>  i was wondering whats the best way to semanticly write and style
>this "List".


[css-d] does not exist to discuss how you should go about marking up 
your content, but rather how to apply CSS to that markup. Semantics 
(and accessibility and usability for that matter) are beyond the 
list's scope.

There are many, many ways that one could approach your design and 
none would be more correct than any other, though some would no doubt 
be wrong ;) In fact the [css-d] wiki mentions markup as one of the 
off topic, er, topics.


Occasionally markup can be discussed if it hinges on how the css 
might be applied to it (and how it might be improved if the markup 
were tweaked), but your request is so open ended that I can only 
imagine the list getting bogged down in non-CSS related matters.

So please can this thread stop now before it even begins?

However, I do ask helpful people to contact Martin off list and 
provide their recommendations.

Then Martin can return to the list and ask how he might go about 
applying CSS to his brand new markup.

css-d moderator

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