Hi Everyone,
I just sent the following email to my web mailing list on campus and I 
thought that some of the beginner CSS coders on this list might find 
this helpful.  There was an email on this list (I don't know the 
original author, but thank you!) that sparked this whole email and I 
doubt very many people saw it so I thought I would do a writeup about 
it.  Hopefully some of you find it interesting and/or helpful.



Hey Everyone,
I've been doing a lot of CSS research lately and I was running into 
somewhat of a roadblock.  I was looking at various websites (commercial, 
educational, government, etc) and I was noticing two different styles of 
coding.  One way would have markup like this:

<span class="header">This is a header</span>
<span class="bodytext">Body text goes here</span><br />

and the other would be:

<h1>This is a header</h1>
<p>Body text goes here</p>

Initially I was leaning heavily towards the first example.  I mean, why 
not?  It's very descriptive and makes the code very easy to read.  Plus, 
dealing with the headers is not hierarchical so if you decide you want a 
new kind of header/subtitle, you just create it.  On the other hand, if 
you decide you want a new header/subtitle between <h1> and <h2>, there 
isn't a <h1.5>!  That can get annoying.

A bit earlier I was through the W3C page regarding "Class Selectors" and 
noticed the following at the bottom of the section:

Note: CSS gives so much power to the "class" attribute, that authors 
could conceivably design their own "document language" based on elements 
with almost no associated presentation (such as DIV and SPAN in HTML) 
and assigning style information through the "class" attribute. Authors 
should avoid this practice since the structural elements of a document 
language often have recognized and accepted meanings and author-defined 
classes may not.

That didn't really make much sense to me until I happened to visit a 
website that was posted to the css-discuss list:


...and in there is a section titled:

Do not simulate markup via CSS

They cite the following example:

<div class="headline">Our new products</div>
<div class="subheadline">Product 1</div>
<div class="divider">&#160;</div>
<div class="subheadline">Product 2</div>

<h1>Our new products</h1>
<h2>Product 1</h2>
<hr />

After more research (and reading in the article), there are quite a few 
reasons to go with the second method.  First, Dreamweaver will 
automatically insert <p> tags for you when you hit enter, and if you're 
  importing documents from Word and have them styled with proper 
headings (heading1-6), it will put the correct markup for those 
headings.  That saves quite a bit of tedious reclassing!

The other reason, and probably more importantly, is that if you use 
standard HTML markup (<p>, <h1>, <strong>, etc), and then style those 
tags with your CSS, your website will degrade nicely when viewed with 
devices for disabled users.  Remember, a screen reader does not know the 
difference between class="header" and class="bodytext" so it does not 
know how to navigate around your document.

I'm not sure if this is new to anyone, but it was new to me so I figured 
there might be other people interested in it as well.  I figure this 
kind of coding will probably become, or already is, mandatory for 
government sites so it's probably a good thing to talk about it because 
the campus template does not really enforce this kind of accessibility. 
  It's up to the person coding the website to use good coding practices.

Other good topics on the site include proper class and ID naming and 
also how to use contextual selectors instead of classes (which relates 
to the above examples).  If you're new to CSS, or even if you want to 
know what's considered good style, take a look and you'll probably find 
it useful for building accessible and maintainable sites with CSS.

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