CTAN update: tcolorbox

2015-03-30 Thread CTAN Announcements

Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.50
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc.

Announcement text:
- bug fix: \tcbline was broken for \tcboxfit-boxes since 3.36
- text color implementation changed to fix some color problems
- before/after settings changed to detect special situations
- 'sidebyside align': new selections 'top seam', 'center seam', 'bottom seam'
- new options:
  'force nobeforeafter', 'blend before title', 'blend before title code'
- library 'documentation':
  'before example', 'after example' are deprecated; 'docexample' is changed
- new library 'external'
  * new macros and environments:
'tcbexternal', '\tcbEXTERNALIZE', 'extikzpicture', 'extcolorbox',
'\newtcbexternalizeenvironment', 'renewtcbexternalizeenvironment',
'newtcbexternalizetcolorbox', 'renewtcbexternalizetcolorbox'
  * new options:
'runner', 'externalize', 'force remake', '!',
'name', 'externalize listing', 'externalize listing!',
'externalize example', 'externalize example!',
'prefix', 'environment', 'minipage', 'plain', 'compiler', 'runs',
'input source on error', 'safety', 'preamble'
- documentation structure revised

This package is located at

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Ina Dau
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2015-01-15 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.40
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems,

Announcement text:

- bug fix: list environments had too much leading space if set as first
  elements in a box
- library 'skins':
  * new option: 'titlerule style'
- library 'breakable':
  algorithm for handling overfull boxes revised; new warnings


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2015-01-10 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.36
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems,

Announcement text:

- bug fix: dimension settings with 'em' or 'ex' units were sometimes
  converted to 0pt
- bug fix: 'boxed title' options and some algorithms of the 'fitting'
  library were not compatible
- bug fix: 'fit width from' ('fitting' library) may have updated
  counter too often
- new option: 'only'
- library 'fitting': fit process can now also includes the title
- library 'raster': new option 'raster equal skip'
- library 'documentation':
  * new macros and environments:
'\docCounter', '\docCounter*', '\docLength', '\docLength*'
  * new options:
'index command', 'index command name' (for imakeidx),
'color counter', 'color length',
'doclang/counter', 'doclang/counters', 'doclang/length',


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2015-01-08 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.35
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Colored text boxes for LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation.

Announcement text:

 - fix: 'tcbdocumentation.code.tex' changed to US-ASCII

 - text color implementation changed to fix some color problems

 - new options: 'upperbox', 'visible', 'invisible'

 - documentation complemented


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-12-17 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.34
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - 'height fill' now fills gapless and can be overruled by other height options

 - 'before skip' and 'after skip' accept glue values now

 - library 'breakable':
   * new option 'compress page':
 Use the new option 'compress page=none' to restore the old behavior.

 - library 'raster':
   * 'raster before skip' and 'raster after skip' accept glue values now


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-12-12 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.33
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - The nobreak settings after a heading are respected now for
   breakable and unbreakable boxes. Use the new option 'ignore
   nobreak' to restore the old behavior.

 - vertical skip of two successive tcbraster environments fixed. 


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2014-12-02 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.32
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems,

Announcement text:

- bug fix for 'crefname' and 'Crefname' options (cleveref support)


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2014-11-29 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.31
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems,

Announcement text:

- new macros: '\tcbstartrecording', '\tcbrecord', '\tcbstoprecording',
- new option: 'squeezed title', 'squeezed title*', 'phantomlabel',
  'record', 'no recording'
- 'savelowerto' changed to need only one run instead of two
- library 'skins':
  * '\imagename' macro can be used in more situations
  * '\tcbincludegraphics' made aware of 'grffile' package
- new library 'raster':
  * tcbraster safeguarded against restricted horizontal mode
  * new option: 'raster every box'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-11-18 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.30
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - bug fix: compilation errors using colors like 'red!10' in
some skins like 'beamer'

 - '\thetcbcounter' can now be used as part of a 'listing file'
   name for 'tcblisting'

