: 1px solid white;


div id=topContainer
div id=backer/div
img src=images/new_blue_header.gif align=center border=0 
alt= style=position:relative;float:left;left: -1px;
div id=navcontainer
ul id=navlist
li id=activea href=index.html 
lia href=firmprofile.htmFirm Profile/a/li
lia href=practiceareas.htmPractice Areas/a/li
lia href=lawyers.htmLawyers/a/li
lia href=contactus.htmContact Us/a/li
li style=border-bottom: 1px solid white;a 

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[css-d] Mouseover problem

2007-04-17 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I have a client who will be appearing on TV tomorrow and the image 
mouseovers I put on her page are not visible on Mac (I think) and 
browsers other than IE. Can someone point me in the right direction to 
find more info about this? The site is www.littleracquets.com.

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Re: [css-d] Mouseover problem

2007-04-17 Thread Portman
Oh duh! Sorry. hit head I see what you are talking about now.


ella wrote:
 You specified the Hoover image in the hack for IE but otherwise
  You didn't specified a Hoover image in the code for Hoover
 A:Hoover { background-image: URL('images/green_tenis_over.gif'}
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Re: [css-d] Browser check please

2007-02-13 Thread Portman
Hi David,

I am not sure what to look for. I did notice that the right hand column 
does not go all the way down to the footer - is it supposed to? Looks 
fine otherwise.

IE6 and FF2.0.0.1, WinXP


David V wrote:
 I am only running ie7 and ff2.

 Could I please have a browser check for ie6 and others. 

 Need to know what it looks like to others. 



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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-11 Thread Portman
Zoe, can you point me in the right direction to find out what the bug 
might be?


Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 No you can't. If parts of the styles aren't loading, then it's a bug, 
 but a different bug. It's not FOUC. FOUC means all the styles don't load 
 for a second, in IE6 and lower, and it's caused by an @import in the 
 head, and fixed with the addition of a link or script in the head. 
 That's it. There are many, many other bugs that show flashing styles or 
 partially rendered styles, in different combinations of browsers, but 
 these are all separate things that deserve their own names and have 
 their own fixes. If we start calling them all FOUC, we're just confusing 
 the matter, because the FOUC fixes won't work for them.

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[css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I have a FOUC problem on one of my websites and I have tried all the 
fixes I can think of but nothing is helping. Would someone mind taking a 
look and letting me know what the problem is? 

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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
Thanks for the reply. Do you see the pages flash briefly before they 
load? What browser are you using?

FOUC = Flash Of Unstyled Content. It is when your css loads after the 
page loads and IE shows the page flashing with no style for a second.


Christopher Blake wrote:
 whats fouc?
 I can't see much the matter.

 Christopher Blake
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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
I know! My client is not complaining but I would like this fixed.

Thanks for the reply,

Dave Goodchild wrote:
 Well, you have link and script elements inside your head section, 
 which is the classic antidote to FOUC, so not sure why that's happening.

 http://www.web-buddha.co.uk http://www.web-buddha.co.uk
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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
Thanks Rod.

Zoe, I am using IE6 on Windows XP. The funny thing is, I only see it 
online (as opposed to on my computer).


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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
I don't know. I tried putting a background image in the html page so it 
wouldn't look so obvious but it is hard to tell what flashes.


Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:

 But as Rod said, is it just that the background image takes a second to 
 load, or are the fonts and all other styles not loading right away either?

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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
Thanks for the reply Mike.

Yes, it was the background I was talking about. I did replace the 7KB 
background image with a 2.3KB background image, so maybe that helps. 
What I did was to create a wide image across the whole page and set it 
as the background in the body tag so that it would appear as if the 
whole page had loaded without the flashing, but it doesn't seem to be 


Michael Geary wrote:
 Riva! Forgive me, but after your fifth message we still don't know what it

 I looked at your page in IE7 and FF2, and I do see a problem with the page
 loading in both browsers. The background image used in the sidebars flickers
 across the entire center area for a moment. I don't know if that's what
 you're talking about - I probably wouldn't call it a FOUC, it's more like a
 Flickering Unwanted Background After Reload.

 But now it sounds like that background is just a test, and there was some
 other problem you were seeing before you added it? Or is that the problem?

 Please help us out and tell us what we're looking for. :-)

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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
Okay. I'll give it a try.

As I said in the previous e-mail, the background is what flashes (well, 
that is what I don't like) and the text, etc. appears a second later. 
What would the other bug be?


Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 Exactly. FOUC is a very specific bug. It means that *none* of the styles 
 are loaded initially. I'm guessing they are, and it's just the 
 background image that isn't loaded instantaneously. Again, Riva, do the 
 styles on the fonts show up right away? Try making your text an 
 outlandish color like bright red. Does that show right away? If so, it's 
 not FOUC. It's a totally different bug.
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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
I know. :-)

Michael Geary wrote:
 And no offense intended! There was a virtual smileyface at the end of that
 sentence... :-)

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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
Thanks Shelly. I do have that in the page already.


Shelly wrote:
 Try adding this in your meat tags in the head of your document:

 meta http-equiv=Page-Enter content=blendTrans(Duration=0.1)

 See if that helps.


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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
Are you on dial up? That is not good.


Richard Grevers wrote:
 Basically, pay more for a faster server.
 I spent 11 seconds waiting while nothing happened, then saw a
 split-second flash of white (my default bg is grey, otherwise I
 wouldn't have seen it). before the page rendered fully over another
 couple of seconds. Take note that I have made a deliberate choice to
 disable Opera's default FOUC-killing delay, because I prefer to get
 text ASAP.

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Re: [css-d] FOUC problem

2007-01-10 Thread Portman
It is only the background that doesn't load initially. What other bug 
could it be?


Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 Exactly. FOUC is a very specific bug. It means that *none* of the styles 
 are loaded initially. I'm guessing they are, and it's just the 
 background image that isn't loaded instantaneously. Again, Riva, do the 
 styles on the fonts show up right away? Try making your text an 
 outlandish color like bright red. Does that show right away? If so, it's 
 not FOUC. It's a totally different bug.
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[css-d] Alignment problem

2007-01-08 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I am trying to align a JavaScript image fade in/out in the center of my 
page and it works in IE but not in FF. Can anyone help me figure out 
what the problem is? I tried validating and keep getting errors (from 
the HTML validator) in the JavaScript.


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Re: [css-d] Height problem in Firefox

2006-12-07 Thread Portman
Thanks David. I will try that.

As far as the menu being skewed left - I was trying to get too elastic 
columns next to each other. I struggled with it and couldn't seem to get 
it to work so I figured I would look into it later. Do you know any good 
examples I could work from?


~davidLaakso wrote:
 Do /not/ set a height, and try clearing it:
 #wrapper {
 /*padding: 0px;*/delete
 /*min-height: 1500px; */ delete
 padding-bottom: 50px; add (for a little lead under the last menu item.)
 Add this selector to the style sheet:
 br.both {
 clear: both;
 #wrapper is the first division to open. And it is the last division to 
 Add this in the markup immediately before #wrapper closes:
 br class=both /add

 It might be a good idea to validate the markup (you have used the same 
 id more than once on the page).
 Is there a particular reason why the menu is skewed so far left?
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Re: [css-d] Height problem in Firefox

2006-12-07 Thread Portman
Eek - that's supposed to be two, not too. Can I blame it on the cold 
weather freezing my brain?


Portman wrote:
 Thanks David. I will try that.

 As far as the menu being skewed left - I was trying to get too elastic 
 columns next to each other. I struggled with it and couldn't seem to get 
 it to work so I figured I would look into it later. Do you know any good 
 examples I could work from?

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Re: [css-d] Height problem in Firefox

2006-12-07 Thread Portman
Thanks David.


~davidLaakso wrote:
 Maybe this one? http://blog.html.it/layoutgala/LayoutGala29.html
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[css-d] Height problem in Firefox

2006-12-06 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I am working on a restaurant website and am having a problem with the 
height of the main container (#wrapper) in Firefox. I tried using 
height: auto; and height: 101%; and height: inherit; and min-height, 
etc. and the container always ends before the menu does (the box with 
the thick grey border). If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

The page is at 
The css is http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/contempo/contempo.css

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Re: [css-d] Bulleting problem in IE

2006-10-26 Thread Portman
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I really appreciate your help. You 
saved me a sleepless night - which I can ill afford.

Thank you.

francky wrote:
 Hi Riva,
 As Philippe wrote (in 

* Actually it is the { height: 1%;}. When the 'hasLayout' property
  is triggered on a li,  the bullet is displayed at the bottom of
  a multi-line list item. That
  is a bug that affect both IE 6 and IE 7.

 Removing helps, but I discovered another 'hasLayout' trigger: the { 
 width: 250px; } in the li.
 The { list-style-position: inside; } is not needed for IE  better is 
 outside, for otherwise a second line is starting just at the same 
 vertical position as the bullet (inside = indented bullet). To 
 adapt, a bit extra padding-left for IE is needed, to save the bullets 
 inside the box.

