On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 11:21:31AM -0600, Miguel Bonera TXT wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm really happy with csync2: I could finally have a full
> geo-syncronization of my webservers, improving performances and
> reliability of the hosted sites. I wrote a little daemon that handle
> synchronization management, but there is something unclear and I
> don't know where I'm wrong.
> The problem is that I wanted to use the -M feature to display
> modifications (after a csync2 -cr, of course), but the only result I
> obtain is an empty output and a 2 as exit code, no matter if I have
> or not modification on the path I'm including in sync.
> I tried csync -M with or without -C config file, with version 1.34
> and 2.0, but none of it works. What am I doing wrong?

install csync2 on alice.demo and bob.demo
generate "key" file
edit config file

optionally initialize local database with what is already there
 (csync2 -crvI /)

now, nothing is dirty:
alice.demo# csync2 -M ; echo $?

assuming you have "include /csync2/demo;"
alice.demo# touch /csync2/demo/something

but it does not know this yet:
alice.demo# csync2 -M

make it notice:
alice.demo# csync2 -cvr /
Marking file as dirty: /csync2/demo/something

ask it again:
alice.demo# csync2 -M
chary   alice.demo      bob.demo        /csync2/demo/something

works as expected (for me).

What did you expect?

: Lars Ellenberg
: http://www.LINBIT.com | Your Way to High Availability
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