 - implementation of 'before skip' and 'after skip' improved

 - implementation of 'equal height group' improved to take arbitrary id's

 - Quick Reference added

 - new options:
   'add to width', 'add to height',
   'box align', 'left skip', 'right skip', 'leftright skip'

 - library 'skins':
   * new macros:  '\tcbincludegraphics', '\tcbincludepdf'
   * new options: 'graphics options', 'graphics directory', 'graphics pages'

 - library 'listings', 'listingsut8', 'minted':
   * 'listing file' now usable inside 'tcblisting' and 'tcbinputlisting'
   * new options:
 'comment only', 'text above* listing', 'listing above* text',
 'comment above* listing', 'listing above* comment',
 'comment style', 'tcbimage comment', 'pdf extension', 'pdf comment',
 'process code', 'no process', 'run system command', 'run pdflatex',
 'run xelatex', 'run lualatex', 'run makeindex', 'run bibtex', 'run biber',
 'run arara', 'run latex', 'run dvips', 'run ps2pdf',
 'compilable listing'

 - new library 'raster':
   * new macros and environments: 'tcbraster', 'tcbitemize', 'tcbitem'
   * new options: 'raster columns', 'raster rows', 'raster width',
  'raster height', 'raster before skip', 'raster after skip',
  'raster left skip', 'raster right skip',
  'raster column skip', 'raster row skip',
  'raster halign', 'raster valign',
  'raster equal height', 'raster equal height group',
  'raster force size', 'raster reset',
  'raster odd column', 'raster even column',
  'raster column n', 'raster odd row', 'raster even row',
  'raster row m', 'raster odd number',
  'raster even number', 'raster row m column n',
  'raster number n'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-11-01 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.22
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - new macro: '\tcolorboxenvironment'

 - new options:
   'text width', 'text height'

 - library 'skins':
   * new options: 'borderline north', 'borderline south',
 'borderline east', 'borderline west', 'borderline horizontal',
 'borderline vertical'

 - library 'breakable':
   * internal change for compatibility with the 'perpage' option
   * of the 'footmisc' package

 - library 'theorems':
   * compatibility fix: The 'ams equation' options left too much
 vertical space for the 'fleqn' case

 - library 'fitting':
   * new 'fit algorithm' settings: 'fontsize*', 'areasize*', 'hybrid*'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2014-10-11 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.21
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems,

Announcement text:

- bug fix: empty key path handling inside the 'docKey' and 'docKey*'
  environments was faulty
- bug fix: wrong coloring for '\docAuxCommand' and '\docAuxCommand*'
- bug fix: draft mode for inner boxes deactivated in v3.20
- subtitles added
- new macros:
- new options:
  'subtitle style', 'before skip', 'after skip', 'beforeafter',
- library 'documentation':
  implementation of handling macro and key names changed to accept
  underscores several internal implementation changes


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2014-09-26 Thread CTAN Announcements
the daemon reported:

> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: tcolorbox
> Author's name: Thomas F. Sturm
> Package version:  3.20
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/
> Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, 
> documentation
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> --
> - bug fix: titles set with 'detach' or 'boxed title' options were not 
> considered for lists of tcolorboxes.
> - bug fix: 'extrude left by', 'extrude right by' worked only for '\tcbox' but 
> not for 'tcolorbox'
> - bug fix: 'pad before break*' and 'pad at break*' were always setting to 0pt
> - new options: 'every float', 'list text', 'overlay first and middle',
>   'height fill'
> - new initialization options:
>   'use counter*', 'blend into'
> - library 'skins':
>   * new macros: '\tcbsettowidthofnode', '\tcbsetmacrotowidthofnode',
> '\tcbsettoheightofnode', '\tcbsetmacrotoheightofnode'
>   * new options: 'underlay first and middle', 'finish first and middle'
> - library 'hooks':
>   * new options: 'underlay first and middle pre',
> 'overlay first and middle app', 'overlay first and middle pre',
> 'finish first and middle pre'
> - library 'documentation':
>   * new macros: '\tcbdocmarginnote', '\tcbdocnew', '\tcbdocupdated'
>   * The 'docKey' and 'docKey*' environments take tcolorbox options now
>   * new options:
> 'doclang/new', 'doclang/updated',
> 'doc marginnote', 'doc updated', 'doc new', 'doc new and updated'
> --
> Announcement required: Yes
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
>   http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox
> or they may browse the package directory at
>   http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

The updated package should by now have reached all CTAN mirrors.

Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-07-30 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.12
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - text color implementation changed to circumvent xelatex color problems

 - multicol vs. twocolumn detection fixed

 - code for breakable boxes without height limit improved

 - before box \noindent is replaced by \parindent=0pt (bidi package 

 - library 'breakable':
   * new option: 'vfill before first'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-07-26 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.11
License type: lppl

Summary description: Colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

- regresssion: vertical space at end of breakable boxes was not removed

- example file updated with new features


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-07-24 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.10
License type: lppl

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

- box breaking algorithm revised:
  * breakable boxes now always have \noindent
  * distance to preceeding text corrected
  * interaction with floating objects fixed
  * dimensioning of partial boxes improved
  * splitting of an empty closing frame can now be avoided (depending on 'pad 
at break*')
  * The upper total height limit for breakable boxes is extended from
about 16384pt to about 65536pt
  * experimental code added (breakable=unlimited) for breakable boxes
without height limit besides memory
  * splitting boxes inside multicols environments supported (to a certain 
  * limited orphan control added ('enlargepage flexible')

- library 'breakable':
  * new options:
  'break at', 'height fixed for', 'enlargepage flexible',
  'pad before break*', 'pad at break*'

- Corners can be set individually now to be 'rounded' or 'sharp'
  for all types of boxes, skins, borders, and shadows:
  * new options:  'sharpish corners', 'sharp corners', and 'rounded corners'

- library 'skins':
  * new options: '\tcbline*'
  * bug fix: skin families 'bicolor' and 'beamer' did not respect 'colbacktitle'

- pictures 'blueshade.png', 'crinklepaper.png', 'goldshade.png', 
  moved to package folder


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2014-05-29 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.05
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems,

Announcement text:

- compatibility fix for the upcoming version 2.0 of the package minted
- inner boxes are enforced to be unbreakable now
- library 'breakable':
  new key 'enforce breakable' (for breaking inner boxed deliberately)
- library 'skins':
  * new options:
  'lifted shadow', 'drop small lifted shadow', 'drop lifted shadow',
  'drop large lifted shadow'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-05-19 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.04
License type: lppl

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - compatibility fix for tabularx removed;
   compatible with tabularx 2014/05/13 v2.10

 - boxed title improvements:

   * the 'title' node is accessible now from inside 'frame code'
 and 'interior code'

   * new keys 'underlay boxed title', 'no underlay boxed title',
 'underlay boxed title pre'

   * documentation example updated


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-05-09 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  3.00
License type: lppl

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - bug fix: 'title code app', 'title code pre' changed wrong code

 - documentation corrections

 - implementation of graphical engines changed (!)

 - note: optical backward compatibility issues with breakable
   'freelance' boxes possible

 - 'frame code' and similar options are moved from the 'skins'
   library to the core package

 - 'enlarge top at break by' and 'enlarge bottom at break by'
   moved from 'breakable' library to the core package

 - new macros:

 - new options:
   'skin first is subskin of', 'skin middle is subskin of', 'skin last is 
subskin of',
   'enlarge top initially by', 'enlarge finally last by', 'overlay unbroken and 
   'size', 'on line', 'varwidth upper',
   'frame empty', 'interior empty', 'interior titled empty', 'segmentation 
empty', 'title empty'

 - new TikZ options:
   'tcb fill frame', 'tcb fill interior', 'tcb fill title'
   'fill plain picture', 'fill stretch picture', 'fill overzoom picture',
   'fill zoom picture', 'fill shrink picture', 'fill tile picture', 'fill tile 

 - library 'skins' several new options concerning the new 'underlay', 'finish', 
and 'boxed title' features

 - new engine and skin 'empty'

 - implementation of 'show bounding box' changed to be a border line.