 To my surprise: they are related!
 After making a testpage for the bullet thing, the 2 columns appeared 
 to stay fixed in IE , automatically, without any trouble shooting. :-)
 See (source code in) the testpage 

 The only IE misbehaviour I see now, is an unasked extra blue line 
 above the Services  Treatments title.

 Don't think so: IE is in worse shape CSS knowledge wise than we hope. ;-)
 To know the reason of all inpredictible IE-bugs ... is often mystery 
 And sometimes, there are mystery solutions. :-)

 Success and greetings,
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[css-d] Background problem

2006-10-26 Thread Portman

Thanks again to all who helped me with the bulleting problem recently. I 
have one more problem (I hope!) to sort out before I am done. I have a 
fake two column layout and find that in IE, the layout appears 
incorrectly and changes when you scroll down and back up again.  I seem 
to remember seeing something like this somewhere but cannot figure out 
where. Any help would be much appreciated.


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[css-d] Bulleting problem in IE

2006-10-24 Thread Portman

I am finishing up a website for someone and find that some of the 
bullets are missing in IE. The page is here: 
http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/1stchoice/services.htm. Can anyone 
tell me why one bullet in the middle is missing in the first list and 
the first bullets are missing in the second and third lists?

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Re: [css-d] Bulleting problem in IE

2006-10-24 Thread Portman
Thanks Francky.


francky wrote:
 Hi Riva,
 In IE there are no missing bullets, but all squares are displayed on the 
 bottom line of the list-item. If there is only 1 line, it doesn't 
 strike! ;-)
 How to solve?
 Maybe it has to do with IE's error handling of the html: validating 
 learns that you used br clear=both, which has to be: br 
 style=clear: both;.

 If it is not that, IE could have difficulties with the 
 {list-style-position: outside;}, which you can omit with some playing 
 margins and paddings.
 Or is it the * html  li { height: 1%;}?

 Hope this helps,
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Re: [css-d] shopping carts

2006-10-23 Thread Portman
Did you try Mals? http://www.mals-e.com. There are many different 
currency and postage settings. Contact me offlist if you want more help.


Phil Turner wrote:
 I need to find a shopping cart that can work out postage/shipping  
 costs, paypal only allows one currency does anyone know a good one we  
 only have one product to sell but need to include all the various  
 postage costs. Using a mac and dreamweaver
 Also the middle section is pushing the right hand div to the bottom  
 in I E  - help anyone please


 Kind Regards

 Phil Turner
 TEL: 0161 439 1669
 Chartered Graphic Designer MCSD  BA Hons
 V I S I T  M Y  D E S I G N  B L O G
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Re: [css-d] Aligning text field

2006-10-01 Thread Portman
Why don't you put the text fields in a box and the text in another box 
and float them next to each other at a certain distance?


Mário Gamito wrote:

 How can i in this page:

 left align the text fields (dotted) at left in a certain distance from
 the text at its left ?

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Warm regards,
 Mário Gamito
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Re: [css-d] positioning boxes

2006-09-26 Thread Portman
Can you post some code? That would help to see what the problem is.


raumin dehghan wrote:
 I thank a fellow developer for sending me links to more information on 
 positioning, which I read, and I have done some further reading on it.

 However, I still am having some problems:

 I will have say, two boxes where I want them, and the third box I want 

 For some reason, every time I try to make the third box wider, when I 
 preview in the browser it defaults to the same size.

 Anybody know why this happens?

 How can I make it wider?

 I am seriously thinking about using tables instead of boxes for positioning 
 my page.

 Anybody else with positioning issues?  I'd love to hear.

 Raumin Dehghan
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Re: [css-d] Can I center a UL menu?

2006-09-25 Thread Portman
Have you tried setting each li to a fixed width and then trying 
text-align: center;? Are they links or just li's?


Robert Tilley wrote:
 Although gaining experience with CSS, I consider myself a newbie.  I would 
 like to center a vertical menu with a column.

 |   | | |
 |  |  Menu  || | |
 |  |   || | |
 |  |___|| | |
 || | |

 This is a rough mock-up of the goal.  It should be possible to center the 
 within the column.  Centering the text-align attribute only causes all the 
 menu items to center themselves in the list.

 Does a method exist to center the actual menu?  My thought is to place the 
 menu in its own div with the column, and then to center the menu div within 
 the column.

 Can anyone more expert than myself comment on this proposed solution?

