On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 01:53:20AM -0400, dlo wrote:
> Lars- I see it's not so far off, but definitely not a drop-in replacement
> (already ran into some problems).  It worries me to make so many changes to
> a system that's been working so well for so long... is there really no hope
> for getting file-specific syncs working with prefixes in 1.34?

*I* won't work on anything 1.x,
and I have no idea what would need to be done there.
Chances are that what ever needs to be done has already been done
on the way to 2.0.

If anything needs to be fixed,
then please fix it on top of the current git.


> I'm also worried that it still might not work even if I do... I took a good
> long look at the source code for both versions.  In csync_update_host(),
> there's a line that seems to me will always be false, leading to no update:
> if ( compare_files
> <http://sourcecodebrowser.com/csync2/1.34/update_8c.html#a405f4be2b99d5da4363abb4b8348c16b>(filename,
> patlist[i], recursive) ) use_this = 1;
> My understanding is that filename is as it's listed in the database, which
> for a config with prefix, will include the prefix (eg: "%FSROOT%/test1").
> Isn't patlist[i] simply the filename as passed on the command line? (eg:
> "/path/to/test1")
> It doesn't appear that compare_files() takes into account the prefix.  If
> so, won't such a compare_files() call always return 0? (resulting in no
> update) [http://codepad.org/mYtUB4o7]
> btw- the relevant code appears to be the same in 2.0 as in 1.34.  If so,
> specifying the file on the command line in a configuration with a prefix
> still won't work... can someone on this list having a prefix config (using
> either version) confirm that specifying the filename on the command line
> triggers an update?
> Note that csync_check() clearly substitutes the prefix, but I don't see
> where such a substitution happens for updates.
> Am I wading in too deep?

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