 - library 'hooks' several new options concerning the new 'underlay', 'finish', 
and 'boxed title' features

 - library 'theorems':
   * new options:
 'description color', 'description font', 'description formatter'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2014-03-19 Thread CTAN Announcements
the daemon reported:

> Name of contribution: tcolorbox
> Author's name: Thomas F. Sturm
> Package version:  2.72
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/
> Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems,
>  documentation
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> --
> - bug fix: mixing \newtcblisting with 'ams align' and similar options
>   was not possнble 
> - bug fix: footnotes lost for 'listing outside text' and similar options
> - sidebyside and outside implementation slightly changed for beamer usage
> - bicolor skin respects 'opacityback' for the upper part now
> - new TikZ options:
>   'fill image opacity', 'fill image options',
>   'fill plain image', 'fill plain image*', 'fill stretch image', 'fill
>   stretch image*', 
>   'fill overzoom image', 'fill overzoom image*', 'fill zoom image',
>   'fill zoom image*',
>   'fill shrink image', 'fill shrink image*', 'fill tile image', 'fill
>   tile image*'
> - library 'skins':
>   * new options:
> 'frame style image', 'frame style tile', 'interior style image',
> 'interior style tile', 
> 'title style image', 'title style tile'
> - library 'listings':
>   * new options:
> 'every listing line', 'every listing line*'
> --
> Announcement required: Yes
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
>   http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox
> or they may browse the package directory at
>   http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-02-22 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  2.71
License type: lppl

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples,
 theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - bug fix: sidebyside setting with empty left hand side caused
false positioning

 - new options:
   'external', 'remake'

 - library 'listings':
   * new options:
 'comment side listing', 'listing side comment',
 'comment above listing', 'listing above comment',
 'comment outside listing', 'listing outside comment',
 'image comment'
 - library 'documentation':
   * automatic inclusion of the 'skins' library
   * inclusion of 'makeidx' made dependent on the existence of '\printindex'
   * new options:
 'keys', 'index colorize', 'index annotate',
 'color command', 'color environment', 'color key',
 'color value', 'color color'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2014-01-11 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

version 2.61 (2014/01/10)
- bug fix: '@' was set as letter in some situations
- typing error corrections
- new macro \tcbsetforeverylayer
- library 'skins':
  * new macros and environments:
'\tcbstartdraftmode', '\tcbstopdraftmode', '\tcbinterruptdraftmode', 
  * new skin: 'spartan'
  * new options: 'spartan', 'draftmode'
- library 'fitting':
  * alternative fitting algorithms implemented (fontsize, areasize, hybrid, 
  * new option: 'fit algorithm'


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-12-18 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  2.60
License type: lppl

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - new 'jigsaw' variants for the skins 'standard' and 'enhanced'
   for advanced transparency and similar effects.

 - new package core skin 'standard jigsaw'

 - 'tabularx' and 'tabularx*' reset the arrayrulecolor to black
   after the table now.

 - option 'colbacktitle' moved from library 'skins' to package core

 - new options:
   'title filled', 'opacityupper', 'opacitylower',
   'opacitytitle', 'opacityframe', 'opacityback',
   'opacitybacktitle', 'opacityfill',
   'opacitytext','hyphenationfix', 'standard jigsaw', 'enlarge
   by', 'grow to left by', 'grow to right by'