 Thanks, Bob
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[css-d] Food menu set up

2006-09-21 Thread Portman
Hi all,

My newest website is for a gourmet restaurant and the menus have prices 
next to them per pint and per quart. I set the menus up as a ul and 
thought I would make another list with the prices and float it into 
place but I am wondering if there is a better way to do this? Also, it 
would mean two lists being floated (the pint prices and the quart 
prices) which could get problematic.

Any ideas/suggestions would be most welcome.

P.S. I don't have anything published yet to look at.
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[css-d] Inspiration - CSS menus

2006-09-18 Thread Portman
I was wondering if there is a site somewhere that has CSS based menus 
that I could get some inspiration from? I am looking for a vertical menu 
that is a little different and interesting but not weird.

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Re: [css-d] Inspiration - CSS menus

2006-09-18 Thread Portman


Marcelo Wolfgang wrote:

 I have this one, but it's not updated in a while:


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Re: [css-d] Inspiration - CSS menus

2006-09-18 Thread Portman
Thanks Micky!


Micky Hulse wrote:
 Maybe this thread will help:

 *Design Resources and Inspiration!*

 Good luck!
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Re: [css-d] Link not working in Firefox

2006-09-15 Thread Portman
Thank you Francky. I appreciate the info and will look into fixing that. :-)


francky wrote:
 Hi Riva,
 I have searched too for some time (it's not an easy one!), and no 
 solution, but I guess a direction.
 I noticed you've used temp borders for the containers in the css for 
 your analysis. But in the css some containers are not mentioned (only 
 the children of it) - and one of them seems to be it: the div 
 See testpage 

 If you hover in FF from the left side over the nav bar, first the 
 hovering is working on the Home Page link. But as soon as you move 
 over the border line, at the o of Home, the the link disappears. 
 All other links in the nav-bar don't work either in FF. - And coming 
 from the right, the link Comments % Questions is working until you 
 reach the red border again: at the u of Questions [1].

 Why this bodypart-div doesn't start under the MEMBERSHIP IS FREE! 
 line, but at the top of the screen, I don't see at the moment. It has 
 to do something with the (table in the) form: when you omit the form, 
 the links in the nav-bar are coming back.


 [1] These are the letters at normal font size on 1024x768 resolution.

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Re: [css-d] Link not working in Firefox

2006-09-15 Thread Portman
Gee, thanks for sending that. Can I ask when you did it? I updated the 
page recently and was wondering if that is something I created by fixing 
the link problem.


Dave Pierce wrote:
 Roger Rapidly Rote...(hey, hooked on phonics works!)
 Roger, dunno about the links, but there's a small problem in
 Safari 2.0.4...See screenshot at
 and notice the overlap of the we identify top products line
 over the Welcome lines.

 Also the search box seems pretty squashed up inside.

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Re: [css-d] Link not working in Firefox

2006-09-15 Thread Portman
I was afraid of that. Thanks.

P.S. Is Safari a free download?

Dave Pierce wrote:

 Saw it about half hour ago.

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[css-d] Link not working in Firefox

2006-09-14 Thread Portman
I am almost done with a site that worked until I added a link to the 
home page. The link works fine in IE but not in Firefox. I have searched 
high and low and am close to pulling my hair out - if someone could tell 
me why it won't work in Firefox, I would be most grateful.


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Re: [css-d] Link not working in Firefox

2006-09-14 Thread Portman
Thank you Roger. I have been staring at this page for so long I don't 
know what's what anymore.


Roger Roelofs wrote:
 #bodypart is covering up the links.  It has a relative position top of 
 -110px and a margin-top of -120px  This pulls it way up over the 

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[css-d] Image on hover breaks in higher text size

2006-08-24 Thread Portman
I put something on a website that replaces an image of the body with 
other images so it looks like certain parts are highlighted depending on 
where the mouse is, but I find that when I make the font size bigger in 
IE, the images kinda cascade down (instead of cleanly covering the base 
image.) Page can be viewed here: 
http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/BestHealth. Can anyone tell me why 
this is happening and/or how to fix it?

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Re: [css-d] Image on hover breaks in higher text size

2006-08-24 Thread Portman
Thank you for the reply and the advice.  :-)


Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
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[css-d] Remote rollover question

2006-08-18 Thread Portman
I am working on a site that has sections based on different parts of the 
body. My client would like parts of the body (I have an outline next to 
the links) to be highlighted when you mouseover the links and/or have 
the links become active when you mouseover the body part. The links have 
drop downs so I don't know if it is possible (or even a good idea) to 
try and make the drop down appear with a mouseover on the body part.

