Hi all

I have be playing around with this layout for over a month now. The concept 
originated with a list message about inline content covering floats. After 
doing some test I discovered that display:table behaves similar around floats.

The basis code is

<div style="float:left">narrow float<div/>

<div style="float:left">wider float<div/>

<div style="display:table">static element<div/>

Giving display:table to the last div causes it to sit beside the narrow float. 
This happens in Gecko 1.7-1.9, Opera 9.10~9.50 and Safari 3 (beta). Under 
certain conditions this can be achieved without display:table but by simple 
placement of floats and static elements. For IE5.5~IE7 this source ordering is 
achieved by giving the wider float a clear:left causing a bug. The test layout 
which has the above technique repeated twice in it is at.


The look as seen in Safari 3 (beta) is what I am after when the other browsers 
catch up. I would please appreciate a site check with Mac and Linux browsers. I 
believe that Firefox on Mac is fine. I'm interested to see if the sticky footer 
works in the Mac browsers. I welcome any other comments to. IE/Mac doesn't 
support display:table or have the IE/Win bug, so this browser has some 
alternative style. Not sure how well this special style for IE/Mac works.


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