 - library 'skins':
   * new skin: 'enhanced jigsaw', 'enhancedfirst jigsaw',
   'enhancedmidle jigsaw', 'enhancedlast jigsaw'
   * marker style now based on 'enhancedmiddle jigsaw'
   * new options:
 'enhanced jigsaw', 'tikz', 'tikz reset', 'show bounding box',
 'at begin tikz', 'at begin tikz reset', 'at end tikz', 'at end tikz reset',
 'rotate', 'scale', 'remember', 'remember as',
 'drop shadow southeast', 'drop shadow south', 'drop shadow southwest', 
'drop shadow west',
 'drop shadow northwest', 'drop shadow north', 'drop shadow northeast', 
'drop shadow east',
 'drop fuzzy shadow southeast', 'drop fuzzy shadow south', 'drop fuzzy 
shadow southwest',
 'drop fuzzy shadow west', 'drop fuzzy shadow northwest', 'drop fuzzy 
shadow north',
 'drop fuzzy shadow northeast','drop fuzzy shadow east',

 - library 'listings':
   new options 'text above listing' and 'listing above text'

 - library 'theorems':
   \newtcbtheorem creates an additional starred theorem environment

 - library 'fitting':
   fit algorithm warning switched off by default.
   new options:
   'fit warning'

 - library 'documentation': more values for 'index format'

 - documentation extended

 - major internal implementation changes and optimizations


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-09-17 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  2.51
License type: lppl

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

 - bug fix: processing of 'initialization option keys' fixed
   for \newtcbox, \newtcbinputlisting, and \newtcboxfit

 - bug fix: disturbing horizontal space in \tcboxfix removed

 - new macros '\renewtcolorbox', '\renewtcbox'

 - library 'skins':
   * implementation for the skin families 'enhanced', 'beamer',
 and 'bicolor' changed
   * break sequence changed for skin 'freelance'
   * new skins: 'freelancefirst', 'freelancemiddle', 'freelancelast'
   * new options: 'extend freelance', 'extend freelancefirst',
 'extend freelancemiddle', 'extend freelancelast',
 'drop midday shadow', 'drop fuzzy midday shadow'

 - library 'listings':
   * new macros '\renewtcblisting', '\renewtcbinputlisting'

 - library 'theorems':
   * new macro '\renewtcbtheorem'

 - library 'fitting':
   * new macro '\renewtcboxfit'

 - library 'documentation':
   * new option 'documentation listing options'


This package is located at 

More information is at

We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

   Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-07-31 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version number:  2.50
License type: lppl

Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation

Announcement text:

- first line indent corrected for 'parbox=false'
- minor internal improvements
- new option keys
  'height plus', 'height from'
- new library 'minted' with support for the minted package (Pygments support)
  * new options 'minted language', 'minted options', 'minted style'
- new library option 'many'
- new common listings options:
  'listing engine'
- library 'documentation':
  * new options 'documentation minted style', 'documentation minted options'


This package is located at 

   More information is at

(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

  Thanks for the upload.

 For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-06-24 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

- bug fix: 'ams nodisplayskip lower' was applied to upper.
- new option 'check odd page'
- new environments for the 'skins' library:
  'tcbclipinterior', 'tcbclipframe', 'tcbcliptitle'
- new keys for the 'skins' library:
  'watermark overzoom', 'clip watermark'
  'clip title', 'clip upper', 'clip lower'
- NOTE: watermarks are now clipped by default.
  To get the old behaviour add the option 'clip watermark=false'


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-06-20 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the 



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

- several internal changes
- library loading mechanism revisited
- internal label change for '\tcbmaketheorem'
- new library options 'most' and 'all'
- \tcbline now also works for ragged environments
- new keys:
  'flushleft title', 'flushleft upper', 'flushleft lower',
  'flushright title', 'flushright upper', 'flushright lower'
- new key 'no listing options' for the 'listings' library
- new shadow features for the 'skins' library with the options:
  'shadow', 'fuzzy shadow', 'drop shadow', 'drop fuzzy shadow', 'halo', 'fuzzy 
- shadows for the 'beamer' skin changed to fuzzy
- new library 'fitting' for the content fit operations.
  NOTE: '\tcboxfit' and the fit options introduced in version 2.30 are moved
to this new library
- the fit algorithm is completey revisited and extended
- new macro '\tcbfontsize' ('fitting library') for relative font sizes
- new keys for the 'fitting' library:
  'fit fontsize macros', 'fit height plus', 'fit width plus',
  'fit width from', 'fit height from'