I have seen Andy Budd's page on this and it didn't help. Any 
ideas/advice/suggestions would be appreciated.

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Re: [css-d] Remote rollover question

2006-08-18 Thread Portman
Thanks Don. I didn't think of an image map.


Don Miller wrote:
 You can use an image map to create link on the body picture.
 I think you need Javascript if you want a text link to also highlight the
 link area on the body graphic.

 Start with looking up how to create an image map navigation and then decide
 if you still need JS.

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Re: [css-d] CSS vs. DHTML?

2006-08-04 Thread Portman
Thanks for the reply Dave.

Yep, I guess JavaScript would make it a moot point. My boss wants a menu 
similar to Slashdot's menu (www.slashdot.org) but that uses JavaScript. 
Could that be redone only using CSS?


Dave Goodchild wrote:
 DHTML depends on JavaScript, so it's a moot point. Not all clients 
 will have DHTML enabled, and it is perfectly possible to create a menu 
 in css that will look fine in most browsers - especially since we may 
 be able to say goodbye to the box model hack with the advent of IE7 
 being shipped to XP users very soon.

 However, it all depends on what you want to achieve. What kind of menu 
 are you required to create?

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[css-d] CSS vs. DHTML?

2006-08-04 Thread Portman

My boss wants me to put a menu on her new website but she wants me to 
use DHTML and not CSS. She says that DHTML is more robust and will look 
better in all browsers (she wants to go international) - can you do one 
without the other? Is it true? (I don't think so but I am not so well 
versed in DHTML to argue.) Any opinions would be much appreciated.

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Re: [css-d] CSS vs. DHTML?

2006-08-04 Thread Portman
Thanks Joel.

 This might work for you:
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[css-d] Middle column height

2006-07-28 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I have a 3 column layout on one of my websites and the center column has 
a lot of empty space at the bottom. I cannot figure out why. I put in 
height: auto;  and height: inherit; and even left that out altogether 
but to no avail. There is a button to the home page at the bottom that I 
could just raise up, but then the copyright part is way down at the 
bottom. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Re: [css-d] Middle column height

2006-07-28 Thread Portman
Thank you Gunlaug. I tried floating in the beginning and it didn't look 
good, but I will look at it again.


Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 Most of the extra height is buried here...

 ul.nava1 {top: -1735px;}

 Using relative positioning like that is bound to fail, as the space
 needed for that element is already occupied by it, and that doesn't
 change regardless of where you move it to. Thus you have at list 1735px
 extra space at the bottom of the center column, and you can not
 compensate for it by adding more repositioning to other elements.

 So, you'll have to eliminate all (or almost all) repositioning-attempts
 based on 'position: relative', and go back and make your original (now
 commented-out) float layout work.

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[css-d] CSS mouseover to look like buttons

2006-07-18 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I am changing a JavaScript menu to CSS for the mouseover and wanted to 
make it look like it was still a button that depresses on mouseover. I 
tried fiddling with adding a border on mouseover (the same color as the 
background) but it moves all the links, not just the one I am hovering 
over. Any ideas/help would be much appreciated.

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Re: [css-d] CSS validation question

2006-07-16 Thread Portman
Hi Peggy,

Can you send a link to the page?


Peggy Coats wrote:
 When I'm validating my CSS, I keep getting warnings such as listed below
 using the W3C validation service:

- Line : 5 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color :
- Line : 11 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color :
- Line : 29 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color :
- Line : 36 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color :
- Line : 55 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color :

 In each of these instances I DO have the color attritubes identified with a
 hex code, and the respective element validates later in the results.  I'm
 confused!  Am I missing something here?


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Re: [css-d] blink bug

2006-07-10 Thread Portman
I don't see the blink, but the site is really weird in IE.


N.Sorokin wrote:
 Hi all!
 I have some crazy bug on my site: http://sorokin.cc/indexx.html
 When you click on the menu which is located in left corner, you have 
 blink in right corner.
 Can somebody help me?

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[css-d] Drop down menu not working in IE

2006-07-10 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I reworked one of my sites so that it has two columns - one on either 
side of the content. I copied the drop down menu (next to the picture of 
the body) straight from the original into the new version, but now it 
does not work in IE. I am losing my mind trying to figure out what the 
problem is. Any help would be much appreciated.

The page is here: 
http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/BestHealth/index2.htm, and the css is 
here: http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/BestHealth/newbest.css.

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Re: [css-d] FW: List Menu

2006-07-05 Thread Portman
I don't see any line-height attribute in the li's. Also, try checking 
the padding.


