-Caveat Lector-

*Top DARPA contractor to staff V-Tech 'review panel'*

While it's been widely reported who Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine appointed to the
"independent committee review board" in re: the Virginia Tech massacre (eg.
ex-Homeland Sec. Tom Ridge), only the Richmond Times-Dispatch and student
papers at Tech and U.Va. reported on who the all-critical "support staff"
will be. From Tech's *Collegiate Times*, April 23,

Kaine appointed retired Superintendent of Virginia State Police Lt. Colonel
Gerald Massengill to lead the independent committee review board on
Also named to the board was former secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge,
as well as several specialists in the fields of higher education, violent
behavior and medicine.


Also named to the review were Carroll Ann Ellis, Diane Strickland, Marcus
Martin, Roger Depue, Gordon Davies and Aradhana Sood.

Ellis is Director of the Fairfax County Police Department's Victim Services

Strickland served as a Virginia circuit judge for 15 years and recently
co-chaired a two-year study on involuntary mental commitment.

Martin is the Assistant Dean at the University of Virginia School of

Depue is the founder of the Academy Groups Inc., which conducts research and
training on violent behavior.

Davies was the former Director of the State Council of Higher Education for
20 years before his retirement in 1997.

Sood is the Chairwoman of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Virginia
Commonwealth University.

In addition, *Kaine said that TriData Corporation will provide research and
staff for the review panel.*...

What is TriData? From TriData.com <http://www.tridata.com/about/>:

TriData was founded in 1981 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of System Planning
Corporation. The two corporations are collocated in Arlington, Virginia.

What is System Planning Corporation? From

System Planning Corporation is a Virginia based corporation that conducts
research and produces electronics and computer software for the United
States Department of Defense and other federal government agencies in the
support of National security.

SPC is one of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's largest
support contractors. The company has supported DARPA virtually continuously
since the company's founding. SPC provides systems engineering, technical
analysis, and support services to most of DARPA's Technology Offices. ...

The company's fields of interest have included: ...
Homeland Security
Continuity of government

This poses a conflict of interest given that the alleged perpetrator of the
Virginia Tech massacre, Sueng Cho, showed many of the telltale signs of the
kind of robotic mind control that has long been an interest of



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