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox

2013-06-05 Thread CTAN Announcements
the daemon reports:

> Name of contribution: tcolorbox
> Author's name: Thomas F. Sturm
> Package version:  2.30
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/
> Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, 
> documentation
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> --
> - bug fix: handling of 'before' and 'after' for \tcbox corrected
> - \tcbline now also works for centered environments
> - implementation for \tcbox made more efficient
> - new capture mode for automated content fit by font size adjustment
>   with the new macros '\tcboxfit' and '\newtcboxfit'
>   and the new keys 'fit', 'fit to', 'fit to height', 'fit basedim', 'fit 
> skip',
>   'fit maxstep'
> - new keys 'baseline', 'capture', 'hbox', 'minipage'
> - new stackable borderlines with the 'skins' library:
>   'borderline', 'no borderline'
> - new keys for the 'skins' library:
>   'enhanced standard', 'blank'
> - new key 'index format' for the 'documentation' library
> --
> Announcement required: Yes

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
>   http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox
> or they may browse the package directory at
>   http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAn Update: tcolorbox

2013-05-17 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

version 2.22 (2013/05/15)
- bug fix: text color bleeded out of the box in some cases
- bug fix: breakable boxes were too large in some cases (leading to blank pages)
- bug fix: breaking boxes produced empty boxes in some cases
- documentation forgot naming package 'colortbl' for the 'tabularx' option
- new feature: breakable boxes allow footnotes now (like minipages)
- new macro '\newtcbox'


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN update: tcolorbox (delayed announcement)

2013-04-26 Thread CTAN Announcements
the daemon reported:

> Name of contribution: tcolorbox
> Author's name: Thomas F. Sturm
> Package version:  2.21
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/
> Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, 
> documentation
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> --
> version 2.21 (2013/04/23)
> - bug fix: \tcbox and 'sidebyside' needed 'breakable' library
> - bug fix: library 'tcbhooks' relied on etoolbox package
> - bug fix: breaking boxes between upper part and box frame
> - new macro '\newtcolorbox'
> - new macro '\newtcblisting' for the 'listings' library
> - new key 'code'
> - documentation corrections and extensions

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
>   http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox
> or they may browse the package directory at
>   http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-04-18 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

version 2.20 (2013/04/17)
- bug fix: problem with breaking boxes after headings
- new feature: support for boxes with side by side content
- new keys:
  'sidebyside', 'sidebyside align', 'sidebyside gap',
  'lefthand width', 'righthand width', 'lefthand ratio', 'righthand ratio'
- key 'nofloat' documented
- new keys for the 'listings' library:
  'listing side text', 'text side listing'
  'listing outside text', 'text outside listing'
- new keys for the 'skins' library:
  'frame hidden', 'interior hidden', 'segmentation hidden', 'title hidden'
- new environments for the 'documentation' library:
  'dispExample*', 'dispListing*'
- the default style for 'highlight math' is changed to have no title
- minor change of internal width computation
- minor internal fixes
- slight overhaul of the documentation


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-04-10 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text:

- bug fix: \tcbox ignored font settings
- outdated documentation in German removed from package
- new core package keys:
  'oversize', 'tcbox raise', 'tcbox raise base',
  'before title', 'after title', 'before upper', 'after upper', 'before lower',
  'after lower', 'center title', 'center upper', 'center lower',
  'tabularx*', 'tabularx', 'tikz upper', 'tikz lower',
  'shrink tight', 'extrude left by', 'extrude right by', 'extrude top by',
  'extrude bottom by', 'extrude by'
- the 'theorems' library now loads 'amsmath'
- new macros for the 'theorems' library:
  '\tcboxmath', '\tcbhighmath'
- new keys for the 'theorems' library:
  'math upper', 'math lower', 'math', 'highlight math', 'highlight math style',
  'ams equation upper', 'ams equation lower', 'ams equation', 'ams equation* 
  'ams equation* lower', 'ams equation*', 'ams align upper', 'ams align lower',
  'ams align', 'ams align* upper', 'ams align* lower', 'ams align*',
  'ams gather upper', 'ams gather lower', 'ams gather', 'ams gather* upper',
  'ams gather* lower', 'ams gather*',
  'ams nodisplayskip upper', 'ams nodisplayskip lower', 'ams nodisplayskip'
- new library 'hooks' for hook options 
- colorization of source code snippets in the documentation