Christina Hawkins wrote:
 Trying to get my list menu to work properly on IE and FF. So far on FF the
 menu hover works but the line-height/spacing between the li's are too small.
 In IE the line-height is fine but the hover isn't working.

 Can someone help me figure this out? I've already spent too much time on
 this and it's driving me crazy.


 Thank you,
 Christina Hawkins
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Re: [css-d] FW: List Menu

2006-07-05 Thread Portman
DId you try putting the line-height in ems? Also, I don't see a 
line-height on the hover state - just an idea.


Christina Hawkins wrote:
 Thanks, Riva.
 I tried line-height: 14px and 2.5em in the li and a classifiers under
 Both give me the same result as if I'd didn't have it.

 Also, why is the rollover effect I want working in FF but not IE?

 #nav {
   width: 185px;
   height: 183px;
   left: 5px;
   top: -40px;

 #navlist ul{margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none;}

 #navlist li{margin: 0; list-style-type: none; line-height:14px;}

 #navlist a {
 display: block; padding: 2px 0 0 10px; margin:0; color:#FF;}

 #navlist a:link, #navlist a:active, #navlist a:visited {
 color:#FF; text-decoration:none;}

 #navlist a:hover {color:#00;

 Christina Hawkins
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Re: [css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-30 Thread Portman
I am also using IE6 on WinXP . . .

Dave Goodchild wrote:
 Looks fine to me in IE6 on Win XP. 

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Re: [css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-30 Thread Portman
Hi Kieron,

Thanks for the reply. The transition:

meta http-equiv=Page-Enter content=blendTrans(Duration=0.1)

is what solved the problem. :-)


Kieron McIntyre wrote:
 Hi Riva,

 I have tested the site in IE5, 5.5, 6 and 7 and I can't replicate the
 issue you describe. 
 You do have a transition set on each page:

 meta http-equiv=Page-Enter content=blendTrans(Duration=0.1)

 This may be causing what you see. Alternatively, try setting no-repeat
 on the background image since the image is static.

 Kieron McIntyre
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Re: [css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-30 Thread Portman
Ah, that explains it. :-)

 hah.. yeah, that could do it.  and would explain why I didn't see it.  
 transitions drive me batty, so I disabled them in the browser.
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Re: [css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-30 Thread Portman
Hi Francky,

The reason behind the double reference is editing that I forgot to undo. 
I saw articles on line about putting the image inside something but not 
something else, etc. and so I tried it.  Thank you for pointing this 
out. I will remove it.


francky wrote:
 Hi Riva,
 I noticed in some pages there is a double reference to the background 
 image: one in the css body { background:..} but one in the html as 
 well: body background=images/backgroundjune.jpg. For instance in: 
 index.htm, whatis.htm and expect.htm.
 Then in the css there is also a * html #bodytext {...} with the same 
 Maybe reasons why IE is flashing (or maybe not, it's IE  ;-) ).

 And in some pages there is a /div too much (under/above the footer, 
 depending on the footer inside the wrapper or not).

 I suppose this are some rests of earlier tests. Deleting them will 
 diminish (but not exclude) the risk of strange things happening in IE 
 (and others).

 Should be good to give the html-validator 
 a chance every now  then! :-)
 And the css-validator 
 as well. :-)

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[css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-29 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I designed a website that has a big picture on the background (per the 
_client's_ request) and I find that the background flashes in IE - not 
just once, but every time I go to the page. I tried all the usual 
fixes I could find and even cleared the cache, but it is still 
happening. Any advice would be much appreciated.

The site is here: http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/Moodus/

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-29 Thread Portman
I am using IE6 on WinXP on a PC. Weird.


 In which version of IE in which OS are you having the problem? I 
 looked at it in IE6 for Win2K and had no problem with flashing.

 Marc Luzietti
 Flagship Project
 Bayview Financial, L.P.
 (305) 341-5624 

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Re: [css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-29 Thread Portman
You are a genius! Thank you. That worked wonderfully!!


2geedesign wrote:
 Try adding

 meta http-equiv=Page-Enter content=blendTrans(Duration=0.1)

 into the head/head section of each page. This slows deleting of the old
 page. IE has a fade-out/fade-in option when changing webpages.
 Setting the fade time 0 .1 sec is  harmless for the visitor, and long enough
 to prevent flickering:

 Hope this works.

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Re: [css-d] Background flashes

2006-06-29 Thread Portman
Thanks Nick.

Nick Fitzsimons wrote:
 Have look at
 in the list archives and see if it helps - I know the original 
 question was to do with :hover, but a large background image would 
 show the same effect.

 There are other related posts in the archives; see


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[css-d] Weird problem - disappearing div in IE

2006-06-28 Thread Portman

I am working on a site that has a copyright blurb at the bottom. I 
finally figured out how to place it but find that it disappears in IE 
(especially on the about.htm page). The page just stops and won't scroll 
down any further. Any help would be much appreciated.

I validated the html and the css. Site here: 

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Re: [css-d] [Bulk] Re: Weird problem - disappearing div in IE

2006-06-28 Thread Portman
Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, it is intentional. The client wanted that and I told him 
that it didn't sound right but he thinks it is an easier way to remember 
the URL instead of besthealthproductsinamerica.com.

No intrustion. LOL - it is good to know that I am not the only one who 
thinks that is odd.


Chris Williams wrote:
 None of my business, and not the question you asked, but... In some places
 it refers to besthealthinusa.com (like in the logo) and others it is
 besthealthinamerica.com (like in the text).  Confusing?  Intentional?

 Anyway, forgive my intrusion, just wanted you to know...
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Weird problem - disappearing div in IE

2006-06-28 Thread Portman
Thanks for the reply Georg. It didn't help though. :-(

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 Quick-fix, add:

 * html #bodytext {padding-bottom: 15em;}

 ...but there are probably better solutions around.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Links not working IE/PC

2006-06-28 Thread Portman
I had a similar problem recently and validated my css and html and that 
fixed the problem.


Christy Collins wrote:
 I have some pages where the links in the body text can't be clicked  
 in IE/PC.  Could anyone point me in the direction of what might cause  
 this to happen?

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Re: [css-d] IE 6 postion:absolute problem

2006-06-22 Thread Portman
Hi Grillo,

Try validating your page - I had a similar problem recently and when I 
ran a validator (an extension to FF, btw) I found a couple of things 
that were fixed and the page worked in IE.


Marcelo Wolfgang wrote:
 Hi list,

 I've searched for this error in the wiki and couldn't find any
 specific information about this.

 I have this page:


 and IE 6 isn't respecting the position:absolute of the badge... it
 works fine in FF and IE 7.

 Can someone take a look a share any clue why this is happening ?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Resolution question

2006-03-30 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I am reworking a site (it is still in the very rough beginning stage) 
and I find that when I set everything lined up in 600x800 and switch to 
1024x768, the spacing changes and vice versa.  Is there some way to make 
the right edges line up no matter what the resolution?  The url is: 
http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/Moodus/whatis.htm and the css is:
body {background: url(images/stripeblueback.gif) repeat; color: white; 
margin: 0; padding: 0;}
div {border: 1px solid #335;}
h1, div {
background: transparent;
color: black;
margin-bottom: 5px;
p {
margin: 1em 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;}
span.leader {font-style: italic;}
span.label {font: italic 1em Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px;}

h1, h3, h4 {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0;
text-transform: lowercase;
border: 0;
h1 {
letter-spacing: 0.75em;
color: #369;
padding: 0.25em 0.33em 0.125em;
border: 3px double #224;
background: #369;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-left: 15px;
margin-right: 15px;
h3 {font-weight: bold; color: #113;}
h4 {
font-weight: bold;
letter-spacing: 0.5em;
padding: 0.33em 0.5em 0.167em;
border-top: 1px solid #335;
border-bottom: 1px solid #557;
background: #336699;
color: #335;
div#behind {
position: relative;
float: right;
top: 30px;
width: 40%;
height: 600px;
border: 0;
padding-right: 6px;
background: transparent;
text-align: right;
margin-right: 40px;
display: inline;
div#sidebar {
position: absolute;
top: 7.2em;
left: 0;
width: 15%;
background: transparent;
padding: 0;
margin: 1em;
border-width: 0;
div#sidebar div {
margin-bottom: 1em;
margin-top: .75em;
div#sidebar a {
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding-top: 0.25em;
padding-bottom: 0.25em;
letter-spacing: 1px;
text-align: center;
font-weight: normal;
border-bottom: 0;
color: #224;
background: #338;
font-size: 12px;
text-decoration: none;
div#sidebar a:link {color: #226; background-color: transparent;}
div#sidebar a:visited {color: #224; background-color: transparent;}
div#sidebar a:hover {background-color: #224; color: #338;}
div#sidebar a span {display: none;}

div#demos {
border: 3px double #224;
background-color: #6699CC;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
div#demos h4 {
background: #369;
color: #224;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
text-align: center;
div#demos a {
font-face: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #224;
background-color: #99ccff;}
div#demos a:hover {
background: #336699;
color: #6699cc;
div#sidebar a#gallery {border-top: 4px solid #88B; font-size: 90%;}