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-03-14 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

version 2.02 (2013/03/13)
- minor bug fix: segmentation line of 'enhanced' now matches 'standard'
- new macro '\tcbox' to draw a colorbox fitted to the content width
- new key 'autoparskip' to detect usage of package parskip automatically
- new key 'nobeforeafter'
- new macro '\tcbline' in the 'skins' library to draw 'just lines'
- new key 'colbacktitle' for the 'skins' library


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2013-03-09 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

version 2.01 (2013/03/07)
- bug fix: superfluous vertical space for a breakable box which appeared after 
a page break
- bug fix: height computation error when a broken boxed starts with a 
segmentation line
- new key for the 'listings' library:
  'listing inputencoding'
- new library 'listingsutf8' as variant of 'listings' with new key
  'listing utf8'
- keys 'toprule at break', 'bottomrule at break',
  'enlarge top at break by', 'enlarge bottom at break by'
  moved from core package to 'breakable' library.
- new keys for the 'breakable' library:
  'topsep at break', 'bottomsep at break', 'pad before break',
  'pad after break', 'pad at break'


This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update:: tcolorbox

2013-03-04 Thread CTAN Announcements
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text:
 - breaking news: the new library 'breakable' adds breaking support to 
 - e-TeX now used instead of calc
 - new key 'adjust text' and new implementation for 'adjusted title'
 - new geometry keys:
   'toprule', 'toprule at break', 'bottomrule', 'bottomrule at break',
   'leftrule', 'rightrule', 'titlerule', 'outer arc', 'auto outer arc',
   'toptitle', 'bottomtitle'
 - new bounding box keys:
   'enlarge top at break by', 'enlarge bottom at break by'
 - new overlay keys:
   'overlay', 'no overlay', 'overlay broken', 'overlay unbroken',
   'overlay first', 'overlay middle', 'overlay last',
   'overlay unbroken and first', 'overlay middle and last'
 - new key: 'parbox' to change text behaviour
 - new library 'breakable' for breakable boxes with the new keys:
   'breakable', 'unbreakable', 'title after break', 'notitle after break',
   'adjusted title after break', 'lines before break', 'shrink break goal'
 - new keys for the 'skins' library
   'skin first', 'skin middle', 'skin last', 'title engine', 'pathfirst',
   'pathmiddle', 'pathlast', 'title style', 'title code', 'enhancedfirst',
   'enhancedmiddle', 'enhancedlast', 'enhanced', 'marker', 'bicolor',
   'bicolorfirst', 'bicolormiddle', 'bicolorlast', 'beamer',
   'beamerfirst', 'beamermiddle', 'beamerlast', 'draft', 'freelance', 'standard'
 - NOTE: skins 'beamer' and 'widget' changed
   use the new style options 'beamer' and 'widget' to get the old appearance
 - new watermark keys:
   'watermark text', 'watermark text on', 'watermark graphics',
   'watermark graphics on', 'watermark tikz', 'watermark tikz on',
   'no watermark', 'watermark opacity', 'watermark color',
   'watermark zoom', 'watermark stretch'

This package is located at
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .   

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2012-04-20 Thread CTAN Announcements
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012, Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 
new library 'skins' added for changing the colorbox appearance

This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf

Ctan-ann mailing list

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

2012-03-17 Thread CTAN Announcements
On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 
New features: Several height options, bounding box options, more geometry 

This package is located at 
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .  
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
Ctan-ann mailing list