div#resources a {font-size: 90%;}

div#note p {margin: 0; padding: 0.66em; font-size: 80%; font-family: 
sans-serif; line-height: 1.33; color: #335;}
div#sidebar div#credits a {padding: 0.33em 0.66em 0.167em 0.66em; 
letter-spacing: 0; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;}

div#main {
position: absolute;
top: 8.2em;
left: 16.5%;
width: 73%;
margin: 1.2em;
margin-top: 2em;
padding: 1em 1.5em;
border: 3px double #224;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
background: #6699CC;
letter-spacing: 1px;
color: #000;
div#main p {
position: relative;
float: left;
top: 5px;
left: 10px;
background: transparent;
width: 50%;
padding: .5em;
border: 0;
div#main h3 {letter-spacing: 3px; margin: 1.25em 0 0;}
div#main h3#top {
margin-top: 0;
color: #224;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-style: normal;
text-transform: uppercase;
background: transparent;}
div#main p {margin: 0.25em 0 1em; line-height: 1.25em;}

small {letter-spacing: 0; font-size: 85%;}

div.NN4 {display: none;}

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] [Bulk] Re: Resolution question - sinai

2006-03-30 Thread Portman
Sorry about that.  I guess I wasn't thinking.

Thank you for the links.  As I said, the page is still in a very rough 
stage so I will look at these and incorporate them.


Felix Miata wrote:
 There's really no reason to list all of your CSS in your post, as it is
 easily loaded from the page using it by any of us using good web tools,
 such as the Firefox Web Developer extension.

 Here's what I see:
 http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/SS/rivapo1.jpg 217k hires screenshot
 http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/tmp/showcase-rivapo.html SS setup page 
 related links
 Please note the disclaimer at the bottom of the setup page.

 What right edges are you trying to line up with what?

 Don't design for resolutions: http://www.html-faq.com/webdesign/?resolution

 Make your pages adapt to user environments instead by sizing in ems and
 leaving most content text alone:

 Tiny text can't be resized with IE's text resizer, and is web users'
 biggest complaint: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/designmistakes.html

 What web site visitors want:

 The nature of the web:

 Related links:

 Page of more related links:

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Re: [css-d] Resolution question

2006-03-30 Thread Portman
Thank you for the reply Francky.


francky wrote:
 Hi Riva,
 As you see, the header (here the h1) has a fixed margin-right of 15px, 
 while the #main container is positioned in % of the screen width, 
 combined with margins in em's. One right side is fixed, and one is 
 flexible  in general it's not lining up.
 - Also within one resolution there can be differences: as you resize the 
 window, you see the header staying at the 15px from the right, but the 
 content-container is moving from more distance to less distance.
 Setting both in the same way (I shoud say: the 15px fixed) will solve 
 the problem.
 That is: the #main can be positioned at right: 15px with a margin: 0 
 1.2em (only top/bottom), and a % for the width. The left: 16.5% then 
 can be canceled.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Inserting a JavaScript image slideshow

2006-03-22 Thread Portman
Thanks Debbie.  I will look at that.

Iorhael wrote:
 I have a site where I used a javascript slideshow but I just used it 
 on the home page, so I inserted the javascript inbetween the html head 
 tags on the index.html page:
 The link to activate the slide show is in the third paragraph.
 Do you need to have it on more than one page? If not, I would just try 
 it this way.
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[css-d] Inserting a JavaScript image slideshow

2006-03-21 Thread Portman
Hi all,

I have been lurking for a while . . .

I was wondering - if I want to insert a JavaScript slideshow in a CSS 
page, do I just insert it between div/div tags or is it more 
complicated?  I tried it briefly and the spacing went haywire.  Is there 
a better way?  Flash?

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Re: [css-d] Inserting a JavaScript image slideshow

2006-03-21 Thread Portman
Thanks for the reply Chris.  I don't have a page up yet - still fiddling 
with it but I will look at the link you sent.


Christian Heilmann wrote:
 Depends on the image slideshow I presume. Mine is no issue to add in a CSS 

 If you give us more information about the slideshow we might be able
 to help you more. A URL would be best.

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[css-d] Web site pages flashing in IE.

2005-06-10 Thread Portman


I redid my website with css and find that the only problem now is that 
it flashes when you surf from page to page.  I googled and found a bunch 
of sites and tried a number of known solutions but none have worked so 
far.  Any ideas would be much appreciated.



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